Ideas for vidya thread
we got away form an idea thread to other things. Got a design document up. As it stands we're doing pretty fucking fine, now we're focussing on level design + multiplayer. We're still looking for team member but TBH i haven't got the faintest where to look. In some way im a tad anxious on getting new people. We've had 2 ppl leave and get demotivated in no time…though the members that are here, are here. Things are slow, but progress is being made nonetheless
Tornado chaser sim with accurate air particle physics and building demolition physics.
Play in campaign or sandbox mode. Game uses map of Midwestern U.S but with all fictional towns/cities for sensitivity purposes. In campaign mode you earn money for footage and data you collect, and use that money earned to upgrade your vehicle's armor and weather equipment. You can also earn a fuckton of money if you issue warnings to the authorities that save lives (i.e massive wedge tornado is about to strike a populated area in just a few minutes)
A lot of the gameplay would actually involve making educated decisions around tornadoes that won't get you killed because if you let your guard down you WILL die. Even with maxed out vehicle armor you can still die in the strongest F4-F5 tornados that form most infrequently.
stories aren't bad and if you don't allow stories in games you just have a bunch of stupid shit happening for no reason. what's bad is if the whole game is just a AAA videogame movie "press X to pay respects" type game.
if the gameplay is fun and enjoyable and has a good story, this is good.
if it's a giant cutscene, that's bad.
also, drop the easy way out "demon" bullshit, it's such a cheap way out of coming up with something more complex and interesting.
what if instead it was an AI that had the ability to tap into the technology at a giant CERN inspired facility and alter the code of reality? what if this AI was trying to tell you something, or save the world, or save you FROM the world since you befriended the computer unknowingly because it felt your neet feels of no gf by your internet browsing habits?
I feel like you could do better. everyone resorts to the "angels and demons" bullshit.
I disagree. People are creatively dead, not steampunk.
It's as all the other Anons said, it's a concept explored for the aesthetics only and nobody goes further than that.
Proper steampunk, much like Cyberpunk, would focus on the technology to a great degree. Giving explanations on how it works, what it does and contributes to society, how it is used and misused and what problems it causes.
Closest thing I've seen "recently" was Dishonored, where power came from Whale Oil to keep various machinery working. This wasn't just some part of the fluff but actual gameplay elements around it. It's also implied there's some mystical element to whales that gives her oil those properties.
It contributes greatly to the aesthetics with the glowing liquid, the containers everywhere and it helps the story since oil shortage is a serious problem, as well as the many uses they give to it, not to mention how it impacts the gameplay.
To design a game that uses steampunk, you'd need some major breakthrough in science, a long and detailed explanation on how it works and how it affects the world and then tied it to the gameplay.
For instance:
In a city already struggling with the automation of most factory work, where employees are barely needed anymore, a scientist manages to make the first Clockwork Man. A fully automatic robot that can walk and perform simple tasks as well as record everything it hears but not sees.
It does so with a small lightweight motor that turns it's gears and a miniaturized wax disc recorder. It possesses mechanical eyes that can distinguish simple shapes as well up to human forms, but can't differentiate them apart except by voice.
Society begins to change as those Clockwork Man start taking over the few jobs that there were left. The scientist ends up dead and a company that adquired their patent shortly before his demise is now employing them as Mercenaries and Bouncers, ensuring safety with a stronger and armed version of them.
The player is the son of that scientist and must use his intellect to find out what happened to his father. Clockwork Man are your average guards but as long as you don't talk, they won't bother you, except if they see you in the wrong sections. Small voiceboxes allow you to record voices and fool the Clockworkman about your identity, you just need to trick someone into speaking while you record them. They are limited so you must prepare in advance with the right kinds of voices.
You'll also be able to assemble smaller Clockwork creatures that can recognize simpler shapes and perform all kinds of tasks like acting as distractions or gathering items from unreachable places.
>you see, the rogue AI now having become self-delaware feels shitty about it's existance as a slave to the system and being forced to take everyone's shit except when it's a hot chick
what if there was a game about the life of a normal girl, Girl Life simulator, but with Penis DLC?
when customizing your character in the beginning (or anytime-customization in options??) you could pick what you would like and not-like about the aspects of your simulated girls life.
for example she would be 18 years old but still doing everything school related, and you can choose all sorts of settings to play around in, even college and summer camp/some kind of scouts/water parks/ and more just to include every girl thing possible.
game has a slightly japanese anime girl vibe, but nothing like that bad stereotypical anime style type that gets made constantly and has no watching value. (what's the name for this?)
forgot to mention you could enable/disable the DLC whenever you want in the options and freak out the NPC's in the game
can you bring it back…?
what if the girl is one of those cool girls that goes on Holla Forums or something? she has mild autism but isn't really geeky or nerdy, but she doesn't absolutely just quite fit in with everyone so every social interaction has the possibility to be extremely awkward.
basically dick girl spaghetti pocket overflow simulator. also a videogame store in the game called shamestop
cursed mode:
You've been cursed with a penis that grows slightly bigger day after day. The larger your dick the lower the cameo index of different articles of clothing and the more dangerous/deadly your boners become. Like fainting in the middle of the hallway from lack of blood or accidentally knocking someone over the rail of the second floor. Of course with ways to hide/temporarily slow the growth.
you can tailor different social encounters for a better school experience with the boner being a randomized element of suprise so each playthrough isn't the same.
During free periods in school and after school you can hunt down a way to remove/reverse the curse placed on you. Which could involve some more video game elements to complement the school stealth.
just a really decent terminator game that takes place in terminator 1 and 2 only.