Your Boss Battle

I talk to you about your morals and reasoning
I give you a drink and just let ya do whatever

1) The Trooper Overture

2)I'm a huge autist and I change myself ever so slightly to fit each of my few friends, especially one on one

so mine would be like Zant from Twilight Princess, a bunch of mini-challenges of previous fights. Nothing original, until the last arena where Zant looks shocked that he has to fight as himself in front of Castle Town. But instead of just ending up at castle town, phase two of the fight would be like a Shadow of the Colossus fight.

3) would change to be a part of each friend, like Zant fight.
Phase two would be like SotC final Colossus


kill yourself fam


You didn't explain how that's supposed to represent your personality.

Basically this comic.

I don't need to explain it. Can't you come up with your own interpretations?


What are the fucking chances?