watch it at x0.25 speed
and it still doesnt look like he aim right.
did the game went like Wanted and the bullet went a bit more to the left because of the "inertia" of the gun ?
What are the odds?
64 tick
Winning a battle against two gaellic confederation with just one legion
ITT: Holla Forums is jealous because they suck at CS
Ragequit harder
cs isn't really a good game, been playing for over 10 years and once in a while I start it up just to remember why I even played in the first place.
Then remember it was the awesome mods like surf, zm, ze, xm, gg, so on and so forth. cs go is just shit however.
I can understand russians but I'm not from russia
A lot of my greatest achievements in Medieval 2 were always defeats.
I remember taking Jerusalem and then engaging in 3 stacked armies out around in the desert. Altogether they were about 8000 strong compared to my 12000, was able to inflect nearly half of their force KIA but I took 2000 prisoners which they were able to release ;_;
Either way it saved Jerusalem for me.