Attack on Titan Video Game Thread

the ODMG is more fun than web slinging, but I do occasionally find myself missing the ability to play bowling-with-thugs as you could in Spider Man.

Sasha's a fan favorite, don't blame her for memesters taking that shit for a joy ride.

Don't shit talk Spuds, bud. Rest of the show is trash, but Spuds was the best.

I hardly stood it when I was actually a tumblrite: my reluctance to be one doesn't change anything
The pacing was garbage and it is a hard example of wasted potential. The tone is fickle. I liked the fangame.

I couldn't deal with the anime. It was like watching Naruto all over again and I grew out of that 10 years ago. Didn't see what was so amazing about it at all.

I like the game but I wish it was kind of harder.


The only video I've seen of this game is from Rurikhan. honestly not trying to shill e-celebrities. It looks like another lazy Japaneses video game that has alot of potential and might even be fun at times but doesn't entirely deliver. If it was a lower price point I might check it out. However it sorta seems to lacks focus. Same general critique would be true of most Middle market Japanese games (especially Monster Hunter Clones) where they introduce brilliant gameplay design elements but then water it down with feature creep and copy past gimmicks that turn the experience into a rote grindfest. On the one hand it's the kind of middle market game I wish the west would produce.

It's a pure fan-service game, if you read the mango or watched the animu and found yourself thinking that all that high speed action looked cool, then this is that high-speed action, faster, arguably better. But it's just that, there's not much depth to fighting titans, there's no insane high skill floor and ceiling like in the tribute game, it's fairly bare bones, but it really delivers on looking and feeling like Shingeki no Kyojin.
If you're really into the manga/anime then go ahead try it, if you think you can deal with the repetitiveness you might even buy it, but if you aren't interested in SnK fan-service then I can barely suggest a pirate.


this game is hands down the best way to watch the anime, too.