It is easy as fuck. In the tribute game you have independent control over each of the cables that you shoot out, which means you can ultimately have greater control over your character's momentum. In Wings of Freedom, you press X (or square on PS4 controller) to automatically lunge through the air. Your bungee cables automatically attach themselves to nearby objects, so you don't have to think about it, you merely hold the button down. You do have to worry somewhat about your positioning, but it's not difficult, you just have to pay attention to where you're going. If you do run into an object, you'll just bounce off it or begin running across its surface until you jump or keep moving so that you naturally run off its ledge. Speaking of jumping, you can press A (or X on PS4) to jump, and then press the button a second time while in midair to execute a propellant boost. You can do this up to two times, provided you have the ability that allows you to do so. You use the boost in conjunction with the bungee cables and you can travel large distances very quickly.
In the tribute game, and as far as I am aware, players are not able to lock onto a titan's body, which means if you want to git gud you need to really learn how to become efficient with the cables in conjunction with the propellant so you can control your mobility. In Wings of Freedom you can press a single button (R1 or RB) to automatically lock onto a titan's various body parts, so there's no real timing or skill involved; you can lock on, burn a little bit of propellant for a speed boost, and mash the attack button (Y button or Triangle) during your approach towards the titan's body, and you'll cut them every single time.
Once you complete the main story, Eren can use his titan form for a limited time. On the bottom left hand corner of the HUD next to the character's face there is a curved shaped meter. This meter fills with every kill, and when it is full it will allow you to engage in "Decisive Battle Mode" which essentially gives you unlimited propellant and blade durability, invulnerability to damage, and an increase in attack power for the duration of the effect. Eren is able to use this ability, but when you unlock his titan form, he will instead transform when his meter is full and you press the button so you can beat on titans as though you were playing a beat 'em up style game. That shit doesn't exist in the tribute game, does it?
Anyway, yeah, the game is easy as pie. Most titans are weak as shit and can be killed in a single blow. Other titans require that you whittle away at their body parts before their nape will become available. These armored titans are more aggressive and actively try to grab you. If you get grabbed you can mash the attack button to escape and you have healing potions to restore your health. If you're low on health and a titan tries to grab you, the game will slow down and give you ample time to get out of the way before you can be grabbed.
Not really challenging at all, but it's still pretty fun if you ask me. It's extremely repetitive, so maybe it's the type of game you'd want to play in short bursts like a casual mobile game like angry birds or some shit