If they hated niggers so much, why did the people of Colombia bring them to their utopian paradise instead of just building it themselves?
If they hated niggers so much...
Constants and variables.
For the same reason we imported them. Dirt cheap labor.
because plot needed there to be niggers.
Because the writers think that black slaves actually built shit instead of just picking cotton and working on farms.
You're right, it doesn't make sense, they even flew to the sky in order to get away from the filth and degeneracy, why would they bring some of it with them
Why didn't they just throw the niggers and the irish off the airships once they were done with them?
I was originally going to say that, but there's still plenty of service jobs they can do for almost free.
Yeah, that was the chinks and the micks weren't it?
And they were actually paid citizens, not slaves.
There were some Irish slaves, but I'm not sure very many of them actually went to the US.
read plot as pol
Actually the Slaves were forced on the whites
loads did, they werent consider as actual slaves (enslaving other europeans was banned in like the 12th century or so) but 'indentured servants', where they were functionally slaves but a bit higher up the chain
the result was boston so you decide if it was worth it or not
These are lies, DELETE THIS.
Irish indentured servants were actually lower than niggers. The reason for this was, paradoxically, because they could only legally be used for a limited time instead of kept generationally, so they were thought of as completely disposable.
That was the result of a later wave of freeman immigration coinciding with the Irish famine. Earlier Irish immigration was worked so brutally, a majority of them died before their period of service ended.
who was she?
They would be an eyesore.
The price of a slave back then is analogous to the price of a car today, and only a small fraction of people even owned slaves. Slave labor is only cheap if the slaves were captured by you yourself or the they violated a and that wasn't the case for europeans at the time.
*violated a contract like in ancient sumeria
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
To make a point about modern racism. There is no logical reason for them to be there, the writers just shoehorned them in there because racism = evil.
vox populi were the bad guys, remember?
kike detected
I dont remember anything about this game other than fighting a ghost that took a lot of bullets to kill and the end being literally retarded
Really memorable stuff uh, trully a classic
Didn't slavery end like 50 years prior? Why where black people even allowed up there if they were building a utopia? Surely some poor white fag would gladly live up there in exchange for washing floors n shit.
To have a lower class to feel superior to?
All Bioshocks run on the idea that lower levels of the society are always oppressed no matter what.
Because Levine loves adding things that make him feel stupid
Because Bioshock is based on retarded Ayn Rand shit.
Short answer; because it's a really shitty game with a really shallow premise of "Americanist extremism" that's a major step backwards from the Randian utopia that was the first 2
Long answer; because they wanted to look deep by bringing in racial tension when it didn't make any sense given the context of Columbia and when it takes place.
Tl;dr writing a shit. Shit game
Ashkenazi is not a white gene
Because hard work and building is for niggers and jews.
Niggers were mostly used for agriculture.
Jews were white Nazis all along
Something about a curse of ham that says black people are supposed to be servants.
Slavery seems like a good deal but the catch is that there's always going to be rebellions and shit that will be hard to suppress and having slaves stagnates technological progress because new inventions that make work easier drives down the value of slaves.
Take note that if you hear anybody say that sexbots are outrageous: they have a hand in human trafficking.
some more recent estimates say that somewhere around 30% of southerners owned at least one slave
Seems like you've ousted yourself.