One that always sticks in my head is Serges in Megaman X2. The only character to know how to rebuild Zero from the remaining pieces, knew X's creator Doctor Light. All indicating him being Doctor Wily. In fact if I recall they keep hinting Doctor Wily being involved in a lot of the X series, constantly resurfacing in the background. Helping Sigma, trying to revive Zero as the original killing machine he wanted.
ITT: Cool shit that gets completely overlooked and forgotten in a vidya
Ian Nguyen
Juan Jones
I bet thats from some shitty art film, wasn't it?
Levi Gutierrez
Well, Neil Breen is an artist, so you're not far off the mark.
Oliver Martin
Wait, so It's actually good, not like Gone home?
Carson Ramirez
I don't really know how to put it. So I'll let this video do it for me.
Isaiah Walker
It's something that goes way beyond the concept of so bad it's good.
Angel Cruz
Logan Edwards
what did serges have to do with the boat shop in MML?
Charles Hughes
But you go there. You even fight the sorceress causing the interference. Did you even play FF8?
Jose Jenkins
Oh, RLM made a video of this, this should be interesting to watch.