Where did I said that? I never compared STALKER to DM.
Leve up that reading comprehension, mate.
Is it ever coming out Holla Forums?
You said if Skyrim is an rpg, so is stalker and DM.
Don't Athletics and Speed get checked to determine movement speed?
I never said nor implied that. I asked if, by the same metric you were claiming that Skyrim/DM was an RPG, you would consider all those other games (including STALKER) an RPG too. Non of the games listed at the end of the post you replied to are RPGs, that was the point.
Again, gain some reading comprehension, retard.
Aye, but there's not exactly a roll to determine tripping chance or anything of that natire.
Speaking of tripping chance there's even a calculation based on either Agility or Endurance, I can't remember, for when you get knocked down on your knees by a heavy blow. It's pretty awful if you have 0 Agility or Endurance because basically any blow will knock you down.
Like all good things it works both ways.