lol threads are for loling
Lol threads are for loling
Other urls found in this thread:
I fell asleep and my roommate that is never home/always forgets her key came home for once but had to sleep on the porch in the 90 degree heat lol
my bad
rifk stay off the junk
I forgot to add a shitty song link.
almost got what you wanted
id tap a meeping tokai
-sits with his
Haiiii Tokai~
yes tapping you is the plan straight to pound town
Im gonna need a Gps
dont you worry, i will guide you all the way there and ride you there : ^)
also im out now take care, love
hAiL sAtAn
I always think of hell in weird Alighieri views where it's not even really that bad, just weird ass punishment that seems more like he was writing fetish fuel.
Welma I had a customer from Boston earlier today
She had the accent and everything
Bostonian accent though
Californians all speak like surfers right?
Nah. They just have a gay lisp these days.
I was going to make a UCLA shooting joke here. But eh. I should atleast give it a few more minutes.
Ah! Would explain Coolbears accent.
RIP Boo.
There's no place like home~
I just want my baph :(
It's funny cause I have like a New England accent and a wicked gay lisp most of the time from my tongue being done. It's probably not going to go away at this point lol
Is Boo from Cali?
sheesh why does erin do that to her arm.. ?
sheesh why does blood chan do that to her brain.. ?
w-what do i do to my brain?
I kind of hate tongue piercings for that lisp and enunciation issues they cause. It just gets grating, like listening to someone with a speech impediment.
bitches booty and hoes
Brain damage yourself with dumb shit.
You's a bitch and a hoe.
Our accent is like... neutral. We don't really have any defining vocal traits
She kept saying like "sarry I'm from Bahston" and it was great
Also Boo's from northern California, south and north Cali are like different states
what dumb s*** are you talking about?
Valley girl, surfer slang, etc.
No idea where I figured he was from. Kind os surprised tbh.
I kinda thought that when I tried to play a cali accent in my brain. I wasnt coming up with much outside of parody.
-gnaws on the heart, trying to figure out how to remove the foil-
Most Californians don't really talk like that tho, they don't have "accents"
that hurts sonata
how long do plants live I used to think they were immortal but I had one and it died
It died from you repeatidly fucking it.
With enough dark magic, they can live forever
depends on if they are Polycarpic or Paucicarpic
i have my tongue pierced and can confirm like 3 days after getting it done your speech is back to perfectly normal
no idea what the fuck you're talking about
other way around
Well, that's the same as most US "accents".
Ones along the northern Atlantic seaboard are fairly consistent but even the "deep south" or "Wisconsin" ones are fairly exaggerated in pop culture.
Don't need permission
Made my decision to test my limits
'Cause it's my business, God as my witness
Start what I finished
plants dont have consciousness
I dont think rape even applies to them
What the living fuck.
Cash money hoes
Considering we're kind of a melting pot or whatever it makes sense that a lot of accents would blend together to make one bland nothing accent
Please don't group link me
I think it got plant aids and died
Taking control of this kind of moment
I'm locked and loaded
Completely focused, my mind is open
Theres that brain damage I was speaking of.
Pretty much every girl that has them pierced that I've ever spoken to have either a lisp or enunciation issues if they ever have like repetitive s/z/c in whatever they're saying.
By sucking all the dicks?
True. Still would expect a lot of that "Spanglish" accent where it's English that pics of a few Spanish punctuations and vocabulary.
or you overwatered with your bodily fluids
Casper/Tokai/Fortune rap mixtape wen?
All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God
Don't ya stop, boy
That's pretty common in southern California actually
Mexican girls love it when I speak Spanglish with them
Hmm. Well, I don't think it's that noticeable, but I dunno. Apparently I talk a little more femininely with them as noted by a few friends, so it kinda works out.
Baucetin, dood.
Eh, gotta g2w :(
Have a nice evening, threaders~
My brain is perfect just like everything else about me ^^;
bye now~
-rolls around on the carpet with it until the foil peels back then takes excited little nibbles.-
Is spanglish where you add an O to the end of every english word and ad an "El" at the beggining of everything?
Down with the fauna patriarchy
The time of flora has come
Have a good one!
also why is sonata eating a heart?
It's a film by that group Lars von trier is in
Nah, that's Spanish for white people
Spanglish is English for latinos
bullshit, or highly coincidental
so there is heavy sex?
I si. Where does esporanto fit in.
I'm assuming this is rap lyrics so noty.
Houston and San Antonio just have like full divides between the two and it's weird.
I mean, it's kind of apparent for the political reasons but any English speaker speaking Spanish words does that token "old white guy trying to speak Spanish" where it's like intentionally mispronounced, even by English standards.
It's just really apparently when it's sounds that require pressing your tongue to your roof and making a small tunnel.
Certain words always sound like whistling with tongue piercings.
Hipster bullshit
Back to work
Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
It's a metal object that prevents your tongue from being pressed to the roof of your mouth fully, the basic action responsible for forming a lot of the most basic sounds in language.
[3:51:09 PM] Ecchi: I can't post
[3:51:28 PM] Ecchi: tell neru to get on
Apparently I'm thinking of Italian for Beginners
so no there is probably no sex
Be white.
Don't become a race traitor.
"get on"
At first I thought you were declaring that you were beginning a new language course.
I was confused.
you get that the tongue is not rigid right
like an 8mm ball sitting on top of it does not stop it touching the roof of your mouth
at all
it is perfectly capable of sinking in slightly
ugh, look, you're talking shit. once again i have caught you bullshitting on a subject i know far more about than you. just give it the fuck up.
-shows you the chocolate heart excitedly.- ^_^
Oooooooooooooooooooh! Enjoy!
-gives you a piece of it too!-
in fact they're more like 5mm, further disproving tsuchi's chin-moistening lip flapping
Thank you! Most kind sonata!! -noms the delicious heart piece-
omh my god..
alveolar and palatal consonants are produced by the tongue being pushed towards the upper part of the teeth or the hard part of the palate which can not really be pushed inn though so maybe there is not enough friction produced for the passing air
The size of the opening between your tongue and roof is directly responsible for even the distinction been vowels and consonants. A small ball on the tongue will directly affect the passage of air over it, especially the smaller the opening, since your tongue closes the opening from the outside inward for every sound.
BUTT idk where piercings are placed so if they are placed on the middle of the tongue there should not be any problems right
-hands sonata a glowstick-
-forgets about the candy and holds the shiney with a reverent "ooooooooh"- O_O
i have a tongue piercing
i know exactly how it affects your speech
it doesn't
nice theory
shame i have evidence gathered in practice to debunk it
erin why do you do that to yourself.. ?
herp derp i know things about stuff i don't know anything about
like if the piercing was on the tip of the tongue like >
I guess there might be problems
i really think you should seek help... your arm looks horrifying...
who would do that to themself
in fact, people split their tongues with no damage to speech, even if you did pierce the very tip, you would probably adapt to be unaffected by it very quickly
is your brain okay?
i know you don't like me but please look passed that for this moment
please please please seek therapy before it gets worse okay? please?
nigger i see the mental health team(s) multiple times a month, you're a little late
are you sure your brain is okay?
At least you admit it
Why don't you?
if only you had an identity so we knew where to direct credit
My brain is perfectly fine, thanks for asking.
Anyway I really hope you don't cut yourself anymore, you are a beautiful and understanding person and everyone loves and cares for you and you should start doing the same for yourself
Because I live a perfectly happy and healthy life, duh
You sure about that? I mean you do come post here almost every single day.
Only because I like talking to you
You would go offline.
God, I'm so mad my gym room no longer allows deadlifting. It's like a disease from planet fitness spreading across all gyms.
music already got me feeling like I did something wrong earlier,
If only this were true.
brb Marrakesh time
I mean... you were lifting 400lbs and dropping it after every set. You kept scaring the shit out of everyone
It is true, why would I lie?
Are you drunk again?
God I wish I could lift that much.
You tell me,
Lmao I mistook you for canada kanra
"active shooter"
I fucking love Holla Forums
Kanra lifts too? Let him know I'll spot his squats.
baka -hugs you tight-
He's like a 5'4" Asian dude.
The worst feeling is knowing someone is lying to your face and wishing they weren't, it's why I have trust issues with everyone.
Time to do Blood-chan stuff, bbl
Oh damn, I don't see lifting asians often, and I'm in Korea. He might be swole though.
I clicked the update button but your post didn't show up ._.
I would never lie to you, love... bye for now
Nah. Kind of pencily.
Not saying it as some machismo thing since it's fairly irrelevant these days unless you just want to go full "my dad can beat up your dad".
You may have an alcohol problem.
Go to a support group.
mai waifu
bhwut ds nohj dru
om nom nom
delicious free food today~! ^ ^
It is pretty irrelevant, just a lifestyle choice really.
Fake drunk typing is obnoxious.
I stick to running and some core stuff mostly,
Partly for health, partly for clearing my head.
Get a job.
Kanra post an updated pic
They were having celebratory cook outs for lunch today outside!
the sun was shining out from between the gap, of beutifull rainclouds surrounding it~
the perfect moments and stuff
they had delicious desert things out, sausages and hamburgers galore!
i even got a tasty rootbeer~
i'm full and happy now ^ ^
I don't speak your shitty bastardized German.
I hate everything.
it's over
Spero che tu muoia stasera
I don't speak whatever the fuck that is either.
Speak goddamn American in here.
I used to do a lot of running till I injured myself, now I mostly just lift. I like to lift heavy shit, not even for health.
Grim I think what you said a few days ago was probably right
I have a knee that borders on nonexistent and needs a total replacement and I still run on it.
Don't be a pussy.
All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath, like that
You know how I'm feeling inside
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
I mean, I still run about 10 miles per week, but that's from about 25-30 when I nearly tore a ligament in my calf. Plus running kills gains.
Listen to white people music, you fucking indo jiggaboo.
Knee or heel side?
Heel side, doctors were like "The fuck didn't you show up sooner, this gonna require needle therapy"
Heel is worse for sprinting, knee is worse for distance. Well, long term that is.
Sprinting is actually how I injured it, so I'm not surprised. I would do Sprinting twice a week and somewhere between 2-3 8mile runs a week.
oh that was supposed to be this song
not sure how that happened
You didn't say bye to me though, i felt left out. And you ditched me on steam.
it's always good to aim at unarmed parts
shut up bc
You're always welcome to samefag check.
I personally do not think it matters a whole lot where you aim, just as long as you hit your target.
Hey hey hey. Don't touch the user.
Forgiven, I suppose...
Not true, aiming certainly does matter. People have been shot 6 times in the chest by m4's and kept shooting AK's
i understand.. i personally think taking the life of another is wrong.. but what can you do..
~chu~ why? lol
im sorry... i have to switch computers a lot and i have to do a lot of house chores... the ride never ends
Obviously if you can make a shot or two count and get the kill then by all means take it, else either wait out whatever is stopping you from doing so or just kill everyone
an eye for an eye/
You should probably all kill yourselves
makes the world blind
no thank you, i love my life too much
not necessarily, because the last guy is gonna have one eye left. and he gonna be king
Because uh... Just because!
It's okay, I have to go soon anyway.
Maybe some day.
But it still matters where you hit, what if they hit something more important first?
he'd be legally blind
it's been super cloudy for the past 3 days. can it just rain already?
importance is all based on the scenario but i guess there are the two main places you want to hit first. as i said, if you can hit em there then take em out.
Wish, please, go eat a vagina
lol you're silly~
heh that's actually pretty funny
but who are youuuuu?
oscar darling 2017?
I'm user. Can't you see that?
I would rather that win an oscar than Idris Elba
Sorry, don't have a choice. Kanra should be coming to keep you company soon enough.
they really do make the best out of what they got
hello, user.
a man can only dream
Hi Bebop.
what I say
I'd watch it.
enjoy furfuckers
'The child did not intend to break it'
I actually found neru
What a fucking retard
And since when does 3 days work cost 10000 dollars
Why are you posting as anonymous though?
but i want you... -hugs tight and doesn't let go-
y-you really like guns, huh... they kill people
is that welms?
Because why not? Is it making you feel uncomfortable?
If i'm completely honest this gets me a little turned on as well.
This is why Kanra's genes are fundementally flawed. And why he cannot see his retardation.
Last month CCTV caught two young boys who were seen touching and pulling the delicate angel wings of a piece in the Shanghai Museum of Glass in China. The two adults accompanying them were seen filming the boys on their phones then walking away after the wings were smashed.
The artist, Shelly Xue, called her work Angel in Waiting. It took 27 months to build as a dedication to her newborn daughter.
Now that's fucking disgraceful.
I like to know who im kissing lol -kiss kiss-
And what would your master think of that?
Well that guy is swedish so its probably mordin.
Which part?
Would you do art and let me destroy it?
I like the idea of covering myself in beautiful marker illustrations and tattoos and then having them ruined by someone handling me
So yes
And maybe you could ejaculate on some little sketches if you wanted to
but that's as far as it goes
twenty tree keks
*Tries to push away*
Hey! Too sudden!
I wasnt prepared for that boner
This is a fine kek
It's like all those times I was made to write people's names on my cock and when I jerked off it smudged all over it and on my hand
only everywhere
no words
how r u
everything and nothing
sure do! it's crazy to think i haven't married my rifle yet!
Plenty o' banter
One form of art begets another. Transforming. Evolving. How art is changed by sex. It could be an installation.
I'm fine what about you?
This is Boris fighting on the beaches of Portsmouth against the dreaded "Immigrant".
Let it go.
This is Boris conducting Aerial warfare against foul refugees
brb dying
i'm alright, my body is saying to calm the fuck down or it'll shut down on me though
He fights for YOU
This is Boris showing off a new fighting technique against the French Army.
Eh that sounds worrying. Maybe you should do so.
Most fearsome warrior
This is Boris in the bloody battle of Hong Kong, for his deeds he received the Victoria Cross.
give him 10!!!
And on that bombshell.
Good night
Also the Greatest man in cake politics to have ever lived.
nee nee
That's not my bag baby
anal beads
probably just lost a little weight, feel a little sick but now i could run forever
Maybe you should take a nap or something if you're feeling sick.
2hours of sleep in the past 24hours. i kinda wanna wait till night because i know i'll be out for a while
Chug a bottle of adderall.
Oh god, i know how that feels. Hope you're holding up.
Why not both?
yay another victory on Janna! ^_^
Good point.
you made some new friends
i did?
all i did was play janna tho...
You didn't hear them?
They were congratulating you and adding you and all.
Does he do the constant "im a girl irl btw way" thing in game too?
i did!
and that game felt fun to play!
They were a bit creeped out since Luka wasn't talking at all at first, but didn't really mind.
Luka didn't mention anything about his gender.
I've been on permatilt
Master lets me do what I want :p
-struggles and clings to you even harder- waaaahhh!!!!
did you give your raifu a name?
No. Should I? I never actually understood why people do things like that, naming objects/tools.
what tilted you?
no idea
maybe... reflect somehow? on moves you made in games and why it didn't work out?
Adding a name to your weapon makes it more powerful... like in Fallout
my mind is muddled atm tho
BC is right for once
Why are you so eager?
*Tries to struggle even harder*
Does it though? It's just a tool, a weapon made for protection, nothing else. I understand wanting to keep them close by and even sleeping with them(guilty) but going so far to name it? I just don't see a point.
Mine is currently not that different from a fully stock version, it's no better than one either.
what is it muddled with?
A torrent of thoughts. Often clashing.
huh.. ?
-gets pushed away...- okay i'll leave you alone.
how you love her if you can't even give her a name?
Its not that i don't want to be alone. I just want to know why you are so eager.
Fuck man. Too hard to right now.
Why's this place bein' a tad slow?
find your zen
because i dont want to be alone either
I'm still mad Will-nobody-Smith is in Suicide Squats
I'm the only good poster... it's hard doing it all on my own
Why didn't you just say so?
*Sits next to you*
Trying to do 4 things at once.
-is shy and tenses up-
he's so cheesy and corny... and he's black.. ew
nobody wants to post during bloodchan hour lol
you can literally track the decrease in thread speed whenever he starts posting
I don't think I actually know how to love. Not anymore at least.
what makes you calm and makes you smile and forget about all the other things?
I should post more then
you can give her my name if you want... don't say it in thread
Nobody has ever asked me that
also he's a terrible actor... he should stick to comedy
Probably the two dudes e-cuddling.
That works :3
The next time I get blood all over it I'll be sure to send you pics before I clean it up
I havent seen his more recent movies
but independence day will smith was amazing
somebody should.
to remind you of what you smile for.
i dont wanna talk to you cringelord
dont waste ur time tryna reply to me
Speak for yourself.
Whats up with the shyness?
i have no doubt there isnt anyone here who doesnt have a shred of doubt that youre just bloodchan user-talking to himself again
Drawing a blank rn.
i-it's happened before?
I loved him in iRobot but after that... he sold his soul to the liberals in Hollywood and now he sucks
-surprise kisses you on the lips- :p
im naturally shy..
he's never done that ever.
When the last time you laughed and smiled at something you knew you liked a lot?
But you were the one that started to hug me.
fuck off bc
this is why nobody likes you but the absolute retards of the thread
Funny shit doesn't count. That's shallow. I guess it was my opportunities and opened doors
Like i said. You are welcome to samefag check.
You're silly you know.
teaching them to code java, is also a good feeling to reflect upon. and probably more similar memories of other things too!
im gonna go do whatever everyone else does and go play games until youre done spazzing out and go sleep or something
just one time before..
Here you go
hmm...? whats this? some music? interesting stuff!
wow look at that
its almost like thats not completely possible using mspaint
leave the threads and kill yourself bloodchan seriously youre so damn annoying
Nice inspect element.
i've been told i have a very childlike personality :p
your blood?
mhm, a nice song too
Will you tone it down with your autism if I just confirm it for you?
hail satan
its not autism
i just really want bc to kill himself
also ty but i was already 99% sure
Mine has been on it many times but that doesn't countunless you want it to
It really is. They aren't the same.
Did you give it a listen?
why are you bleeding all the time, love?
Lets just keep him in that illusion that i am BC.
I think i can confirm that now.
a bit, it seemed like a, an alright little jingle
Because I like to have fun
Either way, he won't/shouldn't trust me word :^)
it's worse irl..
It's coming to me now, yes. Their smiles. The feeling of imparting this knowledge unto them.
Good feels.
i'm not clicking that
Have you seen the movie Predator?
find more memories
family, good meals, ect.
You should come over and watch it with me sometime, it's great.
Well its Boo. I'm not really surprised.
How do you feel about it?
i'm going to spend $600 to travel to the OTHER side of the country just to watch a movie?
I don't know, I don't really feel anything
I watch predator every night. I think it helps me process what happened to me in nam.
How about this one?
Me either, I think he really just wanted attention though.
What else did you have in mind?
That shit would be so much better with sound.
Wanna watch it with me sometime?
idk... teach me how to hunt and fish?
Fair enough.
Sounds fun. You ever shot a gun before though?
also you're doing that thing again
guess you don't want to watch the movie with me while I lean against you and you cuddle me
Oh I know who you are now~ Why do you hate me now?
I shot my sister's .50 sniper once and it scared the fuck out of me and I never did it again. I also shot my beretta once
not bad
it managed to hold my interest till the end
I don't hate you?
okay Idunno what you're on about now
stfu you dumb shit
you're literally throwing an empty hook out at this point
Oh speaking of that, I was thinking of getting one of those as a joke
I'm already laughing
fun stuff
Good webm
Why not ? you don't even talk to me on Steam anymore
i would never bait you...
watch predator with me?
Thats because i suck at starting a conversation.
you're really testing my patience bebo
How so? What did I do now?
just say hi to me...
can't i go to your house?
You aren't on right now though...
spending $600 on what?
look at all my replies
you really know how to make an entrance, ui
A Beretta 92
nm, just got off work and cleaned my kitchen
we've discussed this
stop being so fucking vague all the time
im about to have dinner
yeah i'm busy studying... eye fatigue is setting in... -sigh-
you should reply to them!
Oh yeah buy it! It's great. Mines is in sliver
ehh... then where should we go?
Probably going to end up getting one of those and a VP9 because jokes
Oh i see. I know how that feels. Speaking of which. I should go to bed soon.
-bangs head repeatedly on desk-
Hehe you're a gun nut :p
All you need is one good assault rifle and a sidearm. The rest should be ammo and a cleaning kit
also bye, my eyes are killing me..
ahh I'm leaving now... sweet dreams when you go
oh please, I need more than just 1 of each!
oh kewl
i didn't notice i got the jana master thingy
when the client crashed
get onre more and toss out some shekels now, then you'll have t6
then i'll be respected!
I was reading a thing in the news the other day how "shekels" and "merchant" are "racist Nazi terms"
I forget, do yo play ranked?
I knew what that was from the thumbnail.
Good old times.
It makes me want to play zombies again, good memories there. Used to talk to the guy who wrote the songs and got all the dlc for free.
I wonder if the new zombies is any good..
also REALLY makes me want to piss of my neighbors and learn to play it on my drums
i accidently duo'd with grim once RIP
but other than that, no i have not done the rest of my 9 placement matches
That just means youre shit at ranked
I recall just hunting for easter eggs every time they released a new map for WaW.
The day they released Der Riese we found some note in a drain, never translated it.
Apparently somebody did and it was just "It's time. Kill Maxis."
suddenly, it's morning
you should do more ranked!
the easter eggs/story was the best part
Manaka do you wear pajamas or sleep naked?
there is a new thread
just kidding
whatever i'm wearing before sleep is my pajamas
It happens way too often.
That and hellhound rounds.
Because RIP everyone who didn't arm themselves well enough.
make a new thread, sd
So you wear jeans when you sleep and all that stuff too?
i should :3
shirt and short pants at home
Wear a skirt instead
Well, it's been like a year since I last made one but here goes.