Do anime artstyles appeal to your inner weeb who wants nothing more than comfy waifu times or utterly repulse you and...

I like the art but quite frankly there's a lot I just couldn't get into because of the gameplay being so fucking bland. The few times I got really engrossed in it I had a blast, namely Tales of games and Golden Sun. Ys seems pretty good but I'm a Mohun autist so it's hard for me to get far into anything else. Good thing the new one is so utterly wishy-washy I want to expand.
I also missed out a lot on the most liked ones because I didn't have a lot of time on Sony consoles.
Spoonfeed me recommendations please

I don't have a problem with anime style but with anime artists.
Too many are bad and hiding shortcomings behind symbol drawing.

Just play Disgaea.

I wouldn't say comfy is a faggy word, just an incredibly childish and completely useless one. Like "worldbuilding" is the kind of world a child would make up to say a setting is well developed, comfy is a word for people who aren't intelligent enough to say a game has a relaxed, warm atmosphere.

I'd rather look at >>>/monster/

Monster is Holla Forumss creepy cousin you think might be planning a coming out vorefag party.

beehive yourself

So is Uma Musume meant to get bronies to stop fapping to twilight sparkle or is it a gateway anime?

Reading comprehension.

I may have said golden sun but bland turn based is garbage user. It's why I disregard FF as a series. I do like the over the top specials though.