Do anime artstyles appeal to your inner weeb who wants nothing more than comfy waifu times or utterly repulse you and inspire feelings to rip and tear?
Do anime artstyles appeal to your inner weeb who wants nothing more than comfy waifu times or utterly repulse you and...
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I just want a good game.
Depends on the game. Anime artstyles should be paired up with a happy atmosphere.
Brother do i have the manga for you.
I absolutely love anime art direction, but I really have no interest in waifu games, and am not all that big on the style those games in particular have.
My idea of good anime games is the old Capcom style like in Breath of Fire or Darkstalkers, or various games Square made before it was Squeenix. For example, Mana games, Final Fantasy Tactics, and so on. I also really like the Disgaea look. Man do I wish any company would do a modern AAA game in those older vidya anime styles. I'd actually buy a game at launch again.
Anime games always procure my interest because I want to be the little girl but it only goes so far as to look into the game and see if it's actually any good.
VR will let you live out your fantasies of being a loli witch in a comfy slice of life fantasy world user. Give it time.
Used to be first but then anime went to shit circa 2004 and now I hate it.
I love weeb-style but my dilemma is that i hate most weeb-games for being frankly… utter fucking shit.
Most are just shitty VN's and VN's arent games with the few that seem good being console onry.
PC-market for weebgames is utter trash with best games i've played being Recettear and that one side-scrollan indie where you played some qt 3.14 loli which name i forgot.
Only if it's an 80s/90s art style. I can't put my finger on why, but it feels like in the early to mid 2000s anime started to look really cheap and fake compared to what it had been the previous two decades.
Stuff like this?
I wish we could go back to that without the several layers of irony that would be there today because it was a really good look.
I just want to play a game with awesome gameplay and cool characters such as Atelier games
All your examples look like fucking garbage.
Anime appeals to the canon of classic beauty, and as we know, beauty always prevail.
Because that's what it became, look at those old animoos from 90s, 80s and such and while there's obviously sameface going on and at many times the animation is very mediocre it still has soul because it wasnt made to be sort of like AAA-games are but instead of pandering to everyone they nowadays pander to otakus with shit taste and too much money.
They act like a multiplier for me. If the game is good it's twice as good with anime artstyles, if it's bad it's twice as bad
I wand to cum inside ordered-bayer matrix.
well, i like cute things
I dont give a fuck about artstyle, i only want to have fun in a game with great gameplay.
A competently done anime art style is like a delicious seasoning; It can improve just about anything you put it on with little to no effort, but if you're just consuming it alone with nothing else substantial you're going to fucking puke.
SJWs get triggered by anime for this very reason. Anime will be the last media to show young Americans what beauty is, outside of fat acceptance, transgenderism and degeneracy.
The simulated head pat technology just isn't there yet
I must know more about this.
Despite modern anime having some cool styles and designs. nothing can beat the level of comfy that can be reached with 80s and 90s anime.
I was angry at the modern idolshit posters in MGSV. Not even games set in the same time frame will bring it back
This buzzword has long been ruined.
they didnt fix it with a mod?
user, are you all right?
So is it wrong to say that some of the set pieces and settings in anime are so well designed, that it makes you believe you can live there and gives you a warm vibe no matter how dire the situation is for the characters? I agree, the word is being overused in the wrong situations.
I haven't found one yet.
I'm sure there must be a mod that turns them into bubblegum crisis cheesecake or some shit.
/a/ has a thread on it i think. So far its drider, slime girl and harpy if memory serves. All lewd but just want praise from you like good lewd girls.
No but saying comfy is. Also its ultra faggy to say that.
It repusles me, but only because more often than not, ultra cutesy anime shit is a clear sign of low effort shovelware.
This aint your ant girl doujins nigga
I like the art but quite frankly there's a lot I just couldn't get into because of the gameplay being so fucking bland. The few times I got really engrossed in it I had a blast, namely Tales of games and Golden Sun. Ys seems pretty good but I'm a Mohun autist so it's hard for me to get far into anything else. Good thing the new one is so utterly wishy-washy I want to expand.
I also missed out a lot on the most liked ones because I didn't have a lot of time on Sony consoles.
Spoonfeed me recommendations please
I don't have a problem with anime style but with anime artists.
Too many are bad and hiding shortcomings behind symbol drawing.
Just play Disgaea.
I wouldn't say comfy is a faggy word, just an incredibly childish and completely useless one. Like "worldbuilding" is the kind of world a child would make up to say a setting is well developed, comfy is a word for people who aren't intelligent enough to say a game has a relaxed, warm atmosphere.
I'd rather look at >>>/monster/
Monster is Holla Forumss creepy cousin you think might be planning a coming out vorefag party.
beehive yourself
So is Uma Musume meant to get bronies to stop fapping to twilight sparkle or is it a gateway anime?
Reading comprehension.
I may have said golden sun but bland turn based is garbage user. It's why I disregard FF as a series. I do like the over the top specials though.
comfy is a lifestyle that returns every autumn brother.
But you said you liked Golden Sun and that's far more bland than Disgaea.
oh that might explain why some anons have a hateboner for the word comfy
It's more than likely my nostalgia talking, since I haven't played that shit in years. In any case I can give it a try. What are the best titles to start with? Best system versions? I assume mostly ps2/3, but I know some got ported elsewhere.
He might like witch and the hundred knight.
I wanna rip and tear with my anime girls. It's part of the reason why I like Demonsteele.
2 has one of the most interesting post games, but the felony system can be a bit of a pain.
Shit, I still have to play that, looks pretty neat. Though I am not in a Doom mod as of late.
do you even know how bees look like? also bees and ants are related
Oh sweet cherryboi you have such treasures to discover.
I just read a description on it, that does seem annoying, and knowing myself I'd probably try to clear as many as possible every time.
How's that one? Any versions I need to avoid/mod in? I recall somewhere reading about NISA fuckery.
I think the ps3 or pc version had a crippling bug at launch but i believe its fixed now but i would look into it.
Did the guy turn into an ant as well?
i hope is vanilla
dont know, i think they never translated any of the games VNs, odds are her mom died or something.
I am a sucker for animu artstyle, but I hate most of the things that come with it nowadays, namely stupidly marked character archetypes put in there to pander to autistic otakus who always want more of the same thing and other cheap cliches.
Talking strictly about story stuff (not like this is a gameplay thread, anyway), I am a man who enjoys well thought-out crazy shit. One of the things I look the most for in stories is originality, and on the plot side, Japan usually delivers (except when they go too crazy, then it's just stupid), but they focus way too much on plot and it shows, because their characters usually come up as completely retarded, or easily put into simple archetypes such as *deres. Somebody said once that if your character can be easily described with a short sentence, your character is shit, and in many Japanese works, you can describe them with a single word. Fuck, some of these archetypes come with unironical premade sentences, such as tsunderes with their "it's not like I wanted to X or anything", or in doujins, dominating girls performing their "are you really getting off to my feet? You're pathetic" line during footjobs. It's like they were spending all their originality in the plot, contrary to western/European writing where plots tend to be more insipid ("oh, this is just a normal family, but somewhat bad things happen to them from time to time, usually involving women being ignored or left alone by their lovers" may be the most overused "plot" in literature) but characters are somewhat more complex.
I have already seen a cute little girl who knows nothing about anything do cute stuff and speak softly thousands of times. Give me something different already.
It involves a starving man being given to a lonely and scared worker ant turning into a queen to go start a new hive together
What's the fucking point? It's just girls with horse ears and if the artists are even more fucking uncreative, they might also have regular human ears..
I read that one a while ago. care to help jog my memory?
Depends. It's a broad category, ranging from realistic proportion to moeblobs.
Moblob is generally trash.
Anime artists blow west the fuck out of the water when it comes to backgrounds/mood.
I just searched for it on sadpanda.
You know it had sequels involving their daughters right?
No, I didn't, but that's very interesting.
Neither. I don't mind an anime artstyle, but I don't necessarily prefer it.
There's something about animu that appeals to my sense of adventure. JRPGs have their own tropes, but there's something about the artstyle that lends itself to my sense of wonder and enthusiasm.
nippon understands the 'birds for scale' rule.
by that you mean he finds them husbands to get married so they can start their own hives… right?
I do. Shit is kawaii as fuck.
i think i found it.
da fuck? is that it? what happened to the nip? did he died or something?
All that matters is the boner in your heart feeling good.
That's how you know they all lived happily ever after
D2 has a console breaking bug and 3 has some issues.
The first two are fine though. The original is on PS2, PSP, DS, and PC.
Honestly, i like anime artstyles as much as i like realistic or grimdark artstyles. The only artstyles i despise are the ones that look like they were ripped from LISA, LISA itself being an exception.
I'm still waiting for an animesque, comfy, waifu filled looking game that is in fact dark and depressing as fuck behind it's weeb appearance, and i'm talking W40K levels of "this world is FUCKED". That would be a nice twist.
That was the witch and the hundred knight, whoever made that infographic pic for NISA issues just dumped that under D2's as a mistake.
What happened is that fire type magic would crash the game, but that has been pathced.
Senran Kagura. No, seriously.
I've watched virtually no anime, and the only games I've played with Anime artstyles are Rune Factory and Pokemon. The styles fit the games well, so I'm not complaining.
Thank you for linking this user! I'm not the one you were responding to but this mange is lovely!
A video game with the same artstyle as Redline would be the fucking tightest shit ever.
inchlings are love, inchlings are life.
I prefer the anime art-style tbh. I play games to escape from reality. I also think that the cartoony anime style looks better than trying to hammer out something hyper realistic and have it not looking up to snuff.