Speaking of which, what should I do if I'll ever need competent bug/playtesters and focus groups? Only /agdg/?

Playtesters are there to balance out the experience the devs have had playing the game while making the levels to prevent the game from being too difficult. Bug testing is usually secondary because the devs find that shit on their own most of the time because they themselves can tell what is intentional and what isn't.

Excessive drug use would go a long way towards explaining Bioshock Infinite's story.

Hall of Heroes was where it first felt to me that the concepts of the game were running dry, actually.

You know, disguised (((costs))) also fall under the intended usage of the term under-the-table.

it gave us a hotter elizabeth for even more porn so i appreciate it

Fuck off idiot.

Bioshock 2 is better in every way yes. Hell even the multiplayer was some good old fun, usually I fucking hate multiplayer.

Play System Shock, Thief or some other real immersive sim, you fucking pleb.
