This is going about as well as any p2w related discussion ever goes I suppose, there's always some weird rationalization involved whereby nothing is ever actually p2w.
I would have thought arcades would be the most definitive example of the concept, but here we are.
Carson Wilson
Confirmed for underage b&
Aiden James
DSi is much better and can you just sit at the 404 screen listening as long as you want.
Robert Jenkins
Ryan Morales
It's not a significant advantage because your score is often reset or given a deduction for continuing. The game is usually kept the same difficulty, so they'll just lose again if they can't keep up. You aren't going to top the scoreboard by paying more, but you'll be able to continue farther on to see whatever stages, cinematics or story it has.
John Cook
Face it m8, arcade was the definition of pay to win.
Jaxon Mitchell
Jackson Howard
can't find the original but you get the point
Owen Jenkins
Ryder Rogers
No one is defending it, but you're stupid to think arcades are p2w solely for being p2p.