No one will ever compose a theme as fresh as the Wii's shop theme
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I pirated everything so i barely got to hear that.
Your punishment was severe and appropriate, as no song is more fresh
Post chill nintendo beats
KK Slider actually has the chillest beats out there though
Don't mind if I do.
The classic chill beat
Was there a single dude involved in Earthbound's development who *wasn't* a chill motherfucker?
Wii Sports is lovely. I really miss how I used to just sit on menus listening to the music when I was younger. Now I just have a podcast or youtube video running, and I don't hear shit.
>YFW The Wii turns 10 this year
That hit me harder than I expected.
I grew up with NES and Genesis in the 90's and still consider myself a kid considering I've never experienced the joy of tape loading error
how does it feel
I really do not envy our forefathers, shitty storage systems and p2w arcade vidya.
Hurts, but it makes sense.
How many consoles have built-in backwards compatibility? And I'm not talking about add-ons like the super boy or that GBA add-on for Gamecube.
PS2, PS3, Wii, 360, GB, GBA, Atari 5200 or 7200… and I'm drawing a blank.
DS Lite and I think 3DS
Wii Bop Bling is actually so fucking legit.
My favourite GilvaSunner track.
NDS could run GBA games, and I think it could do GBC games too but I can't remember.
Also, I thought that the PS3 couldn't run PS2 games? Or at least it was the case for a long time.
ps3 had built in software emulation that was complete ass, reportedly worse than pcsx2.
And I forgot PSP can run PS1 games through EBOOT, the dumbass that I am.
Oh yeah, completely forgot about DS series as well. Fat PS3 can run PS2 games because it has the ps2 guts in it. Literally outdated hardware just to run PS2 games. Pretty sure Slim models can run ps2 games as well, but don't quote me on that. ( se7ensins.com
Man, PS3 really aged well, got a solidish library, easily uncucked via CFW and had dedicated hardware just to play older games.
Arcade vidya wasn't p2w if you were good, and it was all about the experience, the place, the sounds and friends. You will never experience that kiddo.
I raise you one, OP.
Nigga I've been plagued by this theme for decades. Get on my level.
It's not p2w if you're good has never been a valid excuse. and you spent a shitload of money to get good
Arcade machines are the most jewish of all vidya business models.
But you weren't good right then and there, you had to practice.
And to practice you had to spend money.
You had to pay to win.
And no, you can't say that ALL games are p2w by that logic, because if you buy a game you can play it indefinitely (at least the old ones, not some new titles like Diablo 3 or Sim City 4) and win eventually. But with arcades you were forced to use money for every play. Less at a time, sure, some got better faster than others thus spending less money, sure, but in the end of the day, if you didn't have money on you, you didn't have a chance to win.
sc2013 is the shit always online one, sc4 was the godlike one.
my bad, I really can't remember which was the always-online one.
As much as I agree with the point you're making p2w generally refers to gaining such a balatantly unfair advantage that to compete you have to shell out shekels to get the same advantages hence "pay to win". Although your argument makes sense, the context is very different. In order for it to truly be p2w you'd need to have the machine give you a free play option and a "insert quarters for the cool stuff" option.
Also your wrong about the need to shell out money to git gud even with practice the arcade machines were designed to fuck you at specific points no matter how good you were and it was specifically designed to require quarters to get past.
A free option isn't a requirement for p2w, they just often go hand-in-hand as part of the freemium cancer.
Blizzard could offer up extra in-battle resurrections in WoW in exchange for money or some shit(it is, or at least was, hard capped per fight), and it'ld be pay to win.
pay to play =/= pay to win
p2p is stuff like arcades.
p2w is when you get a significant advantage over someone who didn't pay as much.
arcades often had difficulty spikes to get people to pay to keep playing or prevent them from hogging the machine.
Saying that paying to practice is p2w is retarded. Even more so since they usually reset your score if you lose your continues and pay up.
This is going about as well as any p2w related discussion ever goes I suppose, there's always some weird rationalization involved whereby nothing is ever actually p2w.
I would have thought arcades would be the most definitive example of the concept, but here we are.
Confirmed for underage b&
DSi is much better and can you just sit at the 404 screen listening as long as you want.
It's not a significant advantage because your score is often reset or given a deduction for continuing. The game is usually kept the same difficulty, so they'll just lose again if they can't keep up.
You aren't going to top the scoreboard by paying more, but you'll be able to continue farther on to see whatever stages, cinematics or story it has.
Face it m8, arcade was the definition of pay to win.
can't find the original but you get the point
No one is defending it, but you're stupid to think arcades are p2w solely for being p2p.
And you're stupid to think that there aren't any p2w arcade games because p2p precludes that somehow. There were a lot of arcade games that were designed simply to munch on your quarters in order to progress through the game. Lots of games had cheap bullshit deaths just to trick you into putting more money into them.
What in the absolute fuck do you consider pay to win?
I never cared for it, I liked the Mii Plaza better. It wasn't even very good, to most people rather annoying I'm sure, but as someone who liked making Miis it grew on me. -sort of like The Angry Video Game Nerd's shitty theme song or the terribly odd song they used for the opening to the old Berserk anime.
-and now Nintendo done fucked up and made the Mii Makers shit for the 3DS and Wii U (especially the goddamn Wii U, not a damn thing went right making that console).
The theme for the wii shop for the first anniversary of the wiishop after eshop released that was played on the japanese eshop was pretty nice.
How about the score ya dingus? Any good arcade game like Time Crisis 2 or Metal Slug you can get through on one credit if you get good enough at the game and you're adequately punished for dying. If you can make it to the end of the game it doesn't matter who had more money.
Arcades sure to show up in a rose tint to you, eh?
You do, even in namco's recent ones baleet your score. In fact the only one I can think of that doesn't is the arcade version of sonic dash and temple run. because every arcade game just on android these days.
I'm just glad I had consoles at home so I don't have to rationalize getting jewed that hard.
The practice you get from playing a game more (assuming you already aren't just naturally better and don't even need to shell out more) isn't a "+10 jewsword" you retard. For arcade games worth playing like the ones I listed it's just the damn fee to play and the person who sucks pays more for a worse score. You can shit on the business model all you like but for this issue it's not an argument.
Explain how any decent arcade game is "pay-to-win" rather than just the fee to play.
That song is as chill as it is specifically because the levels it plays in are so goddamn fucking hard.
you're not paying to win
because you wasted five dollars to "win" at a videogame, but your score still 100% suc
I don't know how that's what you got out of what I've been saying. I'm not talking about practiss, I'm talking about the game.
You put money into the machine, and you acquire something extra that didn't come with your initial purchase and that you cannot get through gameplay alone, and it allows you to beat the game more easily.
That is the absolute definition of pay to win.
There is no fucking other way to slice it.
I don't give a shit about something as autistic as high scores and it doesn't change the underlying nature of Money -> In game benefits.
Technically the Wii U, Genesis and Master System.
While it is backwards compatible with the Wii it also is compatible with the Gamecube. Ironically, this was found out when the vWii was hacked, and compatibility with the Gamecube was discovered. The WiiU does it natively, however, it doesn't have support for the mini-cd thing, which would've probably cost them more to implement.
All Genesis models had backwards compatibility with the Master System. One needed an adapter, however, if you take a look inside the console, the Master System is essentially packed in, it just doesn't fit in the cartridge. If one buys an everdrive and loads it up with Master System games, the Genesis will play them natively, not through emulation.
Like the Genesis technically backwards compatible with the SC-1000. Suffers the same fate as the Genesis where the cartridges don't fit. Same thing applies though.
You know I think one point to make is that in arcade days, nearly every game was quarter munchingly fucking hard, but genuinely beatable.
90% of mobile games have been cracked open and caught with actual paywalls.
Or would make you wait 50 years
Did you know? Battletoads Arcade was one of the most commonly cabinets that was modified since the final boss could literally not be damaged for a period of time.
As the owner of a CFW original PS3 you have no idea what a beast of a console it is. I can play anything Sony on it, PS1, PS2, PS3 and some PSP. The Slims can do PS2 through emulation but compatibility leaves much to be desired. Somehow mine hasn''t had any heating problems as of yet, I clean it out and dust it out regularly. Plus CFW allows one to change fan speed.
Well, I remember hearing that a game would add +1 to your score if you used another credit. This was so that someone could tell how many continues a score took to get by looking at the last two digits of the score (all other scoring occurred in increments of 100). You could theoretically loop it back to 00 after using 100 credits. I wish I could remember what game it was.
Re-railing with some relaxin' beats
That's a hilarious detail, either vague shit to laugh to yourself for noticing over or an in-your-face insult to the player. Whatever the game it sounds very unlikely you'd win by the difference of those digits but if you did you could make everyone check out some wicked dubs.
what is wrong with the wiiu mii maker?
You're asking as someone who has or hasn't seen it?
There's no plaza anymore and you have to look at them in some terrible grid display that you can't organize for shit (I think literally the only thing you can do is drag one over the other to make them swap places). -and there's nigh infinite slots to store the fuckers but I hope you really like making them all over again if you don't want them to taken off your Wii permanently. -and then there's QR codes but whoopie, nobody wants to make take convoluted measures to distribute them though transfer to your social media and you can't over Miiverse or whatever sensible idea anyone could have shat out if anyone cared about the Wii U. Yep, no more Mii sharing channel anymore because Nintendo's probably scared someone might slip through their already overbearingly safe interfaces (so hey, let's make a fake social media thing right?). I mean really now, they want to take what non-soul these caricatures had last gen away and then make them playable Smash characters that they expect to sell cosmetics for? They couldn't even be bothered to include them in Mario Kart 7 or 8 (-and I'll say it, Mario Kart Wii and DS respectively were both better overall). -fucking Paper Mario was even better last generation. I've completely gone on a tangent now but get your shit together Nintendo.
There is no theme better than this. Though Wii overall had pretty comfy sound effects and osts, always loved the bling sfx when you click on something on the wii.
Well i suppose i can ask this here.
They're selling me pic related for 5 bucks. Should i buy it? I heard it was pretty solid in the wii.
No. Maybe it's because I didn't get into it on the 64, but I gave it an honest try and it felt empty to me.
Can't you just watch some gameplay, it shares only minor similarities with the original Goldeneye release, just wait until Goldeneye Source implements it's single player, I was talking to one of the devs a while back, they said it was in the works, they also said in the case of a C&D they'd just go underground and release it when done.
I've seen images from this show a lot, but when I looked for sauce I couldn't find it. Help a brother out?
Game Center CX
It's a good game
Like a COD game that encourages stealth on higher difficulty levels, has nice weapons and even eliminates regenerating health on the highest difficulty setting.
It's fun with the classic controller pro, and I've heard good things about playing it with the Wii Zapper
I want to hack my Fat Ps3 (not retrocompatible, but I don't care, Neo Contra was released as PS2 classic, so I'm covered there) so bad.
Retroarch was updated for the PS3 as well. I just want a couple of arcade sticks to play JojoHD, ThirdStrikeHD and MvC2HD with friends.
But we're all pirating the theme itself right now.
His nose always makes me think he's pouting.