Yo-Kai Watch Thread
What is this some kind of bootleg pokemon? Wait, thats Digimon. Is this some kind of bootleg Digimon?
Is it fun?
Do the sequels add more gameplay to battles? I stopped playing the first game because I really hate how the game kinda plays itself.
Yo-Kai Watch 2 has more stat based fuckery and some psudeo-strategy, you do more.
Yo-Kai Watch 3 changes the battle system entirely. It's hard to explain so I'd look up a video, but it works great and doesn't feel like a wait to win game anymore.
I had no idea they were being pumped out so fast.
Well if the series gets better, guess I could try pushing through the first game. I did really like the monster designs and such. Also how rare are the SS ranked yo kai? I got one, but no idea if they're really all that rare.
Game was released 2014 in nippon, there's actually 2 more if you include the spin-offs Busters and Sangokushi.
For a series with this many games I didn't expect most of the spin offs to be of quality, but I was pleasantly surprised when they were pretty good and okay respectively.
Post the Sailor Piers
blue a best anyone who thinks otherwise has shit taste
Or Inaho, but she doesn't count
By that you mean the only meaningful interactions from the player in 1 was team composition and get rid of debuff with the mini-games?
The final boss was a joke, it was just a matter of doing the mini-games over and over again, I didn't do the post-game because it was a matter of grinding. I did a shitload of sidequests though, but most of the times, they weren't worth it.