Titanfall 2 "tech test"

Are any of you current gen console owning anons playing the Titanfall 2 "tech test" on your Xboner or Bloodbornstation 4?
How much does the gameplay differ from original Titanfall, and most importantly is it any good?
Console probably isn't the best platform to test a more or less fast paced shooter on but it at least is something, considering the weak excuses made by Respawn to not make a PC demo.

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shit that actually looks fun enough to buy

only for the fast and the grapple tho

gunplay looks weak as usual

You know what?
Why don't they go full singleplayer?

I have a feeling Titanfall is sorta what Killzone tried to be for years but could never quite accomplish, if Titanfall was a singleplayer focused game with some added things that increased it's replay value it would fill this nice of futuristic FPS with fun movement and mech.

Hell if developed propely, it could even eventually become the new first person Lost Planet.
Why can't we have these fun developments for these IPs and instead we go for the most boring "oh here's another multiplayer shooter" route?


They won't make PC demos because Sony and Microsoft are both scared to hell of PC killing off their consoles more than they already have.

Please, yes.The drought of good mech games seems never-ending.

Why did you have to die, Living Legends?

Titanfall 2 will have a singleplayer campaign and supposedly it won't be a tacked on one like the battlefield and cod campaigns



Then what? Low-tier Gundams?

As a big fan of the first game (which was fast as fuck and above all, fun), this beta is a massive fucking letdown. All the personality of the first one is gone, everything is slower, it behaves like a bog standard COD game now.

Biggest disappointment of the year for me. Grappling hook is cool, but if you strip away general movement speed and versatility for that shit you don't gain anything.




I've never played the first game but I had fun playing the beta for this. I only played the Control mode. Moving around is great, I love how fast you go and how far you can slide but there don't seem to be that many opportunities to wallrun. The maps are balanced a bit strangely for Control: one side can always get to their closest point faster than the other team when the game starts. It's also too momentum-based: If it gets to the point where one team has summoned two titans and your team has none then you'd might as well leave.

One thing I really hate is how you fall out of the transport at the start of the match: when you start on the urban map on the A side there's a chance you'll land behind a wall and have to go around it to catch up with your team. It's completely random.

I might be interested in getting this game when it's cheap if it has more freerun courses like the one in the tutorial.

If it's anything like the last one it will be forgotten three weeks after release.

They're futuristic updated versions of GoBots!

They really turned ground combat into even more like COD. The grappling seems cool when it actually works. 50% of the time you'll drag your body across the ground instead of being pulled toward a structure like it were a fully realized Bionic Commando. As you're dragged from the side of the building you become a sitting duck to attacks. It's about what you'd expect from a Titanfall sequel. Outside of the grapple feature, I'm not seeing all that much improved from the previous game. Average at best and not likely something you'll pay at launch unless that single player campaign is somehow amazing. This seems like a wait and see how the community will hold up in a month like with Battleborn.

Jesus fucking christ, how do these fucks think that all mechs are toasters on legs slow?

Honestly if I wanted to grapple around like a faggot I'd just play Tribes 2.

top kek

It probably is just because Respawn got lazy. I see no reason for them lying about why they don't do a PC tech test. They explained it on the game's website, somewhere in the FAQ.

If it's like it was in Titanfall 2, I'm fine with it. They haven't developed it much further than what they did with Modern Warfare 2 and that gunplay isn't too shabby for a modern shooter

Now that's disappointing to say the least. I thought the guys at respawn understood that making everything a perk/ability isn't the way to go. Probably EA forced them to do something like this because of the poor sales of Titanfall 1.

It's powered combat armor.

Mechs are stupid weeaboo shit. Why make a humanoid robot that can turn into an airplane when a much simpler airplane can do the same job? They're nothing but glorified tanks. If I made a game with giant robots, I surely wouldn't want my game to be associated with that autistic term and community.

Devs said the boosts were slowed down because the console players can't compete with PC players. Shit indeed.

Also known as mecha, since I can't see any actual power armor anywhere near this game.

Powered armor is an older term than mecha. Armor refers to any kind of protective layer, not just body armor. Also, which part do you not understand in "some people don't want to be associated with the mech culture"?

Guys, they don't want people to call them mecha because the target audience they're trying to pull in isn't weebs and /m/anlets, but COD brodudes.
It's basically a question of marketing, if the wrong term is ttached to your game it can attract the wrong audience (read: the type of audience that isn't the majority and thus doesn't bring in the most amount of money).


first of all kill yourself. secondly, bullshit
that's a transformer not a mech
fuck you, that's nonsense and you know it. comparing mechs to actual armored vehicles is stupid and you know it.

true, the first iteration of powered armor and mechs which are just scaled up power armor really was Heinlein's starship troopers as far i know.

all you faggots saying that its marketing are completely correct of course, since there's never been anything financially successful with mechs in the west, right?

Some people can suck it. Power armor wouldn't be half of what it is without the japs. Cap troopers didn't get an accurate visual rendition till the eighties when the japs made one that was actually based off the descriptions given in the book, as an easy example. The west made them, the east innovated them into actually having visual forms. The japanese book reprints have accurate art, the western ones still don't, or worse, use the films images.

Just different cultural approaches, but you can't deny how massively valuable the later one was.

The real problem started when neither audience wanted it. The first game was a pretty strong flop, so it didn't seem to help much.

The OVA they made is bretty gud

There's no beta/tech test on PC? What a dumb move.

I played a couple of matches on Xbox One. The gameplay is still the same. The graphics looks nicer than the previous game. Is it running on Frostbite now or another custom version of Source?

I wish there was a way to customize your character and your titan. They all look the same. More cosmetic stuff would be great.
I hope they don't go the CoD road with too many guns.

I don't think I'll get Titanfall 2 at launch, I'm a bit sick of the whole "double jump everywhere and run on the walls" FPS genre. Competitive stuff is not really my thing anymore, Titanfall's horde mode was ok.

one trick pony hacks

They just needed to make the Titans huge as fuck so we have a gritty Gundam: Operation Troy.

While normally I hate going to reddit but a buddy of mine directed me to reddit.com/r/Games/comments/4ylxaa/those_who_played_the_titanfall_2_multiplayer/.
>Attrition has been replaced by HeadHunter, which sees you gettting kills and scoring no points by killing ai's effectively reducing the smart pistols (if included) role into a weaker class alround
>New guns are more generic quirky futuristic guns that offer to blur or ruin the previous fairly strong weapon balance Which was fine until C.A.R.
Overall, as someone who liked titanfall 1 for atleast being decent and offering up some fairly nice toaster friendly gaming, titanfall 2 is a straight downgrade in the gameplay department in all possible ways. Anyone who defends this is an idiot.


Why would anyone do this?

What the point of even playing the game now? Game seems more and more like cod.

I think respawn is focusing more on Pilot combat as opposed to titan combat. Which is an awful idea because the reason why Titanfall 1 could be compelling was the balance between the more slow but powerful feel of titan combat and the faster, more twitchy gameplay of the pilots.
Even worse is how titans are now killstreaks instead of the secondary combat option they were in titanfall 1. This actually contradicts the old idea which was to avoid giving the winning side the ability to snowball their way to victory. More importantly, while titans could be used in a disposable manner in titanfall 1, it was because you had nuclear ejection, and having your titan die would just mean theres a whole can of worms for your enemies to deal with once you've ejected into the stratosphere. Having them be dispoable in titanfall 2 makes the games most unique feature feel tacked on as a glorified killstreak which was what titanfall 1 avoided and rightfully knew shouldn't be done.
All I can say is that after titan 1, there was no way they should've failed this hard. Its like the entire team has been replaced with people who didn't even understand the what titanfall 1 was.

Wow, I can't wait to play Call of Duty Mechanized Warfare! and those Perks to rain down giant robots is so cool!

Someone who shares my pain.

Ever tried fitting the small Titan with a Dashcore? The moment you activate that shit you become so fucking fast that you can fuck everything left, right and centre without being hit once. Your overall point stands though.

I love Metal Warriors, but faggots like these would never make it right

Looks pretty neat. I enjoy fast games. I never played the first Titantfall but didn't it flop in like a week or something?

I'll believe it when I see it.

There goes any interest I had

It was dead by the end of a month, I think

It's got a small dedicated playerbase on PC and a marginally larger one on the Bone, but nothing to write home about.

How dedicated are we talking on PC? Is it still alive?

Shit man, last time I played is 6 months back. It hovered around 400-800 players regularly. Don't know if that's still the case though.

By having shit taste and no clue.
Just look at what kind of game they're making.

i'm one of the retards who actually really liked titanfall 1 and i'm glad another is getting made. aside from having a really limited progression (it felt like I had everything worth having in a matter of a couple days) i really liked the parkour/freerunning to the point where for months afterwards I'd play other FPSes and think "man I could totally launch off that, wallrun on that and get in there". the mech combat was fun and felt really good; the warning voices yelling at you about missile locks and critical damage, the fatalities if your target wasn't fast enough mashing that eject button, the fact that the whole HUD shook when you were stomping around, took damage etc. i thought it was pretty well done but just needed more shit to do and unlock. i'm not excited for the pshhh nothin personnel mech but it'll feel good to rip its arm off and beat it to death with it

its kinda shit

Mechs still move barely slower than pilots. Misses the point entirely of giant walking armor. It's the same problem I had with Hawken, piloting a robot shouldn't feel like controlling a soldier in CoD.

But modern FPS players can't stand a slower pace, tactical positioning, or filling any role other than the John Rambo superstar, so logical uses of heavy armor are out the window. Instead the "titans" are just a gimmick to pretend Titanfall is anything other than cookie cutter FPS series #138.

That's at least something.

user most current gen players probably have ADHD. If it isn't instant its not rewarding to them

well apparently they cant handle 2fst4u gameplay either, according to the designers at least

That's sort of true, modern FPS players hate the new CoDs because they actually have to look up or down in case of enemies

Surprising, considering MUH VERTICALITY is the hottest new buzzword. It's like the developers just discovered there's a third dimension.

I honestly think AAA devs are only now relearning how to make games after an entire generation of chasing business models.

In practical reality? Not really. There's no purpose of humanoid vehicles existing other than for industrial purposes.

No, it was the stilted and armored martians from The War of The Worlds.

Pacific Rim and Transformers were huge successes.

All they needed was Titan customization and to not be on Origin, that's all they would have needed to get me to try it. Will pirate it for the single player, bro-bots are a soft spot for me.

Nostalgia cash in that turned away most of the people who were actually fans of Transformers.
Last I checked China isn't a western country. Fucking shame it was only successful in third world shitholes.

Not an argument.

Well, it really was a garbage flick with shitty acting, boring CGI, and bland cinematography, and Legendary is owned by the chinese.

There are a boatload of reasons the original dropped off so quickly with all but the few-hundred people who play it now. After playing the current test it really seems like they've fixed most of the gameplay issues the first one had. Titans now have specific playstyles and quirks rather than just being a secondary player loadout, and the playing field between pilot and titan has been evened out quite a bit. Smart pistol seems to be gone (a good thing) and there are no AI in most gamemodes, making the whole experience less chaotic and more player-managed. And they've already confirmed visual customization, at the very least in the form of colors and camos.
The first game hooked with its interesting gameplay, but every other element surrounding it pushed people away.

Y'know if they would JUST do weapon spawns a lot of these games could get close to Quake levels of competitive.

Movement system's fairly high skill cap, but the guns AREN'T and you're not picking up new ones from what I can see.

If they'd JUST do arena shooter then these movement mechanics wouldn't be a total waste.

I thought the OG Titanfall was a pretty good game, it was just lacking in content like guns and maps.

From what I've seen, this shit looks miles worse than the first Titanfall.

What do they call those ass things? Are they some sort of onahole?

just fuck my shit up