Ark Encounter Flop

Has there ever been a bigger failure for something like this?

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Has there ever been a bigger failure for something like this?

Is it the ken ham theme park ?

One of many (if he manages to get the funding for it).

I like this place, good amish vacation spot

Heh, Jews btfo

tips fag-blood-soaked fedora hat

Looks cool even if it's creationist idiocy.

Thank God that it flopped. I bet the Jews were behind it.
"Woe to you who long for the day of the LORD! Why do you long for the day of the LORD? That day will be darkness, not light."

Why the fuck are you posting this here? This has nothing to do with Holla Forums. This isn't /failedbusinessventures/.

Anyone who actually believes that some demigod named Noah built a fucking gigantic wooden Ark that housed one male and one female of every fucking animal on the planet while God flooded the world to purge it of humanity because he was butthurt about them not acting right deserves to be made fun of until they commit sucide.

But it happened

Oh great a blight on the land. Funny that no one bothered to ask the most obvious question: Why did they use construction crews instead of Ken and his family building it themselves like in the bible?

Commit suicide.

Christians are stupid. That's probably why they're (((Christians))).

fuck the biblical lie, fuck christcucks if you read any other book than the one given to you by kikes you would know for a fact its all bullshit to control the goy.

OP is a tard. So this shit is a Christian theme park? Ok, then the economy is too blame. No one is even driving now as reflected in gasoline prices.

It's all allegory, douche. But as you can see, a dumb hick like you DID build this big ass boat and so would you if you thought the world was ending. Oh yeah, and we know for a FACT, that those floods DID take place. So keep shitposting edgy know nothing.

I hope this idiot go bust and overdose on cocaine

What the fuck is the point?

I thought Vatican City was the Christian Disney land


Noah's story is better in Zoroastrian writings, where the Jews stole their "Torah" from.

Has anyone ever methodically sourced where every story in the "bible" was stolen from?

Uhh okay?

Is this a video game?

Thought it was a sequel to this game. Looks like it has dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are blasphemous for defying the bible's timeline.

Does it at least float?

This low tier kikery. Shameful.

Slightly higher tier.

Should have been /thread here, but clearly the jews wanted to try to push their atheist-kikery in the most obvious and forced way possible.

Don't you remember the part of Genesis in which Noah hires a large crew, and they use power tools to build the Ark?

Like a rock.


Lol sounds alot like heritage usa


IOW "how do you do fellow kids" tier cancer, most likely made by the same Churchians who try to appeal to young indoctrinated retards by adopting Marxism as much as possible.

Awww poor christcuck coming to terms with the fact he has been conned for 2000 years

it was purged of the nephelim triple nigger…. and all those that had the nephelim genes as that was lucifers way to try and stop the birth of Jesus, by polluting the gene pool with his dna hence the giants that when killed their bound to earth spirits then are demons.

you will burn in hell for not accepting Christ as Lord

Christianity is fundamentally boring.
Even capeshit paganism would have drawn in more people.

Your lord is a jew.

Literally not a Jew. Jesus was an Israelite and the King of Kings, this included Judea. The Judaism as a religion didn't even exist when Jesus was around.

Literally circumcised like a non gentile.

Disbelief in the literal truth of the Bible is Satanic.

The "Ark" was actually alien technology and was put on a course to Sirius, so that the pure creatures could return to their home world while God brought His wrath down upon the Hell-world known as Earth. Some have suggested that the Ark will one day return, but at the current rate we're going I'd expect them to stay near Sirius forever.

he was a half israelite/half egyptian mystic who fled israel from persecution and learned the pagan ways of the egyptians (that man does not need god or a religion to know divinity) you know nothing, have a fake bible story pushed by kikes, greeks and romans as a way to control you.

revelations was supposed to be about the destruction of Rome. Not prophecy for this time.

Stop fag enabling the jews, They want to make damascus into a smoldering pile of ash to make you faggots think the "prophecy of revelations" is still ongoing when its blatantly over.

Wonder if they made it water-tight. Float the fucker on the ocean and you may draw more crowds.


Actually, the old testament has some pretty cool stories. Sure, they are rip offs of other stories (cuz jews), but you got some war, rape, pillaging, intrigue, the good stuff.

But that shit is NEVER FUCKING EVER discussed in church. Except the battle of jericho. For some reason, out of all the genocidal wars in the bible, that battle is discussed, and to children, no less.

Found the jew.

literally written after the NT

People don't tend to care about the more jewish parts of the Bible, instinctively. But you don't see Christian sites wanting for tourists.

Reported for intl and for actually being jews.

Sure thing, Chaim.

I normally don't engage in DnC but you better help us exterminate the kikes.
If we catch you sparing Jew children because you have morals instead of ethics you will hang too

You must be pretty damn retarded. I'm not sure we want you in the world after the jews are gone. Never mind that you're so retarded that you don't know what Christianity actually is in the first place.

No, if we catch you sparing kikes just because they are children you will die as well.
As for me, once the kikes begin to be exterminated I'm gonna end it, I only haven't killed myself because I can't until the first Holocaust starts.

Nits make lice. I'm far more worried about you sparing children.

Lol fuck no. I hate the kikes. They are fundamentally not people.

There have been numerous attempts and successes at a Christian theme park and ark recreations. Why is this even important?

Anybody who didn't know this would be a failure is completely delusional. The location is terrible and their target audience is tiny. Consider the size of the secular population that Disney Land pulls their customers from. Now consider the size of the creationist population they were hoping to be their target audience. The math on this never worked. They probably knew that too, but were counting on God to make it work anyway. But their god helps those who help themselves.

I'm sure the contractors did a great job of padding their wallets though.

because its unlikely that they are willing to build it for 100years

Not to the people behind this park. They believe it as straightforward fact.

Non-whites are too dumb and low-agency to go to a themepark about their god. Whites are too full of modernity that they can't bring themselves to believe the tale of Noah's Arc was anything but a fairytale.

plus it's all semitic trash that look like ugly desert shit. I wouldn't want to go there, LARPing as some ancient sandnigger

Maybe they were hoping all those Catholic DACA shitters would be a religious replacement for the increasingly atheist europoids? I'm already convinced that the church would support a genocide of europeans as long as they get their seats filled. Who cares if a few churches end up having minarets build around them? FILL THOSE SEATS.

Someday, Bill Nye is going to build his own "science" theme park to compete with this. It will have a huge exhibit explaining how homosexuality is perfectly normal and healthy and necessary to combat the over population, he will hire gay men to prance around half naked while children pose for pictures with them, just like costumed mascots at regular theme parks. faggots will get in for free, and there will be regular reports of gay orgies happening in the restrooms and out of the way locations occasionally sighted by children and the general public. There will also be an exhibit explaining how we are all one race, the human race, and how Europe needs to open it's borders to third world hordes in order to overcoming it's abysmally low birthrate.

The Bill Nye theme park will attract 10 million plus visitors a year and a whole generation of kids will be convinced to turn gay in order to help stop global warming.

But at least they know that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, that's the only consolation.

Go back to reddit.

Probably, but what these morons don't understand is that spics never actually give a shit about religion. They only pay lip service to it to make their fat disgusting goblin mothers happy. And those goblin mothers only care about that for appearances. It's entirely cultural, not spiritual. Spics don't spend their money and vacation time going on spiritual trips to Israel or christian tourist traps in Kentucky. They go to Disney Land.

What no one ever asks is, does this flood story show that at the time of creation, pre history and the great flood tale were humans more capable seafarers than previously known, as in did the Minoans and/or earlier humans travel to south America before is previously known when sea levels were much lower and the distances were shorter? I think so.

I have never seen distance modeling speculating as to what would the distances traveled having been if sea levels were much lower than they are today. I believe the flood myth has been told because humans were in fact alive and well at the time of the last Ice Age and before.

I would go there for the lulz and LARP as an Amalek warrior.

The christians there, despite 99.999% of them loving jews with all their heart, probably wouldn't even understand the significance of that.

I'm not surprised. I'm sure this concept was created in an echo chamber of christcucks who didn't let any economists into the echo chamber to give them a sense of reality.

1.4 million is a lot of people

This 100%. And if anybody did raise concerns, they were undoubtedly told that God would iron out the wrinkles.

Not when you're 600 thousand people short of your goal.

I still have my foreskin.

It does. As a kid, my favorite part of visiting theme parks was studying the neat maps they give you, and planning what to explore.


Sure thing kid, after you.

Sure you do, moishe.

Bill Nye has been cancer since the 90s faggot
Creationists are irrelevant. Media stunts to embarrass creationists serve only to get more retards on the I LOVE SCIENCE newage religion.

What the fuck? They didn't seal the wood! It's going to warp and fall apart within five years, assuming termites don't eat it first!

Who cares about creationists anymore? Anyone who's been around throughout the golden 2006 era of YouTube with Thunderf00t, AmazingAtheist, potholer54, Peach, NonStampCollector, and others as they took on VenomFangX, CockOfGod, JesuzFreak, NephilimFree, and other insane Bible eaters saw the sever and brutal ass-handing the creationists received at the hands of the atheists. Since that timeframe, the best that creationism have had to offer are all the stupid-ass Christian movies like God's Not Dead and all the others which I am too lazy to even look up.

Even if this Ark were a phenomenal success, it wouldn't matter because all that proves is that Christian are visiting to jerk-off to the religious beliefs they already have. Give me $5 million (five million) in visitors who are atheists converting to Christianity after walking through this bizarre spectacle of hopeful fiction and I'll start getting worried.

For now, who gives a shit?

user, we started the newage before it got kiked. The New Age referred to the end of the Kali Yuga and the demise of the kike. Ask the Thule Society.
>(((science religion)))
I agree with you there. The kikes have been kiking anything involving scientific advancement since the 1200s.


that story is also in the Sumerian records, faggot
even better: it's in the oldest recorded piece of literature ever known

As has been proven, kikes create nothing, only degrade and bastardize what they find. Perhaps it is the lack of a frontal lobe.

Good times. Nostalgically checked.

more people need to know this. sadly they are as deluded and ignorant as ever…… even if you try to explain it to them it takes them out of their comfort zone of conformity.

>The (((bible))) is nothing but yids lying and claiming shit that isn't theirs.
Real fucking surprised.

Why are jews so desperate to wipe out these genes? Those nephelim must of had blond hair and blue eyes

yeah, that didn't happen.
Mountains were not flooded after all.

Noah and his surviving followers were the ancestors to Jews and Arabs though!

loogit all dem cubits

I'll go see that fucker. I wonder if they have any lepers to shun.


Keep that in mind goy if you try to do anything outside this board

Try to keep up.

now that's retarded
when 11Kyears ago the sea levels rose by about 160m, on most shores that were not flat low-lying expanses like the Doggerbank, the shorelines only moved very little compared to transoceanic distances
on a shore with a 20% slope, which is a very ordinary hill like you can find anywhere, a 160m level change means less than 1 km of shore displacement
which is insignificant compared with a 3000 or 4000 km wide ocean
that's obvious
there's absolutely no reason to believe anything of the sort
humans traveled to south America via Asia and the Bering straits, during one of the ice ages before the last one
by walking

you should really stop watching fringe jewtube vids about dinosaurs aboard ancient aztec flying pyramids of Atlantis told by morons with crappy music wanting to sell you their books
it rots your mind

I appreciate your effort but honestly man anyone who doesn't get it by now is probably staying ignorant by choice.

Lol holy shit, the amount of ass mad christcucks in this thread is hilarious!

wew lad
You unironically watch AmazingAthiest. How edgy where you as a kid? This guy is a literal faggot.

I think there are 3 or so posts defending Christianity ITT, the other 80+ comes from you fat fedora wearers who are so irrelevant and stupid that the kikes stopped supporting your "skeptic movement" and incorporated Islam to progressivism instead. I'm not even Christian by the way.

wew lads

That's the City of Enoch, genius

Yes, anyone who believes this (Especially as literal truth) does deserve to be made fun of, if for no other reason than they haven't read their own holy book


here's your (you)

It's kind of odd.
I've driven by the place once or twice but I could never see the Ark itself.
Just a bunch of construction.

Found the Chinese nationalist.

D&C shills aren't even trying to hide their kikery anymore.