Let's have some fun

We all know reddit is cancer.
Today I found the hugbox's throbbing heart
which lead me to
anyone up for some casual raiding

That picture makes me incredibly sad.


Funny, I thought her biggest fears would be salads and physical activity

She needs to consider the environmental impact of her actions. Producing such a large swimsuit probably took the same amount of water that could save 50,000 African children from dehydration. Also, the quantity of oil needed to produce the polymers involved may have resulted in billions of dollars going to the staunchly anti-womyn Saudi regime.

I'm gonna tell the fat bitch off, and call her a feminist dyke

Sure got those priorities straight


this I don't really want to make jokes about someone feeling insecure tbh

Yeah fellow goyim, let's go bully some lonely sad fat kid instead of continuing to bully journalists and their ilk.

I hate this "Fat people hate salads" meme

Like any true lardass would ever say no to food


Yeah, I think this is

The sugar jew shows know mercy.

Imagine her in a world without the jew.

Shills! whatcha slidin?

They even admit it in their sidebar. I just find it mind boggling they populated 25 subs with this their toxic PC levels
Also the post OP's picture is from got locked, reality must have checked in (pic related)

I didn't before, but since you kikes gunna kikeā€¦

make it more obvious you are a bandwagon jumping faggot and are only here 'becauze its kewl'. Not every thread that isn't about gassing jews and harassing reporters is a shill or slide thread, even anons need to blow off some steam so fuck off back to whatever cesspit you came from or integrate. Stop being a shitskin.

This meme has become so so strong.

Fucking hell.
Walk; swim; eat a fucking salad rather than a fucking burger from mcadee's.


it's nofun faggots like you that have turned this place into a depressing shithole


No it's the Freemason Crypto Kike ownership that's turned this place into a shit hole

obesity such as that takes years to accomplish. it's sad she has parents in her life that let it get to that point. this person has enablers in their life say, awwww honey you look great, it's what's inside that's important, don't judge a book by it's cover.

it's not difficult to reduce the amount of food one eats daily.

Remember you'll be paying her hundreds of thousands in medical bills during her lifetime struggle with diabetes and heart disease.
