Syria Chemical Attack Countdown

Emanual "My Wife's Son" Macron sets red lines on chemical weapons in Syria

Who thinks that "Assad" will gas babies in the next 24 hours?

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Syria already got rid of all its chemical weapons you fucking imbecile, Jesus Christ.

Nah, probably not til early June. That's my guess at least.

Look at fucking Putin. Look at his face.

You can fucking SEE the disdain.

French third round of elections (parliament… you know the important ones) are the 11 and 18 June. Going the way it's going Macron is posed to not have a majority (which would be fucking hilarious… and probably cause France to collapse because the entire system is tuned to always have one so there is no real process to act when there isn't one, save full on dictatorship).

So yeah 72hours before Assad's next chemical strike.

So France and/or (((allies))) are setting up a false flag to further intervene with NATO? Because that's how this reads.

That's just slanderous OP.

The correct terminology would be Emmanuel "My Wife's Grandson" Macron.

Macaroon is a plant. One couldn’t even point too much of an effort to conceal this fact. He will move in whatever direction his strings are pulled, his well documented track record as a private citizen proves him far to inept to ever be allowed any autonomy by his handlers, especially on such serious matters.

It strongly looks as if whomever planted Macaroon has decided they will utilise France to achieve the war with and destabilization of Syria that they have wanted for so long. America is now rogue to the extent that it has an unpredictable leader that appears to be at least struggling (with limited success) against the grain.

This is probably Plan B or C; thusly it is likely poorly thought out and rushed. Who knows how it will pan out?

Then I expect it to be on June 9th or 10th.
They don't like leaving time for it to sink in with these things if they can avoid it.

Oh ok so the French will be Attacking Assad lands since Hillary's America won't.

Gee how'd you figure that out? Being a Rothschild Banker was evident enough?

Maricon has been busy threatening Trump and Putin on behalf of the Rothschilds. I have a feeling it's going to backfire badly.

Wasn't it France who spearheaded the deposition and murder of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya?

Guess their going to try and do it again in Syria.

He's shutting up so much shit, his face can't handle it.

This is some face of Putin i haven't seen ever.

Haha, I can guarantee Putin couldn't help but constantly think about bitchslapping this little cuck douchebag. Isn't there a picture of him like kneeling on the ground while with that cunt Merkel? Sick your fucking dogs on him next time Vlad. He probably shit on him the whole fucking meeting.

He looks worried throughout the first half of the video.

Macron is on the same page with Trump on Syrian's question though.


It was Hillary who instructed Obama to send the missles, he was to evil goym he was to dangerous to be left alive. But yeah France's campaign into North Africa followed directly after.

He's probably thinking of that Russian Road for when France invades again.

This is his attempt at signaling the world he should be taken seriously. It won't work. He's going to be put at the kids table along with Trudeau while the adults talk. Already witnessed this at the G7.


It's the face of "no matter what you say, you almost had your hand crushed by a man in his seventies".

Speaking of, can we get that "Sidney Jewmenthal" email spreading with Macron next to it to point out France's hypocrisy here?

Sundance has a decent write up on this

Okay, that was funny

Apt, now the (((MSM))) on the other hand
pretty fucking sad, low-energy.

I work for the CIA
I have inside intel that Bashar al Assad himself is at this very moment suiting up and preparing to climb aboard his personal vintage Junker Ju87 which his great grandfather bought from Hitler as part of a little known arms deal wherein Syria would supply the reich with precursor chemicals for the manufacture of Zyklon B, which would then be used to lethally gas more than 60,000,000 jews.
Intelligence indicates his mission will involve the complete destruction of a Syrian Children's hospital for autistic that shares a location with a puppy breeding farm located just north east of an undisclosed location in the Golan Heights conveniently close to a recently discovered oil reserve.
The munition loaded onto his aircraft is likely a 30,000 ton MOAB barrel bomb filled with AIDS infected hypodermic needles , Sarin nerve gas, Ebola, and swarms of ZIKA carrying mosquitoes most likely special ordered from the Russians, who have been known to produce such weapons with technology they hacked from the DNC and French election commissions.

This is the 5th Republic. A powerful man (the President) and his people. Macron's gonna rule by executive orders and 49-3. He doesn't give a crap about parliament. Hell, he doesn't even need the Parliament to invade Syria.

Libya is not Syria.

France was de facto in a state of perpetual war with Gaddafi. Removing him was actually in France best interest (which they had tried repeatedly). Sure there was a spillover (which the french military immediately contained, reaffirming it who was the boss of West Africa in a show of force… that's not a loss) and Libya is a mess but guess what: No one give a fuck about Libya.
Meanwhile Gaddafi was arming and bankrolling nearly every rebel rebel group going against french interest in Africa. Since the fucking 70's.

So for the french Libya was a rare case of "it can't get worse than it already is".

I'm not saying it was the right the thing to do, but France had ample reasonable motive, of the national interest kind, to do Gaddafi in.

Kikebart described Macron as "milquetoast". There is no conceivable way of presenting the man as an alpha.


except it's the exact opposite you imbecile. You think Mélenchon will do as good as the presidentials ? He'll win nigger regions like Marseille (he doesn't even dare defy Le Pen on her territory anymore kek) but that's all.
You think the FN isn't dead in the water after Marine's show of incompetence ? Even then, you think there won't be a (((front républicain))) like 5 years ago ?
Maybe you think François "controlled opposition" Fillon will snatch enough votes ?
Or maybe you're just another american who think he knows better than europeans ?

Not how this works.

49-3 only works if you have a majority in parliament AND it's the prime minister that propose it.

French president are all powerful as long as they have a majority in parliament, because that's how it is in practice (and it has been tuned so that they always do since the last time there was a "cohabitation", one side leader president with the other side leader prime minister). BUT it's not written anywhere, legally the prime minister is in charge of everything and the president is a figurehead.
When they don't have a majority they become Italy, where the prime minister is in power and the president (head of state) is pretty powerless.

So yeah him not getting a majority would be hilarious.

Parliamentary elections in France don't use the same rules as the presidential ones.
Mainly anyone above 12.5% can run on the second turn. Guess what, nearly everywhere the far right, the far left, Macron guys, the socialists and the cuckservatives are above it (that's only 62.5% of the vote). So that gonna be wins with a 20+% split… which is about how the population vote is split anyway. Meaning it's near random everyone has it's chances and every election is gonna be extremely tight.

It's gonna be a fucking free for all in the second turn because there is no way. NO WAY, no matter what the parties orders are that locally implanted deputies for decades (french don't vote for parties, they vote for people) are gonna say goodbye to their cushy jobs for Macron people, when they have a chance to win? So what, he's gonna cuck his entire party? He's gonna take in all the old lefties and rightist which he's said he will never do?

Pic related is the vote map of one month ago.
In yellow are the districts where Macron won. Deep blue is the FN, red is the reds and light blue is the cuckservatives.
Yeah, it's barely above a third.

Even if Macron makes a better overall score it's still gonna be tight. Because in the areas where the FN lead a SHITLOAD of them were above 40% in the second turn.
Any split in those areas is a risk of FN victory. How are they gonna bypass that?

our hero Vladimir is going to school this punk on how real men behave. This little twit Macaroon running his mouth thinking that the Kenite Khazar Bauer/Rothschild Talmud reptile cabal(kabbalah) is going to back him up. Brother Vlad knows how to handle this.

So back to the late 19th century then? Oh wair, that's when all the fucking niggers were kept on their own damn continent.

But do you guys really think he won't get a majority ? After all, Macron the candidate, cheered by the banks, the (((elites))) and the media, wasn't expected to even pass the first round.
How can you be sure that the 2-round system won't fuck us over this time again ?
And, last question, since we made such a great step towards the worst case scenario, shouldn't we have already lost any hope in a democratic solution ? Shouldn't we, say, prepare for the racial war and dehumanize ourselves ?
Not playing defeatism or devil's advocate here, it's just that I lost hope in voting ourselves out of this mess when Macron got 65% so I started focusing on my family and community again.

It's not like the same fucking thing happened 5 years ago you idiot.
The (((politicians))) know that Macron is just the new France order party and they'll get orders to step down.
Sure there'll be a few that go rogue but still, Macron will get the majority.
That said the FN might finally get more than 3 deputies (not like it'll help).

Duh. Your mistake was not doing it before the elections. Political change in France has NEVER been peaceful.

No it didn't. If the vote is split 25 35 40, sure they can ally against the guy with 40. If it's split 15 15 20 25 25 who is gonna ally themselves against whom??? Shouldn't the green/Commies/Socialist band up instead? Won't actual conservatives try to negotiate with the FN?
It's gonna be a FFA.

That's the thing that's their best case scenario… but it's also ours.
Because if that happens it will show everyone what we already know. It's a charade, the only opposition to the unique ideology pro-eu neocons is the far right.

What happens next? Except more and more people realizing it?
10.5 MILLIONS people voted FN this time. How many was it in 2012? 6.4. 2007? 3.8

And people that vote don't come back from it, it's the final step of breaking the mental conditioning FN = EVIL.

If you guys think they're winning you're lacking perspective. The creation and release of the purely engineered Macron creature is actually proof they're desperate.

Fuck France. It must be destroyed so that the better kingdoms within it's false borders can be liberated.

uhh… you don't get to bring leaks.

Before, after, what's the difference ? Except that we had hope in a political solution, that would not threaten our families, our communities and our people. Racial war seemed evitable before the elections, now it doesn't. And the outcome of these elections doesn't change the issue.

sorry all I hear is "cuck cuck cuckety cuck cuck"

Also just noticed something.

I swear to fucking god it's getting worse. I see that shit happen everywhere. Political party HQs, government buildings, even police stations. This needs to fucking stop.

Everything remotely French is being cleared.
You don't own nothing goyim.

He's all "am I actually going to have to kill innocent people because of some kid who married his drama teacher?"

Fuck this gay Earth

This. Macron is intelligence puppet. And french intelligence is marbled with Grand Orient de France.

That's a general rule. The intelligence agencies of any country are always the masonic-occult hub, e.g. the CIA.

Putin will be pissed if Macron's meddling prevents him from enjoying the Confederations Cup.