The Carl Jung Pill

wotanism and the path to valhalla.

Other urls found in this thread:

Man and His Symbols and The Red Book should be required reading for all true Holla Forums/locks


Anons not in the know, this man predicted Kek.
He was an associate of Freud, who became a bitter enemy when he called out all of the bullshit. Sometimes a phallus is just a phallus, and nobody but Freud wanted to fuck hia own mother.
He wrote what amounts to a sequel to Thus Spake Zarathustra.
He wrote of the rise of a new God. We live in an era without sun, and his Red Book tells of the coming dawn.

Lastly he fucking loathed Jews. Not so obvious and his remarks have been scrubbed, but he considered them something like philosophical fossils.


Does anyone have any video lecture recommendations on Jung?

All I can think of is Jordan Peterson.

Does anyone have a pdf of "Nietzsche's Zarathustra - Notes On The Seminar Given In 1934-1939 By Carl Jung"?


Freud was like an apprentice to Jung. Once Jung had it with all the degenerate bullshit the kikes would peddle as philosophy he kicked them out of his circles.

Joseph Campbell is also extremely important and relevant to this thread.

If you only ever read one book of his, make it Myths to Live By.

Perhaps an audiobook?

pick one.

Works for me

Faggot mod

You sound scared.

Clearly, or one of their discord sycophants, since the thread is now anchored. Formatting is more important than content, apparently.


You know if the mods weren't lazy faggots they could just reformat threads that had shitty OP's

A thread in which anons could discuss and share information on Carl Jung is not "shitposting". Get your IQ tested, because you seem to have a conception of yourself that is far more clever than you really are, and hopefully being exposed to an objective measure of your intellect will bring you back to reality, and instill the humility that someone as stupid as you should have.


Literally the opposite.

Read Wotan you retard. "one man who is obviously 'possessed' has infected a whole nation". He was friends with jews his entire life.

And enemies


Disliking one kike doesn't mean he dislikes kikes. Read what he wrote.

Transparent and boring.

I find that suggestion entertaining, since the content of your posts eerily mirrors what wikipedia has to say on the matter, down to the only quote you chose.

This is a fairly good cover of Wotan:


Hotpocket fucking shits.

The Red Book?
Or something else?