Even indie art games are using Denuvo now


I just wanted to play a 5 minute game for free, I can't even do that now

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I see no problem with this, Denuvo makes it easy to spot games that belong in the trash

That's actually a retarded decision, really.

Indie games usually become successful because of viral popularity, and piracy actually helps a lot more in this case.

I can understand using DRM in a game that has a high price tag and a lot of people already want to play. It really does increase the ammount of people who purchase instead of pirating.

But using DRM in a shitty indie game no one knows about and no one wants to play only helps drag it further down into obscurity, as even less people will get to play it and help spread it through word of mouth.

This. What indie devs don't understand is that AAA publishers like DRM because it protects the money they spent on marketing–not because it ultimately impacts sales drastically. AAA devs operate in a weird space where the more consumers know about their game the worse it is for them–better for consumers to get hyped on pre-release materials and preorder based on hype than to offer a demo and hope your gameplay holds up.

Brain cancer. That's your diagnosis.


Yeah, like I needed one more reason to avoid all that indie garbage


going by jewtube/metacritic reviews, the game is 'all style, not even a single breadcrumb of substance'

But user, you can just watch the entire thing on youtube. It is the same as playing it.


And nothing of value was lost.

Name 3 Denuvo games that are even worth pirating

If it's a five minute game just buy it on Steam, play it, and get a full refund once you're done since it's under two hours.


Also, some guy on leddit contacted Denuvo to check on their prices, it's expensive as fuck to implement it, this will end up being a huge mistake.

Good, maybe the pretentious fucks will go bankrupt like the hordes of pretentious indie dev studios before them.

nah, no chance, this cancer has been shilled to hell and back, a lot of faggots will eat that shit up and make it profitable

TWW, just cause, lord of the fallen

You'll still have denuvo on your system destroying your SSD at a rapid pace even after you uninstall.

jc3 is garbage and lord of the fallen incredibly more garbage

we're still waiting for those 3 good games

The only good game of those three is Just Cause

Oh man you couldn't even pay me to play this shit.

What the fuck even is TWW ? Google gives me the whispered world and it can't be it.


I believe they're funded by MS.

you must have reading comprehension problem, it was never about good games, it was about games worth pirating.
And as other anons have pointed out, they both like at least one (different) of these games.
I suggest you go back to cuckchan, you should like the community better there.

Total War Warhammer

If a game isn't good, it isn't worth pirating.

Bad games aren't worth pirating, dipshit.

Wrong there are tons of shit games worth pirating like portals 2 or left 4 dead.

Wrong, those games aren't even worth wasting bandwidth on



Not even worth pirating. The game is so stripped of any of the strategic elements that used to be in Total War games, and there is almost no content in the game. The vast majority of my playtime has been testing mods and closing the game, including a few I made myself, because mods are all the game is worth. Pirating Total Warhammer bars you from the Steam Workshop, however, which makes the game mostly unplayable. The only reason to even pirate the game would be denial of how shit it actually is.

Plus, thanks to Denuvo for assisting the game in performing like absolute ass. Maybe they should have spent less time implementing Denuvo and more time adding basic functions and content.

It's a joke, Autismo.

Eh, the funny thing is TWW sold more in a few weeks than every other TW games together ever, so you can be sure that every AAA games from now on will have denuvo.

Buy it on steam, play it then return it.

isn't denuvo really expensive for devs to put in their games?



Limbo was basically funded by government bux, considering that they cashed in a lot with it and could've get more state money, denuvo doesn't seem so alien.

Still a retard decision.

How much bigger does that drm make the game?

I think it's you the one with bad reading comprehension, you dumb nigger.


Shit, they literally made it last 3 hours for no refunding tricks.

Developers utilizing denuvo just shows that they are not confident that their shit game will sell or people will actually want to actually pay for it after playing it.

It's probably just a form of denial. They're butthurt that nobody wants to "experience" their "profound" artistic visions, and so they're trying to fool themselves into thinking their low sales are due to rampant piracy.

You can't, like, steal art… man.

Nice joke



Wow, a quarter of a million people couldn't even follow the book's first bit of advice.

This brings me back to when I got caught trying to shoplift that book and I tried to be a smartass about it but got arrested anyway.

How narcissistic do you have to be to put Premium DRM on your fiveminute long shitpiece?

Genuinely I think this trumps when someone accidentally threw away an art exhibit because it was literally garbage.

>tfw I bought Total WaWa

that was hilarious though.

Did I claim otherwise.
All the same, this is funny too.

This game is literally another Limbo, a Limbo that turns you into a blob monster in the last 10-15 minutes of the game.

Unless you liked Limbo, you're really not missing anything, OP.

fucking summer

I liked it

What in the actual fuck?

I'll just wait the winter sale or something.

No it doesn't.

>some guy on leddit contacted Denuvo to check on their prices, it's expensive as fuck to implement it

next time put a link to it in your post.
retarddit says that pricing for Denuvo is as follows:
> AA(Indie( R) leddit.com/r/CrackStatus/comments/4mtb46/conversation_with_a_denuvo_employee/

I'd give Mad Max and MGSV a pirate despite their flaws but certainly not a purchase.

Yea its so weird and surprising that people want to protect their hard work from thieves.

If there's one thing funnier than flailing, crying piratefags its their denial.

Oh boy.

Ok, shill, how about this? I'll stop pirating when DLC, F2P and early access confidence scams, pre-order bonuses and practices are abolished industry-wide. You go first.

I'll stop pirating when games are free

Pirates generally are thieves; they plunder the high seas in search of ships and belongings to take from people.

Copyright infringers on the other hand, do not take anything from anyone.


So when it bombs, who will they blame?

pic related

No you wont

Youll come up with another excuse then continue crying when another even shittier DRM comes out.

Don't try to justify your bullshit, don't act like you're some brave crusader sticking it to the man, you're a thief, nothing more.

webm related

This is what retarded piratefags believe.

Denuvo exists because of people like you and its going to get worse.

Denuvo exists because people lowered their standards thanks to cancer like Steam. Nothing else.

The fact that you're attacking anons and the way you write makes you look from cancerchan. Just lurk to differentiate normal posting and trash posts like yours.

Isn't Denuvo uncracked? Not that I care much because nu Tomb Rader is boring, Just Cause 3 is pretty but boring, TTW is a joke. I feel like no one really wants to crack Denuvo, at least not until something worthwhile comes. But then again, if it does, why use Denuvo?

Newfag detected

You're getting lazy.

Too bad the industry has become so money focused that they don't care about making good games anymore, only making them look shiny enough to provoke people into buying it.

Fucking genius.

It's not theft. You can argue that it's morally wrong, but it's not theft. Theft means something specific.

Yeah, they must be so bad that you wouldn't even pirate them, right?

Actually, i only pirate when i need to check some things:
1. Will this game run good on my computer?
2. Will this game bring me fun?
3. How much shekels (rubles) they are asking? :^)
When everything is checked and good, i might buy the game.
If there's no "unofficial copy", then give me fucking demo.
If there's nothing at all, then fuck you. I will bother to watch walkthrough then.

I will not fall into this trick, cunt. Carrying away is bad thing.

Denuva has been cracked for months. It's not even effective anymore.