Left 4 Dead 3 Thread

Do you think it will be fun at least, Holla Forums? What new things do you want to see? What things do you want to be fixed?

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not talking about that shit screenshot

I never really liked Left 4 Dead that much.

I have absolutely no problems with it being f2p and having cosmetics. I played tf2 for 500 hours and I only ever bought one item to get premium access.

It's going to be garbage simply because it's being made by current Valve, just look at TF2 and CSGO right now and you'll get exactly that but with more broken promises


Take it with a grain of salt until something more substantial crops up.

Evolve already exists.

Evolve is a moba ripoff that has no fun whatsoever


it is, it's incredibly influenced by mobas

In what way?

Are you retarded?

Me and my friend like L4D2, it's alright. Makes me and them stressed out as fuck because we can never find a good fucking party that doesn't just drop midway through, though. But L4D3? I predict it's gonna be a blunder considering they never even finished the story of L4D2's cast, and that's probably gonna piss a lot of people off unless that's free DLC like L4D2 did with including the entire first game. At least we got closure with the better, first game's cast.

Nigger I didn't play Evolve, but just by watching videos alone you can see that it's fucking L4D3: Space Edition.
How the fuck it is moba?

Abilities, XP, arena-like maps with roaming

I didn't say it's a moba, I said it's influenced by them, faggot

So Valve CAN count to three then?

Who cares at this point?

Those were in L4D
What xp? Monster growth? Well it's a gimmick, they even named the game after it.
Shit, everything that isn't A-to-B trip is fucking moba then.


Jesus you fucking mouthbreather Can you even be MORE retarded?

Yeah, it's a shame that Bill's voice actor died.
I think the same thing happened with the TF2 Enginner's VA.

Actually wait, do human character have in-stage XP and Levels?
Because leveling your dude every match is direct moba influence.

Which doesn't really apply to monster, since it actually changes its gameplay and appearance, so it's not simply leveling.

All those existed before mobas.

No they don't. Only thing that can level up is the monster.

He's talking about Evolve you illiterate monkey

It's not really a MOBA, it's more an asymetrical team deathmatch shooter.

yeah, I meant exactly this one shit screenshot

Yeah I play L4D2 still with a friend sometimes, fun, but the community is full of retards who ragequit as soon as they lose a round of versus.

No, the Engi's voice actor just retired and wasn't able to appear anymore due to age. He hasn't kicked the bucket yet.

Who the fuck actually cares about story in those games?

Then it's nothing moba, he's a retard after all.

Evolve is L4D3 through and through except for copyright name you mongoloid.

That screenshot is stupid and tells us nothing. What does actually tell us something is that same employee has been playing hundreds of hours of L4D2 recently. So he's either testing L4D3 under L4D2's name, or doing a through fucking gameplay analysis to reference for L4D3's development.

Yeah, amongst my gripes with them never fixing L4D2 the way they handle ragequitting is top of the list only seconded by how broken melee weapons are. It needs a penalty system.

It's just weird to me that the first game got a comic and story DLC when the second game just kinda stopped.

Wasn't the comic just hype for l4d2 though? I can't really remember.

It was hype for both games because it gave L4D1 players a new campaign after L4D2 was already released(?), and L4D2 players a campaign right in the middle of the story.

I don't buy it.

>Characters are utterly forgetable well maybe except the wraith
Yeah, no

In that case I certainly believe that Bigfoot is real

What is sad that most of this shit would be true, and the game will be more geared to be played in versus instead of PvE


what a tease

There are.
You just don't need to.
Because they thought it's a good idea.
Same as L4D? I only remember Zoey from the both games, because she was sexy.
Now it's free lol.

tl;dr Evolve is truly L4D3 went the worst possible scenario.

It's not maymay if it's true.


Actually it's an old cuck



New voice-lines for Engineer keep popping up as updates come so Grant Goodeve's still doing things, I suppose. Maybe he's just doing the lines at home or something.




Well fuck you for finding a loophole, either way the mobs do not impede your progress to your objective, which is the opposite of L4D's zombie mobs and thus, it's not L4D3 with a copyright name change
Then it's not L4D3
Did you even play the game you mouthbreather?
Off to the mentally defective ward you go ya waste of oxygen

Volvo likes money
I bet that they knew that pandering won't give them any bonus dosh at all

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

Which part of the acronym does not apply to Evolve?


What part of the acronym does not apply to the majority of multiplayer only/focused PvP games?
It's too broad a term and that's why your average Holla Forumsirgin hates it with a fiery passion

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

Which part of the acronym does not apply to Unreal Tournament?



We invented it long before they stole it.

In essence you are saying the argument shouldn't be as to why its a bad "moba clone", but rather you should attack the usage of MOBA in the first place. Then do that instead of halfassing it by saying its not a MOBA or MOBA derivative.

You know that in super mario bros you play the role of mario…

Look at my posts before you retard

Jesus fucking Christ I need some sleep

What "fundamental"?
It's humans versus monsters, where two teams spot different gameplay and rules to them.
It's the same game, but worse.

Because everyone knows what moba specifically entails, however in the English language the acronym has a much broader meaning.

Since there is dispute whether Evolve is a MOBA or not then clearly as evidenced "everyone" doesn't know what MOBA specifically entails and there is much dispute as to what it does entail.

Those aren't his voice actor, user. I thought it was Nolan North doing new lines?

In any case I'd just keep playing L4D2 since it constantly gets new community maps.
If a L4D3 even fucking does start coming to fruition in reality, I might consider discussing it, but it'll probably just shitting on it since I doubt they can do shit right anymore.


Yeah, that VR headset and related software they made, it doesn't exist! And the sudden influx of TF2 updates, that ain't shit either!

Either Nolan North really improved on his Engi voice (he did a good impression but you could still tell it wasn't Grant) or it's Grant doing them. I think it was just that Grant wasn't around for Expiration Date's voice-work since


You sure showed me


You know what'd probably sell well? More stories about Keith for ellis to talk about. Like this one time my friend actually met the guy who voices ellis and got him to make up what so more stories about Keith, and like my friend told me all about it and was fixing to put it in a mod for the game so that Ellis would actually say these new stories during points that he would normally say these stories well, turns out my buddy didn't know a thing or two about modding games so he ended up accidentally replacing the katana sounds with these new stories so everytime you swung that katana Ellis would go on and on about Keith.

Let me guess, you're one of those



Links or it didn't happen


They still made something you stupid shits. Cry moar

Will Left 4 Dead 4 just have a middle finger or what?

It will suck. Valve hasn't made a game in years now and they've been doing nothing but fucking up their current ones. As sad as I am about Alien Swarm not getting exposure or being developed I'd shudder to think what CS:GO tier jewery would be shoved into that game


Things exist.


I guess Bethesda hasn't made anything since 2006 then

But they do!


Why did you post an image of an anime classroom?

Man, those Starship marines were really expendable huh.

Wasn't like the little handle on the top supposed to be a scope or something?

The model for the gun is shit. Sights should be on the carry handle if I remember from the movie.

But wouldn't that be something that Holla Forums would actually want? Or are we talking this kind of trap?

Nah here's the scoped version

No it really doesnt have any sighting

Don't worry, I came prepared.

i mean the cute anime girl kind

Now we're talking



There were probably sights on the carry handle.

What's cool about those plastic shells is that they put full auto Ruger AC556s (Mini-14-like) inside which is why during the movie you can actually see the bolt cycling.

Hope you're ready to get sent to the gulags, degenerate.

It's funny how these threads always are filled with people who have played almost the singleplayer campaigns halfway, then spouting brainless "get the pills wubwubwub" memes and complaining about the upcoming sequel.

L4D2 is worse than L4D because they fucked up versus even more with no survival bonus and OP T2 guns.

All the franchise would need is to rebalance the versus completely:

Oh wait, it's like all above has been done already in mods like EQ and Fresh with community MM groups.

On the sidenote: outside MM groups all I see in the versus is faggots with bronyskins from workshop, 1st map ragequits after some 3 points lead and 4000 hour pubstomp 4-man teams with mathhacks waiting noobs to fill in public lobbys.

Also don't mention the group invites and instant blocks from ragequitters.

I don't know why I bother to write this shit up, it's not like any of you casual americucks understand even what I'm talking about and L4D3 won't make things any better.

TLDR; Don't fucking ever start playing L4D franchise.

My guess would be 4 straight white men.

GabeN's gonna make Left 4 Dead great again.

I guess it's the same as Doom, too.

Holy fuck dude calm your autism

leftypol you're off your meds again

you asked for this.

It sucks that the bots are such shit that volvo couldn't put infected singleplayer/co-op in. Sometimes I just wanna grab a friend and torture survivors, but then that means going into a Versus game.
Going into a PvP gamemode in a game with less than 10,000 people playing at any given time is terminal cancer.

No I won't

Just thinking about the wasted potential after the original L4D

Also the VAC is a joke, I know people who have used CheatEngine speedhack and public aimbots for 3-4 years in row without any sign of bans.

Only one has gotten bans after ripe some 4500 hours of versus. He had over 10000 reports filed over him in steam and valve admin had him banned manually after a long chat.

This so much.

Too bad they stopped posting on their site

It's almost like these are dead games and volvo stopped giving a shit once they got the Linux port out.
There's a reason why I made this a L4D3 thread and not a general thread for the two that are already out. It's because they're riddled with cancer and are beyond saving.

One thing I would like to see in a new left 4 dead is more progression throughout campaigns in terms of the survivors inventory. Weapons and equipment to gradually get better, rather than the game just handing out top-level assault rifles and piles of medical supplies by the first safehouse.

To be far, I only ever play left 4 dead with my group of friends so I have no idea what kind of autism lies in public matches.

The kind of autism that thinks a dead game needs to be played like esports and MLP is worth watching.

Is there a mod for Midnight Riders survivors? Because I'd download that in a second


It's weird to complain about T2 weapons when the biggest problem weapons in the series are melee weapons. Shit melts hordes, makes the boomer useless without a smoker or other incapacitating infected to pin the survivor down.

>kitty0706 is dead albeit doctorlalve fills his shoes pretty well