#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] This Triggers the SJW Edition


- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com

- pastebin.com/ueUjXgh8
- www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/05/critical-distance-has-more-than-a-dozen-conflicts-of-interest-with-silverstring-media/2225/
- gamesense.co
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
- oneangrygamer.net/2016/07/youtuber-tmartns-csgo-lotto-may-have-breached-ftc-and-florida-state-laws/6590/
- hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/hulk-hogan-says-gawker-made-908597


• #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics… - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
• #GamerGate in 60 Seconds - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGateWiki.Com: gamergatewiki.com
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
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• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
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• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
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Other urls found in this thread:

a.uguu.se/ghLl1LhfQSb6_Ghostbusters2016Review^RageAlert^[email protected])

Old bread: archive.is/07OW5

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Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, concentration, smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words "FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE"

Remember to always be a big guy


Friendly reminder to keep an eye on the version history of Brad Wardell's Wikipedia page.

That one SJW wanker is still circling it like a hungry vulture.

Thank you baker!

I have no waifu. Only a best girl.

Nevertheless, for her.

10 million soon fellow anons.



I'll do my best!





Does self head-patting count as masturbation?

holy shit it's an actual quote
Black people are so oppressed they can't even play Pokemon Go!



Look how wrong that is.


I seriously hope that someone buys out gawker just to burn that shit to the ground in front of denton

So this is what female friends do? Encourage each other to be sluts?

**I cannot find the app on canadas google store.

I guess.


So hows the combat?

Is it like the games? Please tell that it's the TCG and you have to gather energy cards too, that shit would be dope.

My fucking sides are in space reading about this nigger pondering race and being black in america while hunting a jigglypuff.

Ignoring the fact that some white kid got stabbed for his phone by a nigger while hunting for some wild pokemon.

Thank you user who said to add \u00ad to your auto-filter a few weeks back.
Makes identifying the faglord easy even when you're drunk and shit.

Dailymail isn't censored?

No it's neither. Hope it changes to be more like the video games. The only people who walk my town after dark are pokemon trainers and we have no way to battle each other. And it totally sucks how the power and stats are and you can't battle wilds to gain power.


Special code for critical thinkers that don't Listen and Believe.

It's a blank Unicode symbol which the ralphshill and co use to avoid wordfilters.

I was just browsing the tag on twitter and I saw some people get mad about people shitting on Obama for inciting violence and defending a pedophile. Why are people so retarded?

who ready for the 9999999 and 10000000 GETs?


The memories.

Thanks, just added it.

Bit early to declare that, don't you think?

I guess it's a modern "cool" kid thing.

As with drugs, smoking or drinking it's something that "cool" people need to encourage other people to do otherwise they feel like lonely pathetic cunts. That's why you always see people aggressively defending smoking weed, vaping, etc. It's also common in the world of fat acceptance and with black people, crime.

ded movement its time to close the gays

From Holla Forums important

>>>Holla Forums625299

Reminder the Gitgud still needs to accept the merge requests to update CH and threads


If anyone here is in contact with Ando ask him to check the merge requests.


There is some severe back peddling in this interview, even hints it might not do well enough for a sequel and tries to move away from anyone that dislikes it is a sexist.

They know it's going to be panned and they can't call every reviewer a sexist.


What is it with this movie and using songs from the Waynes World soundtrack

You cannot use archive.today on a video.


Dindus becoming more like stormfags by the day.

Bruce wayne?

It's the ralph shill.

Article archive: archive.is/sw1tW


I know what waynes world is. Someone on the movie has a stupid sense of humor with using wayne with wayne.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.


AH OK lots of millennials from reddit in GG, so though you might not of seen it.

sounds like there is going to be a lot of class action lawsuits in future, seems everyone is getting violated somehow by the new pokemon go and with long term ocular health studies for VR not been done, pic related, there is a good chance many exciting and salty multi-million dollar lawsuits will present themselves.

Well, it does involve hockey, and I am canadian.

well fuck, I had the basement door ready and everything, but at least you finally get it


Did I just get meme'd on?

Ebin sir, just ebin.

oh no you found this

Get back in the mansion.

While ESL for me that is correct.


Dont fret user, I understood you. next time "may not have" I think would be more grammatically correct.

How many times do we have to say it: he's the Ralph shill. He always uses improper grammar because he's a retard.


well see now you're just flip flopping

Two nukes were not enough




Truer words

Never give up

Nigs are afraid of getting shot for playing Pokemon GO.



Well toronto nigs dont have to worry, its not available in canada.

Can we DisNod IGN for what that producer says?
Shit trickles down from whos in charge.

Well, keep pushing Rotting Meat, and that'll be the only people to buy it.


That's just too good

In his defense someone had to buy it to see how bad it is.

That makes me a bit sad actually. A kid finding a dead body is not something to chortle at.

Does the body become her girlfriend?

It's funny if you hate Pokemon fans

user, find yourself some talented artists and make a manga about a girl in a lesbian relationship with a dead girl

Did she find a Gastly?


I'll just do the half-assed thing and link you the AOS video on it.


Here's the article

I love how he didn't even link the news article in the description

This Pokemon GO stuff reminds me how the dev got in some trouble because their last game using GPS technology put an important location people could fight over in Auschwitz

I hope they found a decent ghost type

The news article says she was looking for Pikachu, describing Pikachu as a "yellow mouse"


Sorry to derail. Here's hoping with more kids stumbling around, more of the worlds evil clicques are discovered

On Topic:

I can see nearly all the shit people can get into because of game.

Are just the tip of it. Perfect release timing for this game since negroes are going full ape mode and shit is getting pretty dangerous out there if you don't live in a good neighborhood.


I can't say I'm surprised.

It sounds like a made up jew name.

I want all these idiots to die, they can just die.

its gonna happen eventually


this nig bitching bout gun nuts in the NR@



You can stop quoting that post.

Works for me.

The end of this civilization its gonna be really dumb

Yes, I too remember the time that I walked into my neighborhood gun store and bought two SMGs, an automatic shotgun, and a grenade launcher.

What, you forgot the uzis and flamethrowers?

Oh mememeteor please shower us with your destruction

Tell me it's being hijacked.

On it.

somewhat but not as much as you would hope.

But the producer fucked up.
If not IGN, then maybe Motherboard.
They actually posted stupid shit:

Well maybe Holla Forums doesn't know. They usually do that stuff the most. Even half/pol/ and reddit would be useful. Shitting up a tag takes numbers.

I was talking about the GitGud post. It's updated.


Not as much as I would like.

Then share with Holla Forums

fuck yes twitter.com/hateful_heretic/status/751886712226230272

Then, what are you waiting for? Get more people to shitpost with that hashtag.

The black guys one, kinda kekled.

Oh. Cool!

Can't hurt to let them know. No one is told them about the halfchan "legit" FBI post where the guy advises looking into the Clinton Foundation instead of the emails. Though I'd wager it was a Hillary shill, so when you have hundreds of amateur detectives revealing their findings- Clinton covers her tracks and the FBI get bubkis.

Yeah, Obama is a racist.

Man, you'd really expect these guys to have more class

How this usually works is you then provide the actual stats

I love how they all play dumb when it comes to motive in this. Because it's obvious to everyone that his motivation was "kill cops before they kill me," and we all know who's in charge of that narrative.

He literally admitted that he was targeting white people
Maybe king nigger would care if another nigger would kill his mom because shes white.

And maybe something with more tact than "you're an inbred hillbilly."

his mom's a Jew, dude

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla

Sure it fucking is you retarded chimp.

The race baiting is ridiculous nowadays, they are going all out.

To the average nigger she may as well be an aryan.

Yeah, like the hashtag you stupid cunt.


I thought she was Irish or something.

tbf it is hard to untangle the motives of the shooter

You know. I can see this as a good thing, mostly because now cops would be more contundent against fucking crazy apes and those hipster spoiled niggers would see what real opression looks like.


Fuck off, retard.

Put your name back on Val.

Watch out user, he'll cry at you about getting all your opinions from YouTube videos.


the guy shot in the car was a armed robber

The shooter clearly was outraged over lax gun rights


The shooter clearly was outraged over lax gun laws


Why am I not surprised

Suspected. Until there is more evidence to conclude that it was or was not him then it is only suspect.


You seem hungry.

it's not a problem that happened yesterday.
considering that when the slavery was abolished there weren't proper structures on how to deal with the situation people kept having a certain mindset, they knew there was a law but didn't know how to deal with it.
a certain parallel can be draw with Italy's unification. when Italy fused together with the south part of it they didn't know how bad the divide between them was, the north flourished with industry and modernism while the south operated still with a feudal system.
the south didn't understand the meaning of "every child should go to school until the age of…" they saw just as a mean of taking away work force, so they started to reject more and more the new laws and that's how the mafia was born

Who does this hipster glasses wearing motherfucker think he is? This narcissistic cunt is pissing me off



Can't wait until Nintendo and mobile game fags lead to the first Pokemon related child rape/murder.

Because the Hipster Clique made it so people are convinced that "SJW" is a word you need to fear.

Now you know how we swedes feel with the ikea murders.

Please let it be in na so noa gets blamed.

I knew how you felt when canada embraced 23 gender shit.

The rest of his tweets are still there where he stands by the statement.

Maybe Namco pressured him, who knows.

It waa a literal cunt from the official playstation magazine uk who made him delete it.


Only if we get a Mr. Bones sequel.

I just want noa destroyed. Noj becoming isolationist and japan only would be great.


the word "SJW" should be rightfully mocked and laughed at, because that what these people choose to brand themselves as.

I was gonna say, Harada is not the type of guy that backs down easily.

Who? Not this Gav guy because i see people shitting on him while getting more tweets than anyone else i've seen, and that fucker should be fired. If you're a journalist of ANY gaming outlet you do NOT want to alienate any developers as that would fucking RUIN BUSINESS

Of course these people don't have the brain capacity to run that through their small brains, so they try to interject harassment and fear mongering into it, and if it blows up at them they'll claim they were harassed instead.

This shit doesn't sit right with me.

If I recall correctly, one of the other tweets floating around was from a woman who said that the phrasing of Harada's tweet hurt her, so he basically said, "fine, if it bothers you that much, I'll delete that one in particular," and then promptly resumed shitposting.

Sega fans are probably the most eternally butthurt fanbase I've ever seen in my life

Yea Harada also said that they don't simply release bikinis for the girls, they release swimsuit DLC for everyone and he's right, Tekken Tag had bathing suits for the Kuma and the Kangaroo for godsakes, even the crusty old farts in the cast got swimwear.

Here is the tweet.

is /a/ worth posting in? I took a look at it just now and there seems to be hotpocket fuckery with them locking the thread about black L.

If it's about 3DPD post it on Holla Forums instead.

Hollywood adaption threads are always anchored or locked

I fucking hate people like this

This is like WWE marks constantly shitting on TNA for ten years straight while not even watching it and then claiming TNA fans are the butt hurt ones.

I'm not butt hurt about Sega being gone, but they weren't an SJW company at all. Nintendo was always staffed by pussies that tried to edit out all lewdness and violence. They do have a Disney mentality. That's a fact. Most Sega people just moved to Playstation and Sony.

my god this shit is still going?

/a/ doesn't talk about Hollywood stuff since they only ever watch anime. Holla Forums is where you should go for that. /a/ is a pretty tightly moderated board, though, they don't tolerate much shitposting.

The ride never ends


But TNA fans are the butthurt ones.

If he didn't have access to a high powered assault glock of mass destruction this would never have happened.

For her

Looking back on things and even seeing now how Sega respects its old lineup in current media, I kinda gotta hand it to them. Sega Japan can be pretty classy.

Sega America are shit at games, but they hired the current Sonic Twitter guy so they get a pass.



I just found this was a thing. The name amuses me.


I'll never understand why Troma made a kid-friendly cartoon show out of its Toxic Avenger films.


It used to be okay to make cartoons out of adult films. This was when people treated people complaining about this shit like they were just whacked out Bible thumpers. This is also why we got stuff like Aliens and Terminator action figures.

Kid-friendly interpretations of mature(ish) movies was a big trend back then. Just look up the Mortal Kombat or Beetlejuice cartoons.

for him!

yeah. troma's pretty great in a schlocky sort of way.

wonder what kind of get we'll get. its been a wild ride. its fun posting with you folks.

10000000 for Gamergate.

Don't forget Rambo and Robocop

Hey guys, did I make it in time for the GET?

Oh god here it comes


let's check



who got it?

meme meteor inbound

praise kek. Let this offering usher in a new age of meme magic


Good, I needed to rejuvenate my meme magic supplies

Figured you guys might get a kek out of this one.

Oh we've seen it.

Already posted


Read the thread before you post

Goddamn, it's so weird linking two posts with different amounts of digits.

Aww, I missed get, but am happy I did not get it with shitpost and that kekand love live got it. Love live confirmed for having a based dev who will destroy sjws.

My parents are infatuated with Pokemon Go.

My sister apparently downloaded and started playing it before I did. She hasn't played a Pokemon game since Pearl.

The original TMNT comic was fairly violent and dealt with a lot of heavy themes, didn't stop them from turning it into a kids cartoon.

I haven't played it since Red. All generations after the original 151 looked like shit to me.

I haven't played since Leaf Green.

Looks like something is happening in Dallas again.


Sad this even needs to be said.

The media's going to find themselves with a shitload of "you can't do this shit" laws against them by the decade's end. Remember when Congress fast-tracked a "stop speculating about killers lives" law after they ignored psychologists saying "don't do this, this is exactly how copycats happen?"

This reminds me of that one hostage situation in the Philippines. The one with the bus and the disgruntled PNP officer.
The Philippine Media basically compromised the Police's sniper positions and turns out the bus has a TV inside of it.
The criminal knew where the snipers were and that there were snipers so he just closed the curtains inside the tourist bus.

The Media is cancer.



And archived:

Also, wow, it did not take the goons long to swarm that shit, god damn
And one pussyhurt blm faggot getting blown the fuck out


That image is lost on me.

Bonemasher got it right, mlk would listen to everyone regardless of their color, or bernie would not have been able to claim and I doubt his claims by the way that he marched with mlk as an equal.

It's basically a strawman argument against people going "why do only black lives matter?" Instead of taking it as "yes, all loss of life is bad," they take it as "I'm self-centered and what about ME? Screw the darkies!"

Esentially its a "sit down, and listen to others because you dont matter whitey" the all inclusive tag would have helped unify, but people do not want unity, they are to comfy and bored.

People have given others in the thread shit for buying these games. But if you buy it, let people know how bad it is, and then they convince more than one person who was going to buy the game to not buy the game, it comes out with one less net sale.

I think I'm going to start a #nolivesmatter campaign where we propose nuking the entire world because it's beyond being fixed and saved.

>tfw his VA turns out to be a cuck

I would say save the animals,but I dont want to give peta any creedence.

Malcom fucking X was for equality and for personal choice, he just personally though blacks should keep to themselves in the immediate at least.
Mohamed Ali, even right after he converted to Islam and said race mixing was wrong, he still said that people should have the freedom to chose how they live their lives.
This shit has been lost on the new generation because they only see the accomplishments of fame and attention, not actually bettering the world for EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF RACE/CULTURE. It is nothing other than virtue signalling and attention, nothing more.

Either that or calling for hipsters to actually put up or shut up instead of hammering away at their keyboards in attempts at causing conflict.

PETA can't even claim that they want to save animals, at this point.

I just looked through his twitter for the first time. Smiling Jack is ruined for me.

If I werw a leader, I would make virtue signaling a heavy fine/community service or permenant banning of social media use.

I still remember the live action movie. Yea I'm that old.

This is the exact reason why Twitter is cancer. So many people running their mouths in 140 characters or less that you can't help but think "you're all a bunch of fucking idiots."

I would just throw them on death row. People who Virtue signal are very unlikely to be saved. I don't give a damn that it destroys society, as modern society is all just one big fuck. Society needs destruction, then re-construction.

Death is an easy escape for them. I want atonment and example.

If anyone is interested in the Trans-Pacific Partnership a wiki guy is asking about adding to the article on it.


Honestly I doubt the GG wiki is the place many people are going for info on the TPP but I assume some people have collections of relevant info already ready they might want to share.

It's sad, but despite all their autism, GG failed to maintain their own wiki.

TPP has gone dark.
Which worries me.

Also, I'd say get Reddit to do the "book-keeping".
They learn our history by reading through it all, and it gives them something to contribute- while being hard to co-opt or manipulate subtly.
The info on the page is either right or wrong.

It got fucking glassed by some prick a few months back. Can't maintain it if it got hacked and deleted.

It scares all of us user. Well all except megacorps. It will fuck over everyone who is not a rich white liberal.


Also I don't get his image, is he saying you're stupid for thinking we're all equals?

Every fucking time

Thats exactly it. And incase anyone qants to go nuts, lincon was a republican and freed the blacks, not democrats. And many of black folks current problems can be pinned to bill clinton.

That hat is definitely hiding the fourth B.

Could've guessed that a passive aggressive faggot without a real argument would look like that.

The democrats were the preferred party of the KKK until like the 70s. Even though Lincoln freed the slaves doesn't mean he wasn't also a huge racist. He just thought it was wrong that they were not even given a chance and that freeing them would just lead to them destroying themselves.

I'm scared Ghostbusters will do well financially.

I suggest following Sweet Meteor Of Death, #neverhumans.

Indeed he was pretty bad, but remember that liberals cant into further information. They just know lincon as a negro hero who freed the slaves.

If it does, it'll only be because of the initial wave of theater-goers. I don't see any way this will be successful in the long-run. Hell, it may actually wake up some of the casual viewers to the stupidity of this kind of shit.

They spent between $150 and $200 million on that movie. They have to make all of that back just to break even, and then exceed that amount in order for it to be profitable

So do many conservatives. Don't underestimate the idiocy of the american people.

If (a.uguu.se/ghLl1LhfQSb6_Ghostbusters2016Review^RageAlert^[email protected]) and DmC are anything to go by, GB2016 will flop.
Also, a tl;dw stolen from reddit:

>Don't underestimate the idiocy of the american tribalistic people.

I heavily doubt it.

also, that new Emma Watson movie bombed. Hard.

I fear the live action beauty and the beast will do well. Which sucks since the animation is probably the best non preachy female based movie.

That is doubtful, nu ghostbusters might get #1 spot during it's first day even week in the official release date. But beyond that, it is looking grim.
There's always ghostbusters3 for the diehard fans.


I'm liberal, and I know Lincoln was an imperfect man.


Was there a dvdsingular sale? Last I heard it was 45$.

I saw this brought up in Holla Forums and was wondering why the fuck not did they just make the movie on Extreme Ghostbusters?

Diverse cast, instead of Egon teaching them it would be Murray and it's not shit.

It also came out in video streaming sites. The most likely reason it bombed hard was because their target audience are dyehard armchair activist and most likely streamed the movie so they can all talking about it in a huge hugbox, Just so they wont leave the comfort of their own home.

and they call us the shut ins

They probably don't know this exists.


got the pic from google. first result

Because sony execs collaborated behind the scenes and basically butt fucked any chance at getting a real sequel, because they liked the all women reboot version over the pass the torch sequel version, probably because they valued making a political statement over making money. Needless to say the exec lost their job over this.

You can learn more about it in this video

it's long, but pretty interesting.

I could have sworn it was 60. Apologies if wrong.

A movie based on that could get the marvel audience easily.

Takei is an asshole, but is right on this. They are making far too big of a deal of a character being gay, and if not applauding means I'm homophobic, then I will be the nicest homophobe around who wont tolerate bullshit.

Because the idea wasn't to create good new material, the idea is to hijack common "male" franchises and subvert them.
Hell, we've talked at least thousand times about this, SJWs want to parasitize, not create.

Anyone else getting tired of the perpetual hate?

Yea I know Holla Forums works best when mad but still, I'm so sick of the perpetual race baiting, divisiveness and straight up fear mongering, it has never been more obvious and blatant than the last couple of months.

Another user put up a jootube link in previous bread. IIRC midnight edge on youtube. The game was basically GBusters3. If the link and speculation based on the Sony emails are true. Ivan Reitman was pushed from the project by Amy Pascal. Feig was chosen as director because his views lines up with Pascal. In that they both don't seem to understand the source material, and appears to be the stereotypical hollyweird assholes with an axe to grind. When production problems and woes started to get harder to contain, Pascal was shuffled out, Tom Rothman was brought in. For people who don't know or don't give a shit who these people are, the basic gist of it seems to be the following.
One of the original producer\director of a movie, Ivan Reitman. Got pushed by assholes who don't understand the movie, but wants to make an Avengers style movie universe franchise with it. Pascal, and Feig. When that shitshow started to have signs of being a trainwreck, one asshole got shuffled out and replaced with a possibly bigger asshole. Rothman.
But all this might be completely wrong, everyone who dislikes GB2016 is a sexist pissbaby, and everyone involved in the film are lovely people who made a great film. Maybe. :^]

It's banned in China. It has no chance. In fact, people like Pascal were already fired over this turkey because the studio knows it's going to tank and not supply them with the franchise they wanted.


Apparently, 7 people bought tickets on opening day. That has to be some kind of record.

Was it free or paying service stream? I mean I don't have much or any interest in the movie, but I was around some people that discussed a new model for movie distributions, especially smaller indie crap but not limited to them. Fairly interesting in the sense that instead of theatrical first, it was streaming first, then DVD, then if enough momentum is achieved then limited theatrical release. I think Kevin fatfuck Smith talked about it at one point.

I'm not a fan of the following phrase I'm about to write, but in this context and meant as a sarcastic jab at her tax scheme charity, I think it's apt.
hue hue hue hue hue hue hue

I thought that nu-ST was a new timeline born of time travel shenanigans rather than a completely new time line ? Wouldn't that means that until he got in contact with the ripple effect Sulu would've remained the same ? Therefore his sexuality should've been the same ?
I don't really give a fuck about ST in general and the new movies in particular but I don't think Takei was misunderstanding the implications there.

See, even announcing a character is gay already tells us how flat the character is in depth. It's the pinnacle of shitty writing.

One of my own characters, Commader Katya, goes through shitloads of tribulations and hardships before the reader even figures out that she's bisexual with a leaning towards women. Another one gets Pussy Fever for her best friend after her husband dies, but it's up to the reader to decide if she feels that way about women in general, or if she's acting out sexually to cope with the despair and loneliness of losing her previous loved one. Most of the characters that develop homosexual habits do so because they were put in traumatizing situations where their sexuality couldn't develop normally in the first place.

Many great homo/bisexual characters are like that, but these guys miss the point and base their entire characters around the sexuality rather than the character's experiences shaping the sexuality and being revealed in a private and intimate way. As someone who writes as a hobby, that really makes me mad

But who am I fucking kidding. Refer to the Market Control image Holla Forums made and webm related. These people just want to alienate the dominant forces of the market as much as possible. It's happening across gaming, films, and already happened to comics

Video on demand, so it was paid, and whoever paid most likely streamed it.

mew mew

They should have just stopped but now they're doubling down. It's crazy like said.

Still can't believe they're still throwing money on this.

what was the 10000000 get?

hail kek

A very underwhelming "Praise kek" post

That artist knows how to draw good assholes

Hehehehe. But wouldn't that make most of those regressive socialists anti capitalists happy though? They're fightin' da man and patriarchy by doing that brave robin hood shit. Or are they suddenly ultra capitalists when it comes to their own monies interests?

I think it's past doubling down. Tripling at the very least by now.

assholes that look like ducks

What you pointed out is a super good way to do gay characters. Thanks for restoring my faith man.

That's only for the mobile title, which is surprisingly fun. The franchise itself is still shit.

Takei could probably be pissed because the writers turned nu-Sulu gay solely because Takei likes the cock. If you look at it that way, a move like that is pretty fucking patronizing.

Yeah. The media seems to have gone all-in on manufacturing racial animosity no matter how tenuous the basis. We're having real violence because even though statistically there's no racial disparity in who police shoot when you control for who shoots at police, they're free to cherrypick to fit a narrative anyway. And SJWs have subverted "anti-racist" organizations to such a degree that the notion of genuinely trying to have people not hate each other over race has gone out the window.

When I was in school there was some anti-racism video where the green people and the blue people hated each other but then they learned to get along. It was corny and everyone laughed at it, but nowadays that's legitimately a better approach than any of the insane race-baiting shit going on. I fucking wish we had "just because he's green doesn't mean we can't be friends!" as the dominant narrative, that's 1000 times better than "white privilege" and bullshit narratives trying to stir up animosity.

Part of the problem is probably that as the actual problems faded there was less incentive for people interested in fixing them to get involved, so anti-racist organizations and activism spiraled off into insanity. And then they get disproportionate attention and respect from media anyway.

The last Alice movie didn't do well, so maybe this will bomb too with Emma Watson getting bad reviews for her non-existent acting as well.

The current mainstream media is racist.

And they're proud of it, like actual racists are.

You tell an average media rabble rouser that they're racist, they'll smile to the camera and say yes.

Maybe we should outright call them racist and let the world see their reaction?

The actress in alice is not watson. Watson had brows, the actress in alice does not. that and both live action alice movies were insults to the book.

Well here's the thing: they couldn't have asked for a better release window. No capeshit around, the Pixar movie is several weeks old, anyone who would have cared about Independence Day has already seen it and it has no competition.

If it doesn't win the weekend then it will be one of the biggest failures ever. That said, Star Trek comes out the next week, so it will probably just have one week where it wins (though probably won't make all that much and certainly probably won't make its money back) and then it will fade into irrelevance.

They say yes in a round about way, but deny being biggots for the cameras. What they admit to is being more shallow than molecule thick puddle of water.

Dorey is still going very strong.

If your talking about Holla Forums in general. it's always been like this but out in the real world. I will tell you that I am.

It's fucking sick, disgusting and inhumane. There's a lot more hate flowing out there now than it ever was. Satan is smirking while jerking and fingering his asshole now with all the shit that's going on.

>mfw no one spotted the druid

Well then great. Let's hope that does it then.


The Google captcha scared off at least one of our diggers who thinks its an aGGro IP tracker. We have some paranoid motherfuckers on our team.

Thats what we get when we mix in 10 years of Holla Forums.

Opps. Ment to ask what?

find the druid

Oh my god I'm in heaven. If you see any more news about Pokemon fans getting rekt, please tell me

Good morning anons. Have you tasted your daily dose of:

The Gift of Misogyny, drink it in maaaaaaaaaaannnn~

I want to see Nintendo hold a stockholder's meeting, show these articles, and go "this is why we didn't get into mobile gaming."

what a pleb

Would be quite the thing to watch.

Perhaps this will fix Nintendo.

Nintendo had nothing to do with Pokemon Go though. The pokemon company made it with some mobile developer.



Why do i get the feeling aggros will suddenly take a very great interest in this shit?

Nah, that's small-time. We can already see the mainstream media lining up to get shots in.

its using all the same assets from the other game they made its just got a pokemon skin

im honestly suprised how many idiots are buying into this crap

how many of them will actually use it to their advantage before calling it out? How many of them are pedos?

Well their shares went up recently.
Not sure how long it'll last (depends how many "whales" they get int the game) but it could tempt Nintendo into Mobile only future.

But keep pushing TorrentialDownnpour. I'd rather NoA shuttered and import from Japan to snub the western market- then let NoA survive on ruining good titles.

And spread shit on noa during the tokto gameshow in september. Many will be watching for the nx, which is supposivly having its debut there.

No, i mean with people like butts out there on the street

It's already on the local news and one of the best buy employees was complaining about not being able to play it. Heck there is already a case where people are literally biking up and down the same route to hatch an egg.

Its not available in canada yet my sister has it. Honestly, its going to entertain children well enough, but many adults wont have the autism to continue past a month.

Have any of the people killed by playing pokemon go been black? Or has that kotaku article already been proven false.

Time for a lawsuit.

Given Kotaku's record, it's better to assume everything they publish is false unless it's proven true.

If you're dumb enough to go to the Gym in the Pentagon, you deserve to die.

New Black Panther. A very big difference.

An idea for a raid came to my head. Spam the hashtag #PokemonGo with the reports of people being killed due to Pok'emon Go.

Ooorr, you can take the tour. better yet, know someone working there.

A black kid did stab a white kid for their iphone.

What are you talking about? The white kid stabbed himself after giving his iphone to them graciously :^[ this will happen in our lifetime.

Well there was already a guy who testified defending the (black) men who raped and murdered his daughter.

Now someone should post that article in that neofag thread of people praising the article for "telling the truth".

Yeah, I remember that. He and his wife should have been the ones stabbed and raped instead.


I do not believe this, but it is funny.

Just search "China Islam Ban", there's a ton of keks about Chinese banning them from all sorts of things. China is pretty good at shitting up religions. They just bulldoze mosques and christian churches if the government thinks there's too many. They're pretty fucking based when it comes to dealing with muslims.

Well yeah they're still kind of communists and aren't communists all about atheism.

Yep. Hell, russia is cracking down on organised religion too, fining people heavily for being religious.

For following any religion other than the Orthodox. Even Putin isn't arrogant enough to go against the church.

Yeah I was going to say I'm pretty sure there's a christian sect called russian orthodox.

Zero surprise. He's in the clique.

John DiMaggio is a voice actor not the creator or adventure time.

Yeah they are. China is a pretty awesome place though. I'd suggest going there if you ever get the chance. Southern China is rough to travel by yourself (no one really speaks English), but it's a really great place. I went with my friend, we met some random local girls. We ended up going out for dinner, they paid for everything (it's Chinese custom since they suggested it, they even denied us trying to pay for it), they laughed at how we used chopsticks, we laughed at how they said English words, they laughed at how we said Chinese words. They were extremely proud to show off their culture and food, and really happy to see someone travelling to China to experience China.

I'm quite sure an SJW would be up in arms, triggered as fuck by the whole experience. But it was a shit ton of fun and they were good people. They learned about the West and we learned about China, and we laughed and had fun the whole time.

It was my first real mini-red pill, actually. I remember thinking all of this would be so rude and ignorant. And they ended up not only not caring, but actually liking it. It was the first time I ever realized that a lot of the stuff I learnt in university was not applicable to the real world. And I kept travelling and learning more and more, and the general conclusion was that the West is really going batshit insane.

And then Gamergate happened, and it just escalated.

It's incredible how hipsters are throughly in control of certain industries, yet insist on telling themselves and the world that they're fighting a vicious war against The Man. Nigga you are The Man!

or how the media talks like they are the underdogs.

Well this is why people are against globalization. It doesn't result in worldwide peace it just erases everyone's different cultures. Then replaces it with a bland beige super culture. Ignoring the entire forcing of different cultures to mix and peaceful is resulting in well modern Europe.

"This plucky feminist was harassed by misogynist trolls afraid of their waning power", wrote she on several articles published accross all the higher echelons of English-speaking media.

Or how they don't actually exist, and that it's it's their perceived enemy of the day against everyone else on planet earth

Thats what I have been saying since day 1.

My aunt lives in singapore currently and I may be going to visit her. Is there anything I might want to know? aside from confusing singapore with shanghai.

While neat, that comic might be making fun of antisjws.

Isn't Singapore the country Amos Yee lives in? If it is they arrest you for insulting religions there or their dictator.

How the hell do you figure that?

I am pretty sure singapore is part of china, but could be wrong. And in most eastern countries it is probably not a safe idea to mock their leaders out in the open.

Replace "parquin" with "mysogynist". The whole thing about denial can be put upon either side really. But I imagine it is more true that the sjws deny themselves more than we do.

It was part of Britain like Hong Kong…

Yeah it's Singapore place seems pretty fucked. Amos Yee himself is incredibly annoying and generally seems like an autistic child. However him being arrested for making youtube videos is fucking insane and I hope Singapore's government gets taken to task for it.


Yeah but nothing even remotely implies that. Overall the comic is stupid and pointless, with no punchline or meaning. It has as much substance as garfield.


Well you'd have to be apathetic or a bit crazy to stand up to what amounts to a dictatorship.

Well he's like 18 so it's fine that he is like that now, I know I fucking was. I don't think it's like a dictatorship I think it just is a dictatorship. The dictator just doesn't outwardly oppress his populace. As long as you obey all the rules I think you'll be fine there and it's pretty nice and they got video games and shit.

Can we ship these cretins to Africa? Please do!

No, hand deliver them to isis.

I love how it's always the obviously well-off white dudes always saying this shit.

Blaiming the jews for everyone's problems is anti-Semitic? That's not a thing, my dude. Sorry for the breaking news.

Yandev posted again.

That thread is gonna be ugly. How is he trying to justify it? Especially the kotaku part?

At least Fate/Grand Order hasn't killed anyone aside from someone who borrowed 300k from the Yakuza and got killed trying to roll his waifu, but on the bright side Sony is making too much money off Fate along with Takeuchi.

Let's ship him off to the countries where whites are killed on sight then.

I dunno. All I asked is why remove it instead of adding an option?

My friend posted this video on Fumblr. What was the story behind this shit? It looked like a straight up Feminist Frequency rip-off.

rip in peace kyasubro

No different guy he wanted to roll Scatatch but failed, and he called all his viewers iditots, then someone offered to pay his debt but decided to spend the money rolling on her instead.

Indeed. Removal of an option like asked and going to cukctaco were big mistakes, and hes going to have to work hard to rectify them if he wants the Holla Forums audience. and the kicker, Holla Forumss tastes always trickle down into normalfag tastes.

Remember when the Huniepop dev had enough sense to tell Kotaku to fuck off?

that is pbs game show a sjw youtube channel and that PBS shut down a week or so ago.

Yep. Should have told them to fuck off then had an interview with lewd gamer which is more his games audience.

doesn't he have a massive amount of subscribers on youtube making the interview pointless.

Kinda. And added on that kotaku is dying thanks to the hulk, he basically burned himself with Holla Forums for a long while unnecessarily.

What baffles me is the guy shitposts in the GamerGate hashtag. That question is ludicrous to the point of being intentionally retarded for anyone that's been paying attention for more than a week.

He is adding an option though at least according to this blog post yanderedev.wordpress.com/2016/06/21/june-21th-bug-fixing-build-and-additional-thoughts-regarding-yesterdays-proposal/

Shitpost like mombot and marche or like burnouts and agg?

poor guy, 8/v/ is not like half/v/, he should know that by now

Should have been clearer on that, sorry. Retweeting shit, sometimes from faggots that he might not know are faggots. Normal social media shit except with a gamergay flavor.


What a spineless fuck. notch was spineless too. Guess he's want to follow his footsteps.

Only one problem. Yandere is making a weeb game made for us, not for autist.

Yeah as soon as you even fucking mention censorship here you get heaps of shit piled on top of you. I don't really blame people freaking out I mean look at the bullshit being altered nowadays. However him adding an option is actually what most of the anti-censorship people here seem to want. Though I bet most people just saw the results of the poll and the fact that he is taking money and just assumed the worst. Also what the fuck is with people really a game where you can bully a girl into suicide while brutally murdering her friends is fine. However if the female murderer opens her skirt and shows her panties that is just too much. The world really is fucking finished isn't it?

Looks like someone can't handle a little criticism

Annnnd there's the chimpout. I'd say the halfchan infiltrators attempting to D&C won, but that's like saying Revolt won with Allison Rapp. In the end, the person they were trying to D&C shot themselves in the head instead.

I lost respect for Yandev a long time ago.
This was just a nail in the coffin.

This nigga planned this shit. He wants to sell out so he used this as an excuse. The Kotaku comments were the bait he used to elicit the hate to post the drama queen I quit bullshit, but he knew that's what he wanted to do anyways.

I would agree but he blamed halfchan too. And as some anons pointed out, it really feels like he had that whole post prepared in advanced and only came here to sperg out and play the victim.

Even then, Yandev was acting like a retard long before this.

Honestly I don't care, the moment he went to Kotaku willing despite all the shit they pulled and how he already had a wide audience reach because let's players is where I drew the line.

He could have done whatever he wanted with his game, but supporting kotaku is actively supporting the regression of the industry.

god damn retard. He censored the panties in the game and then went with the 11% result of a poll. Of course you're going to get criticism from that. Well I hope he enjoys his tumblr audience. I'm sure they won't criticize him at all.

I hope he enjoys the same audience #fe tms had minus the puritans and nips, which is the whole audience. So noone.

This guy was supposed to be a chan poster right? Yet he threw a big fit because people here were mean to him? I mean that's what the whole point of this place is to be as blunt and mean as you want to be when talking about video games. If we wanted to be nice or cordial we'd be posting on reddit if we wanted to just say whatever everyone else is saying we'd be on neofag. The people posting on 4chan or especially fucking Holla Forums are posting here for a very specific reason.

evaxephon was always a faggot
nothing changed here

he went to kotaku if that doesnt say what type of person he still is I dunno what does
I remember 2 or 3 years back he was on the whole sexism is bad train over farcry nigger tits

I like to think we are politly blunt and brutally honest, and that the rest of the word have defined those as mean because they cant hadle bluntness and honesty.

Got caps to share with the yandev thread as a reminder?

Apparently he was some old school lolcow from way back in the day. I guess if that's true then this attitude was always going to happen.

Anyway, he's made his bed now. Not that it matters. If the feature creep doesn't kill this game his compromises will.

Don't let money change ya folks.

And dont act like big stuff until you released the goods.

I am pretty sure kiwifarms has a thread about him
most of this comes from memory of knowing who he was back long before this whole yandev shit when he was evaxephon
hell a google of evaxephon should bring up enough, shit like his gaia page

Was there another poll and did he change his mind to remove it outright because the blog post he links to actually shows that the minority of people did not want it censored. So he decided to have the option to censor it since the majority of people felt panties were too far.

We are politely blunt with people we like or respect. However yanderedev pissed off everyone by talking about censorship and talking to kotaku. So the thread was just mostly insults without actually talking about the game. Which is just how this place is if your coming in against it you just gotta ignore them and talk to the people who want to converse.

Why do I remember that name…

To put it best: "It takes years to make a strong relationship, but seconds to deteoy it." or something, I probably got the quote wrong.

Oh, foud a goon in the thread who is trying to d&c gg. We knew about this shit a while ago.

Nah its thin skinned, the guy lacks conviction and can't resist taking the bait of shit posters.

bingo, in these situations where others are losing their shit at, you need to remain calm because adding to it will only suck you in deeper.

If you were on Holla Forums like 6 or so years ago you should remember him
he would spam his streams and get baited so hard by people
guys always been a massive loser


Holy poop, the yandre thread has almost 200 uids. Wish we could still do that

I find it odd that people assume the intentions of an entire anonymous site. It could be anyone saying anything for any reason. Are we really the anus of the Internet? Don't answer that

We're more like the Id. Or maybe Superego.

I'm a newfag, and even that seems fucking bizarre to me. This just sounds like he planned this to happen. The third post seemed super over the top compared to the two previous replies as well.

Well just like any other forum the negative people who just want to spew bullshit are going to post the most and therefore the loudest. It takes 5 seconds to post up an insult. People who actually want to converse need to read your response then think of how to respond and type it out. Which depending on the conversation can take a while.

I'll answer anyways. We are not an anus, that would be twitter. Facebook is one too, but cleaner. Reddit is the square peg in round hole. Tumbler is a hermaphrodites junk. We are but the only normal mirror in a massive funhouse showing people ugly, sad truths. That is all.


Thats what I and a few other anons said over there. It seems too planned.

He's trying to pull a moot maybe.

Yandev has been sensitive since the first day he started posting here, which is a bad combo with an anonymous image board. I hardly think burning this bridge was planned, but it isn't out of character for him.

I just hope he keeps this new found conviction for the other decisions he makes for his game.

I agree but how could he not have known this? The post above yours saying it seems staged reminded of a few popular names of gg publicly quitting after some low tier trolls egged them.

Will violent videogames become the new "super food"?


I know C. J. Ferguson is pretty prolific with his publications so he might have a bit more pull than the average researcher, but still this goes against the higher-ups narrative.

Psychology isn't supposed to be the soft science bullshit that liberal arts criticism is.

We did during stuff like the Hogan trial. The UIDs go where the happenings are.

I hope so. I would love to eat some violent videogames.

I was reading through the most recent blogposts on yanderedev blog and it's really fucking weird. After that post where he talks about having the option to censor the panties or not his whole tone and everything changes. I mean when most people were against it he decided not to appease the majority and keep the panties in. Then he had another poll where the majority were fine with the panties so he decides to maybe make the censorship mandatory. Then he has a post about selling t-shirts which just fucking seems really irksome when the game isn't even out yet. Then his next post is about all the nice people he met at a con. This doesn't read like someone who posts on Holla Forums. It reads like someone who is kind of autistic and just immediately tried to make everyone happy because they were giving him attention.

Oh for fuck sakes. They are using language to purposly state that they do not cause violence, but wording it to confuse people who may cite it that they do cause violence. I will give it one thing, there are few if any studies into if there are benefits to violent games.

The first highlited sentence states that people should not speculate that games cane cause violence amongst youth, but they worded it in a way that makes it sounds like "no need to speculate, vidya causes violence". Its fucking triple speak and lawyer speak. Jesus fucking christ.

Lots of us sacrificed a lot of vidya for a couple of years, I assume we've gone back to playing vidya and lurking for happenings and acting when needed, at least that is where I am at.

For studies, there should be a rule that they have to produce their study in laymans terms.

Wait a minute

Well shit looks like fergy has less pull than I thought, they just ignored him.

This isn't how academia works at all. They use journal writing in the most confusing dense language possible as a gate keeping function to keep people out.

user if they had to use laymans terms it would be so much harder for news outlets to take them state that they have the opposite conclusion then spew that shit as loud as they can.

Looks like it.

I realize that user. I can still say how they write is appauling.

That's the point. Academia is a pyramid scheme for Marxists that want to protect each others' jobs to do nothing. You have to basically sell your soul and brain wash yourself into being so pretentious that you write like that ob accepted by them. That's why it works through a system of peer review.

Liberal acedemia yep. Honestly, no liberal arts and sciences should recive gov funding or even gov loans. Only trades or subjects proven to have multiple job prospects outside of teaching.

I know that the APA have gone to shit but anybody can see that lefties are the most violent political alignment and all they play are 3deep5me walking simulators.

Not GG related, but might be interesting. Threads are slow anyway.

Archive does not show whole article: washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/21/police-kill-more-whites-than-blacks-but-minority-d/


I have to as as I have seen it for about a year, why do you name your files knipsel?

probably a fucking canalshitting cheesehead dutchfaggot with tulips shoved up his rectum

it's automatic. I use snipping tool and it automatically calls all screenshot 'knipsel'.

Pfft. Ypu woke up my cat.

Ok. Was just very curious.


I've got you now you son of a bitch.

That didn't actually happen though, he just said he was considering going with that style for if he wanted a single contingous inventory space. There wasn't any actual decision on what the design would look like, and the blog post where he mentions the option also mocks the people complaining and says any decision made wouldn't be on their behalf.

Someone posted a copypasta a few times about him being a SJW traitor who "sided with the 11%" but none of that was ever true. When it was posted in this thread and I read the actual blog post I considered arguing but didn't bother. So I can sort of understand him being unhappy about 95% of the people responding to him telling him to fuck off because of animosity generated by a fictional problem. The thing is in a situation like that you really need to learn to put 0 weight on posts like that and just argue your case anyway.

Yeah, if anything, he fucked up hard when he made that "FUCK YOU ALL" post. Good luck getting anyone to take you seriously now, Yandere Dev.

Apparently, this site is shutting down after 8 years, if memory serves they were quite the koolaid chugging listen and believers:



Landscape sure is changing.

dinosaurs are dying



I forgot the site even existed, if I ever even knew of it. Things were hectic back then. Seems bipolar from a cursory glance, unless I happened to find the one article that doesn't read like North Korea propaganda

It looked to me like he did that on purpose. Reminds me of when a cable channel wants to change audiences, and they put on some bullshit to drive the original audience away before they start with completely new programing.

Oh yeah, that was without a doubt drafted in Word before being posted in case people didn't immediately begin kissing ass.

Honestly I think that's ridiculous. He used to be a lolcow, he quit posting on halfchan a year ago for similar reasons (them constantly shitposting with stuff about his past), and every post he made in that thread had dozens of replies telling him to fuck off. It doesn't require an elaborate plan for him to react like that. I think most normalfags would react by leaving if nearly every single reply was telling them to fuck off, and while he's not a normalfag he has a history of being sensitive.

He had two posts, with some people calling him a kike, and then he posted this long drama queen rage quit shit out of nowhere. It seemed really forced to me, and I think he posted the Kotaku response the way he did with goal of eliciting more scorn to justify the copypasta. I didn't really follow this guy before, but it seems like he's doing a moot if he really did come from the chans.

Really, why would anyone from 4chan/Holla Forums type this? Jesus, I came from fucking Tumblr, and I would never be so far up my ass to post something like this no matter what the fuck I made:

Dude, I've made some cringe-worthy posts on Neopets and DeviantArt back in the 90's and early 2000's believing everything I did was god damn near perfect, and even back then, I wouldn't have dreamed of thinking of making a post like that.

It still surprises me Neopets was a thing.

Now look how full of himself he is.

He should just put Hollywood in front of his name or something. Or demand to have a bowl full of only red M&Ms in his private trailler.

Yeah. Terminal ego poisoning.



Know the narcissist




Wake up faggots! Rise and shine!

I bet that guy could make Roman look so strong

The normalfags have assimilated him. He's one of them now.


the thing about his post that I keep coming back to is

He wanted to pander to an audience (and probably make himself famous in the process). Over time he found it was easier (and larger) to pander to the tumblr/pewdiepie audience. The shitposting has been the same as it ever has in those threads. The only difference is this time with the panty removal, the two groups are on opposite ends. His annoyance here seems to be more that he can't get us to be in favour of the other decision to keep the fan base together.


Where did everything go so right?

When developers stopped giving a fuck about SJWs, naturally.


Are we getting a second Tai?


This is how feminist-ran universities and colleges breed the likes of Anita Sarkeesian and Coons Lives Matter.

Gonna need a source and archive on this



I love the snark on this one, like for real.


The very second they mentioned 'right brained genders', I knew it was trash. Whether or not you are right or left brained has nothing to do with you gender, it's based on your writing hand.

Aaaaand here comes the "Secret Agent" costume mod for the moddable PC version.

I don't like it. I can't seem to find their source other than that screencap

Archive the blog post itself user


Does the name Cibele Dev ring a bell for anyone? Particularly in relation to Rock Paper Shitlord?

Seems very strange, would she really write 'minorities'? Something doesn't jibe quite right. Is there an archive of the tweet or source itself other than HelloRacist.

Assume fake until source.

Remember, Anita wasn't always a Social Justice crusader. Hell, the whole Social Justice phenomenon as we know it now didn't really exist before 2011/2012.

I doubt she is now or ever was, she's more the grifter type. Now I can believe a scenario where she would falseflag herself, because a grifter would do that kind of thing, but in her case she would slip and say something like "the hate group targeted the brave and smart academic and stunningly beautiful womandescribing herself".
It's just very strange and frankly has a point. Until I see archive of the source it looks eh, kinda strange with just the info at hand.

Yeah she did teleseminar and PR work before she discovered that feminism makes more money

Im gonna beat my dog up

Marche, no! Leave doggy alone

Why would you bully a doggy with no legs?
Marche is a super bully



Not sexist at all, isn't it, fellas?

Nigger, I don't think that quote could be much more obvious that it doesn't find video games to be a source of violence, and wants the agenda-driven activists to fuck off so they can measure all the effects of video games, good and bad.

Shame that the APA conveniently pretends it never existed.

Nina Freeman? I know that every journo in the clique shilled the hell out of her, but I don't know of any particular reason beyond the generic narrative-pushing of bolt, independent female devs blazing trails in male-dominated spaces.

So gender is biological now?

Only in the brain.

Freeman is the latest darling
Despite that she didnt actually do any of the development on her own game she just gave a guy a bj to make it

Just was curious how many undisclosed personal relationships probably are contained in this article.

No, this just means that emotional men are really just trans women
>tfw I cry sometimes

Referencing no brown m&ms? That was a big band with a lot of heavy equipment and complicated electrical work for their stage. They buried the removal of brown m&ms in their contract so if they saw them in the bowl, they knew contracters didn't read the whole thing. Attention to detail is an important safety concern.


Just because you find it confusing, certain anons, doesn't make it some Marxist academia conspiracy. Maybe git gud at basic reading comprehension, niggers.

It is whatever the argument requires it to be.

Jesus fuck that faux retro pixel 'art' needs to be put to pasture.

is yandev the new philfish?

At least Fish made/stole a game before pulling a temper tantrum

Early reviews of Ghostbusters are out. It is as shit as everyone expected, even worse.






Sorry, I meant this.

Aw, I'm disappointed.

I beat up my doggie

fuck you.

My goodness, look at this cultural appropriation! I mean look at it! It's disgusting!


I can't read those moon runes.

its a garage kit btw

They're still a thing. I have a massive autist of a friend who writes fucking bots for it.

What would the bot even do that any othrr bot cant
The websites old as fuck i doubt it needs new bots

He doesn't want to use other people's bots.
Also, he thinks he's better at making bots than anyone else.

You heartless cockfart.

Wow dead bread, dead movement #closethegays.

At this point I have to agree with you.


DEAD !!!

People have lives, y'know. Now, fuck off!

I just woke up and was doing practice sketches.
No bully.


Hey, I just woke up.

No bully, I just woke up.

Now that it's over let's all go back to home.

Fuck off!

no u

/ \



Why this aren't being RT'ed and spread around? Like really, the content of this article is the most sexist in the current year! Why not support it? Let people know about this, c'mon!

So, we got any plans for the anniversary? Only about 1 1/2 months to go.

It's still up in the air, really. The anons here might have some plans laid out but we have to wait. We got a month and a half to prepare, let's maximize that.

What did she mean by this?




It appears at least one SocJus reviewer already broke the review Embargo on CisBusters, but deleted the article later on. Luckily someone made an archive.


First two paragraphs are about the evil soggy knees.


Well, guess I'd better get back to work, then.

So he's the one to blame for that piece of shit. I don't know what I expected.

I really, really like this image. May I save it?

Why retweet a shit tweet? Women ARE more emotional then men, nothing sexist about it. Screenshots say nothing about having to cater to women.

I've never been to Singapore. I was planning on going but it sounds like I might not be now.

It's not Muslim, it's mostly Buddhist. People thinking it's Muslim are confusing it with Malaysia to the north. Singapore is a tiny little country that left Malaysia a bit ago and some dictator-type turned the country around and made it pretty great, from what I've heard.

Best advice I can give you when going to Asia is to take an interest in their culture, language, and norms. From my experience, Asian people are extremely proud of their countries and cultures. But they normally view people travelling there first as ignorant and rude. When I was in China with my friend when he was living there, I heard all sorts of stories of people going there from the US and demanding cheese burgers. The locals hate those people. But if you want to be adventurous and try their food and stuff, they'll usually be pretty fond of you. Not everyone will. I was chased out of a restaurant in Japan once, even though I can speak a decent amount of Japanese and was being as polite as possible. If something bad happens to you, you just be mature and deal with it.

If you go there and ask for western food and want western culture, they're going to dislike you. But if you make an active effort to want to learn and understand their culture (exactly what SJWs would call appropriation), they will love you.

Malaysia is pretty shitty, Singapore is like the tip that said they're tired of being dragged down by Malaysia's shit and did their own thing.

As people mentioned with Amos Yee, you should be respectful over there. Lots of Asian countries handle some things much differently than we do in the west. It's far from North Korea travel where you have to mind everything you do, but if you show them respect and don't offend them overly you won't have problems.

Seems like you haven't read the article, user:


That is great.

So what exactly is the goal when SJWs whine about white privilege?

Control. That's all it ever was, and all it ever will be.

Well that's obvious, but I mean is their goal for white people to feel ashamed? Are white people supposed to apologize for being white? Are white people supposed to sacrifice their "white privilege?" I just don't get it. Do they just want an acknowledgment?

It makes no sense. They use it in a derogatory way, like it's an insult.

I'm no expert, but this would be my guess. They use it to shame white people into capitulating and doing whatever they want, sort of like how they use racist/misogynist/etc. to shut down discussions. They use it as a sort of signal to say, "Look, this person is white, therefore they are automatically wrong and are also smelly and evil".

Can this become a thing?

"White privilege" isn't even the fault of white people, along with everything else people blame on white people. Everything one can say about "white privilege" can be factored into something else entirely.

Education? Most black people REJECT education. Not "can't get a decent one," REJECT it altogether.
Jobs? Most black people can't get good jobs because they're not educated, see previous point.
Having to watch their backs for police? Well, if they live in a high-crime area, that would be natural. And what are the racial statistics of high-crime areas in big cities? That probably doesn't have to be answered.

I propose that the next bread is titled ""Not The Smuggies!" Edition". I may even bake the next bread myself.

It's just a way for SJWs to try and justify the fact that they think all people are equal, yet the evidence shows that they're not. Think of it as someone saying that a group of people are more likely to have problems, and then the SJW goes

So, threads nearing it's end. I made a vivian captain in Star Trek Online, and wrote a biography for her. Does anyone want to see it? She's not exactly vivian, but "inspired by" vivian.

She's a TOS captain, and the game gives you a specific storyline of course, so I like to write that into my character's biographies. But in this case I tried to make her like Vivian, or at least, gamergate as a whole.

I would like to see it.

Does anyone know the context of this? What happened? Apparently it might be a joke?

Techraptor apparently is getting DDoS'd. Did they piss off anyone?

My little sister told me she lurks Holla Forums.



This was more difficult than I realised, the TOS captains apparently don't appear on the site, I had to screencap it in game.

Her ship is colored green and purple, but there's no way to make her uniform those colors without it looking terrible.

Please forgive autism.

None of you better ever do this. One of the reasons to travel is to try new foods.

*never, not ever.

News to me, unless you're referring to what happened two days ago.

Pretty nice.
Misspelling on 4th screen: mello -> mellow




See twitter.com/TechRaptr/status/752186737502392320

Damn it, I knew it didn't look right. Thanks.

Since I have a bread ready, when should I release it? Tentative title is ""Not The Smuggies!" Edition".

Another one? JFC, someone's getting desperate.

You're welcome.

Fix the subject title and put the + where it belongs.

Done before it was even requested. Anything else to change?

Some mistakes. Otherwise, pretty neat.
2nd pic
Also, outgunned is one word.

3rd pic
>"git's gud"

Japans gov is quite shitty.

Thanks user, fixing now

Here comes the Shimoneta future.

Welcome. I also saved the pics as a reference, hope you don't mind.

its over bros

No prob.

But isn't there an image of Isis twitter saying what their favorite animes are?

No wonder islam is so unhappy, they can't eat bacon and watch anime.


My one wish is that any Animehammad have a loli/goat harem.

Or drink alcohol.

Yet many canadian muslims get blitzed off their asses often.

Isis has trash taste

they have shit taste and I am not even /a/

Shit taste, no wonder they're ruining everything.

Not gonna lie, I would watch the shit out of that.

As if KS being based in SanFran wasn't a big enough red flag.

after looking on Holla Forums there seems to be some kind of election and it seems that the party they are routing for is pushing these censorship in anime bullshit, it this something we should worry about its so strange to see japan's government do a 180 after telling the UN to fuck off.

nice quads

Desu Vult when?

whats this about

It was only a segment of the gov led by women who told the un to fuck off. Oh, and to everyone who went "everything is fine, quit worrying"

==I fucking told you this would happen.=

Yep, that was written by an SJW, no doubt.

was just about to ask about that too.

well they have been hard at work trying to get into japan

I was wondering what happened too. Maybe it was waifu shitposting?

I am confused has this already passed yet or is it up for election, I can't see this going well with otaku/2ch/content creators.

looks like it was something to do with this

Also ghostbusters is trending.

Yeah, but with how many posts? Is it one of twitter's bullshit "tending with >1000 tweets" things?

That is retarded. You did not have to make a public thing about how you are so sorry that happened when 9volt started shit first. That really lowers my opinion of the guy.

60k and not all shitting on it like I hoped
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of shills though.

Before the apology happened, they are shitting on his audience by saying is this who you really want? This is retarded. Why did Brendon have to publicly shame himself for some asshole who started it first.

God damn Carl's more hardcore than he looks

9volt is a shit gargling piece of shit and I hope he dies painfully.

Look who I found.

He probably doesn't know 9 volt is a go on that is known for starting shit somebody on twitter should inform him of 9 volts antics.

He blatantly knows since 9volt shits on him all the time and they have talked before.. This public decrying and shaming shit is retarded when he could have just ignored it or told the other guy to make an unrelated account. This is fucking dumb and pathetic.

9volt even mentions "is this the audience you want" before Brendon apologizes.

Looks like someone needs another beating.

People really are trying to shill this movie.


67% from the critics they let post early. That's actually pretty bad for this sort of thing.

So not even all the early screen people get to even post their reviews yet? God this movie is going to bomb.

The previous Sunday is usually before most of the main reviews come in. Usually anyone before that was given special screening and those are usually people supposed to be…sympathetic to the movie.

Those reviews are virtue signaling central.


We're on page 14.

How soon should I release the bread?

bretty soon

I think I found the original


How soon?

tl;dr: Moblie game cash grab banking on nostalgia.

nvm I am an idiot
It is for the game

Of course it's real. They are calling in everyone they could to salvage this wreck. If they can even get back a third of the cost back in sales, then they'd probably consider it a success.

Couldn't this just be because the first review titled "ghostbusters" they have is for the game? The url also depends on the date but they might use different names for different reviews.

See the name used for this archive of the game review:

Checked. And you actually did find something to note, namely that Brandon is going half cocked on that. If you take the -2 out, it redirects to that 2006 article, so it's some html thing I'm too stupid to properly explain.

Not to say I don't think the movie is being heavily shilled, of course.

Ackshyually, Singapore really wanted to be part of Malaysia but was kicked out. Seriously.

Brandon dropped the ball on this it seems and also on the 9volt shit that 9volt started. He is acting pretty retarded lately.

You guys seen this?


There was a post on tumblr with thousands of people praising the Bloods and Crips for taking part in a #BlackLivesMatter protest. These people have no self awareness.

I think it's time for a new bread, we're gonna lose this thread.

Be sure to repost in the