Tanya is a sociopath, businessmen are sociopaths, all capitalists are sociopaths

>Muh Film Critic Hulk analysis quotes
Hahahaha is this nigger for real?

The reff'd sharticle btw birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/01/09/martin-scorsese-will-let-you-be-wrong archive.is/pjKox

>We live in dangerous times. An age where the threat of propaganda feels all too real. We know the damage of Leni Riefenstahl. And thus it is so easy to feel terrified that someone could watch a film and think the wrong thing. But I just have to stick to the larger issue, because I tend to espouse morality in our humanity, not be a moralist of art itself. I mean, fuck, I'm the guy who defends Matthew Vaughn. But even writing a few tweets online about Silence I got a tweet from our own BMD reader @drmathochist who said, "you have more confidence in most audiences than I do. Most in my screening seemed to miss huge parts of the point."

>Should we trust complexity? Should we make it clear? What gets perverted anyway? This debate is not only old as hell, it will come seemingly about everything. Like a group of hatemongers who have recently co-opted the Carpenter film They Live. Carpenter even felt compelled to tweet about it, saying, "THEY LIVE is about yuppies and unrestrained capitalism. It has nothing to do with Jewish control of the world, which is slander and a lie." The film couldn't be more clear about this, but how can you stop such gross misappropriation?

tl;dr social justice cuck waifus nigger-lipped dominatrix lolis, does not fit current worldview, restructures it to be a screed against capitalism so he can feel good fapping about it.

Also filmfag has some hilarious kvetching about Trump
birthmoviesdeath.com/2016/11/09/lets-get-to-work archive.is/QSTvJ

the comments on his trump shitposts are gr8 as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


So leftypol is doing anime reviews now?

Holla Forums and Communists are such fucking faggots. They always project their shitty Jew ideology on shit that literally has nothing to do with it. They are legit delusion psychopaths.

It's just a fucking anime, holy shit.

Good. Be very afraid. That kind of raw emotion, the lust to kill their enemies, the loyalty to the fatherland is exactly what is boiling in Holla Forums's heart every single day. Look into it and despair.

You mean like nu-Holla Forums does with Warhammer?

Relax, it's just an anime.
A very ugly one, but still.

So rather than read the light novels or use google translate to learn that the author just wanted a competent nazi loli with knowledge of modern culture so he could make joke references using the character's internal monologue it contains some hidden political message.

If anything the author is slightly in favor of fascism but really just wants his loli waifus and military shit. Also running gags about God fucking with the character as an excuse for ridiculous conveniences to happen within the narrative for the sake of comedy.

Next he'll write a treatise on how Overlord isn't all about DnD jokes, self deprecating humor, an everyman digging himself deeper and deeper into hole of lies, and smug waifus created by a cliche of nerds to satisfy their particular fetishes. Secretly the barely mentioned cyberpunk shithole background of the MC it is a poignant critique of society and escapism.

And Warhammer 40k didn't morph from being a bunch a faggy thatcher-era leftist wank like Nemesis the Warlock into a brutal absurdist pro-authoritarian comedy and excuse to sell overpriced plastic army men because it still contains satire and the setting is a hellhole. Must be a deep indictment of religion and war guise.

The leftist is incapable of having fun or letting anybody else have fun because art(even pop culture junk) can never exist for its own sake. It can't just make you laugh, inspire you, calm you, or excite you. It must push the narrative. And even if it is step up explicitly as a rejection or refutation of that narrative it must be deconstructed until it in fact does support the narrative.


Why can't they use the facts instead of fictions?

tlr;d wwwww


the left can't leave anything alone without smearing it with its cancerous ideology. everything must be in service to the leftist way of thinking.

honestly if i didn't know otherwise i would have said the vid was satyre..

Bitch that has been used since WarhamWednesday and the anti-furry threads back in 2007. If there is anything that isn't nu about rightist shit on an imageboard it is posting references to 40k.

We didn't choose Warhammer, Warhammer chose us. If you knew anything about Warhammer 40k you'd see that it's fashy to the absurd levels due to the very nature of how the universe works. You can't have your people being degenerates or you get Slaaneshi demons everywhere.

It's about an adult man who becomes a little girl.Of course leftists and trannies would love it and want to promote it.

eh, from what i've heard it's more like reincarnation, but it makes a joke of the concept

They are half right. Aku is the Jew, and his future must be undone.

Manga's pretty funny with the misunderstandings. Anime almost entirely glosses over them.

This is why we are winning

I was about to ask where these details come from, because it seems the anime glosses over a lot of things. Your post sounds more interesting than what the anime got, because there's more to it than "Edgy fedora being edgy fedora." I suppose a cool, calm, and collected logician turning into a raging man-baby in the presence of God is also a part of the humor.

Oh right, I've been told the manga is much better than the anime but is it really?

Is Tanya a sociopath?
Her behaviour is not antisocial if anything its the exact opposite. She is an enforcer of societal norms, a societal extremist.

She conforms to the norms society expects and does so diligently, her dialogue frequently points out her conscious knowledge of and desire to do this.
Sure she tries to rig things for her benefit, but who doesn't? That's normal human behaviour.

When in her former life she was a middle manager in some company she did what was expected of her by her superiors and fired staff who weren't performing. Had she been expected to do something else then she would have done that.
When working as a soldier she frequently displayed courage and willingness to fight to superior officers. The qualities they'd expect of her.
When working as a junior officer she encourages but also expects obedience from her subordinates and gets very annoyed when people break from this expectation. She rewards those who conform to societal expectations and punishes those who don't.

To call Tanya a sociopath is I feel utterly inaccurate.

I got the exact same narrative from the anime as the light novel, but of course the novels are very blunt and spell it out for all the autists.

"Here's your distinguished flying cross youngest ace whom we'll now send into combat for propaganda purposes"
"We'll test the new nitroglycerin powered magic shit today!"
"Oh by the way God here, now you have to pray to me if you want your OP magic swag to work."
"Welcome to the front lines ace witch, we know aggressive you are so we're sending you to the hardest salient"
"Those paper's you've written about the prospects of total war have intrigued the General Staff, you're being promoted to Major and will be given command of a wizard special ops division."
"Hi, God again, your out of context knowledge has rubbed off on the rest of the world, it's not the Franco-Prussian War 2.0 anymore it's WW1 now. Have fun with that."

TIL that bureaucracy is solely attributed to capitalism.
Figures that those sparse "free market" quips by Tanya would trigger them.

It's almost like all these psychological terms are poorly defined, not based on any observable physiological condition or pathology but rather on subjective criteria interpolated by somebody who was too stupid to become a medical doctor who would be required to produce actual results and treat apparent symptoms of illness. If I didn't know better I'd say a kike came up with the whole thing as a means to swindle money out of idiots who commit their relatives and gain social prestige while providing nothing of value to the community or nation at large.

Schizo OP take your meds. Can't read your shit post.

She's a psychopath. She has no guilt or moral compass whatsoever.

Not true. She often displays regret at having to kill. More importantly her actions speak louder than her thoughts.

psychopath is a Jew word and no one should allow Jews to define them or anyone else

Retards call her a sociopath when she is put into a situation where she has to survive by any means.

What's weird is the war transitions from Franco-Prussian War to WW1 then at the point the first series of the animoe ends its turning into WW2

Well no. Sociopath is actually one of those fairly easily pointed out ones.
As anyone displaying tendencies contrary to the expectations of the society they live in qualifies.
Hell many of us probably do.

Psychiatry is a difficult field. Much like medicine is not an exact science.
Take some pity on the poor psychiatrist. For he must work to fix something that we as a species know little about, do not understand the operation of in any meaningful capacity and are incapable of reproducing. All with minimal room for experimentation due to ethics concerns.
He is given a mysterious black box and instructed to fix it. Not even sure if its anomalous behaviour constitutes a fault.

She does have a moral compass. She displays regret but at the same time she places social conformity above all else.
Which is actually pretty normal for a Jap.


Are you the same Tanyafag from the Spicer threads that kept saying Tanya should be the mascot of Holla Forums?
This ugly transvestite loli will never be Holla Forums's animu girl mascot. That title belongs to Asuka.

this is the poster I have in my office

She's racemixed and mentally unstable.


Now THAT is ebin my friend!
She was on her period you fucking schmuck.

No she was mentally unstable.
Massive abandonment issues.

She had psychological issies predate her period. Her mother think the doll is her daughter and kill herself.

Explain exactly what you think makes her "mentally unstable" and we'll go from there.

Yeah, that's her mother, not her.

Asuka saw her body hanging when she wanted to tell her a good news and messed her up.

She wasn't too bothered by it until Arael mindraped her, though.

It is.

Literally her entire character arc?
Did you watch the original series?

Due to her mothers psychological issues, the whole doll thing and her mothers subsequent suicide. Asuka has a profound fear of being abandoned and as such will do anything to make her presence desirable to surrogate parent figures or other figures of authority.
Her intense focus and drive in piloting her EVA is an example of this and we see her fears manifesting quite outwardly when Shinji begins to overtake her in testing and battle.
Her fear of being abandoned due to not being useful to her surrogate parent figures begins manifesting as severe and crippling self doubt that ultimately culminates in her running away and possibly attempting suicide (or at least behaving in a manner such that early death is inevitable)

Her psychological state only improves when she perceives herself as being wanted by her surrogate parent/authority figures again.
She only perceives herself as having value so long as she perceives herself as being wanted by others.

A treatment plan for her would be very difficult under normal circumstances requiring years of therapy to try and slowly wean her off this need for external validation or at least reduce it to the point where she can function in society relatively normally.
There's a very high probability of her ending up in a string of highly abusive sexual relationships. And while a military environment (such as the one she lives in) may help mitigate her problems, it would require careful management and frequent positive reinforcement from those she perceives as surrogate parents/authority figures.

Subsequent trauma (such as being mindraped by a non-human intelligence) is a good way to bring existing psychological damage to the fore.

Most of the shit you said is negated by EoE

1/4 honorary Aryan, 3/4 Aryan
You would be too if you had an angel disassemble your mind while you were conscious, forcing you to relive the worst parts of your fucked up life all at once. That is literally what depression is. She wasn't fucked up in the head before that point, and she eventually got over it once she realized she wasn't alone.

Not exactly, but I agree with everything else you said.

No racemixing allowed here so never forget that.
She is already mentally unstable before being mindraped.

Expanding a bit further on her relationship with her mother it is important to point out that Asuka blames herself for her mothers psychological problems and suicide.
A sense of guilt is very good for inducing psychological problems. Especially of this sort. And her age at the time? Even better for inducing a severe psychological shitstorm.

Asuka believes that her failures/incompetence/undesirability (real or imagined) were why her mother "abandoned" her in favour of the doll. That doll Asuka was more desirable to her mother than the real Asuka and that this was the real Asukas fault.
Her mothers suicide only reinforced this in her mind. That she was so undesirable, her presence so unwanted that death was preferable to her mother than further involvement of Asuka in her life.

NERV and its staff provided an environment with an ample choice in regards to surrogate parent and authority figures. This served to mitigate much of Asukas problems throughout her youth and her eventual contact with Shinji and Rei is what eventually caused her problems to return to the fore.

Because she was valued by and perceived herself to be valued and wanted by NERV along with its staff (including those who she had chosen as replacement parental figures) she in turn valued herself.
And as stated prior once this belief was shaken her problems began manifesting again.

Actually EoE only reinforces it.
Her behaviour during the events of EoE are motivated almost entirely by her being valued/wanted by NERV and relevant staff members.

Her seeming miracle recovery is due to the fragment of her mothers soul in the EVA being perceived by her and the subsequent revelation that in a way her mother was with her all along. That she wasn't abandoned, that she was better than doll Asuka, that her mother did want the real Asuka more.
Bringing it all back to her need to feel valued by an external party.

She was always messed up from childhood. It was just a matter of how well managed her problems were.
Her contact with the angel probably undid more than a few years of NERV mandated and organised psychological therapy or her own internal suppression of those memories and feelings.

Humans suppress unpleasant or psychologically dangerous memories on a regular basis.
Anything that may cause harm to your psyche is going to end up suppressed to some extent.
Part of any treatment plan is finding ways to bring those memories to the surface and revisit them so they can be recontextualised or made peace with.

So for Asuka to suddenly and vividly revisit those memories along with her feelings at the time in relation to those events?
In an environment and situation that feels unsafe?
That's just going to make bad problems into terrible ones.

no u

Holla Forums, please rethink your priorities. You're welcome.

literally who

I don't know her so I can't really give you my judgement of her.

Meanwhile Brit/pol/s waifu is a gender swapped version of the fictional version of their nations greatest hero.
Who also possesses considerable psychological damage and a guilt complex that literally seeks to erase her entire life for the sake of others to try and atone for her perceived failures.

What is it with us and a preference for damaged waifus?
Come to think of it. I wonder if there's a pattern to the kind of damage we prefer?

She would have been placed in the professional therapist carer rather than Misato who have also psychological issue.


People have been posting warhammer art on Holla Forums forever you dope

Perhap in our hive alike subconscious mind is populated by the girls's broken mind. Jews broke them in the real life, which mean fewer sane ladies. I think that's what causing us to prefer them over sane women.



makes her look like a frog, awesome!

Probably there is that she seemed to have latched onto Misato as a surrogate parent figure at some point prior to her transfer.
Now we don't know enough about her activities and life prior to her transfer to know if she latched onto any commanding officer within a certain ranger as her surrogate parent figure or if there was some event or circumstance that resulted in Misato specifically being selected.

So trying to break the connection between Asuka and Misato could have caused more problems than it solved. Well almost certainly would have.
And so long as Asuka believed herself to be desired/wanted then it's unlikely Misatos problems would be too much of an issue.

Having Shinji there was probably more of a problem than Misato herself would ever have been.
Course ol' Shinji was a bundle of lovely psychological issues himself and had his own delightful spin on abandonment trauma. Much like Misato come to think of it.

Really the biggest potential problem was Kaji or however you spell his name.
She'd clearly latched onto him as a surrogate father figure but this had clearly developed into a strong sexual interest in him. Which isn't exactly unusual in women who weren't raised in a stable family. Especially those raised without a clear father figure present.
Asuka made more than a few passes at him over the course of the series and he was good at brushing them aside without hurting her feelings or making her feel unwanted (methinks there may have been some coaching/training provided to him for this)
His seeming availability didn't help though and the resumption of his relationship with Misato really did not help.

If I was to put together my ideal treatment plan for her? No holds barred and no ethics review?
Find her a decent man who will value her and look after her and is of course capable of providing for a family with minimal chance of shit going wrong.
That would solve or mitigate pretty much every problem she has and could feasibly do so for the rest of her life or at least until the prospective husbands death at which point she'd either kill herself or her children would provide the external validation needed for her.
Either way its a better alternative than years of therapy with little hope of meaningful success.

Personally I suspect the kind of damage these waifus have is indicative of something about us.

Asuka has severe abandonment issues.
Which I suspect more than a few of us have to some extent courtesy of a feeling of being abandoned by family and/or society at large.

Saber has a severe guilt induced desire for self sacrifice. By the events of the media we see her in anyways.
Prior to that her psychological state is a bit more…perplexing. With little information to go on. She certainly seems to have a strong desire to conform to expectations of her as king. To fit the role and save her people, etc.
In a way she seems consumed by those expectations and they feed the later guilt related issues.
I'd certainly say most anons share some traits with her on that front. A desire to do more than they are actually capable of and a sense of guilt for failing to accomplish these unrealistic goals? most certainly.

A strong desire to fit into society despite being able to clearly see through all its bullshit and a severe unhappiness with society in general. Having to live life consciously making decisions that most people are able to make without thinking due to an increased perception in comparison to "normies"
Trying to leverage this perception into an advantage but frequently finding our efforts on that front don't yield the desired results and only seem to result in the generation of a sense of unease and discomfort among "normies" that associate with us?
A general sense of not belonging and disconnection from society?

So I guess what I'm saying here is that the damaged waifus we select as a whole are indicative not only of our own damage as a collective but of our desires in terms of who we want to be as people.

this is the first anime i watched since Code Geass (as in i live posted with the /a/nimufags back whenever the fuck it aired) and I have to say I like it a lot

does Holla Forums recommend anything good in between that like 8 year gap in watching i have

I noticed anime series in the 90s had about 24-26 episodes on average for a season but nowadays it averages out to about 12 these days

Alderamin in the Sky is a good one
stick with it though the series improves after the third episode and ends very well
good military series set in an environment thats like pre-WW1 level of technology

People on Holla Forums often express concern that one day the jews will get to japan and ruin anime, but as far as I can tell it may as well have already happened because 99% of anime made today is absolute shit not worth anybody's time. There's really nothing good to recommend.


Throw Aiura on there.
Sure it's mindless moe drivel. But my god it's like morphine for the soul.

Sometimes I wonder if it's iron will or cowardice that has prevented daily mass murders in this country. Seriously, why has this not triggered the kaczynskis in our midst?

No u. I didn't make the image, just saved it

Primarily because of better provision and spread of mental health services.
And better targeting in relation to potential problem areas.
Like say university mathematics departments.

That and the widespread use of media to placate and soothe the populace.

Check out his review of Ex Machina sometime if you feel like raging. Fankly, he puts the cucks and cunts writing reviews at Kotaku and Polygon to shame. I think the only thing more kiked up than hollyjew movies are the reviewers.

I reckon that a lot of folks grow up today without healthy socialization. Parental neglect is commonplace, with parents allowing the television to raise their children, or, if they do take an active interest in their child's life, raise the child in the same manner one might raise a pet. To be calm, domesticated, and pleasant to be around, but decidedly not a fully realized human being. The shittiness that accompanies the public education system compounds upon these problems, as the kids are given over to imprint themselves upon soul-weary paycheck collectors.

PS Saya is the ultimate Holla Forums waifu. Wipe the world clean and repopulate.

Hyouge Mono (samurai, tea ceremonies, and reaction images), Kaiba (amnesiac aryan king kills commies), and Cobra the Animation (cheesy 70s sci-fi) are all worthwhile mentions too.

Saya no Uta
such a sad tale
but oh so delicious

for a while i was convinced i stopped watching anime because i got laid but then i often try to find something made recently that catches my eye and it seems all generic bland shit. this post is probably more up my alley because i get the sense that the golden era of anime was somewhere around the time when i got home from elementary school and outlaw star was on cartoon network. It's okay though, i havent seen many classics aside from NGE, outlaw star, and whatever else toonami aired in the 90s

Reminder that Tanya did nothing wrong.
She said nothing wrong.
And she predicted everything.

Oh gods yes this pretty much defines the modern situation.
Whats worse is parents often don't have time to raise children anymore.
With both parents working they spend most of their time away from the child especially in key formative years.
Why do you think the rich hire full time nannies and such?
It's the only way to mitigate the problem.

Whatever anyone wants to say about the nazis they had at least come up with a relatively effective set of solutions to this problem.

On the plus side. There's a chance a good chunk of the current 20-30 bracket will be decent parents due to a greater desire to experience life (meaning a better work/life balance) and willingness to spend time with children. That and the various issues caused by their parents generating a desire to spend time with their own children.
Problem point is getting them to have children in the first place as their desire to deal with babies is low.

you missed out on a lot tbh
original Tenchi was alright took me ages to track it down
Lodoss is quintessential
Slayers is just perfect for the most part

Maybe I'm just crazy because I don't think it takes anything beyond righteous and justified fury to lose it on these degenerates brainwashing our youth.

I've seen Tenchi, that was a really great series. I lied, when i say classics, i really mean early 90s, 80s anime. I think the only thing in the 90s i didnt catch was GITS and Cowboy bebop

The primary factors preventing it are fear and social instincts.
Since anyone who does openly and violently react to these will face considerable social censure. Which is generally undesirable to humans.
While our presence here indicates our social instincts are somewhat stunted due to our ability to easily defy societal norms, that stunting is rarely so great as to make us comfortable with open and severe social censure.

Your yalmuke is showing Chaim

I guess the reason it confuses me is that even with so many whites in the world, we rarely see them go to the lengths of muds. Just such a span between them and us. They blow up little girls for far less than we put up with, or torture mentally handicapped boys and stream it to goybook.

theres a few old obscure ones
Ruin Explorers
3x3 Eyes personal fave, read the manga if you want a tale of Aryan gods and apocalyptic scenarios
The Hakkenden
check em out if you havent already

That's because their society encourages such acts.
So for them there's no risk of social censure but a good chance of social validation.

If you are rewarded by society for a behaviour then chances are you will seek to repeat said behaviour.
Others upon observing the reward you receive for your behaviour will seek to emulate it.

Interesting choice of the related picture because it somewhat foreshadowed my response. If that was done purposely then get out of my head ;^)

For the people who question these transgressions of nature and recognize them for the destructive abominations they are, I doubt they consider themselves a part of society or validated in any way as it is. They have transcended the need for social validation, and instead plead fealty to a higher purpose and ideal. I personally would consider it to be a last act if I were to do anything of the sort, because I sure as hell would not let myself be taken alive and locked in a cage for the rest of my life surrounded by feral nogs and other degenerates (I would make sure that was my last act). I know I'm not the only one, it is impossible. The thing is, I know that I have far more to contribute and do a disservice by ending my life short. What about the others who have nothing left to contribute, or have nothing left to loose? There has to be a great deal of overlap. There is something, perhaps innate, that minimizes murderous rampages beyond social constraints alone.


I'd go with Yama no Susume if I were going to put a CGDCT short on there

I can only speak as a Burger. For us, the 2nd Amendment is our emergency reset button on the Republic. Once it's been pressed, win or lose, there is no going back. Ergo, we're very, very afraid to try and push it if we think the political system can net us the change we want within a reasonable timeframe, I.E 20-30 years. Another issue is a big chunk of this country is either ignorant of what is going on, or actually supports it/doesn't really care because "Doesn't affect me" attitude. Hence why I think SJWs doing what they do (Fucking up the education system, attacking culture that keeps normies calm, and generally acting like absolute loons) helps to show the Normie what he is really allowing by not resisting these folks in every way possible. Whether or not that will eventually lead to a desire for armed revolution is hard to say, though.

pic related. Eventually, having draconian punishments and a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" environment eventually bubbles over with individuals no longer caring.


Fellow burger here. I own funs and plenty of ammo in case it is needed, but I'm more referring to lone wolves and not an organized resistance. Lone wolves are unpredictable and decentralized by their nature. They need only be more competent than the police, which is not a hard feat to accomplish these days. There is no way an organized resistance would be tenable with the system still intact, we need to be in some stage of the inevitable collapse before that could reasonably be implemented. This is all just inquiry, not suggesting anything of course. I typically have great problem solving skills, but this has left me quite puzzled. I just hope the answer is that we (self-aware individuals who forge their own path) understand that the timing is not yet right, and there is a greater contribution to be made elsewhere.


the point of no return was decades ago America is in full cultural and economic decline
nothing will change no matter what politics you try and install in the head of the hydra because it is all corrupt to its core
entire swathes of the country no longer represent what the constitution stands for and its largely ignored by the government in the grand scheme anyway
ruled by tyrants no matter what rhetoric they fart out their lips
you say wait another 20-30 years
in another 20-30 years America will be majority non-white and half of you will be plugged into Facebook 2.0 the virtual life simulator paid for with your taxes deducted from your new UBI

To further support is the amount of fatigue the regular populace is showing to the constant "russia collusion" narrative. People aren't caring as much anymore, and it's too late for the MSM to fix it. They blew their load and fucked up, and now the times with Seth Rich and shit are now more catching the people's eye. Shit is backfiring on the MSM, even with how constantly and desperately they try to spin as otherwise.

Well if we look at elder scrolls mythology, the deity of chaos and death–Sithis–who instructs his followers to be murderers doesn't have his people kill indiscriminately. The lives they snuff out are deliberately selected, and they have a theme of preying upon over-mighty merchants and feudal lords whose hearts have been hardened by hubris.

If we suppose that a similar force or entity exists within our own world, it would make sense for it to be similarly restricted. After all, if the goal is maximizing chaos–as would befit Kek–or seeing the arrogant cast down–as would befit Nemesis–then a murderous rampage through a public space wouldn't really be helpful, as it would trigger the anti-fragility of the assaulted, thereby increasing the amount of order in the system. However, stabbing Zuckerberg with a poisoned blade would send the tech world into a spiral as shareholders clamor to loot facebook.

The basic idea is that our nature as social animals means we will instinctually minimise behaviour that isn't beneficial to society or will harm our ability to participate in society.

For most humans the idea of exclusion from society is very uncomfortable.

Also I am already inside your head.



No one cares about your nigger-lipped bitch, imkikey.



You have a problem user

I want to suck on Tanya's boyclit.

It’s imkikey, the moderator.


Kampfy isn't the only one with autism on 8ch.

no but he deserves to hold the heavyweight champions belt for it

I'm sure he appreciates your vote of confidence



It's the same person who used to avatar-fag with maddow. Same filename convention. Same absurd levels of autism.

Not even. These 'parents' can at least pay someone to teach their pet some obedience.

I was at my friend's recently and witnessed an argument between his mother and 8-9 year old sister.
The mother was whining at her daughter to do her reading assignment, but the child just kept refusing and saying she might do it later. After a minute or so the mother eventually caved in and went back to her faceberg to sulk, further signalling to her children she has no authority over them.
I was dumbfounded.

the 2nd amendment is a maladaptive "Break glass in case dickheads grab the carkeys" device that only works when youre not afraid of dying or getting caught, but it "sorta" works as advertised when used

lincoln,, shot by butthurt seccessionist, later carpetbaggers got kicked out during reconstruction

mckinley, shot by butthurt factory worker who hated the monopolies (the contemporary "da ebil corporations hippy) wanted to unionize back when workers who went on strike just got shot, immediately got replaced by roosevelt who broke up monopolies

reagan, shot by man trying to impress an actress who he became obsessed with after watching her play an underage prostitute, reagan had recently shut down the countries mental health facilities…

gungrabber giffords, Arizona is ranked 49th in the US in mental health care, which giffords was a committee member for, until she was turned into a drooling half-zombie retard after a crazy mentally ill man shot her in her fucking dense head


$20 says her (((reading assignment))) was either pic related or some other equally stupifying kosher material

Whoever said violence doesn't solve anything?

Tanya is us.

Only dumb people think that violence doesn't solve anything.

Konosuba is comfy.

If violence doesn't solve something, then you didn't use enough violence.

A new low.

The 2nd Amendment is is working even when shots aren't being fired. In the 20th century there were pogroms all across Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. Civilians rounded up by various forces, marched into the woods and executed. Millions were killed, but not in America. Communists are forced to "play nice" and rely on subversion in America because we're armed. They can't just slaughter us like pigs like they do in the rest of the world.

There's so many things fundamentally wrong with that analysis that I don't even know where to begin.
Ex Machina was a mediocre film to begin with, but that review is just the goddamn cherry on top.
I think I'm going to go watch Mishima now.

Not gonna lie.
A touch disappointed nobody was interested in my breakdown of Asukas psychological health.
Or our own.

We're winning, and we're having fun doing it.

I was interested. But I had nothing to add.
Have a ship.

I feel like I've read this story before.

Nice dubs, nice reference.

Awww sheeit nigga.
Someone needs to get on jap twitter and point this out to the series creator

What is it? Warhammer 20K?

They are not entirely wrong though but at least not all of them are (((psychopaths))).



>That title belongs to Asuka.
How is anyone going to take you seriously now, user?

We prefer the kind of damage wherein the waifu feels worthless and unwanted, like a failure who has not lived up to her true capacity or destiny. This implies she feels she has a true, higher capacity to live up to. She feels validated by self-sacrifice for the greater good of her friends/family/people/ideal.

The psycho-waifu you're pining for is the anthropomorphized personification of your Anima. She's the unfulfilled and abandoned portion of your soul seeking unity with the you as expressed by your outer actions and behaviors. You cannot save her.

Until you save yourself.


Nope. She dislikes killing people yet she's pragmatical about it.

Ciaphas Cain, hero of the Imperium duh



that didnt work so well for the shays rebellion, or seccesionists

Spooky but good. It certainly makes sense as a concept
We're taking our own feelings of perceived failures and shortcomings then externalising them onto a fictional entity that shares them.

You ever watch those shorts they did to go alongside the anime?
A number of times the subject turns to sexual relations, with Tanya often being horrified by the thought of engaging in a sexual relationship or saying things that make the other characters look utterly shocked and wonder what kind of life she has lived considering her age.
She goes on a short rant about how all men are pigs, that she needs to be more wary and careful, etc to her female subordinate.
You can imagine the subordinates shock at this outburst.

On another interesting note. There seems to be very few doujins floating about involving characters from that show.


protip- IRL people with psychopathology are not relied upon to perform dangerous tasks that require you to be reliable and functional, due to the whole PAaaaaaTHology part being a bit of a hindrance to accomplishing tasks

the only thing militaries IRL rely on mentally disturbed people for is being an NCO


nice dubs

I hope tanya continues on.
anyone know the status of the manga or light novel?

That your post doesn't get a reply, doesn't mean that people aren't interested. You got to remember: there are a lot of lurkers who won't reply regardless of how much they enjoy a post.

This is true, sometimes someone says all that needs to be said, and thus, posting can only be detrimental to the conversation.
-t. lurker

Everything about this thread is embarrassing.

Well it can depend on what their problems are and what can trigger erratic behaviour.
It also depends on the current priorities of the nation running the military.
For instance during the cold war era a lot could be forgiven so long as they were ideologically sound. Even more could be forgiven if it made them innately hostile towards communistic/socialist thinking.
This was down to the west (but mostly the USA) placing a strong emphasis on ideological purity above anything else in a military and intelligence staff context.

I suppose its all down to that desire/need for validation.
Should probably be better than that by now

Actually she herselfs ends up joking about it in the end

mentally disturbed people are not relied on for anything important, theyre inherently unreliable people

It was the initial horror that always stuck with me from those shorts.

Again it's entirely dependent on their problems and what can trigger changes in their behaviour.
Military psychiatrists are a thing in a number of nations and in cases like the USA? They are very very busy people. A lot of their caseload is PTSD related but a good chunk is not.


This board is dead.


Anime has been a documented gateway medium for fascist and national socialist memes for a while now. A lot of folks come to Holla Forums by way of /a/, and it's important to pay homage to one's roots-both as a nation and as an individual.

Do you happen to have the pic detailing which stuff of LOGH to watch in which order? I want to get started on it but I don't have the pic anymore.

Tanya is only a little girl after all


Fist of the North Star is the shit. DO yourself a favor and watch it. First 2 seasons at least. The 3rd season, ehhhh. Too many plot holes and poorly written.

Also, anyone got a good link to watch Angel Cop, unedited?

Thank you user

Is there an explanation at any point why his new form has no nose and nigger/fish lips? Or why this shit thread is here instead of /a/?

again, broken, schizoid, neurotic, depressed, paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and borderlines are nothing but terminal lances and NCOs, not people you ask to do things for you in a professional manner

Hysterical psychopathic deviates are what make up 80% of the prison population, theyre not the type of people you order around

Things would be so much better if only Kircheis was still alive.

Widespread private ownership of firearms began in earnest after the Civil War, when soldiers all took their rifles home with them and the rest were sold off as surplus. In the past century the massacres in America pale in comparison to what happened in Europe and particularly Asia.

Autistic license. The characters in the manga look very dissimilar to those in the anime, and NOBODY in the manga looks like a retarded Osaka.

Saber embodies the archetype of the virginal warrior goddess, like Athena patron of her city's namesake goddess of wisdom and warfare, or Wotan's valkyries, a cold and austere beauty.

Because the character designer for the anime was a jealous fujoshit who didn't want people lusting after Tanya. The LN and manga designs don't have the ridiculous lips and raccoon eyes (>>9995394 is from the LN, is the manga.)

but Tanya is infinitely more bearable than the kike mug of the rash

Goon detected.

No. (pic related)



Shes a dyke tho

Shes an angel.

I've understood this for about a decade now.
>Until you save yourself.
This is the part I still don't get how to do.

>This is the part I still don't get how to do.

Figuring that out is why every religion on earth was founded. God-seeking behavior is in our DNA, to whatever value and form of "God" exists. We are a race of memes and symbols, and we create the universe around ourselves in order to understand ourselves. Analyzing dreams, analyzing memes, it's all really an analysis of your thoughts, and figuring out why you think the thoughts you do. Your brain has so many background processes that we don't understand at all; become more in tune with them and accept them into your life. You don't have to go mumbo-jumbo power crystal nonsense, but allow for some level of intuition and mysticism, with the knowledge that said mysticism isn't a replacement or usurpation of science, rather an acceptance that there is so much that exists and affects us outside of the bounds of what we know logically.

But I'm an esoteric kekism-fag so wtf do I know.


She's a godslayer. In time she may become a god herself.



At last I finally see, why the Pepe peed his pants.


Tanya is not morally or mentally normal, that much is clear. She doesn't have a lot of empathy for others and is willing to throw them under the bus or even kill them if they displease her. That said;


Sociopathy is a derisive term for someone who is well adapted to our insane current reality. In the face of Jews who will manipulate your emotions and turn your empathy against you, in the face of two-bit women who will exploit your love and disgusting shallow men who poke at true love just for sex… Losing your own empathy is a natural adaptation.

I, nor anyone else, should be defined by a Jewish word. If you're a sociopath, get rid of the label.

That's a interesting post. It's depressing that the society is decaying literally in front of us during our lifetime. Unhealthy society need to be fixed so they don't shape us psychologically.

You're not a sociopath dude. You're just jaded. You understand that there are ideal conditions under which you could show empathy or love. A sociopath isn't mentally capable of empathy, conditions or no. What empathy they might feel is really just a mask if they think it might benefit them in some way. Losing your empathy is a natural adaptation to the current world, yes, but a sociopath doesn't have empathy to lose in the first place. Trust me, it's a thing that exists. My own brother is a sociopath, without a doubt.

I can see why you'd think that (especially if the only part you know is the anime), but you're wrong.

Yes, there are people born without instinctive empathy. However, under the Jewish definition, someone jaded and someone born that way are considered to be the same. Same diagnosis, same prognosis, no consideration for any genetic element.

It's just part of cultural marxism, the deprecation of the effect of genetics in the mental state. We have to fight that bullshit wherever it crops up.

That said, I would encourage people born without empathy to throw off the label too.

meh, depends on how shitty your psychologist was trained

sociopathy is not a real term

antisocial personality disorder is and should be considered on a case by case basis in a clinical setting, because a good portion of people with it are simply extremely resentful and havent had any ability or time to grow past their resentment

Thread theme

I didn't even make it a full 3 seconds

user I'm disappointed in you.

Yes, well, that's what I meant. ASPD is considered to be the same regardless of the functioning mechanisms behind it; if they have no guilt or empathy, they have ASPD, even if they were born that way.

If this cunt dubbed the ED as well she and everyone who donates to her fucking Patreon should be sent to the gas chamber immediately. Dubbing over Aoi Yuuki is bad enough but dubbing over her singing is heresy.
At least it's not official.
Why do people like this shit? What the hell is wrong with them?

Actual thread theme since I can't post images and embed in the same post

But I dont understand Jap

blunted empathy and empathy not existing at all create the same pathology


The local Krieg officer would like a word with you behind the shed.

Dubs don't lie. Korean kartoons are in our dna.

How can LotGH be redpilled when Rudolph did nothing wrong?

This meme would not be so old and stale if only Kircheis did not die so soon.

Aren't you tired of trying to push the most retarded revisionism in imageboard history?

No. Sauce?

Yeah. The number of his Tanya images doesn't sound being above 4digits.

Oh its far too late for us.
And for most people who are alive today.
Any measures or changes that could be put in place would be nothing more than a bandage on a cancer patient at this stage. Your best case scenario is managing to control most symptoms.

Why do you think the fascists targeted children and young people with most of their campaigns?
There's no damage.

Youjo Shenki on JewTube

Children are malleable so they can be shaped by the people. School is the best tool to hammer them into squares at the cost of their creativity. Hence the reason why the parents are taking their kids out of the public schools.

Yes the current public school setup is pretty shite.
But the idea of public school is very good as it produces a consistent level of basic education and can help identify the psychologically unstable at a young age.

The primary problems are staffing, agenda and a lack of ancillary activities such as special educational programs for gifted or difficult students.

There wasn't any cutscene with sexual innuendo context of any sort in kissanime.

I was an difficult student in my high school and what you said about that is true. Don't go in my head, okay? ;_;

Everyone wants to be validated by an external party, that's a large part of Evangelion's entire point. We as individuals want the validation and human contact with others, but we can never truly understand and "be one" with anyone else. But on the flipside if you remove the AT field and meld us into the single consciousness the Instrumentality project wanted to implement, we lose individuality and thus can not be said to truly be us anymore.
It's the contrast between self and collective, and on the smaller side between physical and metaphysical (this part more spelled out in Rei's character).

Specifying Asuka was a special kind of crazy isn't a fair assessment. None of them were really that weird except for Rei. She was the only out there character because her character's point was a philosophical thing, not a psychological.

The main reason such programs don't really exist is resource expenditure in relation to student numbers.
Since every school has to reproduce all the resources, staff, etc for these programs independently they rarely deem it financially viable.
If you have say ten students out of a few hundred who would require a particular sort of special educational program then it's not financially sound to expend the extra resources.

To do it effectively and efficiently you'd need to have catchment areas that cover multiple schools. For some programs they'd need to be national with an on site residential element for the students simply because the number of relevant children is so small.

Which then of course raises the ugly spectre of whose budget the money is taken from. Which results in arguing between schools and districts.

These things can only be done properly and effectively when managed centrally with a strategic mindset.
Something the fascists were highly effective at.

That will work in autocratic society but won't work in the democratic society because the politician placed the votes and profits higher than fixing the problems because they don't give a shit about the people as they are like cattle to them. You put a lot of thoughts in your posts so please keep it up good work.

It can work in a democratic society the question is primarily the form the democratic society takes and whether or not that society allows its government to act.

To use the concept of government put forward by the British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley.
He frequently argued that government in Britain was dominated by inaction, the talking shop of westminster as he often put it. That the politicians would talk and talk and on the rare occasion that one felt inclined to action they were often constrained by matters of law, procedure or their peers.

As such he felt that government first and foremost must be empowered to act. Perhaps with clearly defined limits but otherwise it must act.

He advocated the creation of a five part government in the UK.
Government in the UK would be seperated into five main components.

The primary government itself. The office of the prime minister, the various ministers and so on. These would not be drawn from parliament as they are now but could instead be appointed by various means. Through an election, through appointment by the crown, selection by parliament. The actual means was mostly irrelevant.
The primary government would be empowered to pursue its agenda with relatively large amounts of freedom compared to modern British governments. But its field of authority would be clearly defined to particular subjects and fields. Within them its authority would be absolute but outside it would be constrained in a very clear and concise manner.
The term of the primary government would in theory be unlimited. It would continue to function until such a time its members were unable or unwilling or its term was ended by parliament or the crown.

Which brings us to parliament. Parliament would continue mostly as is. Members would be elected in the same manner as they are now and would continue to perform the various secondary duties expected of its members. Though with a greater emphasis placed on these secondary duties as parliamentary debate on legislation and government actions would be reduced massively. The government would only really need parliamentary approval for certain kinds of actions and legislation (declarations of war, legislation that may have an adverse effect on the rights of British citizens, etc)
The primary purpose of parliament would be to extend or end the term of the government. Which could be done either at any time or at a regular review of the governments performance and actions.
One main benefit of this approach is that it may make it a lot easier for independents and smaller parties to obtain seats in parliament due to control of parliament not being as essential or tied to continued operation of the government.


trump is awesome

The house of lords would undergo total reform.
Going from a chamber of appointees divided up between parties based on an arbitrary balance from a particular year, to a chamber of experts representing various fields and special interest groups.
So you'd have people representing particular fields of specialised education such as physicists, biologists, etc and people representing trade groups such as electricians, teachers, butchers, mechanical engineers, etc. Then individuals representing special interest groups such as minority groups, mothers, the disabled, etc.
The basic idea being that the house of lords in its new incarnation would be a ready and easily available source of expert opinion on a wide array of subjects and can bring up potential unforseen problems with proposed legislation or actions by providing a massively diverse skillset to scrutinise said things against.

Then of course we have the crown.
The crown would operate much the same as it does now. Serving as a figure head, controller of most of the armed forces, leader of the constabulary and head of the official state churches.
They would retain a power that has since been removed which is being able to order the dissolution at any time.
This power would be extended to the primary government as well. So at any point the crown can call for the immediate dissolution of either parliament or the government or both. And appoint temporary replacements whose primary purpose will be to maintain the nation until they have organised elections to replace the dissolved bodies.
The primary purpose of the crown is as an emergency response, if the primary government has become too powerful and capable of subverting the system for its own ends or parliament utterly incapable of doing its job then the crown can deal with the problem.

Finally we have local government.
The basic idea here is fairly simply and is just to empower local government to act in the interests of those they represent.
Since local government is massively constrained on a lot of fronts with highly inconsistent levels of authority to act.
A greater proportion of tax revenue would also find its way to them on the basis that they are better suited to spend it effectively in the interests of the local community.
Not without oversight of course to ensure incompetence or special interests do not ruin everything. But for the most part left to do their thing.

And that is the basic idea of governance for the British fascists of the BUF and subsequent mosleyite thinkers (of whom there are regrettably few)
That the actual selection mechanism for government is mostly irrelevant and is tied primarily to what the people of said nation consider acceptable.
What is important is that the government is free to act so as to the meet the expectations, needs and demands of its people. And can be quickly removed if it fails on this front.
To match the sensibilities and desires of the British the proposal is essentially a melding of autocratic governance and democratic governance.

In some aspects the USA did very well initially along this vein. The idea of their constitution, the reliance on and independence of state governments and so on all initially worked rather well.
The problems arose when it became obvious that federal government had no real counter to its continuing growth beyond the fields of responsibility given to it.


Having reread this I felt the need to expand a bit on the USA.
As in other ways the USA is also a wonderful example of government being prevented from acting.

By the rules of US elections Donald Trump was made president.
Arguments of every sort can be made against and for this but they are all ultimately irrelevant as he played the game and won the game according to the rules.
That's why he's in the white house and Killary is not.

But since entering the white house we have seen his attempts at action stymied at every turn.
What this means is that a government has been elected but is being prevented from acting.
In terms of Mosleyite thinking this behaviour is counter productive, if a government is to be prevented from acting at near every turn then what is the point of said government existing in the first place?
Let it run free and then put it down if it proceeds to trample all over the flower beds.

Let congress remove Trump.
Then Trump can run in the emergency election. Win again. Laugh at his detractors then laugh again when congress undergoes a massive shift at the next election if it continues in its behaviour.

Mates I can't lie, I really tried giving this show a chance but I couldn't even get past the first few minutes of the first episode. Just seems like straight up cancer, even with the amount of pandering it does to us.



No I am serious. I just didn't like it. Did it get better over time? It just seemed so cheesy.

You didn't try at all.

I'm really picky with what I watch due to being burned so many times by garbage tier shows. It's usually pretty easy to tell if something is high quality or not just from how the writers handle the opening few scenes.


ahahahaha, now see that's an accurate analysis….
Seriously I can't believe this fucktard went to such lengths to portray the whole thing in a revolutionary/anticapitalist light

Just cuz he wants the loli. He will never admit this to himself, of course… Just continue doubling down.

Not to mention the original is Deus Vult personified

wtf I like acidkike's halfkike waifu now

Wasn't she lamergate's? They can keep the dumb histrionic broad. Rather get meself a fervently loyal jew-chopping yandere.

Welp, I think we just answered where this all came from…

oh yeah definitely, that and the 80s.
Japs made the fatal mistake we did with trying to tie all our media together, every manga has to become a good anime has to become a good movie has to become a good game has to become a good and overly expensive trading card game. 80s and 90s VHS and CD/laserdisc and even a little into the DVD era, there's a lot more things made without a monstrous expectation on an investment return.
Mid-2000s is when it kicks into overdrive as people realise you can get away with 'splitting' games 2, 3, 4 times and people will still buy all of them (thanks Pokemon, you fuckers) and for single-shot games they also get special editions, then 'limited' editions which have some gimmick like a collab character or anime import 'guest,' then a 'world' version which has all the shit they added to the US/EU one (Kingdom Farts does that a bunch) and finally a year later a 'greatest hits' version similar to our FPSes/GOTY edition where it has everything together with a few tweaks/omissions.
Then for the animes you had ridiculous bullshit like Ranma½ one of the longest running series, being released two episodes to a single DVD. That is just straight up jewry right there.
Giant Interactive must be China's revenge for Nanking, it totally changed the idea of how business and copyright in Japan function.
Seriously they almost stole the fucking rights to Blech for their shitty online flash game ripoff of it. They could probably buy Israel from jews if they put their minds to it.


1. reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
2. formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage:
They attended worship this morning.
3. adoring reverence or regard:
excessive worship of business success.
4. the object of adoring reverence or regard.

1. confidence or trust in a person or thing:
faith in another's ability.
2. belief that is not based on proof:
He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
3. belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion:
the firm faith of the Pilgrims.
4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.:
to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.
5. a system of religious belief:
the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.
6. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.:
Failure to appear would be breaking faith.
7. the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one's promise, oath, allegiance, etc.:
He was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.
8. Christian Theology. the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.

Why would you worship or have faith in a being merely because it's powerful? There's a key component missing, and that's trust. There's no point in trusting a fickle, angry, petty, vindicative, enslaving god. Fuck anyone or anything that would demand piety.
THAT is the point of Youjo Senki, you buffoon.

The magic gizmo prayer thing amuses me in how insidious it is.
What he gave Tanya was essentially a do it yourself to yourself brainwashing kit.
The more she uses it and spews forth that religious speech it demands the more she will internalise it.
By the end of the series she is already having lapses where she regards the entity as God. Though mostly in conversations with others, where she takes out her frustration with the entity. Like that little speech she gives at the end of the series which may as well be a declaration of recognition of being X as God.

Which brings us to another thing.
Does being/entity X understand the concept of faith?
Insofar his attempts to induce faith are rooted in either coercion or brainwashing.

Read it in the original japanese and check. kami can be interpreted as god or God, depending. There's a lot that is probably lost in translation. Everything I've seen so far shows that Tanya doesn't have a smidgen of faith or trust, and Being X is enough of a fucking retard that he's not deserving of it.

I suppose some linguistic subtleties can be lost.
Asian languages can often be extremely unclear.

But the general feeling I've gotten isn't that she has faith or trust in being X but is instead unknowingly acknowledging being X as god without intending to or realising it.
This does not imply faith or worship

"A rose by any other name" works both ways, user.


wtf is this gay thread even about


Making fun of kampfy because he goes "muh books" at book threads and deletes them, but allows this. Yeah, books are more important than this, sorry

This video triggered Marxists so much. Which is funny but in reality it is necessary for the businessmen to be strictly efficient or else the things won't running smoothly.

I simply think she is feisty and cute as fuck

At this point?
It's just a general chattering away thread for Holla Forumsacks

In English please, and not Marxbabble?

looks to me like 27 out of 29 posts you've made in this thread they've been off-topic and an attempt to derail and sage us with your wisdom.
Why not go back to /r/fuckoff


Tanya a cute.

The original subject was shit to begin with.
Most anons could have written an equally valid refutation

I really like the sound in it and hope they put a 5.1 track and not the usual stereo although that is highly unlikely

Brainwashing the people with trashy Marxism and don't be comedic toward uh…moral values and people's life.

The alien base near the end literally has signs in hebrew on the walls.


She just cares about Alice you faggot

Also it's gotten a bunch of people surrounding Tanya to become religious via their interactions with her or via granting them boons like the mad scientist.

Tanya's mistake is thinking that she is the target, it wants people to believe in God for whatever reason, Tanya was never end all and be all of that intent.

She's being played like a fiddle. It's like the tragedy Magnus the Red, in loli form.

Tanya should be EveryGirl

To say thats a terrifying thought is putting it lightly.
But then why transport her to the world she now inhabits when she could instead be used in the world which being X has actively complained lacks faith on a massive scale?

Or is Tanya an experimental run for a new process of mass conversion?

I think really the goal is to try and understand how to crack difficult individuals raised in modern societies where the concept of the divine is no longer easily understood. Individuals like the man Tanya used to be.
All to better understand these societies and how to convert them.
After all if he figures out Tanya then he'll have insight into the other people in modern society.

Literally MovieBob-tier analysis.

Remember, this cunt hates "entitled" gamers who "arrogantly and childishly" presume that multimillion dollar international megacompanies should be expected to deliver on their promises.

Image unrelated.

Well having watched only the anime I can see how she is being manipulated into making people more religious. Be it the scientist in a more direct way, her enemies believing in a righteous purpose of having to kill this "devil of the rhine", or her peers listening to her when she activates her jewel

Too right. Should be expanded on a bit but I am not a cohesive writer. Such as tragedy within life and comfort of being alone as to not hurt or be hurt by future events. Learning to understand individual pain and grow from it rather than stagnate. Gendo and rejecting it, Misato and dealing with it, finally Asuka and Shinji in overcoming it and accepting it as part of life.

Hahahaha is he serious? The entire anime is an autistic wank about Not-Reich curbstomping Not-Allies using magic and nazi lolis. Shit, the anime even outright blames Allies for WW2, saying that Germany wanted peace but Allies were too afraid of its power, so they decided to pre-emptively crush it. How the fuck is he going to reframe that one?

You need to go and stay gone.

Stop fucking rationalizing your autism and covering it up with the one not girly faggot show everyone posts when they want to make it seem like girly faggot shit isn't all they watch.
The so called loli in the "nazi waifu anime" people keep going on about is also a fucking tranny.
Have fun with that.
Stop polluting this board.

Fuck off you triggered goon, get your panties in a twist about weebshit back where you belong.
If your soul is reincarnated after you die into a body that is genetically female from birth, are you a tranny? I don't think you know why trannies are so horrifying.

Waste of devilish trips. Poor, triggered goon. The $10 brotherhood hasn't served you well in the ways of shitposting.

Stop chimping out goon tranny.

Was everybody in this thread raised by their mother? jesus christ.

It’s an imkikey thread where he sucks off his nigger-lipped bitch. What did you expect?


Fucking this.
The idea that everything needs to have some sort of intentional hidden meaning is idiotic.

You can pull interpretations out and use the medium as a metaphor for something unrelated, however sometimes the medium exists purely for fantasy fulfilment and nothing more.
Its why a second season of this show likely won't work as well. There is no underlying depth, its just for fun. So once the novelty wears off, people stop watching.

Daily reminder.

Hasn't mastered balancing the 2d and the 3d world.

Reminder, that women are shit in Japan as well. Feminism is a disease that's infected 1st world countries everywhere. Polarization of the genders is quite the problem.

This image is a strawman, noboby would ever choose this route if they had a date with a qt blond.

lol butthurt

It was written by a Marxist, retard. ofc it would have subtle levels of ideology within it. Read his previous light novel about soviet union.

All the kvetching about Japan's birthrates is a psyop to get them to accept more immigrants. Japan's population is larger than it needs to be with the land that they have, they'd benefit from shrinking a bit even with the short-term economic strain it causes.

This, japan is densily populated and every fucking population goes through growth and decline, its like you niggers never paid attention during biology. Shit regulates itself even though there are obviously more factors to consider with humans than with animals. Last I knew japans birthrates were rising again anyway

Notice how the fault is, as always, on the men. It couldn't possibly be the fault of the women. It couldn't possibly be the case that there is shared blame. I mean, women are the gatekeeper, right? You're not allowed to rape and instead of fathers choosing a suitable partner it's entirely dependent on a woman's decision making ability as the ultimate factor in determining who fucks and who doesn't.

If men are going after 2D pussy over 3D pussy that says everything you need to know about 3D pussy.


What they need is Korea and Manchukuo back

It's not just idiotic. It's the cornerstone of cultural marxists' subversion methods.

These. Also doubledubs confirm.


Holla Forums is for "proper" political posts, not some controversial review of an anime.

Fuck off, niggers like you and imkampfy already damaged this board enough.

When has this board ever been about posting anime reviews?
Kampfy doesn't even come into this your stupid fuck.

Not true when you take determinism into account.

Next thing you say will be

Space elevator and Space escalator are gone

Because of no fun allowed faggots


Even beaverposter is gone

Quick question, isnt the anime girl actually a dude?
Making all you weirdos that post pedo wana-be picks actual faggots because you are fantasizing about a dude?

Honestly she looks better in Youjo Shenki. I wish they didn't make her look like ANIMEPEPE.

She was a dude in her past life. She was murdered down the stair by a fired person and reborn as a magic girl.

You didn't honestly expect someone with the drive and ability to make good threads to not get a life and never leave imageboards, did you?

I don't understand why they fucked with the art style so much. They really made Tanya and Serebryakov look hideous.

it's supposed to be comedic.

Here have a not-shit analysis of Youjo Senki's cinematography(Animetography?) to cleanse your palate

The lead character designer of the animation studio is a fujoshi and doesn't like waifus.Because she as a woman realizes that she will never not be 3dpd

Finally got around to watching this. It was pretty damn good.


Reported and gassed.

I feel compelled to post this webm.

Get the fuck out.

Deus Ex was ahead of its time

Holy shit! Do the sequels have anything nearly as redpilling? also..

Not really.
Invisible War wasn't bad for redpills and interesting thought material. But was very meh as a game.

Human Revolution and its sequel were very meh in a lot of ways. But with the odd nugget of interesting or abnormally perceptive elements.

What a shame…

Human Revolution was also very blatantly there to shill transhumanism, the only thing even remotely related to conspiracy is the use of FEMA camps which don't have any people in them that aren't guards (with the exception of the DLC where they literally gas the prisoners) and the mention of the word Illuminati in regards to the elites. Mandkind Divided on the other hand is pozzed as fuck, for example it has more black people in the Czech Republic than HR had in Detroit.

Funny thing though on the transhumanism.
It shills for it and shills against it in equal measure.

It very much shills overwhelmingly for it
Also I wouldn't consider the Illuminati's actions to be a legitimate argument because the killswitch was only implemented after repeated EMP bursts tricked people into taking the chips with the killswitch. Yeah, it's a downside, but it's still an extremely situational one, and it could easily have been avoided by people not getting the fix.

Here's a version of that, that doesn't sound like shit.

I think it does a good job of highlighting some of the potential downsides of cybernetic transhumanism (affordability of maintenance and remote control/software meddling) while acknowledging the potential benefits. Adapting to new hardships is human, denying change is the path of the luddite and it's why people make fun of the amish.

It was good.

t. lurker


will there be a second season of Tanya?

People everywhere just keep repeating this over and over again like a mantra (and it's always either 99% or 90%, never anything else) even if they've seen almost no anime. I recently read a MAL user review from someone lamenting the shitty state of modern anime, and when I looked at his profile he had completed 16 anime, the oldest of them from 2010 (when he was 12 years old). But it's not much worse than most other people who have seen only a couple of 80s and 90s anime, which they think represent the entire period.

Nearly every single thing Westerners believe about anime is false. It's on par with the topsy-turvy SJW worldview.

It sold well, which usually means a second season.

Friendly reminder that anime and manga are under constant attack of goons and SJWeebs. SJWeebs in particular go with the "anime must change" so their cancerous clique asses can gatekeep and infect the scene.

If only it was just goons and SJWs. You can go to any anime community or discussion and see this kind of cognitive diarrhea. Most of it comes from "normal" people.


Why would normalfags watch anime that's isn't naruto or bleach?

They don't. That doesn't stop them from blindly bitching about it and parroting SJW talking points, because that's what stupid normalfags fucking do.


"b-but Tanya the Evil is cool, even though it is produced by a leftist and espouses "gender-bender" propaganda in a WWI setting

dWeebs, stop.

I recently read somewhere that it's coming next year.

It has no "gender-bender propaganda," and something Japanese is not equivalent to something American just because they share some very vague superficial similarities.

It is gender-bender propaganda, and my comparison is valid. The only difference is that Wonder Woman masculinizes women and Tanya the Evil effeminizes men. In social terms, these are "two sides of the same coin" anyway.

Do not get me wrong, I find femdom and gender-bendering as novel as anybody else, but I know deep down that it's perverted and wrong.

It's a Japanese story about a man who is reincarnated as a girl in another world. It has nothing to do with Western transgender propaganda efforts. You are grasping at straws, looking for any possible reason to attack it just because it's anime. Typical normalfag shit.

Degeneracy is degeneracy, whether it originates in the West or in the East. I am not seeking to attack this series, but put it into context. We must be aware of subliminal perversions so we can immunize ourselves from them.


Again it has nothing to do with your Western shit. Get a life.

The flip out when tokyo ghoul had a straight sex scene with a character they all claimed to be gay was pretty funny.

You accuse me of being a normalfag, yet insult me like a normalfag.

Please, I understand you feel an emotional compulsion to defend Nippon's honor, but besides being a homogenous society, it is a pretty degenerate place.

And by the way, the reason why Japan has remained homogenous until now is because so few Japanese people are fluent in the English language and have association with English-speaking cosmopolitan culture. So English-speaking people like you viewing Japan as "exotic" will inexorably lead to Japan's cucking.

Desperately attempting to attack anime by coming up with completely bogus claims means you don't have a life of any description.

You normalfags always do this. You attack anime, and when someone defends it you act like they're doing something wrong.

As opposed to what? Western countries? Don't make me laugh.

I didn't say or imply a fucking thing about treating Japan as "exotic."

Fucking normalfags.


Eastern Europe for one. Why do so many people on here just ignore how pro-faggotry anime and manga are?

You clearly have an idealized view of Japan. In your opinion, Japanese degeneracy cannot be compared to its obvious Western counterparts because Japan has this holy mystique surrounding it. In other words, you are a Weeb.

Now you're accusing me of not being a normalfag, as if that's a bad thing? It seems like you're desperately hurling negative characterizations at me. You're trying to damage the reputation of someone on an anonymous imageboard in order to dissuade him from stating the truth. Well, you're swatting at thin air if you think I care about normalfag concepts like "having a life."

Protip: if "having a life" (literally "living life like a normal person") is what you base your opinions of other people on, you are the normalfag. Anime is largely a normalfag interest these days, and you don't seem like an exception to this.

Either all porn is permissible or no porn is permissible.
We're not going to have a weeb double standard here, what the fuck even is that?
Are there serious Holla Forumsacks who think this? if so, this board is fucking done.

No it really isn't and the only reason you have a "culture" here is because you are protected by the mods.
Anime and anime culture is pure fucking cancer and they probably believe this too, but they permit it because they want to destroy the board.

i always love seeing this sort of shit happen. these cocksuckers seek to dictate the content the creators are allowed to make, as though the simple act of consuming the product, usually for free, makes them some sort of executive producer. i really wish this were more common

Some people argue that Jap pornographers are better than Jew pornographers, but I don't think Jew pornographers have fetishized stuff like abortion yet.

At least Jewish pornography deals with real life and is restricted by reality; Jap pornography gives us "feminine testicle breasts."

Shlomo pls.

I agree, it's entertaining. Thing is, they usually do dictate the content, it it's western shows or wors, something with indie origins.
Makes the fall all the more amusing.

Not really mate. Most normalfags who "watch" anime only talk about the shit they watched as a kid, which is most likely dubbed DBZ or shit like that. You spend so much time on the internet you're surrounded by people who like nip shit so you see that as "normal".

The reality is a large portion of people who watch anime watch the recent shit. Even further most only watch dubs with a lesser portion watching subbed shit because "I can't read and watch at the same time" is typically the excuse.

You try to sit a normalfag down and make them watch something like Daitarn 3 or the original Tetsujin and they'll drop it 10 minutes in because "Too old". In fact most anime thhat isn't from the 2000s onward is consider "too old" by a majority, yet they make magical exceptions for their childhood nostalgia. (DBZ again as an example.)


A vast majority of normalfags don't watch anime, those that do watch dubbed recent shit or shit like DBZ (nostalgia). The biggest chunk of anime watched is recent shit.

You sound like a goon the way you kvetch about anime by the way.

Just when you think that you've seen everything, the nips prove you wrong

This ain't propaganda because it isn't espousing the gender switch, if you can even call it that since the original is deader than dogshit and the new body was borne and will never be anything other than a female, as some positive or negative thing. It exists solely so that the MC can crack jokes which rely on her having knowledge of the modern world while still being a tiny loli fighting WW1.

There is honest faggot baiting in anime to provide jack off material or fujobait. But that isn't what is happening in Tanya, it's just to facilitate the gags.

babyfuck.jpg has been around since 2009

That makes it worse, not better. Photorealistic fictions are much better vehicles for subverting and corrupting real society, because the more "real" something looks, the better it is at subconsciously bypassing people's bullshit filters and masquerading as "how things are / how they could be". Cartoons are inherently weird and strange, and people are thus much more likely to compartmentalize them properly as the fictions and metaphors they are. It's why Hollywood live-action movies have become such potent global propaganda tools in less than a century, while drawn comics and cartoons are still the domain of niche fandoms despite being around for much longer than photorealistic movies.

yes, there's 'lol girls kissing desu~' then there's brokeback mountain shit, but we both know which is more popular.
bending reality and foregoing sensibilities for entertainment's sake is of the oldest pastimes.
the people you gotta worry about are those who can't distinguish fantasy from reality, or would use fiction as a weapon against aforementioned

Why do so many people ignore the difference between them and real life?

I clearly do not.

According to me, Japan is less degenerate. That isn't idealization, that is reality.

And here we fucking go, right on schedule. You couldn't be more of a fucking normalfag even if you tried.

Normalfags don't have lives.

This coming from someone who just claimed I'm a weeb.

You are attacking anime with made up accusations on an anonymous imageboard because anime makes you butthurt for whatever reason.

Only the tip of the anime iceberg is a normalfag interest, but as expected a normalfag like you wouldn't know that.

Cry more, normalfag loser.

Things aren't automatically bait just because you don't like them.

Oh shit, is this fapbait user?

It's been months. This is the third or fourth board you've followed me to. It's time to let go.

Holy shit

What the fuck is wrong with you people? I have been on the internet for a long time but this must be the most mentally ill behavior I've ever witnessed.

For anyone in need of context on who fapbait user is:

Holla Forums isn't very big. You're easy to spot.
Also, you're autistic. Dragonmaid is shit.

Oh, make that the third, fourth or fifth board.

The real context is that someone on Holla Forums was criticizing an anime (Kobayashi-san's Dragon Maid), and when I stepped in to defend it the board completely lost it and had a Chernobyl-level meltdown which spanned at least four threads. I've never seen anything like it. Then they followed me to 4chan's Holla Forums, and Holla Forums's Holla Forums, maybe some other place I can't remember. And as you can see they're still doing it. They probably spend every day scanning through boards and possibly other sites, looking for me. They went off the deep end permanently.

And the reason why I have somehow become known as "fapbait user" is because someone claimed that something constitutes "fapbait" when they don't like it, and when I corrected this they went even further off the deep end. They have some kind of extreme obsession with the topic.

And another thing they kept repeating for hundreds of times is that I'm autistic even though they have no idea what that means. And of course they are still deeply upset about Dragonmaid. Why a Holla Forums board is so vehemently fixated on this one anime is anyone's guess.

Still running with this meme are ya? Protip: you have no evidence.

It is a self-evident fact that you are following me.

So this thread is lost now. Holla Forums is going to hijack it to continue this insane crusade.

Why the fuck would you defend awful multi-culti propaganda like Dragonmaid?

And again someone tries to drag anime into what is a Western political issue.

Thank God Holla Forums had IDs so I can filter you.

Are you pushing globalist propaganda, or are you just too ignorant to know that countries around the world are not all the same?

What in the fuck am I witnessing

Holla Forums in action. They're going to raid the thread in full force if someone posts an alert on their board.


And as expected of Holla Forums, they try to pin the blame on me. As if I'm the one who started this.


But isn't that the same thing?

I'm completely uninitiated to this drama I skimmed you linked /cow/ thread is this "autism isn't bad, autism isn't an insult, you don't know what autism means, autism isn't negative, you don't understand autism, autism i-" infinite loop standard for this retard?

I swear, only genuinely autistic faggots and their caretakers are this adamant about trying to stop using "Autism" as an insult online

Yep. He will reply to literally every post that mentions him with the exact same text ad infinitum. He has reached the bump limit doing this in at least six different threads.

Is constantly, obsessively and randomly accusing people of autism standard for you retards?

I reply to your posts because you make those posts in the first place. This was all started by you and you are the ones who imported this drama into yet another thread that has nothing to do with it on yet another board that has nothing to do with it. But as usual you will keep dodging all responsibility.


Mental illness. You've been doing this non-stop ever since the original threads, for absolutely no valid reason.

So as far as I can tell, what we have here is a case of autists autistically triggering other autists about autistim, in some sort of perpetual feedback autism loop.

I'm not autistic, I never started this, and I never hijacked this thread.



They aren't cartoons, and it is simply a fact that the relationship between anime and reality is not the same in Japan as it is in the West.

What exactly do you think I did that's worth reporting? Why aren't you reporting the Holla Forums raid instead?

Take your fucking medication.

Holy fuck. I've seen my fair share of
but it doesn't come anywhere near the amount
bullshit they're flooding everything with.

(dubs confirm)
We'll just need to find a way to harvest the energy from it.
Also, that green helmet nigger pisses me off.

Maybe you should take yours, because what you just "quoted" is not found anywhere in my post.

Where did I say anything like "autism actually makes you a superhero, everybody should wish they had it"?

Mods are useless.

I think the Japs are already working on it with their KEK high-energy supercollider research.

Fuck the hell off, faglover.

The moderator created the thread. We have proof of this. He jerks his non-white cock to this nigger-lipped bitch every day.

I didn't say it because it is a fact that I didn't. There is no record of me ever having said it.


The funniest part about all this is that fapbait user is deluded enough to think that people actually WANT to find him.

Why do you keep calling me fapbait user when you're the one obsessed with the concept? All I ever did was point out that it's a myth when you brought it up.

It's pretty obvious you want to find me seeing as how you already brought this drama to (at least) Holla Forums, 4/co/ and now here.

That's a cute way to spin

There was no spin, only facts. You started this on Holla Forums and have been following me around ever since. But as has been the case since the beginning, you blame everything on me instead.


I just found out about you today faggot, I suggest you take your medication. Also dragon maid was the worst SoL in winter, Gabriel Dropout was significantly better.

You're all part of the same group with the same agenda and the same posts.

No you didn't.

this is what anime does to your brain

It is a self-evident fact that Holla Forums has followed me to various boards. There is zero room for opinion or interpretation here.

this duragonfist is going down your ass

Why is a board dedicated to Western animation and comics so psychotically obsessed with this anime?

The record shows that you are the one who's obsessed with Dragon Maid.

There are no records showing any such thing. You are projecting.

Perhaps we are both obsessed with it?

I'm not.

what is it with Tokyo Ghoul and the salt? Also it stopped being a serious seinen series long ago, I now think it panders to older women in Japan where they fantasize about two heterosexuals doing gay stuff.

They can only do it in the west, in nip-land there is no rules when it comes to anime or manga. Its only the telly executives and boards that can dictate what is to be shown and not.

Being obsessed isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can mean that you're possessive over something that's important to you.

As I just said, I am not obsessed with it. Holla Forums is. And there is nothing even remotely healthy about their obsession. The admins should just delete the whole board.

I had no idea; I'm fucking watching jojo now.

It was well done.

t. professional lurker


Welcome to the internet. I'll be your guide.

If you don't see the negative selection and parasitic nature of modern capitalism while also knowing that communism, anarchism, etc. are evil, utopian, failed systems, you probably don't belong here.

The sequels are disgustingly pozzed SJW garbage that will make your stomach churn.

You guys aren't thinking about this clearly. You should be advertising this film review to the normies, and getting them to watch a series on the glory of the fatherland under the guise of "capitalism bad, lol"

ur a faget

No, you are. You started this and you brought the argument to yet another board that has nothing to do with it.

Torture. Nothing else. Depending on how you want to look at it, being X is either the god or the devil or both and is punishing them or putting them on trial until they state that said higher power exists. Every "good" that Tanya believes to change the future of the world in favor of the empire backfires, everything they touch falls apart even when it seems things are on the verge of victory, and so on. That means being x is nothing but a sadistic fuck and is creating misery from happiness for their own benefit.

Welcome to psychoanalysis and marxism 101, where they redefine all reality in a retarded way and proceed to affirm they have shown or proved something surprising about it.


I'm not "monitoring" anything, the tab is simply open. And if it's so wrong for me to keep reading the thread, then what are you still doing here? And again it was you who started this whole crusade in the first place and it was you who introduced it into this thread. So don't try to make it seem like this is my fault.

This thread also shows that Holla Forums is actually very toothless. The thread's being raided and shitposted by another board and Holla Forums has no response. The thread hasn't been anchored, there's been no bans, there's been no criticism of Holla Forums. Nothing. If Holla Forums can't even defend its own board then there's no chance people here will ever manage to do anything in real life.


Why the hell is this thread back after almost a month?


And I'm sure you have evidence for this assertion?
You know Holla Forums hates you too right?

I keep the tab open because it's an active thread that I'm involved in. I do this all the time.

And consider that you have been doing this for MONTHS. You started this shitshow on Holla Forums, then you brought it to 4/co/, then you brought it to Holla Forums, now you brought it here. But somehow, as usual, I am in the wrong. Because I've had this thread open for a few days. And didn't start this argument in the first place.

The evidence has been stated already, but I'm sure you knew that. You just want to pretend that's nothing's going on so you don't have to do anything about it.

Holla Forums brought over their crusade to Holla Forums.

You faggots recommended me this faggot gay homo show and I watched it.
Bored the whole fucking time. The best parts were Tanya being mean in meetings.
You queer pillowbiters cost me four hours of my life and I want them back.

We're not exactly normal user..

Watch Slayers.

Good shit.

Forum sliding.


Holla Forums is lina.
Holla Forums is naga the serpent.

kys yourself already

You started this. You brought this over to this thread. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

I'm not saying you're doing it on purpose, but you've just summarize /a/ threads for Youjo Senki and Overlord. For instance, the "debate" going on over there over Overlord: >>>/a/690384

He knows.
Apparently nip Warhamsters noticed the similarities too and asked him about it.

Scanslations of both are still happening, but slowing down as their scanslators are losing interest, sadly. Season 2 will air by 2018, after Overlord S2.

Autismo wanted more replies


/a/ is the only board is fullchan that is more pozzed than it's cuckchan equivalent though


Yes, that's what I said. What about it? Are you saying there is something objectionable about keeping a tab open for a thread you're participating in? And why are YOU still here?

If you actually read Maus you'll notice that there's never any accounts of extermination or deliberate starvation. Or even mass execution. It's all just forced labor in wartime prison conditions.

Spiegelman just assumes you assume that somewhere in the background the death factories are grinding night and day. Without the idea that behind the scenes millions of Jews are getting gassed, it's just a boring story of civilian privations during wartime.

Can someone tell me what this chinese picture show is?

t. 4/pol/ refugee

Just ignore it. The kike is the one who posts it.

Can't you read the fucking thread?

Did he just call Barron Trump a sociopath?



What is this deviant art bullshit. This can't be his real account right?

It's real

it's been days nigger

It's been months since you started this and it's been days since you raided the thread. And once again, what are YOU still doing here? Why can't you answer the question?

And also once again, I'm not autistic. You were never able to prove I am. You don't even know what it means. Accusing me of having mental problems is also hilarious considering you've spent months stalking and fighting me for the sole reason that I defended an anime series that you have some obsessive hatred towards.

You think there's some sinister group out to harass you across the internet without being able to realize that you might just be an obnoxious cunt. That's pretty autistic.

You started this on Holla Forums. You followed me to 4chan's Holla Forums. You followed me to Holla Forums. You followed me here. This is 100% undeniable fact.

That's something someone with autism would say.

Making factual statements is not evidence of autism, and again:

You have no evidence.

It's self-evident and you yourselves have already admitted you're from Holla Forums.

Not if you don't have autism.


Could we stop with these old shitty Threads. Sage get the fuck off the front page!

You called me fapbait user, which is the nonsensical moniker you came up with on Holla Forums. It's also otherwise perfectly obvious that you're all from Holla Forums, continuing the same old fight.

Everyone calls you that, user. It's on your /cow/ page.

It was invented on Holla Forums and the reason I have a "/cow/ page" is because you people made one after your meltdown on Holla Forums.

The archive on that page is from Holla Forums.

It's kinda fun watching these two autists fling shit at each other

What about it?

I'm not an autist, and it's not two people. It's a group of people from Holla Forums.

haha no, it belongs to rei


Because 'she' fights for a future for white children and slaughters subhuman zionists and their minions

I heard that the authors hate the character and her Nationalist ideals but it seems that their anime backfired completely. Tanya is the new superior and glorious Nationalist loli that Holla Forums hates with a passion.

She is only doing this to avoid the death as she will not be reborn again due to her lack of faith in the past.

Why are girls always the primary power figure in these images?
Japs are no less cucked than Europeans.
Feminism stains every medium from every origin, it seems.

you forgot to change your ID faggot

For the Japs it's more that they just like cute girls.
And they get more into stories with a protagonist they want to fuck.


It has nothing to do with feminism.

Oh do explain it then, because all I see is grown men who have fantasies of being dominated by little girls, a technical tranny in this case.
All of the art posted is like that.
The female is always young looking and always the power figure instead of cooking or cleaning.
It's retarded.
It's not believable.
It's a degenerate ideal.
You'll defend it though.

We should have animu/manga threads more often, they always manage to weed out the faggots who do not belong here.

Not just talking about this specific animu.
I think wanting to be dominated by little girls is stupid.
Come at me.

I just explained: it has nothing to do with feminism. You are projecting Western issues where they don't belong.

Nobody said it's supposed to be.

People who live in glass houses should not throw rocks.

Whats up Mohammed.

If you cant differentiate between a fictional character looking badass and a degenerate fetish then youre on the wrong side of the bell curve.

There is no way that this is real, I need some kind of confirmation.

the twitter account that is.

well do you fucking think that trump twitter account is fake?

They like the cute girls, that is all.

N0 but he doesn't seem to be following Barron's.

I thought in Eastern cultures, Hitler was seen more as a strict Authoritarian figure rather than "OY VEY SATAN HIMSELF."

What nationalist ideals? She's acting out of self-interest.

That's the joke. She is the very image of a devoted, nationalist soldier, without even trying to be.
Manga/LN actually do show her actions being missunderstood be absolutely everyone, all the time.



Whoever told you that is a communist cuck who blatantly lied to you. Tanya was originally an atheist libertarian HR salaryman who got pushed off the train for his SJW practices, and in the afterlife pissed off God so much for fedora tipping he was reincarnated into the beloved loli we know and love today. Hell, the entire theme of the series was about Tanya attempting to reconcile her previous life's beliefs with her actions today, not even realizing she has become the very thing she was against, a noble, uncompromising patriotic nationalist who fights for her people and her country's future. They probably based that erroneously to the author's previous work, which has the same ideas as Youjo Senki but was about a communist psychopath who didn't even believe in his ideology but went on killing sprees for lulz, and gets honors for serving the socialist cause.

I have no evidence of what?

Oh hey, looks like I finally put together ver2 in time for this thread. Sorry it took so long.

Aiura is great, but no. You're probably relatively new to iyashikei, aren't you? Watch Aria.

It's high on the backlog and just might make next ver.

Definitely next ver.
Didn't know it was about commie killing.
It's great fun.


Good taste, but this is for Holla Forums.

Tanya posters are cancer and they WILL be hanged.

He was compelled for some reason to tell us all about how Pizzagate is a total nothing burger u guys -
birthmoviesdeath.com/2016/12/06/what-we-can-do-12-6-2016 - comments have several people admitting to having played at Comet and pleading with others to help Comet out by going to a fundraising event.

There's also this -

"Devin (Faraci, self-confessed rapist that Hulk/Symonds pals around with and defends) is publicly friends with a person who is physically violent and terrifyingly mentally abusive to his past two girlfriends."


I've got suspicions that Hulk/Symonds might just be this violent & abusive friend. After all, he is a male feminist ally who defends this sick fuck Faraci to the hilt.

Anyone have a link to "chocolate panic picture show (1985)" Looks funny

It's also on nyaa.pantsu.cat
No subs needed, it's all visual.

Sorry, but even Aku's "antlers" are a splintered swastika, and his colors are black, white and red. He's natsoc.

My your logic, Moloch is NatSoc because depictions of him has horns.

Still wondering why Otaku No Video isn't there. The OAV is essentially a blueprint on how socialist organizations weaponize the most innocuous of things, like hobbies and pastimes.

Keep restarting you router, Chaim.

How redpilled exactly is the author?

No one wants to see your nigger-lipped bitch, imkikey.

Well, it's an idea. It's a shit one, but it's an idea I guess.

Funnily enough, the entry for debut work pants the socialist protagonist out to be some sort of trouble hero, when his actions in the novel clearly everything but heroic (betraying his comrades to bait an enemy, raping captive women to relieve stress, then executing them so they won't rat him out, plundering villages to use as bribes, and that's just from the summaries floating around of the first novel). It's edgy and grimdark as fuck.

I haven't exhausted half of the possible additions.
You're right about Otaku no Video. They also exploit our greatest autists and corrupt the work of the passionate, which is the core of the depression that inadvertently created the depressed Anno who made Eva.
Here's a webm I made a while back that I haven't gotten the chance to post yet.

That's rather heart-warming.

Did you know that Holla Forums sent pictures of their dicks en masse to Watamote's female author and she did not recognize what they were?

At least 95% of it is for virgins and perma-virgins. I hope this was a valuable lesson for you.

It's also from 1991.
Regretfully Japan has also lost against the premarital jew.

It wouldn't be surprising that the writer of a character with social anxiety would have had social anxiety herself.
I fear Holla Forums corrupted the poor women and now Watamote is almost entirely dick jokes.

Weaponised the most innocuous things?

So corrupted them as in presume that "progressive" idealisms are foundational or intentional of whatever they are weaponising?

Such that something like the presumption that everything needs some sort of overarching liberal narrative of sedition and nepotism? You are not a true gun otaku if you don't espouse (read: propagandise) the dangers of guns with no basis of the practicalities/benefits/responsibilities and that sort of thing?


Weaponised the most innocuous things?

So corrupted them as in presume that "progressive" idealisms are foundational or intentional of whatever they are weaponising?

Such that something like the presumption that everything needs some sort of overarching liberal narrative of sedition and nepotism? You are not a true gun otaku if you don't espouse (read: propagandise) the dangers of guns with no basis of the practicalities/benefits/responsibilities and that sort of thing?>>10102361

t.((( goon kike shill)))

Daily reminder that Tanya is Randy Stair

RUDOLPH DID NOTHING WRONGplus he did not look like a faggot

t. redditor
Anime is part of our antibodies against entryist plebs like (((((youuuuuu)))))

This comes from allowing women in on the decision making process. Any.decision making process. They have destroyed our school systems by doing everything within their power for decades to vilify little boys for being boys, and are now well on the way to destroying our entire civilization with the same horseshit.

Keep in mind, those were Otaku who were interviewed, not the general Japanese.

Yes I do know that, and I was just as disgusted when it happened. Back on /a/ we always bring that up when we shit on Holla Forums. Remember that Watamote was ours first, and that we were the ones who tried to reach out to the author when she was troubled. It was you guys who fucked it up with that shit, and you fucked up Watamote with all the dick jokes.

No, it doesn't address it in that way. It shows companies using the passions of Otaku to make a buck and toss out the passionate individuals who started everything. It's about people who don't understand Otaku that try to capitalize on the guts and hard work of actual Otaku, which is a core part of the depression that pushed Anno to make Eva. He simply wanted to communicate with his art but was given little freedom to do so during Nadia or Royal Space Force.
It's basically about Otaku just wanting to be Otaku and getting shit on by the world for it. Like most anons who just wanted to chat with people who share their interests, but somehow gets redpilled in the process due to the shit they got.
Really the core of the message is that with passion, hard work and guts, you can carve your own place in the world and fight to protect it from the normalfags who want to exploit you and what you build. Like what happened with the (((gamer industry))).

Read the manga instead.