Imagine how sweaty her asshole must get wandering around the hot Mojave desert all day long

Imagine how sweaty her asshole must get wandering around the hot Mojave desert all day long.

Other urls found in this thread:**


That's really gay user

I'd prefer to think of her sweaty feet and pits.


Shame they went with the cuck ending, though that's NCR only I think.

NV has shit waifus. They all look fucking horrible thanks to gamebryo, are absolutely disgusting whores, or lesbians.

Please continue, user


You talking shit, cunt?

her model is pretty ugly indeed, makes me question her being such a prominent waifu

EDE isn't a woman, and therefore can't be a waifu.

Well, she's quite literally the only non-lesbian (human) follower, so it's not like you have a choice.

Says you.

He's a battle robot, and is referred to as a "he".

Respect the robot and his preferred pronouns, you fucking white male. ;^)


friendly reminder that this thing exists in New Vegas.

In every playthrough i make sure to have her as a follower to infiltrate the BOS base, rig everything with explosives and mines and then trigger the turrets and have her watch while her friends and family get blown to bits and ripped to shreds, shortly before i end her suffering by shooting her limbs off and have her bleed to death while i rig the reactor to explode and bury her.

Best follower.

I really don't get it
Also who here got the secret ending to the game from the Sierra Madre DLC?

You're making me question whether you've actually played NV or not.
People can't bleed to death, and limbs don't come off unless they're already dead.

What kind of travel companion are you.

The one where you lock yourself in the casino like a total faggot? Or the one where you and Elijah fucking kill everyone in the wasteland for no damn reason?

Trips of truth.

You know who can be a Waifu? EDF

The second one.
Best ending

There's a mod for that actually.

Quite possibly the worst character in the series' history.

I'm sure there's a mod for that.

There's a mod for fucking everything, though. I was assuming he was playing the base game.

Now i'm starting to wonder if YOU ever played the game.

For what purpose?

Now when did I say I didn't use mods? I only assumed he wasn't, you can never just assume what mods somebody's using.

Still , i can't decide if worst companion award should be her for not having a shut your fucking mouth option or the cyborg-mutt for not having a ranged combat option and diving head first into a cazador's/nightstalker nest which results in it's death



Jesus Cass you are just a mess of bad decisions

Is there a mod that fixes the disgusting state of houses people are living in? It makes no sense why would they not clean at least their homes and not live in a total dump. This bothers me to the point where its hard to enjoy the game.

I'm fairly sure it's also implied she fucked that missile.

perfect, thanks

Is this one of those "Bayonetta prolapsed anus" threads?


I'd like to see Bayonetta's prolapsed anus.

That's not a good thing!

What do you mean "what"?

We have bayo prolapsed anus threads every sunday, on tuesday it's the klonoa docking threads, on saturday it's yumi nipple penetration, rest of the week you can just use a random character and pick a random bodypart.

Did you miss the memo or something?

This is the most disgusting display of irresponsible meming I have ever seen.

What's the source on this? I distinctly remember it, but I can't figure out where it's from or what it's called. I fucking hate that feeling.

Misty from Pokemon


The webm?

Yes, thank you!

My sense of time is really slipping and my brain is leaky as fuck.

My first few times in New Vegas I didn't even meet her, and after meeting her I just always skipped her

Is there a romance mod with her?

Hey there Anthony.

why do all the black people in my game have white faces?

It's one of your mods, it happen to me too years ago, but can't remember now which mod causes it I think it was one of those lighting overhauls

I just blew her brains out after I let her know that I destroyed BoS bunker, it was fun.

Generic engine issue. Change your .ini files

hmm i hadnt considered those, i have fco and nvr but taking those off didnt fix it

ye i did that on all 3

I'd lick it


A /clang/bando, perhaps?

You don't sweat as much in the desert as you would somewhere humid. It's wicked off of you.

I went to the desert once, and I'm from somewhere hot and 90+%humidity all year and it felt like heaven.


This guy gets it.

Anal sex is damaging:
>Unlike the vagina, the tissues of the anus are not stretchy. This means that the anus can easily tear, which puts the receiving partner in danger of anal abscesses, hemorrhoids, or fissures (a very large tear).
>Anal sex can weaken your muscles down there, which makes it hard to hold feces.

Stop this faggotry or get ANAL CANCER

Ain't no shit going up my dickhole.

Fucking kill yourself.

Don't you mean the sweat running down her abs that you lick off?

Oh my, that's nasty.

Low test betas pls go.


Gas yourselves.
Sage for not vidya-related.

But there's shit down there, user.


Nigga you're not raping anyone in prison, you've got the shit you need not to get shit up your dick


I know some fart, does that count?

I don't know what kind of anal sex you're having user but I think you're doing it wrong if any of that's happening.

I just have a big cock

Never fuck an asshole unless she's used an enema first.

The only right way is to not do it at all.


I've been waiting for this moment ever since that thread.

>Best Ending where you Side with the Think Tank was cut

They're claiming using muscles weakens them, and that STD prevention should focus on sex method instead of partner choice.
There's a lot of things they're doing wrong.

Toppest of keks.

Bullshit sources are bullshit. The colon is actually extremely stretchy, although when it gets to this point, you're pretty much fucked. Pic related as an example of an extreme case. Also, the muscles which control the bowels are - muscles. They can be conditioned to stretch without losing their function. Saying otherwise is like suggesting that someone who practices Yoga will eventually become so limber that they'll eventually lose control of their limbs. You're only going to suffer incontinence if you DAMAGE the muscle and cause a build-up of scar tissue.

You don't even have to be a faggot to know this, just have a basic understanding of anatomy. A woman can still have a fairly tight pussy if she abstains from having children (which tears the muscles and tissues, causing scarring) and practices kegels and doesn't just let her vagina atrophy.

mah niggest of niggas

imagine how sweaty that pussy must get too

No kidding. The second site lists one of its main goals as increasing the age of consent.

Sweaty buttchecks taste really bad, almost like sourly.

I remember this cunt. After blowing up the Brotherhood of Faggots in their secret bunker I proceeded to chat her up, only to let her know that everyone she knew and cared about was dead. Then the faggot tried to kill me and I was fully justified in blowing her brains out with a plasma rifle.

Take that, Felicia Faggot.

The gay scientist guy is a shit character too.

Nigga like, i just realized she is voiced by her in this thread, idk why that shit matters anyways, even the BOS was a lot better in this game instead of the retarded good goys they are in F3/F4

I feel like you retards dont even belong here, but saying that kind of shit just makes newfags go into full Holla Forums mode to prove they arent new

She's an annoying cunt that wont stop making unfunny jokes, has a horseface, shit haircut and is voiced by Felicia Day who coincidentially has all the same features as well.

You just have shit taste.

You do realize he's referring to her looks, not her voice, right?

First of all because you get to decide that right?
And that makes them not belong here how exactly?

From what? They're not seriously trying to raise the age of consent above 18 are they?

is right, you have shit taste.


It doesn't give details. The About Us page lists their goals and #1 on the list is "Increasing the age of sexual debut".

There's no fight, this is one of the few cases where everyone on Holla Forums except one obligatory contrarian agrees that Veronica is garbage.

That's different from sexual consent. Raising the Age of sexual Debut pretty much means educating Kids to stop having sex too early. It has nothing to do with the legality.



I am aware that the two are different, but I suspect that there is a strong correlation between wanting to raise one and wanting to raise the other. After all, it is the same question of sexual maturity.

I hate her for her personality, the fact that she has a shitty VA is secondary. I don't like Yuri Lowenthall either but I don't hate all of his characters.

Okay, that's not even really the point. I don't like The Brotherhood in pretty much every game for different reasons, I don't like them in New Vegas because they're assholes who slap a bomb collar on your neck and make you murder a man.

Fucking kek. That obvious Holla Forums bait, and the way you type, leads me to believe that I've been here a lot longer than you cuntbucket.

anyone have that webm of a woman masturbating in a giant wool sweater and getting extremely sweaty?

"A lady that fine you gotta romance first."

I don't need to imagine I know she gets really sweaty pics related.

my fuckin nigga EDE is the dopest motherfucker in the Mojave

post more buttholes

They did either thing to protect their own existence, so it is justified.

nigger just go to shadbase


I follow him on twitter but I don't actually like his art that much, he just doesn't draw ladies as thicc as I like them


Can you provide a link to the mod?

because she's the only tolerable woman in that game and she drinks whisky like water, easy to see why people like her

red lucy was pretty cool

Okay hey buddy I gotta stop you here. The potato faces are not the fault of the engine, they're the fault of Bethesda.
Pic related is Gamebryo.

I want to make groan-inducing puns with Kaede.

tbh lmao fam

"High temperature", you fucking faggot.





What, I though those mods only exsisted for Skyshit.

There is nothing wrong with Willow. Waifufags hate her because they envy her popularity.

Fallout Character Overhaul has a sweat shader.

post it

I want to fug Arcade.

It doesn't matter who your waifu is, you'll never get to roam the post-nuclear wasteland with her.

She has a shitty personality. Every line is a joke with her, not a funny joke, but a "Look at how quirky I am XD" joke like Felicia always fucking does.


>You will never join the Caesers Legion and go around with a rape party and capture waifus to enslave.

He's not even /cuteboys/-tier, though.

>ywn be a decanus with your own personal fuccboi servant

I really like that pose.




fuck you bitch. I got your seconds sure but you only fell in love once. She was good with her powerfist

Did you not play the game? The Legion hates homosexuals.

There is precedence of Legion members having personal fuccboi slaves. It's just unofficial.

Yeah, and Caesar condemns those faggots to death. Too bad Jimmy got away.

The difference is Yuri's characters are different characters. They're not Yuri put into the game with ~GAY~ tacked on for quirkiness and to be different. Veronica was just Felicia Day. Had zero business being in the game other than Obsidian's inept asses wanted some casual nerd cred.


Legion condemns homosexuals to death but no one really gives a shit as long as they are fucking their slave wives enough to push out Legion babies.

Veronica seems to stick out in a bad way. Was the character really designed as a character, or was it a really badly done walk in cameo of 'It's Felicia Day as 'Veronica', but i's really Felicia.'. Wayne Newton was basically Wayne Newton, but that makes sense given the location and theme of the setting.

Wew get a load of this retard. Did you even fucking play the game? Do you not understand the military nature of the BoS? Do you know understand the importance of Operation Sunburst?

Mr. New Vegas was an AI designed after a "Vegas Singer". It makes sense he's Wayne Newton.

Veronica was the equivalent of a sitcom walk-on cameo for Felicia Day, and much of the lip service New Vegas got in media was about Felicia Day voicing a character (with almost nobody mentioning Danny Trejo as a sarcastic Mexican ghoul with real characterization).

That ghoul was great. I never got his personal mission however which was odd.

I love Raul as a follower but his placing in the world makes it such a cunt to get him early on. I know it's easy to sneak up to the top past the boulders and the bear traps, but doing it at such a low level means you miss out on all the juicy loot from the mutants at high levels.

I can get up there within the first few levels, I did it on my explosives character just fine

Yea you had to exhaust dialog tree with three old guys in the game. The mission was buggy as shit (no surprise since it's New Vegas).

If you fix the robot all the super mutants go peaceful and you can just stealth kill all of them for easy XP and loot.

I don't recall any romancing in NV whatsoever.

The super mutants carry nail boards and shitty rifles at low levels, meaning it's not worth killing them. If I wanted to kill them, I could easily do it with the plasma pistol that Barton Thorn drops, not to mention how often Chet carries plasma pistol upgrades in his shop.

It's not a matter of killing them, it's a matter of getting the best loot out of them.

Some perks let you flirt.

I'm not interested in loot that's going to get shoved in the Lucky 38 and never touched again. I'm there for Beaner ghoul.


You don't even need to try to become the richest man in the wasteland. It just happens.
All you need to collect is one of everything, plus all uniques. Fully upgraded where applicable, of course. Beyond that loot doesn't matter.

I'm at 400k in caps without selling anything but shit uniques.

I'd like you to meet Shlomo Shekelberg.
He disagrees.

He also managed to glitch the Gun Runners and get the Medicine Stick for a few thousand caps instead of almost 30k

I honestly don't know how that happened, and it's only ever happened on him.

user what are you doing?

Holla Forums was right again.

I've had the entire storage of a 200 hour playthrough disappear once, I don't give a fuck about collecting anymore.


Every storage container in the Lucky 38's suite is 'unsafe'? funny.

Where'd you store your stuff, a fucking Powder Ganger box near Goodsprings?



You did it to yourself.


If you started storing your stuff in random boxes around where you live, would you expect to come back to all of it still there?


The game outright tells you its fucking retarded to put shit in containers that aint protected or owned by you. It's your own fault not, not ours.

Also the Lucky 38s suite is not owned by you, it's owned by House.

It is pretty clear Obsidian didn't want people to side with House but they did a poor job explaining why it is a bad idea.

I remember when I played Morrowind a long time ago. I autistically spent hours decorating my house, literally filling every corner with stuff. Plates and forks and food on the tables, books in the shelves, armor and weapons all over the place nicely arranged, nice looking bottles and jugs in the shelves, candle and book by the bed, fucking everywhere I had stuff. It was so comfy. It was so nice.

The next time I re-loaded it wall all gone. GONE. Where did it go? It went into an "Overflow Loot Bag". That loot bag also managed to spawn right on top of a number of potion bottles, a few quest-unique pieces of paper, and some keys. I couldn't pick up any of it because the bag was on top.

I had to delete my save and restart the game.

Next time use noclip.

Joshua is how all Christian men should be nowadays. Instead we have cucks who think muslims and jews are their friends. I'm not Christian btw

I was on the Xbox. Coincidentally it has an overflow loot bag limit of 256, rather than the PC's 1024. I love the game but the engine is a pile of dogshit. Can't wait for OpenMW to be finished.

I can't prove this, but I remember reading somewhere that apparently the reason you can't ally the BoS with Mr House is because the overwhelming majority of playtesters chose him over the other main factions when you could, and they didn't want that.

Playtesters were a mistake.

Man it feels like I have a hole in my chest
Anybody know my feel?

I mean you'd have to be either a complete and utter retard or the goodest of goyims to give ANYONE absolute power with only their word that they wont abuse it.

House is NRx.
NCR is Lolbertarianism.
Legion is cartoon Nazis.
Independent is whatever the courier wants.

Honestly the first time I played Fallout New Vegas I hated it becuase it was buggy as fuck and honestly I just tried going through it as fast as possible like an impatient dumbass. It wasnt until the second time around that I took everything in.

Is there a way to have a gay relationship with Boone?

The world has already been nuked to fuck and back; I think the moral ramifications of drug use and adultery have lost their impact by now.

What are the choices here?
I think I'll take my chances with going to space with immortal Howard Hughes.

He kinda looks like Frank.

To be fair, bretraying House is a pretty dickmove. I wish there is a way not to kill him.

There was a lot of cut content especially the ending stuff.
There was a "Fuck this! I'm going home" ending.
There was after ending content.
There was an optional route in the NCR quest line which you could blow up the Securitrons and make House surrender. (I guess they couldn't think of a way for you to keep your suite.)


How would wanting to be a fucking faggot be hard from a lore perspective?

Because Boone isn't a fucking faggot?

The man is a suicidal widower who can't go two sentences without bringing up his dead family - I don't think he's in any way interested in getting his neg-hole pozzed.

Maybe that's just what he needs to get over it.

No that just sounds like something Bioware would come up with.

Go be a fag somewhere else.

In what sense?

In the sense that it's a completely unrealistic, fanfic-tier way to shoehorn in gay sex.


Oh fuck sorry I just realized I responded to the wrong post. This was all meant for

My bad dog.

death claws are best hazubandos

Not the best waifus?


I'd be up for a sexy deathclaw if I'd ever seen one. And yeah, I've seen some of that furry deathclaw porn, and even those are still ugly.


You gay or something, user?

/furry/, you've got absolutely no taste in anything. You just want to fuck it because you think it's hot.

Age of consent in most USA is 16-17.
Age of consent in most of Europe is 14-16.
Some places have 12, others have "whenever she bleeds".

And this negates basic truth?




dont mind me
it's a shit thread, anyway


That's the most retarded thing I've heard all day

What do you want, I'm a normalfag like that.


Every fucking time.


Except the NCR bans drugs, and since the majority of visitors to the strip are NCR goons, then it makes sense to have Vegas be a drug haven as just another avenue by which to milk the poor saps for every cap they're worth.

It makes more sense for there to be crime families in New Vegas than it did for them to exist in FO2. At least in Vegas, they were played off more like just being tribals who were playing dress-up for the amusement of tourists. There was no grand unified society for the Mordinos or Bishops to organize their crime rings IN, in Fallout 2, so they made quite a bit less sense.

Although, in Fallout 2's time, drugs weren't really outlawed either. Just in the NCR, and you didn't really venture too far into NCR territory south of Shady Sands. It wasn't so much that producing and using drugs was a moral issue, but how those drugs were used on the people by a few powerful families. The Mordinos used Jet to get the miners of Redding hooked on super-meth - then having their own mining company (Morning Star) use the drug to poach miners away from the competing NCR friendly mines. All in an effort to horde as much gold as possible in order to affort to retain their independence.

No bros like robros.

But what do her farts smell like?


Grandma is best girl

I wish I could tell you, user. ;_;

You niggers are concerned about it as if you're the ones taking it in the ass, I don't give a fuck if you're a degenerate faggot but damn nigger stop projecting so hard

I did too but I decided to check nexus for sweat and this showed up it's what I'm using it's for roberts males and type3 bodies

I just took these after reading your post

Fuck y'all! We all know she's the best waifu.

She's too clingy.
I'm surprised there's no R34 of that suit. You wouldn't even need to get creative, you could just get lazy and draw her with vibrating pads around the crotch area.

If Manny Vargas couldn't pull it off, you neither could you.

Is this from modding the game so much or the models themselves?

Can I have both that sweat and pubes, or do they overwrite each other?

It because the ENB he's using is shit

I don't believe that they overwrite eachother I think this mod even works with the ares race mod.

well I have been tweaking the ENB a bit so that's why it probably looks like shit.

That's not tweaking brah, that's breaking.

If they really didn't want that , then they simply would've gone the Bethesda route and simply had the option removed. The game was about choice namely the player's choice , as an RPG should be

I'm pretty sure the 1024 limit has been done away with by mods a long time ago though, wasn't it? I'm almost certain I'm well above the 1024 limit in my autism decoration budget.

well I never said I was done tweaking it

OWB is the best DLC.

You really don't see why giving all the power to an immortal arrogant guy who controls an army of robots is a bad thing?

Some how mods that are supposed to enhance textures have made the hair look even more shit.





They won't even make it that far, unless they WANT to make the same fuck-up the NCR did by over-extending their reach.

Either Caesar is going to have to modernize the legion and allow in some of that technology he's been telling his people is bad for them - or he's going to have to dig in and entrench himself at Vegas. He doesn't have the manpower for another massive campaign west, at least, not without pulling substantially more troops from the eastern territories. That will leave his borders open to attack from tribals and the midwest BoS - as well as sow the perception that the Legion is too weak to defend it's own borders, and promoting rebelliousness and degeneracy as there's nobody left around to really stop it.

Meanwhile, he's trying to corral massive slave labor operations with only a handful of men, and secure supply lines across three states with only spear chucking green recruits. He could use the caps generated in Vegas, if he still allows gambling, to hire mercenaries and barbarians to guard the homefront and supplement his ranks. That worked out well for his namesake.

And he fully intends to march further West. He makes it clear that he feels it's his destiny to destroy the NCR and forge a new synthesis between them and the Legion. And Lanius… he just wants to fucking kill. If he could make it to the ocean, he's just travel north or south from there, trying to fuck-kill everything in his path, because he doesn't give a shit about the Legion or a new Pax Romana. He just wants to fight.

Hair retextures are like putting lipstick on a pig. The meshes themselves are just too shitty. I use high-res hair textures in skyrim for the NPCs, but use custom hair+beard replacers for myself.

It can be justified all they want but you can't fault me for sabotaging their bunker when given the chance and icing all those fucks.

You try to do me I'mma do you, bitch.

Yes I played the game fagnuts, I understand the military nature of the BoS, don't get pissy with me because I personally dislike your favorite faction of underground retards.

This pretty much. Veronica feels like someone's shitty self insert, and less like a proper character.

The only group I felt like Obsidian didn't want people to side with were Caesar's Legion, since they're depicted solely as cartoonish badguys in every bit of actual game we get to see, with all of their good aspects shoved off to lore and dialogue.

Still, I'd rather someone pick House over Nigger Calicuck Republifuck.

wew lad

I was gonna start shitposting deathclaws for best waifu but this is too true.

I vaguely remember that being good but companion mods weren't a thing I had gotten into

Formerly Jehovahs Witness

I fucking loved Joshua Graham

incredibly difficult to deny

wish you could get that AI into a robot body


>tfw you can't do lewd things with her


I felt like the only group that Obsidian wanted people to side with Yesman.
The NCR is just the most developed out of the rest having a longer history and being in the previous games.
This was a cut line from a quest that allowed you spare House.


Why isn't this a mod yet?

I'd make it myself, but I lost my copy of 3DSmax and don't want to bother pirating it again. Unless somebody made a fleshlight mod, I'm sure all the other parts could be poached from elsewhere and mashed together in NifSkope.

Also, I'm pretty shit with textures.

Did anybody ever make some good robot animations for SexLab?

I just saw pic related on Google Images. Is there any truth to this shit? I mean, it kind of worked out, because Christine and 8 and EDE were some of the best characters because their inability to talk made communicating with them unique experiences - some even folding in Skill/SPECIAL checks to provide a lot of dialogue options.

Guess that kind of backfired on Todd, considering that even some of New Vegas's characters with absolutely no spoken lines at all ended up having more life and personality than even their showcase companions in FO4.

Could be, I remember reading on how Toddler wants Obsidian to fuck up New Vegas to give them bad image or something

I'm tired of this shit, I just want to play the fucking game, but no, you need a mod to fix this, and to use this mod, you need another mod that require another mod, and then the game crashes, because fuck you.

What the fuck did I do wrong here ?
I launch the game with the fnv4gb.exe in admin mode, here is all the information I have, please tell me what retarded thing I did to not be able to play the game.

First off you need to make sure the exe also launches the Scriptextender. The 4GB-patch tells you how in its description.

On the Nexus page it says it's automatic.

Todd and to a greater extend Bethesda hate Obsidian because they know god damn well that Obsidian is better at making a fallout game.



I wish there was more.

anyway, the 4 DLCs were uniques on their own and I enjoyed every singe one of them

I personally found Honest Hearts to be probably second weakest after Lonesome Road.
I'm tempted to list OWB as best, but Dead Money is also good. The two are so different that it's hard to put one above the other, but I definitely consider them both to be better than HH.

You're right. I actually really enjoyed all of them. I'm just a sucker for classic 50s sci-fi. I also had a weird dream where I explored BigMT to the tune of Metallic Monks which play no small part in that opinion.

Just finished Dead Money again the other day.

There's a reason it is one of the most popular mods on the Nexus.


If it wasn't for Joshua Graham, I'd have no reason to ever play Honest Hearts. At least Lonesome Road has some challenging combat.


Didn't mean to spoiler

What are you doing?

I don't know why it hasn't been made a mod, but now I'm curious if anyone has uploaded one of the Mr. Handy models to sfmlab.
I kinda want to make the Ms. Pinky.

Nigger was dumping a comic about a daughter licking her mom's prolapsed colon like a lollipop


Just look up "prolapse" on sadpanda. I think it had "rose" in the title. faggot

Found it (I think).**

There are people who genuinely like Honest Hearts? It's got Joshua Fuckin' Graham in it but otherwise it's kind of dull. I like that it added a nice big, unique, area to explore, but other than that, definitely pales in comparison to the other DLCs.

Surprisingly few people into robosex, oddly enough. Maybe in Fallout 4, once Sexlab gets done, since it's got a big emphasis on robits.

I don't really think he's the definitive choice, the NCR gets so much emphasis throughout the game as cartoony good guys that I find it difficult to believe they aren't the 'canon' choice.


Honest Hearts was a little underwhelming if you played the other DLCs because there was nothing incredibly out of the ordinary in Zion Canyon. The giant cazadores scared the shit out of me but compare that to the constant tenseness at the Sierra Madre with the radios and ghost people, the high-level enemies of The Divide (including that deathclaw ambush in that highway), and the crazy shit at Big MT – it doesn't compare. Honest Heart's strength was the story of Graham, and it was a DLC for him, ultimately.

Did you not ever speak to anyone in outer Vegas, Westside, north Vegas or Freeside?

Do someone say THICC Dala?

Dumping lewd Dalas.

