The availability of hatefacts

I have been think a lot about just how available facts which go counter to the Jewish narrative are. I don't mean this in a "why the fuck are there still liberals when the facts are RIGHT FUCKING THERE" way, but more in a "why do they release this information" kind of way. You could go on pretty much any government's website and see the same trends between racial lines repeated again and again. Could they not just fabricate statistics? Couldn't they just make any paper discrediting their views not pass peer review? Couldn't they just create a reality on paper which is wholly discontinuous with the real world?

Why do (((they))) give us access to the facts? Are they not powerful enough to do such a thing? Are they mocking us? Are they trying to weed out those capable of critical thinking and basic investigative skills? Are they really so incompetent as to provide evidence of their own lies?

Other urls found in this thread:

Those stats are not accurate. The real ones are almost as bad, though. Sage because I don't have the real ones on me. Sorry.

((Their)) power is limited. They are, contrary to some memes, only human. They are working their asses off all day every day to keep the lid on the boiling pot and what you're seeing is the extent of their success. Total control would necessitate a literal hivemind with some central governing element, like a queen in the animal world. ((They)) don't have a queen, there is no central source handing out the same orders to all of them. Rather, they all follow their self-interests and networking is a means for each individual to reach his goals. They use nepotism, insider information etc. to get ahead but that's the extent of the "conspiracy". There really is no conspiracy when you look at the details, only the optical illusion of a conspiracy when looking at the big picture.

This may sound like a weakness but just imagine how easy they could be attacked if they had a heart to get stabbed in. We talk about this being our strength all the time. There is no clear way to diminish their power in a lasting way, just like ours. We share this attribute and that may just be why we are the first thing in a long time to give them any trouble. With previous opposition they would simply dethrone some leader and rebellion over. Now it's different. They (should) know that if they cut down Trump or Farage or whoever is next in our corner, it won't really hurt us. It won't impede our memetic growth and spread. We may just be their antidote, a symmetrical response which ends the asymmetrical advantage they have been relying on for basically their entire run.

This is how I read the situation in optimistic moments.

The real number was still over 90%. This was the Trump tweet which he followed up saying
(possibly paraphrasing)

*how easily

None of us can say for sure.. I've asked myself this question and others like it many, many times over the years 3… 4.. years ago I would say I dont know the answer but they are probably both fucking with us and trying to weed us out. But if you observe the mistakes they make.. The mistakes they've been increasingly making… I feel we now have enough insight to be able to say beyond a doubt that they both do not have control over enough aspects of the world in order to be capable of such nor are they competent enough to do so in the areas in which they do have said control.


If there was some arch-jew hidden away in a synagogue of evil under some mountain, snacking on goy foreskins and raping little white girls. All while plotting the downfall of mankind and instructing all jews in how to enslave humanity.
Then someone would have noticed long long ago and dealt with it.

Our enemy has essentially been operating in a manner akin to the modern day Islamic militia. Multiple independent groups united by a common faith and nothing else.
Each group pursues its own agenda and will even stand in opposition to others when it has reason to.

kikes love to boast and brag. They think everyone who is not a jew is an animal, a retard, a slave, and some such. So that explains that. They freely give out information in short sighted thinking, thinking it'll never bite them in the ass later.

Groups of various size and power all following the same playbook. They are a tribe who will pursue their own interests. A tribe which has _never_ traded fairly. They shall be shunned.

Post jew redpills

It happens to be in all of their interests to destroy/subvert the dominant forces so that they may take more complete control. This becomes evident when you look at they expulsion from over 300 nations where they attempted this in the past couple thousand years. They have perfected their subversion and it is quite an accomplishment, look at how far they've come. They are human, and have adapted to their niche, and will keep adapting. The only way to neutralize the the threat once and for all is extermination. Think of it like super-bugs (bacteria) that have adapted to our strongest antibiotics due to their over use and misuse (not finishing your prescription, using super potent antibiotics on large amounts of livestock). If we continue to use half measures we will never rid the world of their evil.


I should proof-read

If we stuck 100 of these top kikes in ovens it would make a huge difference

Of course, but they are all separate humans, although their interests coincide most of the time, they throw each other under the bus too. This is what makes them so dangerous, like a hydra, cut off a head and two more take it's place. The only solution is to stick the beast in a giant oven, in other words, an actual holocaust,

Well, for kike hatefacts they like to gloat, and before the advent of the internet stuff like the talmud and the protocols were all protected from the looming eyes of the goyim. It's more or a way to catalog their prowess. I remember David Duke talking about a book where the kikes bragged about bringing african slaves to America, and how many they owned. Then they tried to hide the info once it spread to the gentiles, calling it "anti-semetic". Of course, we all know what that means.
Another thing is that they love to pose as victims. They love telling everyone just how much they were vilified all throughout history. The holocaust isn't the first time they have exaggerated or lied about being enslaved/exterminated. But, having this information out there always means that if you go digging hard enough you can always find out why the kikes were targeted in the first place, something they try to keep away from the masses. Blaming it on goyim jealousy or random acts of racism is how they try to disguise it, but anyone who is actually curious can go looking for the truth.

As for the racial stats on subhumans, many western countries have stopped collecting the data due to kike pressure. Sweden and France come to mind. For whatever reason they can't do it here in America but I can guarantee you they are trying to slip in legislature endlessly. The kikes have a harder time subverting American laws because they were somewhat intended to be kike-proof. With enough nagging and enough culture molding they're hoping to remove all of the stuff they deem anti-semetic (stuff they don't like). Free speech and free association is a real thorn in their sides, but they are trying to subvert these things with terms like de-segregation and hate speech. Trust me, there's probably hundreds of kike NGOs trying to chip away at our protective laws.
I'm also fairly certain that the statistics available aren't all that accurate. In a bi-racial America, it was hard to really muddy the statistics, but with the kike's favorite goyslaves (mestizos) they are inflating white crime stats. "White hispanic" is a kiked term. Let's not forget the kikes have determined that Arabs are white as well.

Anyone have that big poster of all the different races and their face types and names? I'm pilling a normalfag and he actually seemed interested when I discussed it but I can't find it.

From an interview with ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov

It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages. The first one being "demoralization". It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism….

The result? The result you can see … the people who graduated in the 60's, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems. You are stuck with them. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

Ideological subversion worked it's fingers through the public and here we are now

Here's a little hate-fact I found buried at the bottom of a wikipedia page:

I guess they could fabricate them (which they already do to an extent by counteing Hispanics as White) but maybe its to hard or too may people would realize they were fake? Also the statistics are literally never mentioned by the media, unless you actively go looking for them you wouldn't even know they exist.

With that being said we DEFINITELY need some updated hate stat charts. I think the most recent one I have is from like 2013 or something.

I think I know why they can't stop the hate facts from flowing in America: Capitalism

I'm referring specifically to the obsession of data collecting in marketing. There is big money in data and every business, no matter how big or small, knows the importance of knowing their customer demographic.

Mind you, the entire idea of a "demographic" is a jewish invention. For example, the idea of a "teenager" didn't even exist until marketing kikes needed a label in order to segment people into marketable groups. Before the advent of the teenager you were either a child or an adult. But I digress, knowing things like race, habits, what triggers decisions is very important from a "sell me shit" marketing perspective. Think of all the think tanks and research firms who exist solely to sell these stats and findings to business and the government. Any asshole with a few bucks could buy these studies btw and they are interesting as fuck if this is something you care about.

Here comes the double edged sword. If you lie about racial or gender behavioral patterns then you go out of business. So these studies are forced to tell the truth or at least paint a semi-accurate picture. It can be assumed that the United States of America runs itself like a corporation so the same should be apply under the "know your customer" rule.

I think the reason it's so hard for goyim to stand against their own demise is that they are driven by money. A lot of companies out of fear of losing market share go liberal and cucked in their marketing because some think tank told them young people are leaning further to the left (when in reality each new generation is less white and less christian) This is why you see Milenniel and Gen Z with muh diversity muh woman pandering marketing. There is an intense fear of god for these brands to tread lightly or else be punished by loss of revenue. The worst part is that it's at the hands of a handful of kikes who run the media and echo out their punishment through sassy tweets, shaming news articles, and other typical tricks.

I believe it. Your entire post hits the nail right on the head.

race isn't recorded in statistics in some other countries
the only smart reason i can think of is the streisand effect

I don't believe in this being a realistic option and neither did Hitler. Maybe in the future we can identify the specific genes that cause their in-group preference and pathologize them so they get them changed willingly. You know how they suffer from endless mental illnesses. If there's any correlation there it could be a real solution, show the correlation, show that they can live without their fear of being found out by their hosts (by other, psychological names) and that it can be removed making them happier. This would be seen as humane so there'd be a good chance of making it work globally. Contrast that with your plan of somehow getting all governments of the world to see the problem and to come to the conclusion GLOBAL GENOCIDE is the way to go about it. Frankly, that's absurd.


All my boomer uncles and aunts are functionally retarded and I just refuse to talk issues with them now.

One firm I saw is literally taking campaigns in French for the Quebec market made in the 70's and translating them. It's the same shit.

There are, unfortunately, a lot of disgusting hedonists in my industry. When this PrEP shit came out they loved it as it meant they didn't have to dome up.

They never considered syphilis.

The problem with take care of itself, user.

Do you work in gay porn? Federal PrEP guidelines tacitly admit the "GRID question" by indicating it's reserved for:

I wish, but syphilis is 100% susceptible to penicillin. Perhaps we can meme penicillin allergies.

That's not true (anymore)… even broadband antibiotics have huge problems nowadays. There are MD saying we're entering a new dark age if the industry doesn't cough up new ab's against resistant diseases. Although they themselves are to blame, prescribing ab's for the most miniscule shit.

they're having issues with gonorrhea (and chlamydia to a lesser extent, but growing worse due to frequency of coinfection) far more than syphilis iirc
was fairly certain i'd been taught that syphilis didn't possess the capability to develop resistance to penicillin, but i could be retarded

prescribers share fault, but it's about figurative ass-covering; if sued for any problem resulting from prescribing, it can be excused most times as having been prophylactic

sorry to double-reply, but i meant for
to reply to

If all the rabbis and other prominent figures disappeared overnight there would be much chaos, "the best of the goyim, kill them".
The best of the jews, kill them.

Vid related is the issue at present.

"We don't want to control content, but to create context."

you guys make up fucking ridiculous points
youre either as naive as people with missing chromosomes or youre as mentally disturbed as the people who experience cognitive dissonance when you start stating crime statistics

people are fucking morons
the US does not raise people to develop their own worldview, analyze or think critically about anything, theyre raised to keep their mouth shut, follow whatever the moron "in charge" says, and fill out meaningless paper work

The statistics are there because bureaucracies love statistics. Armies of people are paid to analyze and report on nearly everything. Crime statistics would be a pretty basic thing to analyze.

As you're probably aware, racial aspects of crime stats are being banned in various European countries. We just aren't "there yet" in the US.

I don't think it's a conspiracy to put this stuff out. It'd be a cover up if it wasn't out there. And they couldn't just fake this stuff because the raw data is there for anyone to see. "Govt says there were 50,000 white-on-black murders but I can't find nearly that many actually being reported."

Solidus did nothing wrong.


well we need the real fucking shit don't we

They do that already. They count beaners and other brown people as white. Keeping the people dumb and ignorant seems to be less problematic than more statistic manipulation without trails.

Yeah they then had to admit this is impossible, so they said only 1 mio. was killed there, (which is still didicculous) so to keep their holy 6 mio number they simply added the missing 3 mio. somewhere else, like Warshaw ghetto.

Bump for potential, and to help this thread resist the slide.

Representing 10.9 billion of what? Dollars? Image is useless without this context.

I completely forgot what the fuck he was even trying to accomplish.