When's Holla Forums going to take the ebonypill and stop enabling mentally ill white women and their civilisation destroying ways?
come home white man
When's Holla Forums going to take the ebonypill and stop enabling mentally ill white women and their civilisation destroying ways?
come home white man
no thanks
don't mask your low T with fake racism
No, i dont want a nigger child.
I will never impregnate a sheboon, I ain't poortuguese
>>>Holla Forums
you seem to have come to the wrong board friendo
What are you, a fucking spic or something?
black genes are much weaker, more mixed breeding means less niggers in the future.
if you could prove that mixed babies are no less well suited to the native lands of their parents, then sure maybe.
as it stands I'm pretty well sold on the "specialised by environment" explanation of racial development.
also isn't there some argument or other as to mixed children having relatively deficient immune systems?
They don't have deficient immune systems iirc, it's just that when they DO get some sort of immunodeficiency, the mixed ancestry makes it harder to get a bone marrow transplant.
sounds like that could be an argument for either mass mixing or for a total abstinence from mixing.
considering our presently diverse state of affairs, i'm inclined to avoidance.
Why even bother posting a bait thread this obvious and boring?
OP's first born
I'm serious, though.
That's an albino nigger.
Nahhh its Halle Berry
Because this is Holla Forums and no matter what we will always have someone take the bait regardless of quality.
that's a no from me dawg
Not even close, memer.
Pit bulls are niggers.
Look up IQ boundaries by race and how alleles work.
You're welcome.
These niggers really think they understand science don't they? It's fucking hilarious.
So the blackpill?
Of course she's making love to that banana.
How about no, Schlomo.
worth considering:
even if all health related claims are false, it has been frequently observed that mixed children with a white parent will almost never take on the cultural identity of their white parent. thus contributing to the issues of cultural genocide.
No one's talking about dogs, you mentally defunct autist.
brb masturbating.
a well-broken house slave is perfectly fine
she can help her white mistress in domestic duties too
carpet-munching is not coalburning at all
Just mention that dwarfism and polydactyly are dominant genes.
this is now a gore thread
wtf are his eyes made of pirogi for?
spoilers please
autistic Holla Forumskiddie detected
no lol
collapsed orbits in the skull
i'll help you out, triggered fag
but why?
must've smashed their faces into something super hard. Car accident probably.