KIKES TURN ON THEMSELVES: Thousands of Israelis gather to protest against palistinian occupation
Thousands of Jews turn out in Tel-Aviv to protest half a century of Palestinian occupation.

Kikes getting a taste of their own medicine.

Time to Hijack this shit, lets get this spread to the normies so they can support this noble cause

Good. This has huge Twitter potential too. I expect MSM silence though.


Israel needs to be diverse, after all, Israel is the new Nazi Germany :^)


Israel needs a good dose of diversity.
If I remember correctly, aren't they also suffering because of secular jews and shit?





Publisher-chan is best girl.

Literally the only character not fucked in the head.

She's the embodiment of why we have unions and workplace fairness laws and a lawsuit waiting to happen.

What about the bookstore girl?

Bookstore girl is great.

But honestly Sagiri is worst girl and a shit.


what anime

The sequel to the anime where the dude marries and fucks his sister.

This is also an anime where a dude fucks his sister.

Soon they will begin to question if the physical state of Israel if Idolatry/Blasphemy.


Eromanga Sensei. Not actually about a teacher or erotic manga for what it's worth.
It's the author's next work after the intensely polarizing Oreimo anime. Probably set for modest success because it's not blood related siblings eloping together this time. It's still current season so you can get in on the fights over best girl.

That can always be changed later you know.


Anything is possible.

But surely they wouldn't pull the same trick twice..

If this movement gets big I suspect a false flag will be orchestrated to get these liberal Israelis to drop their support of the Palestinians.

lurk moar this has been happening since the beginning from at least two sides

Reminder that communists during the USSR were also against Zionism. Also the Ultra Orthodox Jews are against Israel for its secularism and "being created by man" and not by divine mandate.

World Communist kikes of the sort we're used to in the West versus nationalist kikes.

It only serves to further prove the religion of world Communist kikes is Marxism no matter where they live. Even if it means they end up drinking Gaza’s sea water per Arafat's request, they'll worship Marx to the bitter end.

out jew the jew


I've long, long believed that if we could get it started here and co-opt the retards at cuck-chan into putting #openbordersforisrael everywhere, we could change world history. Not exaggerating, even more than Trump. The Jew has no defense against this.

IF you want proof, look at how the cuck molyneux suddenly shut that Jew down as soon as he asked why Israel isn't taking rapefugees. This should be a project for the summer. How do we get the ball rolling? Twaater would kill the trend. We need to pair it with a..we need a "new pepe" that can go with #openbordersforisrael No swasis or anything, no clear indication who is behind it so the leftists and niggers can take it seriously too. It points out Jew hypocrisy and they are left speechless.

I dream about being able to make enough shekels eventually to have billboards all over CA with that on it. What can the Jews do? Either they are for "diversity" or they aren't..


Kikes would start a civil war if left alone and contained in Israel, thats what they have done throughout history, they are a failed race.




Look at the size of that crowd. The Zionists are kvetching through their skull caps.

Many normies, at least in german spaces, get triggered into cuck mode as soon as someone uses the word jude. Still a good strategy to make them eat their own shit-stew.

The only thing that has always bothered me from Israel is that I can't help but think of that country as a sort of back up plan for the higher up jews.
If they managed to start another war, based countries will attack Israel, but the bigger problem is those jews who do not live in Israel and are controlling other nations. If by any means the conflict doesn't end in a definitive win for the new Axis, those other jews will use their influence and start once again massive propaganda about how Israel got shoa'd by the new evil Nazis trying to rally up the controlled populations behind their victim hood.
Still think the best course of action is cleaning all other countries of the parasites, gather them in their small immigrant infested country and let them rot with their pets.
Those parasites who refuse going to Israel will become prime soap ingredients.

It's important to note that common Jews and elite Jews don't support each other constantly. Think of it like this: most whites are right-wing but the minority of left-wing ones are in power.
Not to say the common Jew is right-wing because that's blatantly untrue, the average yid is an extremely pro-Israel anti-white kike who need to be gassed.

Lurk moar idiot there has always been a fake divide between "left wing" and "right wing" jews. They both work towards the same goal from different angles At the end of the day it doesn't matter the jewish problem isn't just about zionism the jewish problem is racial in its nature

Look the stupid goy fell for it


No, I think 3452af laid it out well. The richer jews are the ones pushing the kikery. The ones that don't comply are lower-class jews that kvetch like a goy and instead only get middle-class shekels. Makes perfect sense.

But if I was suddenly proven wrong, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, tbh.

No you are completely wrong and sound like a lefty/pol/ shill. There is no such thing as a good jew. They are all a potential Soros they simply lack the means to be as destructive but they still do whatever they can from their position to undermine and wipe out European people.

Where the fuck did I ever stated that, retard? Reading comprehension of a fucking goldfish, and yet I'm the lefty/pol/ shill, really makes you think.

You sound like a lefty/pol/ shill because you are trying to deflect blame from ordinary jews and blame just a specific class. This is typical lefty/pol/ narrative. The jewish problem is racial it goes back thousands of years. "Anti zionist" jews are not based they are just playing the "left wing" angle of jewry

Imagine if meme magic were applied to this effort.
The outcome might be national election rigging.


I fail to see why this is a good thing.
Israel is what Hitler wanted to achieve with Jews before he went genocidal. Give them country far away and relocate them there.
A kike in Israel is a kike that's not destroying Europe.
If Israel falls the kikes will flood the West unless they're genocided on place which is not very likely.
Of course we don't want Israel to win and become stronger either. Let them fight with Arabs for eternity instead.

I never said that you faggot, there are no good Jews, just Jews that believe different things compared to other Jews.

idf Shill detected.

Hi IDF. you need to be more subtle.
You invade our nations.
So we are going to invade yours….

good. it reminds me of the SJW's eating their own professors over here. let (((them))) be consumed by (((their))) creations

It's called a side bet, faggot. They always split off a kike or two to ensure they have someone to pass on the torch of kikery to. Why the hell else did the Jews only just begin to jump on the Trump train, when it started picking up steam?

If only there was some billionaire willing to fund foment in Israel.

pic related

RIP C Martin Croker

This is exactly right. Most of the kikes that really control everything (Rothschild, Fed, State Dep., CIA, MI6) don't care much about Israel. It's not some final boss that a lot of morons on Holla Forums think it is, the true jewish colonies are in the organizations listed above (among others) in the U.S. and Britain.

Could also very easily point out all the rabbis saying open borders for britain/america/etc
Surely Jewish people should practice what they preach eh? :^)

You're correct, which is why some Jews (a small minority) want to ally with white nationalists. The reason is because both Whites and Jews will have no future based on the monster that Jews created. It threatens to destroy everything. Who wins? Non-Whites and Non-Jews.

Is This why Jews been promoting the alt-white and pro white pride among normies? Jews knows liberalism and feminism destroying themselves faster than the goy?

This is an old trick that even south park made fun of.

Only some Jews are, which is making people think the Alt-Right is being taken over by Jews. The truth is simply that some Jews want white nationalists to defend their lands from being taken by Muslims, otherwise not just Whites will fall, but Jews as well. They need America and Europe to remain strong and stable. I know this is odd… Which is why only some Jews have this view.

The common jews and elite jews are THE SAME FUCKING JEWS. The only thing that separates them is money. If Schlomo from your local deli had Soros-tier money he'd be doing the exact same shit as Soros.

Reported the both of you cunts for probably being yids.

Basically this. It's like how the political left is nominally anti-Israel just to keep the false dichotomy and make it superficially see like ZOG isn't controlling everything. Sure, there are people on the left (including some kikes) who are critical of israel, but it's completely impotent. Nothing they do actually changes anything about what israel does or america's relationship with israel. It's all smoke and mirrors.

Never mind. Reading your posts all the way through you both seem to be kind of stupid, not actually yids. Sorry lel


Neither of their posts are even a paragraph long, how do you not read them through before replying?
Take your fucking ritalin, because you clearly have severe ADHD.


Never forget the 4 fucking billion US tax dollars Trump gave them. Shit has to fucking stop now!

somewhere out there an orthodox Jewish male wants to bloody her big kike nose.

Reminder that the kikes literally stole a country.

I hammer the report button when I see the slightest hint of judaism, real or imagined


Stop racism! Israel for all races.

So the yids kids chugged the feel good kool-aid. And due to their self loathing and what other human parts are still left in them now feel the guilt amplified. Noice.

So now they get their own place.

where did you get this image

Those crafty Jews, pretending to care.

It will fool the goyim.

A massively popular trope in fiction, particularly Japanese fiction, is an ancient superweapon that continued to threaten the world after it's creators lost control of or were destroyed by it. Final Fantasy VI's Omega Weapon, Nanoha's Belkan artifacts, Xenoblade's Monado, on and on and on.

Becoming redpilled made me realize that Marxism is the superweapon run rampant the Jews are losing control of. The golem always turns.


americans have terrible hand writing, the wobbly W reads like


Discord fags get out.

Jews have been running on a high since British Empire.

Gonna come crashing down soon.

a small number of jews wants white countrie because they have been the most succesfull parasitizing white countries

most jews just give in to their kike nature and destroy everything beautiful and replace it with shit

even the jews that want white slaves still shit it up by promoting or being massive fags like milo

all kikes need to get ovened

the japs always end up destroying the weapon and then trying to move on in their japanese way instead of attempting to use the weapon for their own gain
one of the things i genuinely admire about the japs

This is the endgame of a nation full of parasites. They end up feeding on each other in a contest to see who can be the biggest parasite until the nation dies. Goyim like us still lose because after Israel collapses all of those kikes are going to be unleashed upon the world at large.