Who are the cutest Maids in videogames? and why no games where you play Meidos working hard for Mastah?

Who are the cutest Maids in videogames? and why no games where you play Meidos working hard for Mastah?

But what of Holla Forums? surely there is room in your heart for the love of maids in vidya?

Other urls found in this thread:


Go look up Custom Maid 3d and go wild.

/tg/'s rarest treasure.

Cutest meter maid.

The BO is called head meido


/thread, go home OP

Never, i demand a game where you play a Head Battlemaid trying to keep the manor running well by day and fighting supernatural horrors by night.

Also check em.


Those snowniggers love getting shit faced and posting in 2hu costumes.

Theres not much to do in the colder regions of europe but drink and eat kvass.

Sounds like I need to browse /k/ more

as far as maids go, there are plenty in VNs

With my income, I can only imagine being a maid than do be maided by.

Who wouldnt want to play as the qt maid?



Kvass isn't really a thing in Finland. You have to go over the border for that.
I have a bad feeling I might know the 2hus OP is talking about


Hey OP, it's like you're not even trying to hide your faggot level.


Conette is a qt.


With that face and everything I think the proper term is "Monkey Butler".


The hell did you reach that conclusion? I'm just calling you out as the subservient faggot ass bitch that you are.

I'm actually surprised that you're not thanking me already. :^)

You just want to be the abusive ojou sama, i see you your ruse!


And so /tg/ makes another shitposting thread

I'm going to assume its vore or some other degenerate filth.


actually it's gender bending

Speaking of Finland, I dropped this game when I found out there was no route for her.

The american and japanese men fear tiny waifish girls that would drink them under the table and try pathetically to beat you up in tiny drunk girl chest punching.



Why does japan always seek to ruin something pure?

Pretty much said it (First line)

And because it makes gaijin mad.

The more I watch that gif the more it doesn't make any fucking sense

Some weeks ago I made a meido ranking. I haven't worked on it much since then and it still contains a number of duplicates and silly suggestions. Maybe I'll make a post number game out of it when I fix the order and hit 1000 maids.

I'm going to make a posting game out of it right the fuck now and you can't stop me 767-999 is nothing.

Hisui and Kohaku are the best maids in vidya.

Doing the mastash work brother.

Just play 2hus.
You can play as DIO the maid in Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night.


You do know that the maid in that last pic is a guy, right?


I like Alice. She's clumsy but she's the confidant that Duchess needs.

Thanks, user. I know the site, but most of the games there are unfinished garbage with terrible writing. Hopefully this one will be different

This one has only one maid route in the persona Juliette, but it is finished. Don't know about good writing, I don't have very draconian standards.