What's your favorite kino, Holla Forums?

Post your favorite kino.

They Live


Platoon or Falling Down

American Psycho

essential kino

Hitchcock is shit


Hitchcock was british, he made british psycho, the amerifats remade 'american psycho' and made it about a retarded man pointing at repeating digits, wtf?

Thank you! I got made fun of yesterday for putting falling down in my top 5 on that other chan. This really is the better chan

Award for best trolling. Was laughing so hard


Probably Eyes Wide Shut. or 2001 or Possession.

Hey wuss, I'm from that 'other chan', followed your prissy little steps her. That movie is shit, and you're a huge homo for having it in your top 5.

Stop it I'm sick of her.

Nooooooooooo! Go back. I thought I was among friends!

She's not even posted a lot or in a lot of things considering

Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

Now shut up and move your tiny ass back, I'm not done with you there chumps.

I just watched possession, I don't get the hype behind it.

I really liked the direction and the dps work. And the performances by the leads.

I just watch Hallmark Channel movies

Highlander. A bit dated, yes, but the cinematography? Pure kino.

platoon started out as kino, but turned to practically capeshit at the end. in reality, if he started running and gunning like at the end, a slant woulda put a bullet in him real quick

They Live isn't kino, it's shit.

Shit taste

My favorite kino is also the kino

God damn if that ain't kino.

I can't tell if you people are shitposting or are genuinely /r/movies tier newfags with shallow taste in film anymore.

What did he mean by this?

He is, but Ellis and Bale are not