why does it look so fake and second grade toy shit.
It looks just as bad as the old stuff, but you are now more critical because you get triggered by brown people.
the old outfits had color to them
Brown is more real both in costumes and human skin.
Marxism has infected nu-Star Wars.
Rebel forces in Star Wars have almost always looked like shit. It's supposed to be ragtag looking, but it pretty much just ends up being rags.
I just used that as bait to lure people in. I meant this.
hmm, hows tel aviv?
Remember when names in Star Wars were inspired by European names? Luke is English, Han is German, Leia is Spanish, etc.
Even when Lucas stretched his names, it was still inspired by something earthly. Obi-Wan Kenobi is based on random Japanese words, his name very roughly translating to Grey-belt Sword-belt, and the fighting style was based heavily on katana fights, with the Jedi being inspired heavily by the Samurai George was a huge Weaboo for Japanese Film
As time progressed, the names for humans started to get a little out there, like Lando, or Luke's father being named Anakin in ROTJ, but the general idea was that the less earthly the name, the more fantasy would be in that character. By the Prequel Trilogy, Lucas completely lost touch with how to name his characters, probably in part because no one was telling him that people don't name their kids Mace, Padme, or Sheev.
Some of this translates, for instance, Rey, Finn, and Poe. But apparently every non-important human now has his name drawn from the World of Warcraft random name generator
Arashell Sar? Temiri Blagg? Oniho Zaya? Pammich Nerro Goode? Guila Angira? If you said these names to me I'd call an exorcist because you are clearly possessed. But the main white lead with a black romantic interest is still inexplicably named "Rey Mixer"
That was a name from the original Star Wars draft. I'm sure many prequel names are too.
Yes, and his father was also a Jedi, part of that other-worldly aspect. I only mention when he was concretely named in film in ROTJ because it was only AFTER ANH that Lucas decided Vader was his father
How can you infect something that was already a vector from conception?
yeah, sure…
Is there a better scan of the first pic? By that I mean not deformed (it's for a possible shoop)
ITT: triggered right wing SJWs
Do they teach you in those marxism infested hellholes you call universities what an oxymoron is?
Sounds like a DF name generator tbh
With some settings based on the skin color.
Incredibly lazy.
Cyber nazis are pretty clearly on the left imo.
if I didn't know any better I'd swear those were screenshots from Strange Brew.
Because thats what it is
They do, but then the professors typically turn right around and spout oxymorons unirionically.
It's like the concept that different groups of faggots can have some similar behaviors while ultimately remaining distinct is completely foreign to people like this.
The alt right faggots on reddit who invaded everywhere are SJWs
So why do you want open border policies?
Can you stop acting like a fucking tumblrina high school politico faggot
I just don't get why you want open borders and refugees.
I like the part where they have so little to say about any of these characters and their utter lack of personality conveyed through their appearance that the items they have to highlight are
So what was the alt right sjw equivallent of that baker losing his bakery because he didn't want to decorate a cake for a fag wedding?
Why is the empire bad again?
You're 100% correct
but still….
Does that say Jews but cut off on the middle left, 1st pic, next to the niggers head?
All of it looks repulsive… anyone else feel disgust when looking at these.
Its like a feminist get together token ugly as sin niggers (partially undressed) & Asians " minorities" coupled with the faggot on pic 3 fat chicks, other non-normal freaks, 2 lesbians, and a police officer there to keep them safe while they riot.
You can't un-see it Jews did this.
user, you might be one of the stupidest people on Earth.
Remember before the first post-George Star Wars and we were discussing how hard they could fuck it up? I never thought they'd actually go ahead and do something like this. An all """"""""ethnic""""""""" cast? Sure. But an actual pink haired tranny? I couldn't have even imagined it.
It's not all bad
George already did that.
according to old spoilers she's an incompetent that fucks everything up and doesn't fit in with the space commies
The Vice Admiral is rumored to be the First Lesbian Character in Star Wars™ (I'm not kidding).
I'd be ok with muh social commentary but those alien designs don't look like something you'd see in Star Wars. They're more "lol so random" like a bunch of rejected designs for an "alien of the week" on Doctor Who.
Pic 3:
To expand on that they can't even do alien races correct they look like sjw tumblrinas rather than Starwars aliens ( probably for their self insertion). Look at OT and hell the PT and compare this is low energy trash.
yup, and their argument is even more disingenuous because they know damn well this isn't about adding a good character that happens to be X race/gender either. This is about dumping bottom of the barrel ugly, unnecessary, and poor actors into what was perceived to be a white film because "its the current year" and "fuck you white males….." There isn't 1 white guy in these films that is an important character or even "cool" ( they even cucked Yoda with that orange thing that was apparently older than him) but hey there's lot of lesbos….
I bet its all one her soy-boy subordinates fault.
They certainly are space comm
judaeo-communism in a nut shell…
Tell that to my female Revan
Doesn't matter, it just looks awful visually and doesn't fit into the Star Wars aesthetic. Not that they've managed to match it or make any OC that feels like a part of that universe in any of their films (except maybe parts of R1), but this just sticks out like a sore thumb. Some things just doesn't belong at all, books and cellphones for example. Neon pink hair (there are exceptions where it could work) is one of those things.
You're so dumb you think that borders matter. The world is an overpopulated mess, you're fucked. Deal with it and stop shitting up film discussion.
Yep looks like Tumblr took a shit all over it.
So where are the faggots who said anyone could do a better job than George now? You've had three different directors have a go at it. Can anyone tell me these flicks can even be compared to the prequelkinos with a straight face?
The "over populated" regions are the third world. Also there isn't enough room in first world countries to accommodate the third world…… so in essence you want to be mobbed by a sea of niggers….. yup them borders don't matter, the borders to keep billions of animals from killing us don't matter…..
2 shekels were deposited into your account chaim.
Have you noticed how they're trying to use the same tactic on Ridley Scott's Alien franchise? People wanted to give the keys to Blomkamp, the guy who made the same movie 4 times.
You know.. I couldn't put my finger on it until I read your post. That is exactly what they look like. Cartoonishly retarded alien designs that wouldn't look out of place one bit in the repulsive world of nuWho.
That's their nu-demographic also I'm sure most of the "people" that work on nu-wars are part of said demographic so they are incapable of creating passable let alone something cool.
In b4 they ripoff the Daleks.
Yeah, and he wanted to retcon away the kino that was Alien 3. I'm glad Prometheus and then Covenant cockblocked that hack. Quite a lot of morons who get all their opinions from e-celebs was all excited about getting their District 9 with xenomorphs and forced quips to emulate Cameron. Had the project ever materialised they would have been desperate for something like Prometheus after watching it.
a shame that didn't happen…
t. Pleb
Ant-man here, holy shit!
Defeatism has no place in a man's soul.
wait those red guys are in the movie, I saw a postre at target wiht them and thought they were a shitty target mascot lmao
I thought that was Will Riker about to settle shit with his father at first glance.
sup moshe. lets break down your typical leftist drivel.
You act like a teenage girl.
Only in third world shit holes.
And, the burning gun
Defeatism 101. Don't fight goys, you've already lost! Just keep watching our shitty movies and not questioning liberalism.
moshe scared, moshe really scared.
holy shit, you mean to tell me that's not what it was? God damn, I thought for sure it was will riker and his father.
I know this is bait, but I will bite it anyway.
It's not the same, where are the designs, the color?
The old uniforms had color to them, bright colors that left an impression on the imagination. Where are these colors?
The Vong are back in a way I guess.
Well, at least he isn't a sith.
This is the wold we live in. The big bad of Star Wars now wears fluffy, golden grandpa slippers and a bathrobe, likely a diaper too. Remember when the Emperor and Vader were intimidating motherfuckers and imperial officers were played by English actors to give them just the right amount of stiff upper lip and patrician arrogance?
Not even a Sith…so no fore powers…. what's the freaking point?
Cower in fear of an old white grandpa and his prescription slippers he wares due to crippling arthritis.
Are fatherless minorities and feminists really that scared of old men?
I feel sorry for snorkel, his kids must be assholes for not taking care of him.
ah, a fellow Rick & Morty watcher
This reads like really bad fanfiction - in fact, I'd be willing to bet you would be able to find actual fanfiction that is way better than this shit Disney is pumping out.
When I'm Emperor, I'm just going to go to work in a dressing gown and slippers. Why bother getting dressed at that point?
because you need to seem like an authority if you want to stay in power
The slippers look like the ones King George IV wore - his were golden on the outside and pink on the inside as well
Yeah the way you dress and present yourself is incredibly important to people in power … dress poorly and no one will respect you may even get an uprising if you are perceived to be weak.
pic related
why would the king of england need to spend any time with ministers? he's just a figurehead
to conspire how to ruin europe and import more pajeets to ruin England…. typical royal stuff.
Isn't the casino ship in one of the thrawn trilogy books?
Why wouldn't you put up a claim to the Sith title and it's prestige as a bad guy? Especially since no one is claiming it?
Jesus the feminists hate the hero's journey or logic so much they completely thrown it out of the window when designing the main bad guy.
You have to respect the baddie so you improve yourself to overcome him.
Otherwise it just falls flat as no satisfying conclusion is achieved.
The journey of a modern hero is different from the old problematic male dominated hero's journey. A modern hero is a woman who is already good enough as she is.
the very idea of facing a challenge & self improvement is abhorrent to these people.
The world is fucked
jonestein is funny , I like the trendyness wand bit he did years ago ( idk if he still does it).
"She's the hero because she's the hero, he's the bad guy because he's the bad guy". That's what I see when I look at SoyWars.
Snoke makes no sense because he's from the Mystery Box. When they made TFA they had no idea of who is was or what to do with him. The other problem is that he's also a Disney villain. When you're a villain in a Disney product, you aren't allowed to have too much character development otherwise the viewers might rule for him.
Like you said, they hate the hero's journey because it shows that the character isn't perfect. They have no idea of how to write strong and memorable characters.
The director of TLJ is trying to retcon or downplay the shit made by Abrams but it won't work. He's trying to start her hero's journey now with VIII (see the scenes from a previous trailer where Luke is training her) but it's too late, the character already has everything.
I get the feeling Kathleen Kennedy and the mouse somewhere late in production decided they didn't like this film but it was too late to change or rather as they see it "fix" it and they are going to let it fail and then retcon this one with the next film when they bring back Abrams.
Just my opinion.
I still don't understand why she brought him back for Episode IX. Sure he made them a ton of money but in terms of story he did more wrong than good.
I agree. I think it's the main reason why they've decided to make another trilogy once Rey's story is done.
If they really put the Skywalker story away for the new trilogy, chances are that it might be good.
No, idea why they brought him back other than jewish nepotism.
All they had to do with this current trilogy is make the story about Luke Skywaker and his final struggle/ adventure against evil.
I don't think it was her decision. Likely corporate forced him on her because he's one of the Chosen and can't be fired easily like the other gentiles that dared to rebel against Kennedy. I actually think Disney fucked themselves over with Kennedy because having a vagina makes her untouchable. There is no easy way to get rid of her without everyone crying muh soggy knee, despite the fact she turned a four billion dollar purchase into an unfixable trainwreck.
I wouldn't be surprised if they reboot Star Wars entirely in the next decade.
perhaps, I could see them forcing jew jew on Kennedy.
I give it 3-5 yrs before a total reboot of nu-wars, also I think given how they handled everything that they may even be stupid enough to try and reboot the OT.
That's going to be the day. They are that retarded actually. Leia will be fat, Han will be a nigger and Luke will be a tranny. I can already see it.
Please kill me.
I think he's got force powers. They're just trying to say that due to some technicality, he's technically not a Sith, just so that the prophecy about "the end of the Sith" will still technically be fulfilled.
When I first looked at this pic, I thought the purple ghost was pregnant.
>Gold etched with glyphs of the Dwarfs Dwartii
How original!
Underrated post
Screeching about diversity all the time is virtue signalling, we get it, we can see it right there, pointing it out is just more attempts to be in the "in-crowd". I wish Alt-Reddit would go back, always sperging out about hollywood and then go and praise hollywood flicks like Mad Max, John Wick, Hardcore Henry and other assorted trash.
Maul and Dooku were both dark side force users but Dooku didn't officially become the sith until Maul died. Also Grievous was force sensitive and trained fighting with the sabers, but he couldn't be granted the sith apprentice title.
Mad Max is kino.
I think he meant the new one.
Mad Max is kino.
All these cool props wasted on feminism.
for feminism its pretty kino.
feminist kino. very rare
what's it like being 13?
It's just another one of those movies where the writers shit the bed and drag everyone talented down with them.
shut the fuck up
This triggers the leftist.
you belong on reddit
t. triggered right-wing SJW
I thought it was okay. My point was that politisperg larpers are always screeching about muh joos ruining all their films and how hollywood is terrible (which it is) but never watch old, independent or foreign cinema. They have no real interest in film at all. I don't see how it was ruined for them when they had no taste to begin with.
It's all a big power fantasy larp really, when given the option to discuss philosophy, history, culture, music and beautiful things they revert to screeching about contemporary politics again.
The "feminism" in the film comprised of women being rescued from brutal sex slavery. Nobody can adequately explain to me why this ruined the film.
But it came from a script written by George Miller in the 80's. You can't really claim current year on that one.
all good points
I'm all for burning down propaganda films and shows, and there are way too many, but it weakens the whole argument when people go into witch hunts against "micro-subversions" and "hidden messages" in media.
Every proper study has shown that such tactics do not influence people, when that shit is done its vanity and psy-ops, not an effective tactic, and it works. You end up pointing out so many false positives, and dismissing so much inane shit with wide brushes, to the point you discredit your own movement.
And both american movements have destroyed themselves this way.
The thing to understand about the Sith is that it's about knowledge, not a title. The Sith, when they were still around, carried millennia of accumulated dark side knowledge. Enough to rival that of the Jedi Order. This is why Palpatine's defeat in Jedi is supposed to be so significant, because when he dies almost all knowledge of the dark side of the force dies with him. Some force sensitive may decide to be bad in the future, but he will have nothing to base his training on and will be impotent when facing the new Jedi Order of Luke Skywalker.
The only logical thing for "a Sith" to be part of this trilogy is if it was Luke himself, or one his students. Snoke is simply an impossibility.
It ruins the film because you can literally feel the violet haired SJW's screaming at you through the screen. Every buzzword is there. Patriarchy, muh evil white male, sex slavery, mindless white male soldiers, muh stronk womyn don't need no man, men destroyed the world etc. etc.
If you didn't pick up on any of this you are likely a SJW yourself, or completely ignorant about the world.
So it 60 km wide ships and Death Stars the size of planets magically appearing out of thin air, almost like the First Order is actually Jews in the Federal Reserve and can print money at will.
The names are all just vague noises now. They used to mean something.
Darth Vader - Dark Invader
Kylo Ren - uh?
That too, but fucking with Jedi lore is the ultimate sin, and a clear sign they don't know what the hell they are doing.
That doesn't really contradict what I said or the fact that disney decided against making Snoke a sith. Tapping into the dark side of the force is the easier part but yes, Sheev was really careful about how much knowledge he shared with his protegees. Both pre-sith Dooku and Grievous knew only as much as they absolutely had to. And Snoke doesn't know a damn, since he's not in the line of Bane's succession. Unless they pull something like hurr Snoke was Plagueis' secret project.
Point is a Snoke without access to Sith knowledge would be a piece of cake for Luke Skywalker to defeat. It just makes no sense for Snoke to exist in the post ROTJ Universe.
They pulled another Yoda here. Yoda has practically given up on being a jewdi after they got rekt by Anakin. Luke is the new Yoda now.
Now I realize this is all just fanfiction botched together by navel gazing morons but come the fuck on.
what do you mean?
What is this?
how is xhir supposed to wear a helmet with that hair?
Why are they all niggers?
Couldn’t Disney say he found a bunch of Sith and Jedi holocrons and has been studying those for years? That’s how Sheev gained so much knowledge, so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for a new Sith order to form. Since Disney doesn’t want to call him a Sith, will he be more of a really grey Jedi?
They could've gone that route, Sheev had planets like Byss where he kept treasure troves of force related stuff. I think they're ditching the Sith label because it carries more weight in the prequels than the OT. I'm really starting to get conspiratorial about how legitimate the prequel hate really was back in the day, considering how Lucas was nit picked to death, yet Disney walks away clean. Hollywood probably hates his guts for making such a huge franchise they didn't have by the balls.
Nah, it's just a lazy way of avoiding the "the chosen one will destroy the Sith" prophecy. Because any SW movie needs bad guys with lightsabers. So instead of doing something interesting they just decided to not call him a Sith.
Occam's Razor would say that's the right answer and considering how much thought they put into Disney Wars (mystery box), then that's as far as it went. I just also think these people are petty and spiteful, so snubbing Lucas as much as possible is also in their thought process.
All that can be true but it still doesnt change the fact that its a good movie.
Search your heart.
You know it to be true.
It's about 1/4th good and 3/4th utter crap. But it could easily have been decent if they just cut the retard tier propaganda from the script. At least make it good propaganda.
Are you a mong?
Vader = father
It's both. inVader, inSidious
'invader' makes no sense though given his role in the franchise
It's just to imply a forceful nature I guess. He does invade Hoth and Cloud City though.
I just don't buy this meme tbh
Yes but that didn't happen until the prequels and wouldn't explain his name in any way unless Lucas had that plotted out already in 1977
a ANH has Obi-Wan mention just that with his line of "(Vader) helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights."
But that's not 'invasion', in this context we're talking about the Jedi Temple in particular
I think the whole theory is weak sauce by yanks who can't into Dutch and feel embarrassed by that
It's similar to the German word for father (Vater).
Vader is Dutch for father, German is closely related
is it really so much of a stretch for you to think that based on how Obi-Wan acted in ANH was a Jedi HQ that Vader helped destroyed?
it's suppose to have a double entente, meaning both "Dark Father" and "Dark Invader".
I don't think Darth necessarily means 'Darth' either. It would be extremely shallow.
It's just a made up "rank" like Moff. It just means a Sith master.
Darth just means "Dark Lord of the Sith".
George should have kept SW and made a sequel series about the NJO and Vong. That shit would not have just saved star wars but elevated it.
recomend anim like this
I don't understand how anyone can fail at creating a space fantasy movie especially after all the hard work of getting audience/ fan base has already been done.
I just want a yuuzhan vong movie because that shit was incredibly interesting and well written in the books. Although I'm not sure if George could have pulled off the grim and serious atmosphere for it.
Women and Jew nepotism is how.
What have women EVER accomplished throughout history?
How does Disney get away with this.