Games you just don't get the appeal of

Games you just don't get the appeal of.

Pic related, I never really got why people like it. For a PS3 game, it looks absolutely beautiful, but it's just so boring, it's a bland third person shooter with practically nothing going for it. Even now with the 4th game, it has nothing that sets it apart from any other game on the market.

I will never understand people who want movie-games. Its called videoGAMES for a reason. Fuck, i havemt bought a new game in years because of this movie trend.

It's the same reason people like Indiana Jones. It's not the amazing writing. It's not the action.

It's the feeling of putting yourself in the character of a dude that has these crazy adventures every day of his life, kills people, gets to travel around the world discovering crazy secrets and fucking the beautiful girls and making money.

which is actually quite funny because not even naughty dog understood this, since they made him a stay at home faggot that does nothing and gets beat up by women in 4.

Turn based games.
Seeing numbers go up and down doesn't seem like fun to me.

And yet yet fans rate it as literally perfect.

Well that's the Sony curse. If you're 12 you want to be part of something, and of course all these kids will take side of the first thing they spend the most time using, which is their console.

It's sad, but hey what you gonna do


You weren't. Pokemon is for smaller kids.



Telltale series games

Walking simulators

isometric games (it's a quirk, I'm sure they're good games)

most games with cartoony graphics (I.E. Borderlands series and most japanese games)

Uncharted is for people who want to play games but don't play a lot of games. They have a lot of spectacle but the mechanics are really easy for pretty much anyone to understand and master to the level the game demands. Higher difficulties just become tedious, rather than demanding greater mastery of the mechanics.

nailed it
didnt really like 3 as much as 2 and definitely hated 4

Telltale Games post Walking Dead.

The choices do not matter and at this point it feels like fanfiction

To cash in on a big brand,some games are successful enough at this that it's worth it to try for some companies.

The choices never mattered though, I dont know why people act like they do. They're the worst examples of moral choices because they flat out lie to you with "Your choices matter"

my brother loves this IP for some strange reason, but i manage to make him wait for the super complete limited edition box at $20 every time.

Slow-paced FPS.
Cover based TPS.
Open world games.
Sports games.
Diablo clones.
Porn games you can't play with one hand.

Some diablo clones can be good.

Grim Dawn can attest to that

I can relate to that last one pretty hard

What, you can't multitask?

The Wolf Among Us is actually better than Walking Dead and its truly the last good game Telltale made.

There are actually some choices which do influence the plot and NPC to your character to some degree (just don't expect massively branching paths and multiple endings)

Also, the Telltale engine is shit and most games they make are pretty ugly but Wolf Among Us does nail the "Comic Noir" style better than Walking Dead.

It's Indiana Jones: The Game.

It's not about shooting, it's about puzzles, massive landscapes, wisecracking characters, action and treasure.

It's a shame that the shooting in the first 3 games sucks so awfully, though.

Did they try to pull a Raiden, or what?

no, that would be La-Mulana.
Uncharted is Bootleg Indiana Jones the movie

for me its mobas, any time i talk to a moba fan they talk like a crack addict
and similar stories. it doesn't help i dislike isometric and "detached" combat like that to start but every moba play i talk to just seems to chase the high of that one good game they had

i don't dislike open world off the bat, but i can tell you i'm getting real fucking sick of open worlds, especially when the devs praise how fucking huge their map is going to be

right off the bat you know its gonna be full of repetitive shit

I'll tell you why. It's because of muh cinematics

Uncharted 2 was a killer app for the PS3. It sold absurdly well, had advertisements everywhere and all it needed to do was sell having huge set piece moments with serviceable gameplay. It didn't matter if the game was just a 6-7 out of 10. As long as the game LOOKED good to the average consumer it would move units.

Uncharted came out during a time in gaming when this sort of thing wasn't usually done all that well. Nowadays this shit is a dime a dozen and people are usually hostile to it. It's partially why I think they're ending the series off with the 4th game because they can't do very much else with it.

I'm going to stop you right there. TWAU was fucking great, I agree, but Tales of the Borderlands was their best one.

It had the best writing, humor, artistic direction, graphics, and animation (which is still low tier, it's Telltale)

It's also FUCKING BETTER THAN GEARBOX'S OWN IP!!!!! Which is extremely embarassing. Borderlands works significantly better as some kind of interactive movie with a bunch of lore and characters that get their time to shine, rather than forcing boring lootshooting. Telltale's attempt at Borderlands even understands how fucking annoying Claptrap is and makes him fuck off in like five minutes.

I might be stupid or something but these are all shit.

Reminder that Uncharted 1 had the most satisfying gameplay and best environment. Story wasn't important.

nigga uc1 was the worst one

uc2 was the best

monster hunter would probably be a fucking great series if it wasn't on a shitty handheld with controls like total ass


Beatmania is a tough series to get in that it's every Japanese-centric and every difficult. Also the DJ controller is a pretty abstract music game controller.

Controls are fine, but it's the most fucking time padded video game ever.

It's criminal.

uc3 was definitely the worst

The Vita one is

- I know it's cool to hate CoD, but honestly I lost my interest on the franchise after CoD2.

- Football managers

- Sport/racing games. The last one I liked was Gran Turismo 2

- Preachy indie garbage

Fair point, I haven't played Tales from the Borderlands because Borderlands is terrible so I assumed the tie in was shit as well.

I might pirate it

2hu. Compared to other shmups, it seems really mediocre to me. There are even better shmups where you play as cute little girls, like Gunbird.

I don't get hardcore Weeaboos who play a shitton of CSGO, or other military shooters.

You'd think people interested in something with such bright, unrealistic characters and worlds would play something so drab and realistic, but maybe that's just me, they seem so at odds with each other.

I guess a lot of them are faggot kids and the biggest demographic for both anime and military shooters is teens, but its always struck me as weird.

It's not that controls for me, it's the fact that the screens and resolution are just too tiny. I'd love for the series to be on home consoles or PC again