Game only has 1 universe


Other urls found in this thread:



Alt universes are like time travel. They're really cool when done well, but more often than not they just get turned into convenient get out of jail free cards for the writers.





It sucks. It gets poorly implemented. And you suck for liking it.





Is this some shitty new meme you're trying to force?

DC universe super hero games?









what game



>Each universe is just a dream



>threesome selfcest of main character

Bioshock truly was a shit


>game is in our universe


Star Ocean IV



This thread aren't good.

Because most of you are inventing settings and the ones that aren't doesn't share the source.

gay as fuck tbqh

I really fucking liked Volition's games because of this.

Shame they went full retard with SR3

why no just ask?

You aren't even helping faggot


Because I don't care and this is a template thread done several times already, idiots.


you seem to care enough to (2)


I always thought the point was to guess the games. I assure you the one I posted is real, just think.


The one you posted sound like a bad one since you are still stuck with the route canon the developers decided to follow.

That was the point of posting mine, because it was shit.


It still hurts.

must have no played the game yet

English am hard.

I just missed the 't' in 'not' is all

I just wanted to see more skeleman pictures.

Someone's a Ricesnot fan

It's pretty good. Kind of like Fallout, but with a much more open world and more simplified combat.

You just had to ask

Sorry mate, I had to google to see who that was
I just stumbled upon these gem stock photos one day and had to save every one of them

Ill give it a try. I imagine its PC only?

No. The point of these threads are just about shitposting. Just look at OP. What game is he talking about?

Anyway 99% of posts in these threads are always without fail completely made up shit with no game behind them.

Chrono Trigger disagrees with you.

Eh, it's also a lot more unfinished than Fallout and aged much more poorly. I wouldn't call it bad, but I wouldn't put it in the same tier as Fallout either.

Yeah, be sure to get the GOG or some other heavily patched version if you can. The vanilla game is buggier than any Bethesda game.

I don't think aged poorly. The UI is a bit of a mess, but it still holds up pretty well.

Apart from stuff like portraits and inventory, it's really ugly compared to other good games of the era. And moving around is a pain in the ass, especially considering how much of it you have to do.



you did it reddit

just awful


le reddit army wins again

only took you 3 tries






>the main antagonist is another "player" from a different universe doing the same thing

the unofficial patch helps with that a bit





Fuck you too buddy.

at that point it would be trans dimensional jews jewing jews from two universes with some MIC type shit in order to construct an Eruv over one or both universes so they can conduct business on the Sabbath.

None, that's near impossible


Fuck off 39mil






That is the point but some faggots always fuck up and make up complete bullshit


back to capeshit marvel comics you go, Holla Forums-fag

Double tripsily confirmed


Chrono Trigger?

Must have been nice being a nip during the snes era.

The universe is a giant dancing tree guy fighting a giant fish.



Universe is everything that exists, has existed or will exist. How can there be two or more universes?

The question is how could there not be more universes?



The fuck are you even talking about nigger?

i liek 2 redtext 2


It's time to talk about parallel universes

There are many, but they all share one aspect, and that is that you are a faggot in all of them.

You're alright, fellow Borges reader.

Are we thinking of the same universe(s) >9989303

Are we thinking of the same universe(s)?

I fucked up the formatting.

It's obviously real life

No Man's Sky is going to crash to the ground.

I'm here if you need to talk, user.




Only atheists believe in the retarded and laughable "multiverse" hypothesis.

Anything to avoid God.

What if I believe God created multiple universes, and that Heaven and Hell are other universes?

Physicists and cosmologists assert that the existence of multiple universes is mathematically certain. Some of these scientists are Christian. Go sperg about muh fedoralords somewhere else.

You pulled that straight out of your ass, m8.

Infinite iterations of you disagree. :^)

M. Night Shamalamadingdong, is that you?

You faggots are faggots in every dimension. The only difference is that in some of them, they already went through and offed themselves to save the rest of us the trouble.

why the fuck would i be posting on Holla Forums

It's a twist.




No really. Just end it. You'll thank me in the after-life.

That's the joke.

I dislike the "infinite universes" shit. It just makes all your efforts pointless because there's an infinite number of other universes where you've failed and an infinite number of more universes where you won anyway.
I like multiverses when they're more limited and meaningful.


But have you pressed it? Then it's a press.

Well would you look at that? They really are that easy to find.





xD dam user back at it wif da fedora memays

Atheism is a mental illness.

Evolution has been proven wrong yet they continue to cling to their monkey myths.





this shit needs to stop, gaming is a mature medium

I love Dark/Light contrasts.

Probably why sonic unleashed and AlttP are some of my favorite games of all time.

That, and a lot of other reasons that REALLY hit the sweet spot for me. Gameplay is pretty damn great, level design and story needed some work, but it didn't ruin my experience.
I still loved it.




Nope, it's Monster Girl Quest: Paradox.





Don't worry double 25, you might just happen to be in the universe where tomorrow you get a blowjob from your waifu

you also might be in the universe where a bunch of jocks break into your house and cum all over your bed and face because it's a funny joke while your sleeping

That's this universe


Alright now that's all out of the way.

Is our universe a simulation Holla Forums?

I hate the multiverse shit especially when it involves retconning.

Well apparently scientists in Hitlerland thinks so

>You will never succesfully predict the moment a triple backstab occurs, then suddenly take control and gas three universes worth of jews at once
One way or the other I will make you proud, Hitler

A lack of coherent timeline is the only problem HM2 doesn't have.

ok buddy


I'd fuck it.




What makes you so sure they're not the same?

Why you gotta be a nigger and shoehorn religion into a perfectly fine autistic discussion?

Everyone has a religion you fucking dumbass.

Atheists believe in Evolutionism and Naturalism.

Because faggots like you give him attention


Well did it close the circuit connection or what?


First half of your post is Phantasy Star

You can't have "multiple" universes since the universe means everything. "Another universe" is just another part of the universe.

God aint real, you are gonna die and rot with no afterlife.

Christians believe in a kike messiah. Filthy race traitors…




Because Red Alert 2 doesn't follow the Tiberium universe like RA1 does. It splits into it's own story.