Icelandic Pirate Party on their way to vctory

Why arent you supporting your local pirate party Holla Forums?

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Because parliamentary liberal politics in a capitalist society, especially those based on internet freedom (which isn't inherently a bad thing, but is low on a list of most peoples priorities, or it should be at least) will fundamentally change fuck all and leave the vast majority of people still barley clinging to life.

They also root for direct democracy and """"""""civil rights""""""""

Via direct democracy the people can change laws to make it harder for porky to exploit them

wew mate.

that doesn't mean they're going to achieve it. You must understand what it means to be involved in parliamentary politics to begin with, it starts with slogans to gain political support form some base of the population, this does not mean that once a representative of the party is elected that they must follow that party line, since they are going to merely be a puppet for the people who actually own the country, and since this is a capitalist society that means capitalists and and bureaucrats and all manner of other nonsense. So why should i support a political party that spouts slogans that appeal to me when they have nothing to do with how those politicians may actually act once elected since in order to stay elected means to play into the political and economic process that is in no way aligned with my interests and the interests of the vast majority of people? Because they new copyright laws? Fuck copy right laws, im hungry, i want food. If you feel so strongly against laws, break them.

Representative democracy is inherently hierarchical. Direct democracy is more anarchist.

Is the anarchist way to go mate.

Anarchism 101.



How can any one take that man serious?

Bronies must hang.



ye just got fucked.

Me saved it already mate.

You are being shortsighted tbh

While I agree about bourgy democracy, a direct democracy of some sort can make it easier for workers to develop their own worker-controlled industry and so on, as well as pushing gun rights, lax taxes for poor and middle classz and higher for the upper class, better education and less alienation and so on

A direct democracy wont eliminate the capitalist form of production overnight, but it will help create a base for it

I think the point they were trying to make is it would be difficult to implement direct democracy due to the bourgeoisie having their way with lobbying.
I have a counterargument to that though: baby steps. Reforms like the alternate vote, limited campaign funding, anti-lobying laws, etc will pave the road to direct democracy.

Bookchinite activists pls go. No "ocracy" can be anarchist.

how the hell do you expect to have society without organization? Are you a primitivist or somethign?


if this happens I am moving to iceland


How hard would it be to move to iceland and start a federation of co-ops like mondragon over there?

le anti-downvote

Can someone explain to me how direct democracy is hated here, but dictatorship of the proletariat is loved?
Sure, the rich get to vote in a direct democracy, but they represent only ~1-5% of the population, far from enough to actually matter.

Autisticc MLs, aorthodox marxists and tankies

The influence of the bourgeoisie is extraordinarily disproportionate. You can't guarantee that worker interests will always prevail in voting.

Sure, but why would any reasonable direct democracy not ban lobbying or other bourgeois meddling in politics?

ITT: basement dwellers who demand a perfect society and shit on any attempts to work towards achieving one.

You can't ban lobbying, you can only drive it underground. By doing that even less information of who petitioned who will be available.