Jeremy Christian

Crazy man? false flag? or the Right Wing Death Squad we all want?

Other urls found in this thread:

forgot archive

I hate articles like this, the guy is dangerous murderer but I just don't trust anything I read anymore.


only if you are a shitskin or shitskin apologist

anyone has that Holla Forums edit?

I still can't grasp how these same people worshiped lel old man of communism but ignored the evidence of fraud during his loss only to support the woman who was behind it.

he was a Bernie voter

liberal logic

The man was Bernie fag who's hostility towards Clinton kind of turned him temporarily pro Trump after the election and then he committed this crime. He was a deranged lunatic like most Bernie supporters.

Two of the stabbing "victims". One a Republican Army Vet. Mr. Stabber may have been totally bonkers, but he did remove a traitor.

Regardless of how probably gay and crazy this guy was we should be promoting and boasting for him. Remember when some dude killed some Indians or whatever and then like a week later some Indians made a call for Indians not to come to the US. Violence works, people.

fucking pussy
combat vet but cant even 2v1 a knifer
cmon brah, just die, its what cucks want anyway

….something happens because there's just a bit of a gap between sperging and stabbing

It's all cyclical. Who fired the first shot? I can't remember.

6 million times this
lets inspire every white shizo out there to do the right thing and stab the enemies of the white race
i want every kike and shitskin shaking in fear at the sight of a lone white man

The left doesn't care about dead leftists, they are happy that they were killed so that they can flood social media with this and try to force meme some bullshit about whites.

And then more Indians came anyway.

In this way none of us actually participate in violence that can be traced back and we create a feedback system of anti-white fervor to be used as propaganda. It's what ISIS and Islamic terror organizations supposedly do or at least what Liberals say they do I.E. "we should be nice to Muslims or else they will suicide bomb you".

Ok faggo

Yeah, there was no change in immigration, immigration probably increased, actually. Warning of the dangers of the US was just moral grandstanding. So, no that was not an improvement.

Sub 115 IQ people are a liability.

Did I say there was a change to immigration retard? I said browns telling other browns to come is a good thing. You're here talking about fucking quotas and visas
Yeah? Tell me how much in percentage does "immigration increase" every time a white crack head stabs a bindi.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean. This literally makes no fucking sense at all.

*not to come

There was no change in immigration, that was my explanation for why browns telling other browns not to come here is not an improvement, i.e., it doesn't actually stop browns from coming here; however, browns didn't even actually say that. Maybe a few browns said that, but the main message from browns on the whole is that the way stop white racist violence is for MORE browns to come here.

Not to somebody with sub 115 IQ. Brown foreigners are constantly complaining about the USA - it's a violent GUN CRAZED hell hole, where you die because there's NO HEALTHCARE…yet they continue to come here in massive numbers. Their warnings and complaints about the USA are just attempts to make themselves seem better, they are still going to come.

I know that you will probably go out and randomly murder some people and I can't stop you, that's just what sub 115 IQ people do, but it's not going to be helpful.

And now there's video of him RP'ing


Best timeline.

Get it through your retarded fucking head. If there were more white people doing what this guy did THERE WOULD be a change to immigration. THERE WOULD be a change to how the media talks about immigration and white people. Just because one or two guys killed a few browns wont make a 30% change in average-quota-immigration like you're talking about but if MANY white people started doing this THERE WOULD be. Do you get it? Do you understand what I am saying? I'm talking about nation wide violence and intimidation like when white people actually used to be white people

Or think of it like how browns think about it OK? I know your superior intellect cannot comprehend sub 100 IQ percentage point thoughts but just try to understand. If there is a foreigner oppressing you, making you a slave, raping your women, stealing from you and polluting your continent. What do you do? Do you just make memes on the internet or do you fight? Well brown people fought and won almost every single time. Now I already know your brilliant retort to this will be "well that's browns and browns are stupid so we should do what browns did" but literally look anywhere else even Europe had rebelliions didn't it? That's the situation we are in. We're a conquered and colonized people, conquered colonized people deserve the right to violently revolt and anyone taking this lightly or telling broken sick and crazy whites that they SHOULDN'T is complicit in the system that made them crazy in the first place.

Look at you, you are just so smart. Please tip your fedora harder faggot.
And that's your brilliant reasoning to not intimidate brown people isn't it. "Because they will still come here". I think you somehow internalized a meme about what brown people say. "The West oppresses us, Let's go to the West" and that's the entire basis for why you should do or not do something. What if I told you that is just a meme? It literally makes no logical sense and it does not translate to reality. The reality is that is that they DO get healthcare, welfare and whatever other benefit from being in the West. The reality is also that the West ISN'T violent, it isn't racist and it isn't oppressive. If it was THERE WOULD BE NO FUCKING BROWNS HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

You are so fucking gay it is blinding.
Tips fedora.
116+ IQ people sit on the internet and contemplate how much a meme made in MS paint will "redpill" people.


not do*


He's a fucking Jewish Bern victim. Calling him a white supremacist is laughable.

I searched for the word jew and nobody has posted but JEREMY CHRISTIAN IS A JEW

Watch for yourselves-> youtube. com/watch?v=Can4b5XRkxI

I doesn't matter if it's true or not. He should be held up as an example for intimidation purposes.

Bernie Sanders should be classified as a mental disease.

Whatever you say, Chaim.

Well, duh. Although, they probably would still come. They still went to Apartheid South Africa in massive numbers. You're going to have to really turn the country into something unfathomable to get them to voluntarily stop coming.

Silly things like this are actually more effective than random murders. Getting the white demographic to support preventing browns from coming here is more effective than scaring the browns into voluntarily choosing to not come here.

How effective were the Red Summer riots? From 1919 onwards, there had been nothing but increasing levels of black sympathy until recently.

He killed a Boomer and a hippy faggot, that's pretty good. If he had stabbed the mudshit wearing a bag over it's head he'd be even more of a hero

I'm sinning this for the unoriginal last name of main character. Writer spoon-feeds audience narrative by making villain have the last name of the thing story is supposed to be (obviously) denouncing.

Why are you this retarded?

His picture was posted early in that rally/riot thread. I pointed out that his sloped, downsy eyes belied a controlled provocateur.

He was obviously retarded, but he was encouraged by (((someone))).

You can't get anymore fucking gay.
Something "unfathomable" is something that doesn't tolerate browns. I.E. a place where they are randomly beaten, robbed, intimidated. You're still thinking about laws n welfare n shiet.
Tell me how many people your Trump meme has redpilled my dude.
You have no proof or evidence of this happening. No one that actually believes in "redpilling" and the "overton window XD" has any proof of that its actually working. There is no redpilling, you are not changing anyones mind, no one cares or will ever see your memes, the people you think you are redpilling are just internet nerds that have always been that way but they have just been given a medium (memes XD) in which to talk about such things. In 5 years we will see the meme politics (called the alt-right btw) as an embarrassing phase and cringy internet phenomenon. Nothing more, nothing less.
Do you have any concept of time? Do you think something from 1919 will still have its affects felt today? Let's have another red summer and see how effective it is.

This is somehow a bad thing.
Republican ZOGbots who literally fought a war for other people are not white. I mean you basically can't be white if you give your life to other people. They're not people and they're not white. They are called traitors.
It doesn't matter how sane or insane he is. What he did was the right thing and should be boasted.
What the fuck are you going to do about it faggot? Wanna stand up for some browns too, see what happens.

he is the (((someone))), hes a mentally defective jew.

Shifting the overtone window is a thing, and it does do something. But it only lets you reach a point. Think of a game where you have to aggregate power to use a super move. That's all it really is. Maybe we're already there, but the execution of the key action has yet to take place. The key action is that of someone in power going "ENOUGH", and taking charge (and winning). For the lemmings will (as long as they're sufficiently leaning towards your ideology), side with you in the end [if you have sufficient military strength, you don't really need to worry about ideology tbh. However, in a coup/take over situation, you'll never have complete military strength, so having the people on your side [to some degree] is plus).

Literally placing your bets on something you can't see.

Did I ever say you were wrong? I agree, this shifting the overtone window stuff, by it self, will not accomplish anything. You always need a catalyst.

Lone wolf violence will never accomplish anything. Organized systemic violence however…..

Browns are randomly beaten, robbed and intimidated in their own countries. That's not going to happen in the numbers needed to scare them away unless the white demographic changes their views. Browns are randomly beaten, robbed and intimidated in their own countries

I don't think it had much effect in 1919, and that was when the rioters received positive press coverage and support from law enforcement. Rioters today would not receive that.

Well, the president was elected on the promise of deporting millions of brown people. Zero tolerance for amnesty, and zero Muslim immigration are now mainstream Republican positions. Trump is more popular with younger Republicans than older Republicans.

OP is a flaming faggot. This guy was an obvious plant meant to discredit "white supremists" and HELL NO this is not what we want. He's just another anarchist looking for an excuse to get violent. His words, not mine. From a comment on his timeline, April 28th
International patriot? Revolutionary? That sure doesn't sound like NatSoc to me. Read his facebook page. This guy was an attention whore and he was absolutely bonkers.

The images are some of the disgusting crap he's posted on his facebook. Judge for yourself.

Your MS paint memes aren't going to change their views, dude.
You didn't live at that time. You had no idea and you never will until we see another red summer. btw look at you thinking about muh PR for literally everything. White people could be placing Jews in gas chambers and you would be like "but what will the press think"?
Milo's gay nigger orgies are a mainstream republican position now too.

Forgot to include

For anyone who doesn't know, that first pic is from Jonestown.

This turned out quite well, wish he could have taken out the mudskins though.

Seriously, what the fuck? I understand the bearded numale faggot going down easily but an army veteran? What did he do in the army, push pencils? Good riddance in any case. Although he a shame he managed to procreate and pass on his faulty cuck genes. assuming the children are his and not his wife's boyfriend's

Fucking yes. Make mudslime shitskins and whiteknight cucks fear a stabbin' for their regrettable existence.

The guy in the mugshot doesn't look like the guy in the article.

I like how going to a, 'free speech rally' makes one a Nazi now hahahaa. How do people not see kike media as being unAmerican trash?

It's pathetic.
Two white fathers, at least one with military experience wasted their lives defending subhumans who want to kill their children.

I'm glad they're dead but I'm pissed it was a berniebot who did it.

is that real?


I should probably turn this into a drinking game

Nope, my only regret is that they weren't dragged on TV in a show trial and publicly executed

Where do you think you are? Of course we know what it is faggot.

The average joe either needs a gun or a bar stool to survive a knife attack. i hope I never get put that position, every if it was 2 on 1 and I have a ccw. That's why cops have their 5 (or whatever) meter rule.

It's definitely him.

Absolutely pathetic.

Did you even read the thread? He's a Bern victim with ties to a militant environmentalist group. Does that sound American to you?

I don't have to make any arguments with you, babykins, all I have to do is mock you. You forget we can see everything you've ever posted.. Are you upset because Mommy told you to make your own ramen? Or did Ketnar pwn your buns again on Quake Live?

Congratulations, Barbie, on proving there is absolutely nothing inside your thick, tiny plastic skull but the ends of your hair and air.

Your home-schooling is really paying off for you; you've achieved a literacy level of a 2nd grader! Well done! I bet you can graduate to Chief Burger Flipper now!

So, like the dear little BreitBot you are, bless your heart, you've come over here to dance for the doggy snacks that your God-Emperor Orange Ape and Bannon Wormtongue have promised you. Dance little doggy, dance! Try not to think too hard about the fact that as soon as you are of no use to them they'll throw you under the bus.

Since there is nothing in what you post worth debating, and absolutely nothing that is even remotely of any interest to me, I am blocking you now. And since you only understand tiny words and simple concepts I will have to explain that to you in a way you will understand. I will not see one word you post, ever. Not even the Oh! So Smart! Comeback! With All! The Best! Words! that you were planning on writing as you read this with one finger under the words on the screen and your lips moving.

Oh you can post it anyway, of course, but you'll just end up looking like the moron mutt that keeps barking at the tree the squirrel left hours ago.

See, I have better things to do with my time than scrape the rancid poo from a Trump yapdog out of my email.

Wow, nice insult generator. You're a real lazy piece of crap.

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */cist-37278d5ee1d3

It was self defence

Why are we defending a bern victim? The media should be the one with explaining to do.

Writes fifteen minute response. Makes fun of you for responding to someone who isn't listening. Lol.

I guess it is.

He killed a Cohen!!!! PRAISE KEK!

What the fuck is wrong with you people making this out to be a good thing? This guy is a crazy piece of shit and deserves to be in prison for a long time. Like really..a military vet especially. done with this site

He killed a kike. If every crazy white man would kill a kike, we'd be out of kikes and all the crazies would finally get mental help without doing time for killing kikes.

I'm a fucking USNavy veteran. So fucking what? Dude helped a kike and a mudslime, that means I don't give a fuck.

"no platform for the right" has been a basic tenet of the last hundred years of world politics in case you haven't noticed

Great, so all three were pieces of shit. A berniebot leftist piece of trash and two cuckservatives who would rather virtue signal against their people than take a stand when somebody is finally fed up with the shitskin invasion. I'm glad all three have been removed from society.

Newfags got conned by FBI agents posing as anonymous white nationalists to support lone wolf violence.

Never underestimate the eternal-sub-115-IQ's capacity for stupidity.


fuck off

Seems like the type of person Democrat agent provocateurs would target.

What like unobtainium on Pandora?
Hehe my immediate thought too. It's brainwash.

Nice meme. The Democrats and leftists are dying because they have no good PR.

schlomo/fbi shill, how do you think this event will affect people who aren't already far-right?


A fucking election means democrats are "dying". Get the fuck out of here retard.
The only thing affecting people that aren't already far right is faggots like you telling them that they shouldn't take matters into their own hands and start intimidating people. The only affect violence has is demoralization of the enemy. How do you think leftists got where they are at with their practices of bombings, walk-outs, riots, political murders and so on. Bitch ass faggots like you think you are a master strategist faggot by not advocating violence but in reality you're just a little internet nerd.

You're right MS paint memes and posting anonymously on imageboards will really create the 4th reich.


All the clowns talking about Manchester, THIS is what a false flag actually looks like. This guy is a completely manufactured 'right wing extremist and white supremacist'. And the (((media))) is going to beat this drum to death.


It's damage control for Manchester bombing.

he's a mentally unstable leftist that yelled at two women on a bus, i'm not sure where you are going with this

Congrats, faggot. Manchester is off the air. All see now is interviews with the victims and reports about his guy's past. If you are not a shill, you must be retarded.

I'm glad so many people recgonize these plants now. There are tons of them out there, once you have seen a few they become easy to spot. In fact, there are obviously a few on this board.

Just remember it's called

Bird Dogging


Their names scream cryptojew, well done.

was going to say and notice in as soon as the cops start talking to him he starts getting rational and citing laws, he knew what he was doing

He was making sure he was getting on camera, building his legend.



Even the shaking hands part, I would be interested to look into whether or not there was some cameraman that followed him around to make sure there were photos of him doing stuff like that. The hand shaking would be great if there was some protestor out there who ever made the news in a positive or controversial way. They could leak the photo of that protestor shaking hands with him to make them look bad.

They SHOULD beat it to death. They should be calling all white males potential terrorists.


You mean they attacked him and forced him to defend himself.

Fucking liberal shits.

Nope, just somebody who realizes this is a net positive for society. Three faggots gone and a bernietard is responsible. I didn't tell anybody here to go commit random acts of violence, except for you, you should kill yourself.

It won't effect anybody at all, three days from now it will be buried under some new Trump "scandal" that the media can't stop screaming about. It effected the Mudshit women who were screamed at, and I hope feel uneasy for being here, and the three people directly involved.

Precisely. Why else isn't the footage available? Every fucking train in the MAX system has cameras in it, yet we get no video of confrontation, while "muh poor jewboy is a hero!" is repeated all over the fucking media.

and nothing of value was lost

most likely reaction - the guys he killed seem like the hothead types, especially if the guy ran for office; I'm sure he wanted the mudslime points.

one would think… when I got robbed on an Amtrak by my Somali seat-mate, I asked for footage of him taking my fucking luggage and getting off at the Buffalo stop. They told me "sir, the train departs Buffalo in 15 minutes, we cannot stall the transit because you lost your luggage." I later called the Buffalo stop, by later I mean on the train out, and was told "we do not keep security cameras in that location." ???? I almost responded "oh okay, well this Somali took my fucking bomb off the train - where's my goddamn bomb at?" in the end, he got my dirty underwear, some socks, a pair of shoes, and carton of cigarettes so it's not worth stopping the entire train. If you ever see a Somali named Anwar in Buffalo heading to Egypt three years ago… tell him I'm looking for him.

I still think this guy is left trying to make the right look bad. Think about it -he showed up at that one protest in captain America gear shouting about how he's Ashkenazi jew and that he wants to gas the kikes and death to the mudslimes and all that shit - gets shunned by the right, correct me if I'm wrong but I think he got beaten up by a few right wingers - then he went to start shit in a park where people laughed and took pictures.
Now he starts the memorial day festivities early by cutting his own kebabs on the train which has no security professionals on board (my train's DHS ride-along came up to me about my stolen luggage on the next stop), no cameras on board, and no witnesses for the time missing between "mad man says mad things about muslims, heroin individuals intervene" and "two dead, very sad - we got the white supremacist tho"

Just seems sus as fuck.

Anyone have his birthday?

An user could look up his party affiliation for lulz.. Kek… Whatever the kids are saying these days.

Aside from the fact that they were just defending two women from a schizo guy, what else do you know about the guys? I might have done the same thing.

Here he admits that he attended Trump rallies solely as an act and Psy-Op. Look at these posts. The "white supremacist" angle is so obviously fake. An ex-bernie supporter who LARPed as an unhinged Trump supporter and then committed a crime, and media intentionally portrayed his over the top public LARPing as who he really was. This should be exposed.

I just saw on ABC news they're running with the "White supremacist agitator" angle. They even used a frame capture of him giving a salute while wearing the american flag from the video of him being a nuisance to the trump supporters. No mention of his facebook or twitter feed, but who would believe those alternative facts anyway right?

Dubs confirm. This is flooding groups all over social media, and they're all trying to get normies to sympathize with the dead kike and blame whitey.


Nothing of value will be lost when they execute him.

He didn't even slay anyone, complete:
Holla Forums is a board of a peace.

Is the right wing death squad real? Do they do anything at all?

No it's not. It's just a gay internet meme from people that have never been outside. Left-Wing Death Squads are real though.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." The novella.


More fake news. Just remember (((they))) always lie.

No. Just some crazy person doing crazy things in a crazy world.

Hi Ana. When did TYT start posting on pol? Cause this thread is about a Bern victim?

You would have deserved to get slashed too


I think that Jeremy Christian is related to Tourette's Guy

I don't know why I didn't just embed….

Dude had a history of trying to false-flag against Trumpers, then suddenly

Dude was so hungry for those tendies he wanted to be the best false flag he could be.

Yeah the fuck they are.

Jeremy Christian:
Who has to go to Federal Court to be declared sane? I never had to. I bet none of you either.
oh, really…
That says alot right there.
Strongest hallucinogenic - hellooooooo!!!
This guy…Something seriously wrong with him…for real
Dudes, this guy has lost it…

You should probably stop posting for at least 2 years

Can anyone explain how there is no video of the crime? No cell phone cameras, no train cam? Every car of the max has multiple cameras. Also, the supposed victims? One kike from Reed college (suspicious) and a fucking Fed? Did they even state anywhere how he was actually subdued?

What do you think goy? Then the narrative disappears of two brave heroes trying to defend innocent muslim babies from the evil white menace, when the reality was something more along the lines of this berntard made an off color comment about the mudshit invader and these two overzealous cucks started getting violent with him because "MUH RAYCISM."

Everyone in this thread should be killed for not posting fucking ARCHIVES for their screencaps.
We've had shooped disinfo before.

Sounds like the guy got physically attacked for "hate speech" and is being brought up on murder charges for defending himself. Am I missing something?

Glorious timeline

try it



white knighting and getting yourself killed over hurt feelings is not heroic, it's idiotic.

Not exactly.

He responded to "hey, stop that" with stabbings. That's still a crime.

I wonder if they have tendies in prison.

Leftist tries to meme, and it doesn't work. Who would have thought?

Am I the only one that noticed he's wearing a fucking zodiac killer t-shirt? Open your fucking eyes retards.

It seems like everything is happening so fast now, I didn't even hear anything about this. It was typical tricks schlomo, perhaps the (((powers that be))) thought it could backfire if they pursued it more?

Dubs confirm. Implications?

Cool Pasta, you make it yourself?

why are they protesting at a burger king?

No, lying faggot jew, he got accosted by 2+ citizens who detected his wrong think.

Well, duh, he was surrounded. This is a clear case of self defense.

He did nothing wrong.

It was a march. It started at a park and ended near the burger king. We were going to march back, however they sent buses for the Trump supporters to use instead to avoid more conflict with antifa

He robbed a korean liquor store and was a bernout. He did a few things wrong

The man charged in the fatal stabbing of two men after allegedly spewing hate at two young women in a Portland metro train took his first court hearing as an opportunity to blurt out ramblings about “patriotism” and told those in attendance to “die.”

2 killed, 1 injured while attempting to stop Islamophobic attack in Portland
Immediately upon entering the Multnomah County Justice Center Courthouse in Oregon for his arraignment on Tuesday, Jeremy Christian loudly interrupted the ongoing proceedings from inside his holding chamber, as two officers flanked him.

Christian, 35, whose full legal name is Jeremiah Joseph Christian, was charged with two counts of aggravated murder, one count of attempted murder, two counts of second-degree intimidation and one count of being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon, according to CNN.

“Free speech or die, Portland,” he said. “You got no safe place. This is America. Get out if you don't like free speech.”

Then the public defender spoke to the judge, and Christian signed some documents. Just before Christian was walked out of the courtroom, he tried another outburst.

“Death to the enemies of America! Leave this country if you hate our freedom. Death to Antifa. You call it terrorism, I call it patriotism, you hear me? Die!” he yelled.

Last Friday, Christian allegedly stabbed two men to death and injured another man badly aboard a Portland metro train. Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, 23, and Ricky John Best, 53, died after confronting Christian for allegedly harassing a black 16-year-old girl and her Muslim friend wearing a hijab. Micah David-Cole Fletcher, 21, also got involved and was stabbed in the neck, but was released late Monday night and attended the Tuesday court hearing, KOIN reported.

Christian is white, and court documents report him to be 6 foot 3 inches and 250 pounds.

Police records show he yelled racial and religious epithets last Friday.

Court documents from Tuesday said Christian “reports he is transient and does not know the last time he had a permanent address,” according to CNN.

His next court date is June 7, and a Multnomah County grand jury will determine whether to bring more charges. In Oregon, aggravated murder is punishable by execution, but the state has not carried out one in more than two decades, CNN reported.

That's what happens when 4chan act like we need to demonstrate for free speech we already have, and push normal people to kill for weak n-nazi w-white power shit, and not stronger normal patriotism.


No, that's what happens when a schizophrenic whose brain can't parse politics or reality stabs people.

The yellow invaders have no right to operate a business outside of their country. So, I wouldn't count that one against him either.

Politics is reality, you typical white state " anti-racist".

And when sandnigger-lovers attack him. I like how victims are not even shown cuz America is cowboys and not leftist shit.

Newspapers have more freedom than your shit childish imageboards.

And fuck your whiny crap. Talk about Jewish conspiracies or gtfo.

Enjoy your ban

no one has diagnosed him as being schizophrenic you fucking kike. he is pissed about being marginalized in his own country. I wish he would have stabbed you in the neck too.

There needs to be a ban for posting animal cruelty. Top yourself, faggot

Animal Cruelty, porn, and Gore are a big part of what makes this site what it is. And I love it.

Wrong image, sorry.

welcome to the bowels of the internet
sorry did you think it would be all puppies and sunshine?

but dubs so wew

Except there's not such thing as "hate speech". There is however de facto special privileges for everyone except white males, which is unconstitutional.

Then why was he a bernie supporter who openly talked about false flagging Trump supporters just a few days prior to the stabbing. The guy is a cuck and couldn't even name Mein Kamph when asked what books Hitler wrote. He is not, nor will ever be one of us. He is a self admitted kike even, why would you even defend that. Most of his friends that he is photos with on his kikebook are shitskins. You are pretending some random kike on the street that was paid to false flag Trump supporters is one of us, or shares even a remotely similar ideology

Didn't he also claim to be jewish and on facebook was a berniebro?

Don't be sorry that first was was breddy gud :DDD

No. There is no safe space here. Only bannable things are in rules.
Reported for not reading the rules.

It's a planted government agitator.
He probably didn't kill anyone, he's either monarch (mind controlled) or been offered a fuck ton of money plus clemency to do what he has/is/was doing.
He better be well connected or he's going to end up dead somewhere.

Jeremy Christian (ffs)
not all Christians!!