What's leftypol's stance on gender shit? Aka gender theory and all that bull?

What's leftypol's stance on gender shit? Aka gender theory and all that bull?

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Gender is a spook but it's a spook that pretty much everyone buys into so it's impossible to ignore.

Gender is a useless term, if you can get everyone to accept gender theory (you won't) then you can get everyone to accept sexual equality (you won't)

(That is, if you can get rid of preconceived notions of gender then it becomes useless as a term)

Read Lacan : On Feminine Sexuality: The Limits of Love and Knowledge

there is only 2 Genders.

it;s a gonsbiracy of niggers and joos

t. polyp samefag

I don't see a problem with gender theory; what is the problem with trying to understand the role of gender and sex in society? It's a valid subfield of sociology and should be treated as such. Obviously there are a couple of retarded people doing gender studies (maybe more than in other fields), but that does not discredit the entire field.

There are no genders

At this point we should never call it "gender/queer/femnist theroy"
We should call it theology of sexuality tbh


If gender isn't real then explain this

Pro-tip: you can't.
Buncha faggots.


no idea how you can think that genders don't exist. There are clear differences in the image of women and men in society that cannot be explained by biology and only through social conditioning.

Just as an example, there are different preferences for jobs between women and men (famously less women in stem fields). Why is this the case? That's a question (among others) that gender theory deals with.

Because women are stupid and can't into logic.

post who you're responding to and take your meds, or just fuck off

why is gender considered a thing? How is it any different from any other societal role?

Why a boy raised as a girl didn't just became a girl?
Isn't gender just a social construct learned though social conditioning?

Check mate, faggots.

David Reimer is a case of forcing someone to be something they didn't identify as. If anything it's proof that gender isn't contained in the genitals, at least not solely.




some of you pirates are alright

What did Holla Forums mean by this?

No he's right. Women are by nature more immature and care less about studying.
source: me

It's an absolute crock. There are only two genders, everything else is precious snowflake bullshit.

All these Tumblr trannies are actually undermining the progress the gay community made towards normalization, it's maddening.

wew lad

Can we at least agree that furfags should yiff in hell?


"Fuck separatism."

i hate them but I think they should be able to do their weird shit

Are 4th wave idpol feminists actually real, or just porky false flaggers?

Either way, idpol is very cult-like and needs to be dismantled.


Doesn't exist

Gender, like individualism, is an oppressive fiction. Abolish it.


Biggest part of 4th are genuine believers, they're just useful idiots for Porky.

can we all agree that leftcoms are worse than tankies?

This. Most furshit is crap but I couldn't give less of a fuck what meaningfully-consenting adults do behind closed doors. It doesn't affect me personally, so I don't care.

Would the above leaders and revolutionaries have tolerated gender theory?

My views on individualism (the phenomenon and life philosophy) come from reading Lacan, who is not a left communist, much less a communist.

None of them, because gender theory wasn't a thing until recently you fucking tard.
Kill yourself.

But they furpost on my Albanian bricklaying board

Sexes mostly real. Gender is unnecessary.

The brain is formed by hormonal signals telling it to be make it female. This is the basic kernel, if you will, where gender is a part of the structure of the brain. Then, social conditioning informs how that gender identity developes and what qualities it entails.
We don't fully understand how this works, scientifically. Gender identity is pretty slippery like any psychology, but I think it's largely a social construct with a tendency to assume one gender identity or another rooted in the brain.
Some people's brain developes wonky because of some combination of genetics and hormones, and latches on to the gender identity different from their biological sex.
This causes them great distress. The best way to alleviate said stress is to accept there social role as the gender they identify as. Then they don't feel "dysphoric". Other courses of action don't do anything (telling them they're mentally sick) and just lower their happiness and makes them suicidal. Allowing them to assume the gender identity of their choosing and the socially constructed qualities of that gender then is the best course of action for maintaining human happiness while we continue to study human development and neuroscience.
Conservatives however, are psychopaths, and would prefer to make fun of people with medical and psychological differences, if not outright genocide of the handicapped and the "inferior"

These men were communists, who existed before "gender theory", or in parts of the world where "gender theory" didn't exist yet.

They each would probably have you gulaged anyway, on the basis of you being a closet reactionary.

Make it female or male*

Think of math.
Some people can be predisposed to being good at math because of the structure of their brain. That doesn't mean babies can come out if the womb spouting equations, it has to be learned.

Also, I think transgenderism (this is speculation on my part) may have to do with humans tendency to learn by imitation. Learning the qualities of genders and assuming those qualities into your self-identity. Those qualities are socially constructed and could be anything. But your biology informs which sex you imitate and which gender identity you assume.

Are you starting to see how gender being socially constructed and transgenderism being based in biology isn't a contradiction?

Honestly, I don't care much about it. It doesn't really effect my life. I'm sexually attracted to people of one gender and not another gender, but I'm not attracted to all of them and I'm only gonna actually fug one person anyway.

People should be free to live their lives how they want, in terms of gender expression as in terms of everything else. If we're fighting for the emancipation of all humanity that includes giving people the freedom to express gender however they want.

ITT: Leftypol is warming up to Idpol bullshit and tolerating transgender people.

Understanding the idea of gender is completely different from welcoming idpol. Saying "hurr durr gender is man or woman" is just choosing to be ignorant.

let's accept trans people =/= transgender struggle is the primary struggle of our time and criticizing capitalism makes you a bigot for not focusing on transgenderism enough

It's fucking spooky but it's the ultimate spook since everybody is spooked by it, even people that reject it. They're all still ultimately controlled by it in the end. It's the ultimate collective hallucination.

There aren't 2 genders, there aren't infinite genders, there are 0 genders.

This guy gets it


Gender dysphoria is fair claim to wanting to live as the opposite sex, and psychiatrists know what they are doing.

Postmodern gender reasoning is absolute horseshit though.

Societal gender roles and gender identity is a spook.


I like this picture

Using a skirt is fun sometimes I guess

skirts are fun because they make it easier to fuck in public

Holla Forums is still pretty reactionary about gender, i think out of contrarian revulsion of their peers or something. at least that was the case for me back in college.

and a lot of people here were lolberts or nazis on /pol a year ago

Only worthwhile queer theory is based on the philosophy of Foucault and Lacan. Wich makes idpol and their post-marxist and maoist inspirations butthurt beyond recognition with gender abolishment and not the embrace of your oppressed social role within society.

A good introduction to contemporary queer theory would be No Future :Queer Theory and the Death Drive by Edelman wich is actually a major influence on contemporary anarcho-nihilism who draws alot of anarcho-queer theory.

It is either infinite genders or zero genders. Maybe one. Two is a number that do'nt carry any cabalistic meaning and is not much of a nice number

With any luck, gender will be obsolete within a couple of centuries.

Spooks get out, this is board is my property.


But sex and personality are linked. Sexual hormones during both embryonic development and puberty affect the maturation of the brain. Sexual hormones also affect day to day mood and activity (like periods). Pretending that biochemistry don't real doesn't fucking help anything.

At one end I really don't give a fuck what people identify as or do. If a woman likes monster trucks or a guy likes crying at sad movies I don't fucking care. But biological sex and behavior are linked, and people will more times than not conform to gender archetypes. The majority of guys are just naturally masculine and like doing "guy" things. The majority of women are just naturally effeminate and like doing "girly" things. Beards are seen as masculine because women don't grow them. Taking care of babies is seen as effeminate because women give birth to and breast feed them. When society deems arbitrary things like color as sexed/gendered then people will naturally gravitate towards the ones society has specified for them. Pink is arbitrarily a feminine color, but women still love it and guys will still avoid it.

You're going to have to learn to live in a world where humans have been biologically programmed to conform to their sex and even enjoy being segregated into one.

it does really, if innate sexual dimorphism is to be shown then so be it, the problem is when you go out seeking for dimorphisms and end up justifying stereotype and prejudice instead, like the PUA/Redpill crowd and alt-righters do, saying women are innately manipulating or psychologically weak or quiet or bad at math.
sorry for linking this.

The thing is people no longer build human identity on philosophical idealizations of what humanity should be (like the greeks and people in the classical and modern periods did), it slowly morphed into this post-modern mess we live today where identity doesn't have any humanist or religious universalism and is 100% determined by peers and percept, which greatly strengthens prejudice. Biggest problem is, women weren't a part of that universalism for the most part, when Feminism started modernity was already sliding away so instead of having decades long building of womanhood the west declined into "just b urself" carrying all the baggage from an unfinished emancipation, which is why objectification and sexism are still strong.

While I never made that claim in my posts, if men and women have different brain morphologies (with an obvious gradient between the two) then it will lead to different skills and abilities. If, for example, men had a bigger area for memory then it follows that men have some sort of differences in their memory from women (be it more, better, specialized for certain types of memory, whatever). To recognize that men and women have different brain morphology to the point that there is a "male" brain and a "female" but not recognize those differences will manifest themselves in the person is to deny reality.



Again, do not take this to mean that somehow laws or social status are suddenly derived from these differences. Arguing that something exists is not the same as arguing that it should define someone's social/legal/educational destiny; this is like saying if you believe in evolution then you must believe in social darwinism.


You totally missed the point of my post. It doesn't matter what society deems masculine or feminine (hence my usage of the word arbitrary), males will still gravitate towards perceived masculine and women to perceived femininity. When little boys grow up seeing "pink is for girls" they don't give a shit if it's made up, they shun pink because they don't want to be a little girl or be perceived as girly and be made fun of by other boys.

Wh fucking cares honestly


He asked what they would have thought of it if it was around then.

isnt gender just something made up by cumskins to oppress blacks???

No you fucking idiot, gender is real.
>>>Holla Forums


What, did Barney molest you as a kid? Some of our comrades come straight from /furry/. Fuck off, reactionary. Go peddle your "family values" somewhere else, faggots.

Read Stirner instead, faggot.

Oh boo-hoo, the designated shitting board on the designated shitposting site is being shitted up with shit, why don't they move over to some other shithole on the shiternet and shit there?

Neck yourself. Furries are comrades.

It's shouldn't exist, it's a spook; in contrast to pic related, which isn't a spook, but should exist

It's not something i've thought about. i dont really care either way.

now this is something i can get behind

fascists pls go

socdem* i've had the displeasure of talking with furries before in real life. They were both autistic manchildren.

I will start by stating what I consider facts. I would recommend you read the clarification before you get triggered though because I think people have a tendency to misinterpret views on the matter.
1. Gender is a "social construct"
What does this mean? It means that shit that is supposedly indicative of masculinity or femininity aren't biological facts - i.e wearing a dress or having long hair.
What doesn't this mean? It doesn't mean that biology (i.e a persons sex) doesn't impact their behaviour to a degree.
Counter-point: there is a broad confusion in society as to what behaviours are taught and what behaviours are just a part of biology - not that biological behaviour can't be overcome with effort.
Important thing to understand here - I have not once in my post suggested there is any moral importance to this. Do whatever the fuck you want and ignore what other people do. I have friends of both genders (inb4 triggered by the word both) who do and don't fit into norms.
Why should anyone give a shit what anyone else does, whether that being conforming or intentionally being non-conformative.

That wasn't very progressive of you :^(

what are your other liberal hipster college bernouts going to think of you when you tell them at your next I'm With Her meetup at Starbucks? You're surely paying for their coffee this round.

So are time, hygiene, equality etc.

Except that the social constructs either reflect natural order or are completely forced.

If you stop measuring time, the objects in the universe won't freeze in place.

But there no shakier social construct, than equality, because equality doesn't occur in nature or biology.
If you stop enforcing it, the society will naturally form leader and servant castes.

Gender is a natural social construct and reflects the strengths and the weaknesses of the sex. A man creates, protects and provides, so it's reflected in his appearance and his clothes. A woman maintains, cares and inspires, so it's reflected in her clothes and appearance.

The whole gendershit is just a political red herring, perpetrated by the corporations and the international bankers.

would've been ambivalent and tbh would've probably not attacked or endorsed it
would probably not accept it the guy as based as he was still had some spooks
would've probably not given a fuck but immediately gulag anyone promoting the second the became politically inconvenient
I couldn't even guess
probably genocided anyone who sympathized or believed in it he isn't a communist either newfag

You're aren't thinking in materialist terms famalam
We live in a world where we don't need to rely on gender norms of our cave dwelling ancestors.
Refusal to allow others to do as they please in spite of the cultural norms of our ancestors is fucking reactionary

If the revolution leads to furries being tolerated, I'd rather live in Fascism.

Memes>theory eh?

Until the next war or the financial collapse or revolution.

It's nice and dandy to pretend the biology doesn't mean anything in your safe space bubble, but when anything goes wrong the society reverses back to these cave-dwelling roles in a single day.

There won't be women sitting in their own shit and blood in the trenches and there won't be men sitting at home protecting their children.

It's especially relevant in this day and age when all of these things - global war, crisis and revolutions are just a hair away.


Well let's take a materialist look at 'gender'. Men are statistically stronger. So any role requiring high physical strength will likely be better suited to a biological man. Women are statistically more likely to have a womb. So statistically, biological women make better mothers.

Gender 'roles' are not oppressive. They are the simple acknowledgment of biology. I've never seen anyone (in the west) advocate with a straight face that women should all get back to the kitchen.

I don't remember Soviets reverting to cave-dwelling roles neither during Civil War, nor during WWII.

Soviets held these roles all along, and so do Russians, with Stalin being the role model deviant exterminator.

Thankfully we still beat the shit out of any deviants and arrest them for trying to propagate their perversions.
A man, who doesn't act like a man or a woman, who doesn't act like a women were always rightfully put into mental institutions.

What are you even talking about?

I'm talking about gender. If you ever tried saying anything about there being more than 2 genders, or that gender is separate from sex, in USSR you'd be locked up in a mental asylum.

If you deviate from what your biology has intended for you, you belong into a mental asylum or a prison.

so… this is what an alt-left is? a boot stepped fetishist.

You might want to change the flag.

You see, USSR was clearly a state of degenerates. Not only didn't they outlaw female homosexuality, they didn't even give a fuck about nominally illegal male homosexuality: there was no campaigns against it, and there was only ~500 convictions for it every year (26 thousand in toto during almost 60 years) - and that included purely political cases and rapes.

For comparison, US military:
That said, only 376 convictions in 2013.

And you really don't want to know what was going on in the early USSR.

No, this is Holla Forums believing everything Cultural "Marxists" say.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, friendo.

This is the spookiest shit I've seen in a long time.

Change your flag broski.


They're actually fursuiting at a holocaust museum.

Edgy western marxist cosplaying deviants telling me, a Russian communist what USSR was really like and advocating for special snowflakes.

Just wow. Khrustchev should've bombed you into oblivion, west is a lost cause.


I never told you what it was really like. I'm arguing arguing against complete devotion to gender roles, not advocating special snowflakes.

If the USSR was filled with people like you I'm glad it's fucking gone.

This PDF is for you.

At least it's not Chruschtschow.

Unless you're a snail or an amoeba you can't be anything other than male or female.

Unless you have weird genetics like XXY or something?

disgusting is getting off to a dog.

Every time.

biologically speaking, there are only two sexes.
the thing is, sex and gender are two different things: while sex refers to biological differences, gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.

the most important thing is to accept and comprehend everyone's personal gender and sexual orientation, and treat them fairly and equally, without any type of discrimination (i'm looking at both alt-rights and SWJs).

yes, they are pretty spooky, but that's not an excuse to deny someone's identity and treat them like they are a completely different individual

theres 2 genders
the rest is mental illness

Read that aloud and think for a second about what you just wrote, sonny.

the trick is to be right wing and denounce homosexuals and gays but to fuck trannies at the same time

Unless you're living in fucking Somalia, how many times has your strength been necessary in a situation that a woman was unable to do something herself?
And don't give me anecdotes about opening jars for your mother.

You've not had many jobs, have you?

ding ding ding

No, emotions are stupid, and estrogen makes you more emotional, so women are more likely to think with their emotions than critially. Emotions disrupt and destroy rational thought. Being a woman is only a risk factor for being an idiot. Men I think might actually peak higher in idiocy but generally that only last from high school to early twenties. Im not sure if the shift after the 20's is due to hormone changes or if its natural selection.

Not him, but Ive had plenty and women can do the same tasks, they just feel entitled to have a man do it for them. The female russian manager that I had did just as much heavy lifting as men. What I have noticed though is that more often than not men are asked to do the dangerous jobs which often coincide ith the ones requiring heavy lifting.

Pretty much all the alt-right fucks traps desu

I have actually. In my current work place I'm the only male. For health and safety reasons we have equipment to assist in lifting anything more than a certain weight - being male makes no difference.

I'm not the person you're responding to, but I've worked with women on a variety of tasks, from automotive stuff to electric work to moving freight around and roofing. Sometimes they'll jokingly pull the "girl card" if something is really heavy(even then it's still a 2-person job), but other than that, no problems fam. Overall, I've had nothing but positive experiences.

The only abnormal sexuality is to have none at all
Believe it or not there are furries who don't have anything to do with the sexual side of furry.

it's true that hormones can change your attitudes but even among sexes there's variations of hormone levels, and even then men can like girly things and women manly things. Just because there's an inclination towards certain things doesn't mean we should force them into them.

there are only two genders

Reminder that gender theory is reactionary and sexist.

Reminder that there are only two sexes, male and female.

Reminder that gender theorists literally believe "a woman is someone who identifies as a woman".

Reminder that needing to mutilate your genitals just to be happy is a sign of severe mental illness.

kek pretty wrong reminders there fam


My take is that there's a lot of people who're getting pathetically reactionary to trans issues just because it's associated with "SJWs", when the appropriate answer is always "what does this have to do with the matter at hand?" Evolution is real too despite considerable pushback from people who object to the fact that it doesn't mesh with their unquestioned received wisdom, but it's not really an issue at the heart of class struggle and anything else that we need to be focused on.


How is that relevant to my post at all.

The ONLY acceptable position is gender abolition. Glad to see so many people here are on the right track.

If gender is a spook, why should I learn anyone's pronouns?

>nature and biology are perfect
>if it's not perfect it's unnatural

and then you go on to pretend to not be idealists just to top it off

Your legitimisng the absurd concept of "natural gender" and whether your traits are seen as "masculine" or "feminine" by your particular society somehow determiens your "gender".

Gender is a grammatical term referring to noun classes. because in IE languages the words "man" and "woman" typically are different genders, gender became a euphemism for biological sex. This redundancy was exploited by gender theorists to give legitimacy to their "GENDER != SEX; GENDER = MAGIC BRAIN FEELS" ideology. Of course no one can actually describe what it feels like to be a woman because then they'd sound sexist.

Society is a product of gender and conduct.

Nothing more needs to be said because it's the ultimate truth in the matter.
If people who didn't buy into monogamy, church and whatnot had built your society then it would not be the society you're living in.

Conversely, if you train people to think differently, you will destroy the old society and create a new one.

This is because society follows behavior, not the other way around.
(Although, of course, society also confers behavior, but that's absolutely normal).

I just have a problem with XYZ being a construct of society, especially something relating to sexuality, which translates to the sexual market, which translates into men fighting.
Vs men being at peace because everybody gets one chick, freeing their mind to do something other than just impress women to spread those genes.

Of course this is all lost on homosexuals and other ill people, but those people can't create society anyway because they all die off, since they all suffer from infertility.
(Not knowing what the fuck to do with the biological counterpart results in the loss of being able to procreate, aka, infertility. Something that healthy and whole people don't have. They have fertility. Something infertile (and therefore not 100% healthy people) don't have.)

Also, in case someone brings up:
Well, genderqueerness and other things of that kind can still be propagated through idea and word.

But open your biology textbooks and tell me the term of the following thing:

It reprograms cells to spread itself, but does not create new host cells, and, in fact, kills the cells.

The answer is, of course a virus.
So, if you think that's virtous and doesn't require a cure and should be celebrated with pride, instead, well.
I guess you just like viruses and death

You shouldn't imo, transgender politics are completely backwards and shouldn't be encouraged for sake of "progressiveness". Transgenderism reinforces the symbolic marker of natural difference.

Performative differences between people with different morphological/hormonal/reproductive configurations in its current form is a bourgeois construct, displacing worker solidarity and class consciousness with the hetero-capitalist reproduction of its material conditions, vis a vis maintaining the discursive construction of the worker's alienation from his comrades.

Reproductive labour should be displaced from biological determinism, and child rearing should be done communally (eg. Rearing practices within Kibbutzim, albeit sans the nationalistic/neuevolkisch trappings of the I$raeli narrative).

Performative differences between people with different morphological/hormonal/reproductive configurations in its current form is a bourgeois construct, displacing worker solidarity and class consciousness with the hetero-capitalist reproduction of its material conditions, vis a vis maintaining the discursive construction of the worker's alienation from his comrades.

Reproductive labour should be displaced from biological determinism, and child rearing should be done communally (eg. Rearing practices within Kibbutzim, albeit sans the nationalistic/neuevolkisch trappings of the I$raeli narrative).

Only made necessary through the reification of aesthetic, performative and functional essentialism through the preservation of the gender binary

Don't understand your point

See previous post.

there are two fucking genders. male and female.

if you are a male who wishes to be female or a female who wishes to be male, thats okay, but you are one or the other for fucks sake. ty

These are sexes.
Gender is a different thing. And it doesn't exist.

There are 3 sexes.
Male female and intersex.

There are either no genders, as the gender roles are a primitive concept or you can say there are many genders.

The alt-right themselves have unknowingly used a gender theory for years now. Alpha male, beta male, numale, cuck etc.

we TERF nao?

It's merely a social construct ;)