Fun Threats Time, This is political (..moods) because many politicians in the west use alcohol or weed. And it is memorial day weekend in the United States. So as the OP ill admit I am an alcohol fan. So Im putting an anti alcohol image up for fafairness. Won't go into the reasons because I don't want to bias this thread. Also, weed has become legal this year in California, one of the largest states. And been decrimnalized and legalized in a few northeastern states. This year. The legalization or not. Looks like its on the agenda for weed in the next few years I the states. Time for Holla Forums to discuss it. What do you think about alcohol and weed? Legalization? For weed? Experiences? Thoughts? Discuss
Alcohol vs Weed
Spent years of time wasted on both. Feels best to be sober.
I just want weed to be illegal so all the potheads in my neighborhood get arrested. Is that too much to ask? The pot is just to distract them from how shirty they are as human beings.
Weed is contributing to arrested development. Otherwise known as the manchild problem.
They're both degenerate as fuck.
OP here. I kinda understand this because a lot of weed smokers are leftists, but… A lot of rightwingers like it as well. Is it really fair?
Well there's your problem faggot. You marijuana addicts always jump to extremes to justify your magical merchant herb.
OP here. I don't drink until I puke and passout though. I drink until I have a good buzz. Its great. But a lot of weed smokers are just like me. They don't get completely stupid…..
I can give you several incidences that I'd overheard from my normie former-friends.
Well there's your problem faggot. You alcoholics always jump to extremes to justify your kidney killing merchant death drink.
We got id's here druggie.
Weed is completely unacceptable under any circumstance. Alcohol is acceptable in moderate quantities (no more than a few beers per week, or the equivalent in hard liquor).
OP here. My thread asshole. xDDD
Oh boy lorbergism for everyone
Ever heard of glaucoma faggot? Guess which naturally occurring plant you can imbibe to counteract it.
I assume you are against willow too.
Way underrated post
Are you a southerner., because this is a good song.
How many kratom capsules does it take to hit the opioid receptors?
Alcohol makes you dumber because it poisons your brain and liver. Weed makes you dumb because it saps your motivation and makes you fine with being bored and mediocre. Both should be legal, but socially discouraged.
Check em.
I wish I were drunk right now, reality is fucking stupid
Please elaborate.
3g-5g is nice. 8g will make you vomit.
also, alcohol causes your body to produce estrogen.
You don't need either to be happy. Just get a waifu.
Checkd. I'm gonna go take one more bong rip then quit tomorrow ;)
OP here. Alcohol fan. Republican voter. But I think weed should be legal as well… I get why a lot of you hate pot smoking hippies. Southern country post here. Because im a fiddle player and southernmost country enthusiast. Good song though.
Fun fact, kill yourself degenerate.
I spent all my adolescent years smoking weed and now I'm spending the best years of my life picking up the pieces are trying not to be such a fucking useless neet
I would not be upset if they banned liquor. Outside of straight drinking it or mixing it, there is no good culture around liquor.
I would be annoyed if wine and beer were. They have important pairings with foods and enhance the food culture. It's important to drink in moderation.
you just can't handle your shit
Alcohol is fine in moderation, a drink or two in celebration or after a hard days work. The problem is it now encouraged to get 'fuckin wasted'. Movies shifted from gentlemanly discourse with a drink in hand to lets see how many shots of jack in can funnel into my ass. I wonder who is responsible for this shift? With modern life becoming more and more depressing and pointless drinking becomes a substitute for living a life with a sense of purpose.
The deleterious effects of weed are largely unknown and not well studied. Alcohol has been with whites for centuries, apart of ritual and celebration, weed is on the fringe. I have seen the consequence of smoking in my own life and it robs people of their ambition, substituting working hard for a payoff to lets get high and get instant payoff. Over loading the brain with already naturally occurring chemicals may have long term effects to a growing brain. People that are long term smoker have 'tells' like the laugh (short high bursts), bad short term memory, lack of urgency to accomplish tasks (hear in in their voice) and a lot of them adopt the 'lifestyle' which means their entire lives revolve around it. The biggest problem with marijuana is that there are no short term consequences for use, like when you drink too much you get a hangover, if you smoke too much you sleep in, this makes people think it harmless.
Good whisky that most of you infants can't afford.
You were going to be a useless neet in your youth anyway if that's the case.
Weed doesn't make you lazy, you make yourself lazy.
As long as you're not a fucking retard who sits on his ass all day and is actually active when he smokes weed(AKA, doesn't just sit around watching anime and eating munchies), you'll be fine kek.
weed can have certain benefits like making you more creative, allowing you to get more from a book, make your workout better, help you relax after a long day of physical labor, etc. i dont think i need to point out the downsides though. and btw i dont smoke or drink
there's a million other reason why people are shit. if we are to fix the leftist problem it needs to be done directly
theres hardly a good culture around anything anymore. just the other day i saw a tv show about homebrewing where the host is a 32 year old husbandless childless woman who goes around the country drinking beer with men and doing millenial shit. with shitty electronic music and all. homebrew culture is a very new and fast growing white male phenomenon and they're already co-opting it
Did you get triggered by reality buddy?
I go with the latter, which one do you fall under?
I take CBD caps for chronic back pain. Is this degenerate?
These, but smoking it helps lessen the murderous thoughts, booze is just plain unhealthy.
It's acceptable to criticize a drunk, but try telling that to a pothead and they'll list every basic birch list in the book to justify them shotgun blasting their brains into a foggy mush. I have never met a single regular weed smoker who was particularly intriguing, level headed, didn't heave their head up their retarded ass, or even really likable. They really all have certain personality characteristics that are all the same too I've noticed, and niggers just act even more retarded when they're high.
Fuck these numb minded weedfag idiots. It LITERALLY does nothing but ruin their minds and will only cause trouble.
Tell that to my friend who saw his dealer get shot in the ducking face and robbed of all of his weed by 2 niggers a couple years ago.
Your thread is shit.
You are shit.
Fucking checked
You blame weed for your failures when it was just you as a person.
If you can't accept you were a fuck up, then you're never going to ACTUALLY improve yourself, and you'll end up like you were way down the line.
Your argument is the same as people don't kill people, guns kill people.
If you use weed irresponsibly, you'll be a fuckup.
If you use alcohol irresponsibly, you'll be a fuckup.
I smoke a joint or two on the weekends to relax. If you're smoking everyday you're retarded. If you're drinking everyday you're retarded. Both of those situations are completely dependent on how retarded the user of said substances is.
Where is the evidence? I hear this shit all the time but no one has ever been able to prove it. It's basically the equivalent of "it's good on some level incomprehensible to the mind."
Yes you do. In order to properly evaluate something you need to cover both the pros and the cons.
Why not both
Your friend was asking for it by associating himself with niggers.
t.on that steady carb diet of fatassery
Oh you retarded kike, go strawman another topic that doesn't involve psychoactive drugs fucking with brain chemisty.
I smoked it for almost 20 years. I helped lead the movement in Colorado i was a grower of mmj. I can never take back how I help destroy that lovely state. There is no moderation with weed. It's zero directly to lift off. Excellent organic weed is okay, however it should be illegal. I have been free of Pot for 5 years and have never felt better. My quality of life, health, relationships have all prospered like never before. I am now a productive tax paying member of society.
Also marijuana is being exploited to take over our country similar to how we used alchole to take America from the natives.
On a conspiracy side of pot, I believe marijuana use can put you within certain brainwave frequencies enabling you to be more easily manipulated by knowing forces. That is only a theory of mine backed by absolutely nothing but that's the kind of things smoking ounces of he highest quality pot a week will do to you. Hahaha
No. His dealer friend was white.
Unironically kill yourself.
Reading comprehension is off. That dealer deserved it, anyway.
dubs of absolute truth. case closed.
Stay mad, drunk
Calling me a kike doesn't make it so. Just like how blaming weed for you being a fuck up doesn't make it so :)
Whatever ya say weedberg
Are you talking about paranoia? Because yes, weed does that. Lots of potheads that smoke everyday that are bonkers because of that.
Yes paranoia, but even minor mind control.
Op here. Johny Cash sings. " I hardly ever drink beer drinikin songs" Just for fun don't get too mad. Just some Southern music for the thread.
There's a gigantic difference between people who smoke weed casually or self medicate and " DUDE WEED CULTURE", hope they all die fam.
oops meant for
Dubtrips of confirmation.
It's very sad, the culture of legal weed. I am okay with the highest quality 1% of weed when done under the radar, for profit, illegally. This whole mainstream pot culture is more cancerous than anything this nation has ever seen. Even then when handle very discreetly I would never want to be involved again, but I can see it being okay for some.
I swear these addicts and their enablers keep repeating this as if everyone on the other side was defending alcohol. Addictive mind-altering substances are bad, full stop, get fucked and fuck off.
Your retarded posts are telling me that that this stupid weed thread is part of the organized shilling that's going on here to fuel a pointless argument over this nigger shit. Everyone knows weed is for degenerate mouth breathers and niggers and your completely bafoonish comebacks against calling out how bad this shit is like "oh ur fat" and "stay mad drunk lmao" make it quite obvious that you don't belong here.
Pointless D&C thread, or its just you faggot need to Fuck off back to 4chan and reddit.
Good point, forgive me for partaking in this thread.
Prohibition didn't work for alcohol so why does anyone think it'll work for cannabis?
Fun fact there is only one drug that has shown a decrease in use because of a government program and it isn't cannabis, it's tobacco.
The prohibitionist laws always create a black market and associated crime. The draconian laws do more harm to society than the drugs do.
The only country that has shown a decrease in overall drug deaths, crime and general drug use is Portugal. If you have less than a 10 day supply when you're caught it's a civil fine, multiple offenses and you face a court of a magistrate a doctor and a shrink. Community service and rehab are the harshest sentences for users. Dealers, trafficers and smugglers on the other hand face very harsh sentences. Along with better education about drug use the total effect has been a great reduction in crime.
And after all isn't that what we are looking to achieve? Or is the point to make big bux for drug lords and corrupt officials while keeping DEA thugs employed and supporting private prison profits?
I think the main problem is, is that it's similar to vegans/vegetarians in a way.
If people just STFU and smoked a joint on their own time and didn't brag about it, their wouldn't even be a "weed culture".
People who drink beer don't go around saying "HURHUR LOOK AT ME I IS DRUNK EERRRRRR", and if they do, they're fucking alcoholics.
Is that really the best you can do?
I don't really do either. You seem to be QUITE mad your opinion is a pile of dogshit.
oh filtered btw
honestly alcoholics are waaaay worse then stoners, but err day stoners are more common.
honestly i dont think its the governments job to arbitrarily decide what narcotics people consume if these people wanna fuck up there lives shit its there life
Weed is a gateway drug BECAUSE it's illegal. Dealers are already trafficking in a controlled substance, so why not offer a wider selection? People get high and their dealer goes, "Hey, I've got this stuff, too. You should try a bump." If you decriminalize or legalize marijuana, then you take away the desire for dealers to diversify their product line; if getting caught with weed isn't a crime, then there's no reason to carry heroin since you'll still get paid.
When people turn 21 in this country, they typically go out and have a good time. Most bars help people celebrate their 21st birthday with shots on pounders on drop shots on beers on more drop shots, and it's common for people to get wasted, get pukey drunk, pass out, and wake up at 2pm with a hangover or alcohol poisoning. 5-10 years later, most people are having a couple drinks here and there and not doing so many shots. Unless you're the hardcore party type, alcohol gets boring because you can get it whenever you want, it's not illegal, and you know how to be responsible enough for most people not to go out drinking and driving or going to work intoxicated.
Most countries that legalize or decriminalize marijuana admit that they did it to make the drug boring. They can tax the shit out of it to make extra money for government programs, and they all realize that weed becomes a fun recreational thing people can do that doesn't really have a massive impact on society because it's not being illegally traded or smoked en masse under the radar.
This isn't an argument. If you do anything in excess, it's bad for your health. Getting so intoxicated that you become unable to function negatively impacts you, regardless if you're talking about alcohol, THC, cocaine, heroin, meth, or any other number of drugs. There's a reason that DUI laws are so heavily enforced and often over-enforced. Sure, people are different with every drug I don't smoke weed because even small amounts give me weird panic attacks and I feel horrible for hours, plus it keeps me awake, so I just stopped, but on the whole, moderate smoking and drinking doesn't impact most people so negatively.
Studies have shown that minor and moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis can be beneficial to your health. At the very least, small amounts of alcohol aren't horribly bad for your health unless you have some sort of disease; being intelligent and making good life choices is easy when you get into good habits.
There are so few studies about THC that people take seriously because of the stigma behind DUDEWEEDLMAO. Everyone who opposes legalization of marijuana refuses to listen to other arguments.
Nobody wants to think critically anymore. Everyone wants to hear simplified arguments that appeal to emotion so they can be told what to think or how to act. Media takes advantage of this, and they always will. It's time to start encouraging people to make their own decisions and do their own research.
I swear, I keep reporting. But I think this surge of shitposting is a lot for the mods to handle.
people are going to consume drugs be they legal or otherwise, i fuckin cringe at all these people who are fuckin adults but want the government to be there fuckin parent. is pot a dumb drug yeah but for fuck sakes its called being an adult for a fuckin reason.
You can get better highs from exercise
I think "big daddy government" is a stupid idea, too. Government should be light-touch regulation, enough to keep businesses in line so they don't harm the people, but weak enough to let them innovate and have fun making the products they want to make. The PEOPLE should reign supreme, not businesses or government; a small minority of incredibly powerful people should not hold all the cards.
And yes, people are going to fuck themselves up, no matter what happens. You will always have people trying to skirt the law, but if you crack down enough, most people will police themselves. This is why many modern civilizations are turning to shit; there aren't enough police who care enough to do the job right, so people realize they can get away with whatever they want. Everything from reckless traffic violations to drugs and murder happens every day, and the enforcers and watchmen at every rung of the societal ladder are stretched so thin that they don't give enough of a fuck to bother doing the right thing. That, and people above them don't want them enforcing certain rules and regulations, so they turn the other cheek, whether willingly or not.
It really is time for people to wake up and start marching the streets with torches, pitchforks, and miles of rope.
Nah, it's really easy to handle high volume post deletion. The mods just aren't always around 24/7. No mod activity for 3 hours.
why not both?
this x5
Colorado is a prime example of the gateway theory. A lot of my friends who I met through selling pot are heavily addicted to drugs like Molly, acid, dmt, etc. Those drugs in my current state are not nearly as prevalent due to the fact that not as many people have the easy access to pot hence they don't have better access and options for harder drugs. Colorado is a drug haven. The DEA knows it and doesn't nothing about it. 75 percent of my Colorado friends regularly use Molly, Dmt, acid (at least once a month)or used to I don't talk to them anymore. Even more sad is that a lot of these friends were beautiful girls, I mean some are models. They eventually became edm girls who hook up with hippie drug dealers often. They are mostly a mess now.
Legal pot as misallocates money to people who don't know how to manage or handle money. They create a bubble in the market which we now see in Colorado. The purchase cars, jewelry, go to bars often, etc. It is only a matter of time before the bubble pops out there and then we are going to have a real mess on it hands.
I could go on for days but everyone keep a close eye on Colorado, go visit if you can. Really pay attention to what you see, talk to some of the people who love there. Major trouble is coming to Colorado a once red pulled state.
We have ID's here cuckchan scum. Go back to your degenerate shithole
Painfully true, the logistics will be what brings it down in flames.
Hopefully OP knew in advance that posting this on Holla Forums would result in post after post of straight edge users waiting to be congratulated for not using recreational substances.
It's the only high they get.
A lot of people here that want to circle jerk over the fact they haven't killed themselves yet.
I get way more high running a mile in a half in 9 minutes than I ever did smoking weed I wake the next day still high. Dumb
Did anyone else develop panic attacks from smoking weed?
There's nothing wrong with drugs if they are used responsibly. National Socialism is a revolutionary ideology not reactionary one.
dude arizona is even worse primarley because its full of meth and heroin
You could be right, but usually people abuse hallucinatigians with minor repercussions to the overall health. It is more of a mental and societal problem. I don't know what's worse. However yes meth is the worst drug of all. My main thing is how designer drugs is destroying our white women. Really bad deal. They are not affecting brown or black communities like ours.
Nope, only you did.
Well when a 3/10->1/10 it's not a big issue. When a 8/10->2/10 there is a problem
2 weeks since I quit drinking and holy shit. I've been living in a god damn fog. Sad shit.
Yea I'm talking like 7/8/9 - 10's. It happens all day out there.
Weed is legit, legal in my state too now, just waiting for the dispensaries to open up.
LED ufos aint shit. That guys has about 2oz of dry product. Those lights are horrible with the same money he invested in that setup I would have yielded 2pounds in the same time frame of much better quality product. You don't know much about the industry don't go down that road. You will regret and investment whatever it may be even not monetary. It is only a matter of time. Took 20 years to catch up with me. Do something more productive with your life don't waste your time anymore
Also those trucks are skinny as hell and way too tall that guy is no idea what he is doing.
This guy is probably going to sell it full of stem and seeds.
Room is way to open, lights are too high, trees too tall. Those ufo can touch the top of the plant that's how shitty they are. Also his grow room looks really dirty I bet he gets mites within a year.
Ooo and he also trimmed all of his fan leaves which produce all the thc for the buds. This is yet another problem with legal weed. Rule number one you dont tell anyone you grow.
I used to have my 1000ws closer than than to the tops much closer.
Confirmed Bernie is a faggot and so is OP
Neither. Sober Master race.
Hello fellow fiddler
Hello. Mr. Have Some Southern Fiddle.
I bus my ass weldn and sweatn my ass in 100 ddegre weather i should be able to get as highg and dfrunk and i can after a hard fay fuck u puritians
Yes but it shouldn't effect me or my country. Do it under the table like everyone has for years you square
The Beer Song.
Only for educational purposes. Trust me. Think whatever you want.
Baltimore mayor states intent to remove Confederate monuments
A commission appointed by Rawlings-Blake to study the monuments recommended in January 2015 that two be removed.
I had a pure alcohol phase lasting some years, and a pure weed phase lasting some years, and now I'm in a pure sobriety phase which has lasted some years.
Drinking is all around pretty bad, but for whatever reason it's the most socially acceptable, even moreso than pure sobriety, which normalfags eye as a redflag. The vast majority of usage appears to be by people with poor social skills. But the general effect isn't necessarily to make them more social or lower inhibitions. I would think of increases sociability and lowered inhibitions to be displayed in behaviors like going outside one's comfort zone, joining new interest/ enthusiast groups, or expanding one's social network. But it seems as though the actual goal of social drinkers is to remove accountability, and so they feel licensed to act more rudely and say what they really feel, but otherwise it doesn't really resemble a getting outside of one's shell experience as one might expect of a person who's changing to become increasingly social. They usually tend to associate with the same cliques they would be hanging out with normally, instead of branching out.
It's clear to me that weed is the most benign; however, there are two aggravating factors which make it not-so-very benign but actually quite harmful, and unfortunately these factors appear to be present for the vast majority of users. These risk-exponentiators are, 1.) you used weed before age 18 (i.e. it interfered with your brain's development and now it just makes you stupid) and 2.) you use weed daily (i.e., your body isn't producing endocannabinoids at proper amounts because you flood it with externally sourced cannabinoids). If you wait until you're 21 to start smoking weed, and only do it infrequently, then it's like Disney Land, and you never have to worry about it interfering with your life. But most all smokers I knew had the aforementioned factors present, and it was like they were incapable of smoking small amounts, or waiting for the previous high to subside before going in for the next sesh, and it occupied a central place in their lives.
Sorry to be a judgmental cunt but you asked for my thoughts. I don't really want to get into a battle about it, it's just what I think.
If you don't like that people smoke weed, make the sober life more enjoyable so that nobody will bother to use that stuff.
ignore the first part, had to reload the webpage and had everthing copy-pasted to notepad with some other stuff, etc, etc
Well, both should be legal but consumed in a reasonable way (1-2 times in a week).
I've stop to smoke weed 3 weeks ago and beside the health and the mind coming back, my bank account is healthier too and I've lost the parasites that used to be my "friends".
I think I'll restart to smoke cannabis once I'll have a stable situation and when I know the time to rest has come.
For now, life just begun and it's going to be a hell of a fight. Don't rage about those lefty "stoner", when the day of the rope will come, real stoners like me will bash theirs stinky head on the floor with their own acoustic guitar.
Mushroom should be legal but not accessible to idiots tho.
I graduated highschool before ur balls dropped fam.
I drink less than once a month you silly druggy.
5 weeks clean here from the big h. nearly a decade wasted but clearer than ever now, and not a moment too soon. Don't be bamboozled, it's not a disease, just a thought pattern that needs rewritten. AA and the like basic principle is powerlessness and also demeaning/calling yourself an addict/drunk everyday for the rest of your life. The only way to take your life back is empowering yourself and realizing you have complete control over every decision you make but also the power to influence the world around you. Saturn is also about to make a complete orbit for the first time in my life, if you believe in that sort of thing ;)
Long time drinker, allow me to weigh in. There is no purity test for men. You either accomplish your goals or you do not. What you do along the way is entirely your prerogative. I can down in a fifth of whisky and still think you under the table. I have no qualms with people abstaining from this, that or the other. Hitler was a teetotaler, after all. But neo-Puritanism is nothing more than the foundation for a new SJW-ism.
But weed really is peasant-tier. Sorry
Interesting, but the term pipe dream started to scare me, drugs/alcohol felt like a trap for a seeker/free-thinker since these people already have a "psychonaut" mentality for life itself, drugs and alcohol is initially a mind-expanding tool but still seems to limit overall manifestation of results in the real world. I really think they only have on true purpose: to give the user a (false) glimpse in to the infinite possibilities of mind/will, and I'm talking about mostly psychedelic tryptramines here. Anything else like opiates, amphetamines,or alcohol is limiting your thinking skills, or atleast making you sloppy. Especially when consumed habitually, they have a way of making you justify all kinds of questionable behavior, including but not limited to, thinking you're just as good of a thinker when you're fucked up as when you're sober. I'm what they call an "addict" or one of the 15% and this rant has been biased to this group but damn if drugs don't make people docile and complacent lol
I actually agree with most of that. I have no sympathy for burned-out flower children who can barely keep their trailer homes powered. Psychotropic drugs are, in my estimation, something of a feminine inverse of what video games are for men of this generation. Like you said, a "false glimpse into the infinite possibilities." It is the same vein of escapism, but insisted upon by young women, engendering the worst of anti-social behavior in their male partners. Much of drug culture is targeted towards and pushed by women. (Men wouldn't get sucked into it if it weren't for the opportunity for female selection)
Alcohol is a different story
so you are saying alcohol for men (like vidya games) is a kind of a masculine inverse and therefore engenders the worst anti-social behavior in female partners? Or you're saying alcohol (in moderation) has positive benefits for society?
From my understanding magic mushrooms are really hard to grow and cultivate. I admit though I really don't have lots of indepth knowledge on the subject; I just remember hearing that from various people but maybe that's why they're not as ubiquitous like Weed and Alcohol.