Literature Thread


Hello anons, it's time for another literature thread! What have you been reading recently and what was it like? What art thou planning to read?

I'm currently reading Emile Zola's Germinal, which is the 3rd from his Rougon Macquart Cycle I've laid my hands on, and it's breddy radical. There's a guy in it who's just like Sergei Nechaev, and in fact tried to assassinate the Tsar himself. 90% sure it's based on Nechaev. It's outspokenly pro-worker in any case, and is a damn good book. Also got Philosophy of Hegel by W.T. Stace lined up.

Unfortunately not so much time for reading nowadays….

I'm in that intermediate stage between being high and not being high and just dizzy and dissociated from my body

Other urls found in this thread:

Reading Sartre's novel The Age of Reason and the guy is really cool.

never read any fiction by frog-man, only non-fiction.

Which is ironic, because I think his fiction likely has more truth to it than his non-fiction.

Yeb when it comes to novels
Sartre > Camus

I just finished Turgenev's Fathers and Sons and I'm about to read Chernyshevsky's What is to be Done? Which supposedly inspired the Russian revolution(s)

The Coming Insurrection by the Invisible Committee who are now imprisoned in France for being radical leftists. Cant recommend this book enough.

U sure ur not just biased cause camus shot the arab

this tbh

Get shot, and then get shot 4 more times.

You….are a…. skeleton???

this Holla Forums tier mentality, are you saying that i must get angry when the ppl of my "race" get fucked ? fuck em tbh
nah, i simply liked No Exist much more than anything Camus did, keep in mind i liked the myth of Sisyphus

But you *are* triggered, then.

eyyyyyyy rebel, are you getting triggered by me mentioning a good thing about Sartre ?

No, in fact I mentioned I know not enough about his fiction to make a comment on it.

k let me try something

Sartre Reed Heidegger the right way


I'm reading Nihilist communism by Monsieur Dupont wich is a critique of the left of a communist perspective. Its a little diffrint than the post-left but its rad and brutal as fuck and made to hit Muke with untill he cries and becomes a middle class liberal with a stable job and no question ever to the status quo. After this ima go read Society of The Spectacle by Guy Debord and then Anti-tech Revolution: Why and How by Ted Kaczynski (His new contemporary work that has been published this year)

And then ima begin with Buddhism.

My plan is finishing Plato, then Aristotle, then Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy my way through modernity and enlightenment to start with Hegel.


PDF Pls?

PDF of what?

that book, post-friend!

Here you go faggot![1] :^) [2]

[1] No Source Found.
[2] Important indication of emotion.
[3] This post is so good that he wont get banned.


Right now I'm reading The Ecology of Freedom by Murray Bookchin and it is fucking l i t. I love everything about it. It's making me reconsider Libertarian Socialism tbh. Once I finish that I'm going back into Economics. So I'll be reading The General Theory about 50 times to really understand it. After that I'll be pretty burned out, but I plan on reading Marx's Capital and Hegel's Logic: A Reexamination in the near future.

Leth pls. You can never understand the General Theory.

Probably not! That's why I'm not doing this alone.

I might reread Lacan whole canon and "Collected Works of Michał Kalecki" vol 1

Reading group ?
;_; wish i had one tbh

It is ok fag, i don't like Sartre non fiction that much, STOP being TRIGGERED by him

Rereading a few of Plato's dialogues although i'm barely motivated. On the side, I'm reading Calvino short stories for comfy feels.

I was totally joking my friend, making good natured bantz. Rebel is actually a faggot though.

Also I agree Sartre is all around better than Camus

I got done with the New Testament right when your vid on lefty intro lit came out. Admittedly I'm still in need of some intro lit so I've been going through them, starting with Rousseau which I finished last weekend. Shit's pretty busy rn though, and I started the Post-Keynes thing and there was a lot of stuff about banking and money neutrality that went way over my head so at the moment progress is stalled.

Last 3 books I read were
How the Steel was Tempered , Nikolai Ostrovsky
Petersburg, Andrei Biely
Less than Nothing by our favorite meme philosopher

After such shit (especially the last one), I'm reading I'm a Cat by Soseki Natsume and really enjoying the actual literature.

This was helped by Foucault, right? I read about it in his biography, haven't read it yet. Gonna give it a try soon.

It's a bit confusing, what with the diffusion of sects and so on, but I would recommend starting off with the Dhammapadam which is something like verse parables, or a Life of the Buddha.For the latter I can't give a good enough pdf sadly, but it's quite easy to find, I got my copy for free.
Mahayana Buddhism by Williams seemed nice to me, it explains the various strands from a theological aspect and gives some further readings and explanations on matters of doctrine and even logic (I loved the part on Nagarjuna), and it also gives a grounding on Zen concepts.
Between general Mahayana and Zen I would read Tao-Te Ching if you haven't already read it. It could go at the start as well, it's a ~70 page book that has a very high reread value.

For Zen I'll admit I haven't read Suzuki, but a collection of Dogen's works was very pleasurable and I preferred reading the source on that part since I had the opportunity.
Physical copy of his works I've got also contained haiku and other verse and I can't vouch for the quality of the pdf (that applies to all pdfs I'm linking, sry)
There are other things to read as well, about Hinayana or Vajrayana, but my readings on that are confined on the Tibetan book of the dead, so apart from that I can't recommend anything on those topics.

There's also some Buddhist-influenced fiction, like Kusamakura by Soseki and Kinkakuji and The Sea of Fertility by Mishima, lots and lots of Japanese fiction actually, just that these along with Akutagawa's short stories are among the best imo.

Very important for me is Nishitani Keiji, who should be read after a grounding on Zen and doctrine to get the full picture. He was a 20th century philosopher influenced by Heidegger, and expounded Japanese/Zen philosophy in a 'Western' so to speak manner. Self-overcoming of Nihilism is a profound and underrated book imo, the book I link, On Buddhism, is a very good introduction/exposition of concepts, should be read before Self-overcoming. In general , read the Kyoto School, leave silly politics behind

more pdfs

don't worry rebel. I saw the school of life vids on Foucault and Sartre and I thinkg Foucault is better

I haven't read very much Foucault so I wouldn't know.

Started reading Coming Insurrection , I confused it with GIP for some reason.
It's pretty good so far.
Do you live in Europe ?

If you wish to understand Buddhism, you begin by abandoning the Western nonsense you could have been exposed to and then, by reading the basic scripture.

It is rather long.

This may seem evident, but even still, do it.

I'm reading Disclipline and Punish by Foucault. You know, the bald fucker who died from AIDS because he was too much of a faggot.

He's a pretty smart faggot. His systemic argument is both complete and persuasive, although the weird use of certain vocabularies makes me think the translation might have fudged it a little bit.

Nah ameriburger, why u ask, want to cut some power lines?

Starting with the source and its long time followers is always the most wise idea. (Funny enought i learned this from a Fascist)

My interest for buddhism actually got sparked from the Kyoto school (And Pursuit for worthwhile criticism of egoism as western philosophy except lacan and kierkegaard presents lack luster and systematic critique) and especially from the works Keiji Nishitani and Kitaro Nishida and their insight in post-nihilism with their inspiration from Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger and Zen Buddhism. A verry interesting combination that im actually exited to explore, its pretty fun actually.

Mahayana Buddhism by Williams is something i wanne get but its quite expensive so i will only get it later when i think i can begin with it.

You have allready explained me in detail on youtube why and how. It will be rather long but will be new and verry interesting to dive in the unknown.

Nice, what have you read from the Kyoto school? How did you come upon them (school, personal readings)? I'm interested in the procession.
I always start from the sources, and I've been called fascist irl , so I guess it's a fascist kind of thing?
I got to the Kyoto school after most of the Pali stuff and Kierkegaard and Heidegger. There's a pdf of Williams in my post, or do you prefer the physical copy so much?
It's interesting that we've followed opposite yet converging routes. Also be suspicious towards most secondary sources or comments , including mine , the stink of zen is being replaced by the stink of the stink of zen and so on.

I actually got somewhat swept up in the 2008-12 shitstorm in Greece , in large part it informed my stance on most matters, West-hate and leftism among them. The book is opening wounds but in a good way I guess.

Are you still in greece? This summer i will be staying with family in Ireland but maybe could swing a cheap trip to the continent if some comrades were interested. Never been to europe

Nothing now, only have read the whole page of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy but i do own The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism by Keiji Nishitani wich i will use for introduction to the existential memers and to grasp the eastern perspective on the milk man and how they introduce him.

Came across the Kyoto school from a book review by Jason McQuinn where he criticized the post-anarchist Saul Newman on how he limits his perspective on Stirner by only using the Western tradition.

Newman’s perspective on Stirner’s “wrecking ball” may also seem somewhat limited if confined to “our Western tradition,” when there should be no reason to regard its effects as being confined to a single tradition, especially since Stirner’s work is not unknown among Eastern philosophers (see, for example, works by members of the Japanese Kyoto School like Nishida Kitaro and Kieji Nishitani), nor was Eastern thought unknown to Stirner.

Actual Fascism of syndicalist-corporatism from Giovanni Gentile (Actual Fascism wich got born out of National syndicalism) died on the day that Mussolini appealed to the king and the conservative goverment after the march on rome and put the final nail in the coffin when Mussolini followed that dumb fuck of an Adolf Hitler. (Who should have been purged by the Asserists when they had the opportunity)

Any fascist who praises Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Fucking FRANCO, and god damn Augusto Pinochet are a fucking joke and should be mocket for calling themselfs fascists instead of authoritarian liberals with an iq of 20. I fucking hate those people with all my guts. Cause im actually an ex-fascist who became a Leninist so i actually changed not that mutch untill i went full baffled dictator :^)

Kidna like the rape of everything what Martin Luther taught in contemporary protestantism.

When are the CCF/FIA ganne hit something big like the energy industry?

Oh, then you are the Cyrillic-named-man.

The link provided was only a thematic anthology consisting of excerpts from the Four Major Nikayas of the Sutta Pitaka.

That same author has also done completed individual translations of the relevant scriptural books.

Read them.


Would you rccommend The Middle Length Sayings with them or am i fine with those two works?

I have a basic hang on fascism, the second most important thing after ad fontes is know your enemy.
Still, the word's meaning has acquired new aspects in the context of its usage and its evolution, that's why I got called one.
Why so retarded?

Probably never.
What's needed is a 3rd wave after the real poverty kicks in.

Just asking, what's your background on Buddhism, what got you reading it?

Why so retarded?
Army Indoctrination in combination with Holla Forums fucks you up to the point where you tell your comrades in your group that Anders Breivik did nothing wrong while openly being gay and shit.

Real Fascism is dead and will never come back and thats fine, i do prever that all supposed fascists get all shot.

Ayy, my disapointment of all insurrectionary groups is that they never try the real targets. They atleast are more fun and mutch more productive than the syndicalists and anarcho-leftists (anti-state leftist).

What is it that you'd be after?

Buddhist scripture is more than ten times larger than Christian scripture, and so it is doubtful you'd be looking to read it in its entirety.

Initially, out of curiosity, it began to be read.

What religious follower does not read their scripture?

Infrastructure isn't really a target at this point and they try to avoid assassinations, as they have no resources for something big and they don't want kill low-ranking shits because muh reactionary society would condemn them. Supposed shillery aside, and there are tons of conspiracy theories floating around, I think their existence is a net positive atm.
I said, wait until the real poverty kicks in, then the larger masses can wait in the sidelines as people bomb murrican and european colonial officers and maybe slit the throats of western and local bourgie shits. Ideally after despooking the muzzies, turning their obscurantist liberal-hate into focused class hatred

I got that from your previous posts.
I just wanted to know in what context you are a religious follower. Have you taken any instruction? Do you identify/sympathize with a Vehicle/ School?
Do you have a local organization/sect you belong in?

My readings started from curiosity too but I wouldn't make the leap into following it, even in my preconceptions/thoughts and so on, that's why I'm asking.

The foundation of the Buddha his teachings to begin with Chan/Zen (So i can build the foundation to understand the Kyoto School) and to know how to not desire (As Absurdism is at play when we desire that wich we can not controle to be fullfilled) and gain tranquility (Not really buddhahood but more on being part with the present moment)

This is mainly inspired by reading Ted Kaczynski where in an intervieuw he once awnserd to a question…

BVD: How did the way you chose to live fulfill your dreams, desires, or original motivations? That is, your dreams as a youth, and your plan and decision to leave Berkeley. And what was the most satisfying thing about your life in Lincoln?

He awnserd explaining his appeal to nature and stuff but this general line really hit me
In living close to nature, one discovers that happiness does not consist in maximizing pleasure. It consists in tranquility. Once you have enjoyed tranquility long enough, you acquire actually an aversion to the thought of any very strong pleasure—excessive pleasure would disrupt your tranquility.

really so, according to their papers (or atleast what i read) is that they dont work to appeal to the masses at all as they dislike a moral vangaurd.

They're individualists, yeah.
At the moment they're a sideshow, random killings would alienate most of the soft anarchist/ collectivist communes or whatever which do have some presence, as their appeals(which they actively do) would be tarred by association, real or imagined. Think of it as vanguard of the vanguard, except it's not.
Even though they say they hate soft anarchism and so on, they think agitation is a good background or smth.
Secondly there's ya chance they're shitty nihilist shills and they have no resources. It's leading nowhere, as I said, and they wouldn't want it any other way.
After all, Nechayev-kun said that the people must really suffer first.
Not like I care about such stuff, mass revolution is dead and gone and so on. My short experience led to me that, it's just that I haven't got the will or motivation to go full stone-faced killah, so I'm enjoying comfy discussions on the beginnings of buddhist learning , I hope you get to learn some good stuff.

One is a religious follower in the same way that the members of the laity have always been religious followers. That is, through the taking of refuge in the Three Jewels and the intended following of the corresponding precepts.

Yes, instruction has been received, and there is an affiliation with an organization.

You're speaking to a person of the Theravada tradition.

Ha, convert over.

"The foundation of the Buddha…"

Then of course, you'd need to read the previously linked scripture. The anthology was put together precisely to aid the reader in grasping the text, as reading through the Nikayas wholly can become confusing.

You will either begin with that anthology or the Digha Nikaya.

Even if you were to become a Buddhist, it'd be rather strange for you to expect to complete the ultimate goal.

I've been thinking about it, but after years of reading I'm still beset by doubt, and the consciousness of that coupled with the readings is pretty bad tbh,

I know about the focus on rites and letters as an evil. But even of the things I know I don't really feel like I have understood them, I hope I can meet something in my life that will let me gain even stream-entry, until then I keep reading but I think rites and so on would be even more self-defeating. And even the hope of that moment feels self-defeating, and stream-entry almost impossible.
That's Vicikitsa, right?
sorry for going on and on about personal stuff, I think it has something to do with the subject
ps: Tenshi no Tamago is great, good taste.

i'm actually going to re-read my leftist theory books. I feel like ive missed a lot of info. and thinking.

n1x, is that you?


Don't know who that is, sorry.
flagposting was a mistake

good taste


Excuse me, but y do nihilists get interested in buddhism?

Its ontological ground is nothingness.

Buddhism isn't nihilist.

I didn't say it is.

The word for that is Meontology.


Oh, okay.

The response was too quick.
It's simply tiredly heard.


lit bump despite this thread being made by a worthless tripfag

don't worry about bumping it, if it slides I'll just make another.



sleep tight pupper

great book so far

jesus doesn't like drugs, comrade

/r/ing two introductory philosophy books by (I think) Soviet writers that someone posted here a few months ago. I lost them and really want to read them.

IIRC, they were posted right in the aftermath of that Xexizy debate.

what's your point?


Do you like Lacanfags famrades ?

I want to ride the face of and force boypussy smooches upon a Lacanfag who'll read to me. . .

Wouldn't call myself a lacanfag, but I have read him extensively. Are you the Islamic communism poster that lives in Saudi Arabia by the way?

I used to work in Riyadh for a couple years but now I'm back in the Philippines

In these times, we are all just lonely monks walking in the rain under leaking umbrellas. At times, however, reading a good philosophical work can help us through these hard times and warm us from within. I can't recommend this one enough:

any others you reccomend?

The one I linked has everything you need, it quite literally makes your waifu real.

If you are still not satisfied you can only go further down the rabbit hole and read (in this order)

can you give me pointers on how to become a lacanfag?

Read Bruce Fink's clinical intro

Thank you, you are the deepest of comrades

thanks lad. I just finished my last book of fiction and need something new, where to start with Zola? Only thing I have read by him is j'accuse which barely qualifies as a proper text I guess.

Also general bump for the lit thread.

you can literally start anywhere you want in the Rougon-Macquart cycle. If you know some stuff about the Russian nihilists and Nechaev, "Germinal" will be a good one to start with. It's about mining strikes.

I personally started with "The Ladies' Paradise". All the books are pretty left-pilled tbh.

my favourite is The Joy of Life

Why havent you read the Fortune of the Rougons yet? Its hands down the best and 5x more brutal than Germinal, it actually made me tear up.

Started with the wrong one, now I wanna do it in order….

Hey guys. So I'm finishing up Plato's middle years dialogues ( or should I say the important ones - I only have Crtio and The Symposium left). I have a copy of the Metaphysics I started reading - I haven't read the Odyssey or the Iliad, so I've been using secondary sources to clarify things. I also just finished Parmendies poem.

My main question is, do you think it's requisite that I read "The Physics" before The Metaphysics? And in that same vain, does anyone have a copy of the Physics? I can't find any free PDF's online of the Joe Sachs translation which has peaked by interest the most.

Do you guys have a reading group ?
If so i want to join

Are you gay ?
And if so how can you reconcile Islamic faith and homosexuality ?
I hope i am not being rude or anything,

Anybody else ever read Trout Fishing in America? Crazy fucking book

I'm reading Peter Brown's "The world of late antiquity".

It revolves around 3rd century to 8th century Mediterranean world and explains ho culture and religion changed over time.

No time to read.
Too busy shitposting

How do i into Sigmund Freud?

Freud poster his criticism of Stirner is interesting and Freud his writing had big influence on Ted Kaczynski.

stick to Jung jesus christ

genital politics is idpol

Too busy to read this week, so I got some audiobook versions of The Communist Manifesto and The Ego and His Own. Hadn't read the first since high school, hadn't read the second at all.

May gott that isnt like an argument gott.

Why Carl Gustav Jung tho? What makes him better?

Why tho?

Speaking about reviving this thread…
Ive recently finished Ted Kaczynski his new book Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How Its pretty good but not so strong as his other collected work Technological Slavery.

His first two chapters are devastating as fuck with the first being about how society can not be rationally controlled at all with the high amount of social/material/ethnic/cultural conditions at play in society. And further how chaos theory and Control theory are at play in Distortion of society its management and feedback of information wich further gets Distortet by limitation of langauge ,interpretation and the dominant idealogy. It further then explains why then a goverment has to base all their policy's on coercion to serve its short therm interest. (Long therm being impossible as the consequences of enforced policy's are unpredictable) Its a nice critique on centralised governance and how its based on constant crisis with the effect of all the conditions at play in society.

Second chapter is about how the techno-industrial society will destroy itself by internal contraditions on economic/political and social level. With the constant struggle of conflict of interests between groups and individuals that is inherent within society as a whole. He points out that even if you have a monopoly of violence to prevent anarchy you still will have anarchistic conflict of interest within the hierarchal structure itself. He explains this by the concept of self propagating systems wich is a group/organisation/system/organism with its own interest to maintain and improve itself. And an advanched self prop system will eventually become a super self prop system wich is made out of sub self-prop systems. An hierarchy of self-prop systems gets created and a relation appears as the super self prop system is based on sub self-prop systems to exist and the sub self prop systems depend on the super self prop system to exist as the super self prop system influences the conditions the sub self prop systems operate in. (Example of Super Self Prop System is Capitalism or the State and sub self prop system an institution or a company) Further self prop systems come in conflict with eachother by conflict of interest to maintain and improve itself. This also goes down to individual level and other level, the basis is the conflict of interests is constant present and the attempt to resolve it by domination demands a comprimise to contain the conflict of interests within the super structure itself. It gets rather complicated.

3rd and 4th chapther is an extensive research on the history and methods of revolutionary movements like with Lenin/Mao and Castro and how to learn from them and prevent mistakes that they made. Both chapters are pretty nicely made but focus to mutch on the vangaurd model of Lenin, some research on other models of revolutionary organisations would be nice but he is in super max so its not easy to get by. Also having read a big critique on vangaurdist method of revolutionary movement didnt really help to support the later chapters. (The Book is Nihilist Communism, a left-com critique on vangaurdism)

I've forgotten just about everything in the Manifesto, and I'm interested in a more thorough examination of Stirnerism

Stirner''ism'? Anarcho Individualism you mean?

Read Freud first and Marx second as a reading supplement

No, do not do it, it is the WORST thing Marx and Engels ever wrote

Nice review nigga,
Is there any primitives who are not spooked by nature as in "Mother nature is best cuz everything is natural there for we need to be natural like that lmao" ???

POST TED'S NEW BOOK HERE PLS. I can't find a pdf of it anywhere

I like calling it Stirnerism, I hate being lumped in with Mad Max types


How new are you ?
1- it is a fucking manifesto that should be self explanatory
2- it was written for the context of it's time
3- it was written in a hurry
4- Marx and Engels will later correct them selves on it

It is the "twitter rant" or" the tumblr blog post" of Marxism

Well Kaczynski is the only green anarchist who's primitivist idea's arnt uthopian at all but more along the lines of Darwinism with the whole survival of the fittest (he doesnt agree that the group/organism that wins the conflict of interest is actually the fittest) and all of that stuff. He isnt a fan of social darwinism but i notich a strong inspiration of darwinism within his theory. He is isnt a primitivist tho (An Neo-Luddist Individualist would be more accurate.) but he offers the best criticism that is available. I'll make a vew pictures from his book to give you an example on his criticism cause there isnt an online version yet.

There exists no online version, the book is about a month or two old. You can buy it here but ill maybe in the future produce a pdf.

Be sure to check out all the reviews to get a general idea what you are getting.


Oh, I was always under the impression that like Darwin discovering evolution and collecting everything he observed about it in a thesis, thus radically redesigning all of science to come; Marx and Engels were the ones responsible for discovering communism and doing the same for it. Who then were the forefathers of communism?

I've never read Das Kapital, I figured I would do that later. I thought the Manifesto would be like a cliff notes version with all the important elements present. I didn't know it was wildly inaccurate.

Here are the pages of him destroying green energy.

Disregard his stuff about solar (Cause its unrealistic to set up), i actually work in the solar and his problem is a bit extreme but the funny thing is that a fuckton of green moderates prepose sutch an insane idea of massive solar parks. He is more refuting them in contradicting for care for nature and shit.


Here is that part where he criticizes an uthopian greeny.


Hey greeny user, think we could make another thread? I wanna talk about the 'extinction by 2030' meme.

In those pages he mentions the rules and postulates so it would be handy to know what he means with that. This is the begin of chapter two where he explains it, the research is based on the similarities that succesfull revolutionary movements had in common. (They arnt set cause there are some exceptions but he does explore those in the whole chapther.)

I have allready posted all the pages that i needed to post, you can make that thread ma mane.

Made it up. Not the best, but it's something I guess.

What's up fellow lefttits

You're in my class at Middlebury. What's your first name?

It was interesting read.

But he got it wrong, when it comes to ecology i think zizkek is right.
Lets go to a total break with nature and start manipulating nature itself, it is too late to save the earth tbh.
We need to go there and control rain, sun ray, ice levels etc… by our own technology and we make an industry out of it.