What does Holla Forums think of vaporwave?
What does Holla Forums think of vaporwave?
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It has a bit of an anti-consumerism satire to it that I enjoy.
It's brilliant.
If you're a fan of it there's a great radio station I use for it:
Also one for future funk:
Trying to hard to be ironic
I'm not fond of pastiche/retro/nostalgia, because it has this late-capitalism feeling that literally nothing is new; everything is recycled.
I feel people is taking a meme too seriously.
If you take the meme off vaporwave you get really good music but all vapowave artists are on it for the memes and not the music so its a genre stuck in a spiritual limbo
It's part of the spectacle and should go.
Anti capitalist; sure
but ironic ideology still function as an ideology nonetheless
you dumb dysfunctional motherfucker
Leans heavily on peoples' sense of nostalgia while thumbing its nose at the mainstream.
Like all successful art it was inevitably copied and became just another form of consumption, but at least it's not "mainstream" in the sense Vektroid has signed with a major label or something.
Dude vaporwave is basically the musical equivalent to Détournement. The whole idea behind vaporwave is that musicians take commericial music and subvert it by turning it into music that satirizes capitalism.
Its late capitalist ideology at its finest, it's not anti-capitalist at all, to the contrary, its pastiche, mashed up elements are an appropriation by late capitalist (post)modernity for the sake of "enjoyment", an enjoyment that is still enframed within capitalist relations of production, just because this appropriation is done by individuals and not corporations doesn't make it subversive.
Just as there's no ethical consumption under capitalism there's no such thing as subversive culture. This doesn't mean "no fun allowed" but to keep in mind while you're circlejerking about the latest Blank Banshee album or whatever that there's still child slavery in Africa and so on.
Who /labourwave/ here?
Marxist as fuck and very fun
Somebody needs to write a vaporwave novel and fast
thanks, doc!
fucking this.
Kind of like Marx.
I wonder how many anons throwing around the muh detournement meme have actually read Society of the Spectacle, or even watched Debord's movies.
I've read it, haven't seen his movies.
Don't think vaporware contains any sort of critique or insight, it's just diversion and narcissistic indulgence, it's just that the pop art that used to do collages, fragment and deface 'high art' is now being inflicted the same thing.
Nothing new, just one more level of the spectacle, it's actually even more demoralizing and mediating due to its fragmentary nature.
has something to say about it, concerning it talks about Japan which is arguably the only 'postmodern' society, if such a thing could be said to exist.
This is just the afterfart of such things, filtered once more through the Japanese experience of '90s depression and once more by the mass breakthrough of japanese culture in the late '00s, but now stripped of its associations with Japanese economic ascendancy.
The lament and parody in the Japanese appearances vaporwave assumes is bitter nostalgia for the Japanese Bubble disfigured through the mass input of a million idiots on imageboards.
hello schnitz
It uses of a lot of consumerist symbolism but I don't understand how it's going against it.
Fuck, where did you find this?
If you guys wanna read literary vaporwave, try Baudrillard's "Amériques".
I searched "vaporwave radio" and "future funk radio" in google and found people on like reddit and other forums talking about those sort of things and that's when I came across such things.
I searched "vaporwave radio" and "future funk radio" in google and found people on like reddit and other forums talking about those sort of things and that's when I came across such things.
Dubstep then Witch House then Vaporwave.
I like all of it, but let's not pretend it's meme techno.
A lot of this stuff was called Wonk pre-2008. I really miss that dxm-inspired genre
lainons have loads of shit like this if you ask people for recs
also lainchan radio lainchan.org
Vaporwave is not even remotely 'serious' and any value you think it is expressing is purely ironic and hollow, since that's part of the joke.
Eccojams and SEAWRLDハートブレーク are two of the scant few actually decent releases. Floral Shoppe is just trash.
Really, it's shit like vaporwave that proves people are just hitting a wall and can only deconstruct the past for novelty now.
More like 'plunderphonics' since the 80s:
V/Vm also doesn't get enough credit:
It's gone down the same route as all musical "revolutions". Punk got commercialised, hip-hop took viagra and got raped, gabber turned into edgy shit, now vapourwave's become Leafy Radio and related shit. Electronic stuff is a pile of crap when it comes to being leftist, marxist or even anticapitalist in any sense (not saying that music should be any of those things, though). I prefer to listen to the classics when it comes to leftist sentiment.
Forgot to add: based poster.
Breakcore is the revolutionary music of our era.
Including lolicore
You need flashcore.
>not digital hardcore AKA OG breakcore + radical politics
m8 pls, digital hardcore is most revolutionary music
too bad the scene is dead ;_;
I can dig that, and speedcore+flashcore.
I must unmask myself and show my pleasure in light of this.
Learn the ways of the shitposting masters, padawan.
Digital hardcore is breakcore for kids.
Just to expand the point on the supposed anti-capitalism of the vaporwave scene, currently the trend is Bubblegum Bass and the PC Music label.
Instead of rejecting capitalism, they're immediately selling out and using their music in McDonalds ads:
They're also creating bands just to have their own branded energy drink:
I rather like how they wreck pop music, though:
Needs more amen breaks tbh
wicked tunes m8
I've seen his movies, and yeah, vaporwave isn't on the same level. It's more a mockery through excess, but not detournement exactly.
This music is enjoyable in the same way as one goes crazy and starts excessively parodying what he previously criticized because he realized that any conventional critique has become impotent, so the only critique left is to act it out and bring it to its most absurd conclusions.
In short: you will only like this music if you hate it with passion.
This is a really fucking great case of why acceleration only accelerates, without bringing any implosions of the system.
Although it's hard to really measure yet the effects of these anti-capitalist parodies being smuggled into actual commercials. But I doubt the average viewer still has the ability to react in disgust.
PC Music is as auth wave as it gets, bb
because it's showing the emptiness of the consumerist spirit
because it's showing the emptiness of the consumerist spirit
It was great until it stopped being about how shitty capitalism is.
i mean, does it really matter if they're just memeing if it turns out well and you like it?
or do you mean people are only ironically liking for the sake of "being in" on the meme
Best taste ITT
It's pretty good but most of the community is cancer. 60% of the community are people who take memes over actual music
It takes old songs I otherwise might not have listened to and gives them new life in a new era of music. So breddy good.
I kind of have a hippy vision of music where it shouldn't really be to make money but should be music for the sake of music. I'd much rather listen to some 17 year old play power chords with his shitty bedroom mic than metallica any day.
Good shit man.
I love it even though half of it is crap
Good anti-cap music that's actually fun
I just made this.
When OPN and others are posting shit like youtube.com
Or will you eventually get that it's a joke about criticizing the emptiness of criticizing the emptiness of capitalism and making fun of how overblown people are when discussing art?
Notice that when someone is serious, like the shit posted, the result is fucking terrible.
why is vaporwave depressing?
it's not that vaporwave is depressing, it is that capitalism is depressing.
The music is kinda cool, and the aesthetic is really great, we should make more lefty vapormemes.