Working on an article Jewish nuke double standards, pious fraud, Media Lying, & how we might end it

{1/ }(no idea where or if this will ever be published in any form…obviously, it's a working draft)
As you'll see from research that went into this, I'm very autistic in my research about certain things but not others, which is why I'd like to read it out. The next part here? Going through all the comments Vanunu (he was approached in a ""bar" by a Jywess, his drink spiked, then the Jews took him out too intl water (actually probably just to a local dock) and flew him out by helicopter.

Thus What we know– the Jews do have a "triad" (3 different forms of nuclear launch), but only the Dolphins built with by the Germans has a
'second-strike" capability. Part of me would like to believe the Germans kept their sense of interest in wider justice and did't turn it fULLY over to

Any help here would be welcome, since I'm an autistic on certain parts of this, but not all. Trying to put together article on the marxists of today, the jews and the dangers ir a nuclear armed World Jewry, and how we may aim to disarm them…I've been researching this for a very, very long time s expect it to be long, thought I want to make is accessible enough that avenger people can have a look at it & underhand. Some historical references will be necessary (as re; USS Liberty, Jews defeat in 2996 in Lebanon, the massive resupply to jews in Israel WITH the authorization of congress (and therefore illegal)
Israel's Illegal Possession of Intercontinental Medium Range Ballistic Milssiles
Thanks to the Germans (who won't spend a shekels to defend themselves but are seemingly quite happy to arm Israel with th e 2nd leg in their uncle triad…and, bt far, the most important since it is only part od the triad that gives the Jews a second strike capability the Jews…as I sit here, a 2L in a t-10 LS, unable to get a fucking cavity filled bc has to lie about insurance & a friend who is a resident getting me percocet to get by) who, by my count, have given the Jews 5 Dolphin subs at a cost of at least $500 billion shekels each (you do the math), I'm left to ponder the concept of "pathological altruism."

Last Summer, Was in Germany while traveling and had apparently caught street throat. One female doctor with poor English sills suddenly became concerned that I might take advantage of Germans generous healthcare arrangements. For EU citizens. And or course, for "Migrants." De facto, "migrant means "anyone without White skin. I sometimes wonder what would happen if a group of White Boers from South Africa were to travel up the coast, prove to the smuggler's satisfaction that were not media and it was not some sort of sting, what would happen.Well, we know of course. These people would be sent back. With arms and lethal force if necessary. And if one of those aboard should happen a capture a part of the change and put it on FB? Here they needn't worry, either. For increasingly, both the in the US and abroad, all the major digital companies ( In the USm Microsoft working with the NSA to allow Zero-day exploits to be accessible to the intelligence services; In Germany, Zuckerberg openly colluding with Merkel to keep any material off the internet that could be construed as

Now, right off, I take strong objection to the politicization of a word which is meant impart very specific…chain of beliefs, which all begin at the starting aunt that they are objective. When we read in the news almost daily now about a jihadi-motivated attack somewhere in the West, it then becomes very difficult to tell a person his or her believes are irratioThe Jews have a "nuclear triad," or at least claim to (they are notoriously liars about such things…such fucking lairs that, as Mordachi Venunu recounts, the Jews built a false floor with a false control panel right over the real one at Dimona nuclear facility. So essentially, you can't trust a word the motherfuckers say.

Try to imagine, if you can, If the Vatican still had lands, an army, and were actively obtaining and HAD ALREADY OBTAINED US nuclear secrets to build their own bomb through a series of Catholic spies such as Paul Greenglass and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (who were, rightly, given the electric chair for their treason). I noticed a smattering if empathic portrayals of these two in recent decades, such as the fictional ghost of Ethel Rosenberg tormenting Roy Cohen (apparently at least in part for daring to put his country before his religion) in Kushner's "Angels in America." Or a film made by..I believe the Rosenberg's son which seeks to vindicate them completely. One wonders what shape the film might ave taken if, during the Cuban Missile Crisis as the Soviet Sub was being bombarded with depth charges, instead of rising, he had simply aimed his nuclear armed torpedo for center-mass of the carrier formation. AS was their training, by the way. When one keeps this in mind, how maudlin and even laughable it seems to hear Mr. Rosenberg–now is his 50s– repine over"rough handed treatment" doled out by the female guards to the woman who came perilously close to setting the world on fire in the most literal sense.

Then, perhaps I'm being too judgmental. No one wants to really believe their own parents were responsible for bringing the world less than ten minutes from annihilation as Rosenberg's were. After a bit of thought, I suppose what truly bothers me about Rosenberg is that– like those toot who continue to proudly display the hammer and sickle banner while either unknowing or uncaring that 88 million Slavic Christians died under that eblem- they have no shame no remorse at all, and not even an acknowledgment t by Mr. Rosenberg that based on what we now know from Castro, his mother was a pawn (willing or unwilling is hard to say) in the most dangerous game the world has ever engaged in.

Any help here would be welcome, since I'm an autistic on certain parts of this, but not all. Trying to put together article on the marxists of today, the jews and the dangers ir a nuclear armed World Jewry, and how we may aim to disarm them…I've been researching this for a very, very long time s expect it to be long, thought I want to make is accessible enough that avenger people can have a look at it & underhand. Some historical references will be necessary (as re; USS Liberty, Jews defeat in 2996 in Lebanon, the massive resupply to jews in Israel WITH the authorization of congress (and therefore illegal)
Israel's Illegal Possession of Intercontinental Medium Range Ballistic Milssiles
Thanks to the Germans (who won't spend a shekels to defend themselves but are seemingly quite happy to arm Israel with th e 2nd leg in their uncle triad…and, bt far, the most important since it is only part od the triad that gives the Jews a second strike capability the Jews…as I sit here, a 2L in a t-10 LS, unable to get a fucking cavity filled bc has to lie about insurance & a friend who is a resident getting me percocet to get by) who, by my count, have given the Jews 5 Dolphin subs at a cost of at least $500 billion shekels each (you do the math), I'm left to ponder the concept of "pathological altruism."

Last Summer, Was in Germany while traveling and had apparently caught street throat. One female doctor with poor English sills suddenly became concerned that I might take advantage of Germans generous healthcare arrangements. For EU citizens. And or course, for "Migrants." De facto, "migrant means "anyone without White skin. I sometimes wonder what would happen if a group of White Boers from South Africa were to travel up the coast, prove to the smuggler's satisfaction that were not media and it was not some sort of sting, what would happen.Well, we know of course. These people would be sent back. With arms and lethal force if necessary. And if one of those aboard should happen a capture a part of the change and put it on FB? Here they needn't worry, either. For increasingly, both the in the US and abroad, all the major digital companies ( In the USm Microsoft working with the NSA to allow Zero-day exploits to be accessible to the intelligence services; In Germany, Zuckerberg openly colluding with Merkel to keep any material off the internet that could be construed as

['''please forgive repeated paragraph above this as I try to sort out my thoughts….also please give input as you desire other than the usual "you fuck, go fuck yourself, rot in hell, et…" Any sort of constructive or organizational criticism greatly welcomed.

get a job faggot

Sir, you seem very learned. In fact, I think it was you resenting UVA in Moot Court as 1Ls last year, was it not? I really will never forget that sharp, biting sarcasm. Glad to see you haven't lost it, still in two-top shape for being a litigator then.

Did you end up doing your internship at Morgan-Stanley or Goldman?

'''The Jewish "Nuclear Triad, NATO, and the Dangers"

Those who have not traveled to Israel– or, even worse, have traveled there but to Tel-Aviv and not Jerusalem, will probably be blithely unaware of this issue. If you are attractive and have money, maybe you met a Jewess in a club, slept with her, and then went to the beach. You were probably blissfully unaware hat there s anything wrong with this tiny nation stands poised to drag the entire world into a Third World War. Even though I may not get along with him personally, I must say that Max Blumenthal's "Goliath: "Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" does a magnificent job of capturing the bizarre, almost surreal atmosphere of Jews almost looking to be "oppressed and then high disappointed when it doesn't happen. The movie Defamation by Yoav Shamir also does an outstanding job of portraying this atmosphere in which hyperactive teenagers were quite literally looking for "Nazis" under their beds, a method the hotel manager seems to have finally resorted to out of absolute desperation who other customers were threatening not to pay their bills.

The Jews have a "nuclear triad," or at least claim to (they are notoriously liars about such things…such fucking lairs that, as Mordachi Venunu recounts, the Jews built a false floor with a false control panel right over the real one at Dimona nuclear facility. So essentially, you can't trust a word the motherfuckers say.

Try to imagine, if you can, If the Vatican still had lands, an army, and were actively obtaining and HAD ALREADY OBTAINED US nuclear secrets to build their own bomb through a series of Catholic spies such as Paul Greenglass and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (who were, rightly, given the electric chair for their treason). I noticed a smattering if empathic portrayals of these two in recent decades, such as the fictional ghost of Ethel Rosenberg tormenting Roy Cohen (apparently at least in part for daring to put his country before his religion) in Kushner's "Angels in America." Or a film made by..I believe the Rosenberg's son which seeks to vindicate them completely. One wonders what shape the film might ave taken if, during the Cuban Missile Crisis as the Soviet Sub was being bombarded with depth charges, instead of rising, he had simply aimed his nuclear armed torpedo for center-mass of the carrier formation. AS was their training, by the way. When one keeps this in mind, how maudlin and even laughable it seems to hear Mr. Rosenberg–now is his 50s– repine over"rough handed treatment" doled out by the female guards to the woman who came perilously close to setting the world on fire in the most literal sense.

Then, perhaps I'm being too judgmental. No one wants to really believe their own parents were responsible for bring the world less than ten minutes from its own annihilation. After a bit of thought U suppose what truly bothers we about the Rosenberg's is that– like those toot who continue to proudly y display the hammer and sickle- they have no shame no remorse at all, and not even an acknowledgment that by Mr. Rosenberg that based on what we now know from Castro, he mother was a pawn (willing or unwilling is hard to say).

The Problem's with Israeli's Nuclear Program (for the idiots among you, I'm showing how an actual article–be it for a magazine, journal, etc—is written, edited down, cleaned up, and than foot notes added. The same can apply for a book.

I used to par to CHRIST that someone would just SHIE ME hoe a book is…but together edited…page by page, word by word…well, this is shorter, but you are being show. If you wish o see how it's done (and, YES, I have published shit. Not just fucking "Articles," that's morning as a day is long. Screenplays. And, YES, of 2 of them, one made more than $1billion, the other won..a lot of awards. MY point on telling this? No one will believe me obviously, I don't care. One kid of 14 or 15 will and might think to myself "well, I'm a miserable loser now..there now reason I always have to be. I can write, and the jews can't take that away."

The Jews and "Fake Dimonia"

In 1961, the Jews had a serious problem on their hands. The handsome, young, emboldened president of the USA was dead-set on visiting the top-secret Israel nuclear production facility of Dimonia, which the Jews had used their customary "Chutzpah" to lie through their teeth and continue to insist in was was "peaceful purposes." In fact, JFK told Ben-Gurion in no uncertain times: "Stop weaponized your uranium, or your aid for the US will stop."

But the Jews were not to let someone like that stop them, oh on. They brought in contractors to tear out the consoles for the weaponized uranium enrichment move it does below into the basement, and "conceal" what was in fact weaponized uranim production, and see to it that Kennedy was none the wiser. Or was he?

no, faggot, you don't get it. writing is not your calling, this is takeyourmeds-tier schizoid rambling filled with typos. this is not an impressive display of knowledge with redpill potential.

Why does it bother you so? Surely, if as you say, what I'm writing is so awful others will cognize it too no? I don't mean you suddenly using 3 or 4 different VPNS/Tors. Surely, people will tell me how awful my writing is, will they not?

Why does it bother YOU, personally, if someone is trying to gather some information together in a thread? What direct harm is it inflicting on YOU? Think about just how fucked up you must be psychologically that someone else in a thread by himself getting some thoughts out on paper, breaking no rues, not bothering you, gets you this fucking spergy.

You must have had one fucked up life and be one fucked up person…

Kennedy's Infamous Speech- May have always assumed it to be about communism and, on the surface, if was. Yet, one must always recall that on the beginning of the 20th century, the Jews launched 2 murderous conspiracies against us- Zionism and Bolshevism. Of course, no every Jew directly aligned with one, life is rarely that simply. Some Jews, such as Jacob Schiff of Kohn and Lohen financed both. The "Grand Patron" Of Marxism is, of course, the Jew, son of a rabbi, Karl Marx. The Patron of Zionism was the Jew Thedore Hertzel, who relied heavily on loans from both Schiff and the Rothschild.

Interestingly, if one reads the biographies of both the NY Jew Wall Street Financier Schiff and Lazar "the Butcher" of Ukraine Kagonavch, who admitted to killing over 20 million people. From their earliest memories, in the case of Schiff his uncle and in the case of Kagonavich his uncle the rabbi: both were constantly reminded "you must always do what is good for the Jews."

Now here we see, 94 years ago, Churchill (who was as awful,cowardly man by all accounts and got hundreds of thousands if Aussies killed at Gallipoli. Churchill also used to circulate the story among the press that he as staying in the heart of London ever night "with the people." In fact, he would leave London each night before it got dark for his Country Estate.)
All that not withstanding, we may find something of blue in his analysis of Jews which is almoner 100 years old now:

'National' Jews

There can be no greater mistake than to attribute to each individual a recognizable share in the qualities which make up the national character. There are all sorts of men – good, bad and, for the most part, indifferent – in every country, and in every race. Nothing is more wrong than to deny to an individual, on account of race or origin, his right to be judged on his personal merits and conduct. In a people of peculiar genius like the Jews, contrasts are more vivid, the extremes are more widely separated, the resulting consequences are more decisive.

At the present fateful period there are three main lines of political conception among the Jews. two of which are helpful and hopeful in a very high degree to humanity, and the third absolutely destructive.

First there are the Jews who, dwelling in every country throughout the world, identify themselves with that country, enter into its national life and, while adhering faithfully to their own religion, regard themselves as citizens in the fullest sense of the State which has received them. Such a Jew living in England would say, "I am an English man practising the Jewish faith." This is a worthy conception, and useful in the highest degree. We in Great Britain well know that during the great struggle the influence of what may be called the "National Jews" in many lands was cast preponderatingly on the side of the Allies; and in our own Army Jewish soldiers have played a most distinguished part, some rising to the command of armies, others winning the Victoria Cross for valour.

The National Russian Jews, in spite of the disabilities under which they have suffered, have managed to play an honorable and useful part in the national life even of Russia. As bankers and industrialists they have strenuously promoted the development of Russia's economic resources, and they were foremost in the creation of those remarkable organizations, the Russian Co-operative Societies. In politics their support has been given, for the most part, to liberal and progressive movements, and they have been among the staunchest upholder of friendship with France and Great Britain.''

International Jews

In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

Terrorist Jews

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd) or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.


This reads like it was written by a computer. Don't we have mods?

No, I'm just fucking smarter than you and have been taking in information on the JQ for a very long time. I'm trying to leave it a bit, hope some people give me input, and eventually turn it into a primer of sorts of the JQ.

MY basic idea is to have a chapter of Jews and the White slave trade, Jews and the African slave trade, Jewish communism in Russia, Jewish communism in Germany and how it lead into the Weimar, Jews and "post-mfderism," Jews and White slavery…But to answer your question, NO, it's not a "computer" writing it, just someone who thinks autistically like a fucking a computer.

As I get further along, hoping people will ask questions where I didn't explain enough or tell me if I made a point too many times. This way, over the course of a few weeks/maybe a month they'll be an 8 Holla Forums "Primer on the JQ." I suck with graphics, I am trying to teach myself but hoping someone REALLY good will step up and insert pictures where needed. Not just merchants but "The Poisonous Mushroom, etc…

It reads like Bertrand Russell, you may take that as a compliment or insult depending on how you view the man.


Occasionally, you'll near Jews drunkenly boasting that they've "been in Germany longer than the Germans." And to the extent that slave camps following the Roman army sprung up along the Rhine, this is true.

I'm going to assume everyone on here has seen the HBO series "Rome," which is composed of 2 seasons and probably the best TV series ever made. If you've not seen it, stop reading this and go torrent it ASAP before the Jews totally shut ti down and you can't get it at all. Of course, since all aspects of Hollywood (even those shot in Italy) are heavily larded with Jews and there is an overwhelming pressure to portray them positively, you get "Timon the Horse Jew." The REAL Jew we'd know from ancient Rome appears to us in episode one or two, wearing the hat all Jews were made to wear. One can assume the Jew producer (if I recall correctly the Jew behind it was Brad Grey, who recently went to his reward in hell from cancer) put pressure on them to portray Jews better, so we get the laughable storyline of Attia the Noblewoman fucking her horse kike, when he could have been killed for even touching her.

Jew "camp followers" as they were known would follow the Roman army throughout the conquests (and later follow the Turks too…we have reports of Jews outside Rhodes, Malta, Vienna on 3 separate occasions, they ran the slave trade for the Barbary pirates of North Africa…Jews also, as the late Professor Tony Martin of Wellesley attests to, were responsible for the trade in negro slaves to arabia where some 10 million negroes were carried away as human cargo. So, you may ask, if 100 million negros were taken to Arabia, why have i never seen any (or at least so very few) in that part of the world?
1. Somewhere around 90% of the human cargo died on the way. This may seem a disaster as fr as profits for the slave traders, but it was seen as a way to weed out those who could not near the heat.

2. Gelding- Male negroes primary function was as harem guards. As such– and to ensure he had no sexual contact with the harem himself– his testicles and penis would be removed by a Mohammedan specialist in castrations.
3. Negresses in Arab Harems? To this very day, White skin is seen as a mark of beauty in Saudi Arabia. There are certain examples of mulattoes as product of a liaison between the maid and a royal (see, for example, Prince Bandar) but not many of them.

You may not believe it, but I make money from writing things. You may rest assured, things you've seen. This isn't by any means my "polished prose," esp. since I'm trying to deal with a historical topic that I've never touched before that and necessity requires me to remain anonymous.

If you are alone else thinks you have something good to add (and I'm being completely genuine here), please do so. The goal is to come up with a readable primer on the JQ. I don't think I'm being melodramatic when I say there's a decent chance we might heading for civil war in the US.

Hell, even Dr. Scheuer is openly calling for it now. The goal of this exercise is to create a short book so that, if it does come to that, people know they are focused on the right enemy rather than being led by "Gavin" and "controlled Op. kosher media."

So I reiterate, if you or anyone else has an idea, please put it forward. At the end, sort of like in Rockwell's booklet "hoe odd of God to choose the Rats," I think there should be a section: "Who are the Rats?" THESE ARE THE RATS: Soros, Current year man, jon Liebowitz, etc…

Shit, you are correct as i read it over, the writing is absolutely awful, which is why in general no one ever, ever seen my first draft of anything Oh well. I will go back, fix the sentence structure so that it "flows" more like a Jane Austen novel, and all will be well…

OK look what you've written is really good and made a lot of sense. But Holla Forums is not the place to dump copy that needs to be edited. If you want any feedback on it, it needs to be much more polished. I understand you are trying to remain anonymous and are disguising your writing style, but maybe you could hire someone anonymously to clean it up a bit? Send some editor Holla Forumsack some Monero and get the job done.

Sucking dicks behind 7-11 again?


More seriously I am reading this. It's mostly stuff that should be common knowledge here, but it's always good to have a refresher b

I don't think you're getting me. I'm perfectly capable of editing it myself, and editing it very well. If you are the mod are REALLT don't want a single thread on the board as someone is working out how to structure it before taking it offline ti really work on it, then do what you have to do.

BY having it up, all I was hoping for were suggestions as well as things that need more explanation and things that need less focus. Thus far it's been up here…5 or 6 hours? And right now, I'm just beginning to jot down in a notebook what I think that stature should be.

For example, since we always hear about negro slaves, I'd like a LARGE part dedicated to Corsairs taking over 10 million White slaves from Greece, Italy, France, Spain, you name it. It fucking amazes me that in the "guilt olympics" we have going on these days, the t*rkroaches–who probably inflicted more miserably than anyone in history–get off scot-free.

I want to tell the tales of the turks digging up dead Christian Saints or Christian battle commanders and hanging his corpse from the city gate, then burning the ton to nothing nd enslaving the entire town.

The conditions on turk galleys, where men shat and pissed on their own bench as rats walked over them.

NONE is this is know by the average people. For fucks sake, how many even know that the savages took Constantinople from US!

Even if only 3 or4 people read it..I'm going to make it as good and descriptive and eye-catching as possible to inspire both pity for the Christian slave and horse at the Turk animals.

which, BTW, if we have any Kurds, Christian turks (in case any of the 10 of them left happen to be here0, or other Euros to translative slave narratives, I could really use your help to to do the work the media Jews WON'T and let Europeans know where they are heading if they don't take drastic measures.

Thanks mates.

Are you a mod? If you are, fine, it's your deal, not much I can do. If you are not, given some of the fucking shit on here, you are a major league concern troll asshole apparently jealous since you couldn't even formulate this shitty, half-assed summary with a gun to your head.

If you aren't the mod and are this far up someone else's ass trying to regulate what they do rather being happy to have some one working here on something–even if at his own leisure and as he sees fit, given that it's all being doing from memory and will be checked for accuracy later…then, wow, words can't really adequately describe….

Here's a tip for the future, whether you are a mod or not. When someone is working diligently (and FOR FREE AT THAT!!!) your best best is to just fuck off and let him do his thing do lot as he isn't bothering anyone….

The manner in which you speak gaurentees to me that you don't speak English. Also,
Look, regardless of the fact that this is the board that brings in the most people (alongside Holla Forums and such), that doesn't change the fact that it exists on an (the important part) imageboard. An entity whose quality is a balance between the shitty-ness of DA and the quality of good Pixiv accounts.

Sage for faggot. Polish it up and send to /polblog. Otherwise you'll be sliding more important threads. Have a great day sucking cocks OP.

Dynamite first response.

So what do you say, OP? Strike the subs and the shylock is neutered?

search for the book "Gideons' Spies" about the nuclear program in Is-ra-hell