who are your favorite Orville characters? My favorites are Bortus, Isaac, Lt. LaMarr and Alara. The LaMarr - Gordon Molly bromance is top tier. Also Isaac x Alara has to happen.
Do you think Seth MacFarlane and Cmdr Grayson will reunite in season 1? It's heating up with their kiss in episode 11. I for one am sick of the doctor taking up so much screentime.
Who hype for episode 12 in 10 minutes?
Who are your favorite Orville characters? My favorites are Bortus, Isaac, Lt. LaMarr and Alara...
I like Sheldon.
I like le funny face man.
i thought the orville was on thursdays
If Seth would stop his pop culture references and oh so witty banter, it would be a timeless show. I don't understand why he ruins it with that
yeah. i like my comedies witless and my dramas witty and irreverent. That's why we're living in a new golden age of entertainment media.
Samantha Carter mmmm, so many faps.
Stargate>Furries >Star Wars>Star Trek
family guy in spaaaaace
I thought it was Thursday :(
isaac is objectively the best
Yaphit (is that how you spell his name?) and Isaac. They need to have a solo episode together. I don't like how Isaac moves like a budget C3P0 though. An advanced enough robot trying to fit in a meatbag environment should be able to ape their kinematics pretty well.
Alara is best gril
Twilight Zone > Star Trek: Deep Space Nine > Farscape > Lexx > Stargate > Stargate: Atlantis > Star Trek: TOS > Star Trek Voyager > Star Trek > The Next Generation > Quantum Leap > Alien Nation (if you include the movies) > Fringe (first season, then it starts to go downhill) > Babylon 5 > original Mystery Science Theater 3000 > Space Cases > Power Rangers in Space > Star Trek Enterprise > Doctor Who (this would have been ranked much higher years ago) > Battlestar Galactica (remake) > Stargate Universe > The Orville > Homeboys in Space > Red Dwarf > Getting diagnosed with inoperable, terminal cancer > Nu-MST3K > All of Seth McFarlane's other projects including his vanity musical cd > Star Trek: Discovery
Fight me.
That bait rating of Atlantis…
Well played.
Looking back, I really enjoyed a lot of the characters, and of the Stargate series, it easily had the most satisfying conclusion.
While everything after Space Cases is meant as a joke, whenever I remember Space Cases I remember Power Rangers in Space because of the similar setting and outfits they wore, and I remember PRiS as the one season I actually kind of liked and have repeatedly considered going back and rewatching over the years. I never got into Power Rangers, but whenever In Space came out I remember stumbling onto it and being surprised at how much better the writing was And the designs and everything as well. I specifically remember being like 12 and thinking "This is written as well as… Beast Wars." which at the time was pretty high praise.
The female rangers had good figures, the series had overarching plots instead of the standard villain of the week stuff, it introduced the extremely popular Psycho Rangers, and the villains were way more complex than anything the show had previously attempted. The season's villainess was the same age as the rangers, and pretty cute. She turned out to be the brainwashed sister of the Red Ranger turned evil by the villains that adopted her. In the end the villain that kidnapped her, Ecliptor really did see her as his daughter so he betrays his boss the big bad so she can go free. She's also helped in switching to the good side because she falls in love with that season's "special" ranger the Silver Ranger. I specifically remember seeing a scene where she's dealing with her burgeoning infatuation and dresses like a normal human so she can go see a movie to study romance. The movie was titled "Star-Crossed Lovers". I thought for Power Rangers, that's some surprisingly mature writing. …For Power Rangers. …From the perspective of a twelve year old.
Red Dwarf (UK) > Twilight Zone > TOS > first few seasons of Doctor Who with the old man > Stargate >>>>Farscape>>>>>>>>>> Voyager > Orville > TNG=DS9(trash)
No one's falling for your shit. Furries are always at the bottom.
Gotta be subtle with the bait and not give up after 10 seconds.