All nazis are losers tbh

the only reason you people are nazis is because you're skinny white nerds who probably got beat up in school by minorities…. maybe its time to grow some balls and get over your fears of minorities, maybe talk to a few. we're not all bad people.

Other urls found in this thread:

The only reason muslims don't eat pigs is because they are all sodomites who want to fuck pork. You are all worthless.

You aren't bad people, you can't be "bad people" if you aren't even people. I just want a country with no subhumans in it.

2/10 you made me reply

Common I thought the shills have learned to shill a little less obviously by now.

I don't call animals 'bad' or 'evil'. That requires being part of the same cultural/ethnic/moral group. You aren't, so you're just enemies and will remain it, because you see a difference in skin colors like a racist would. We just accept racism is fine, you are the one in denial about your own racism.

Minorities today, majorities tomorrow. Soon White people will be collectively bullycided by PoC if we don't do anything about it.

I don't hate black people. I just think they are inferior to me.

OP is a faggot

So child "minorities" (foreigners) beat up skinny, intelligent, white children. why should we tolerate them?

criminally stupid trolling.

If you know what we are, and you think we are weak then why not attack us?

100% this.

you need to be exterminated

So we're white people who acted upon receiving violence at the hands of mom whites?

Do you even listen to yourself? Every argument you come up with damns yourself. This is like 'if you call Muslims terrorists they'll get mad and kill you'.

Your days are numbered, and I think you know it

*Non whites

Fuck you autocorrect I've never once used that americuck spelling

I can tell you're an ugly, overweight, suicidal virgin from your thread alone fam

Sorry, but I think you got lost on your why to cuckchan. They are the forum for this form of shitposting. We have slightly higher standards here. Simple mistake to make, but don't let that stop you from pissing off.


I dunno man, all are below the standards in which I live therefore they should go back to their containment zones they've gone and shit up.

are your parents cousins mohomo?

Nice falseflags kikes

I concede, friend. You are right and I am wrong. Pic related is my handwritten letter of apology, be sure to share it on Facebook and Twitter.


You do realize he's muslim, right? He will probably masturbate to this.

seeing this reply i was expecting something more along hte lines of


Funny how people who lift are more right wing than those who don't.
Why is projecting the only thing leftists are good at?

Imkikey does his job only when its about protecting jewish people.

Had to double check if I wasn't on cuckchan.

He's asleep now, he'll be back in about 6 hours from now.

Both threads are slide threads, don't forget to sage.

Typical endchan kike bumping shill threads

Really makes you think…

Back in the day, when the common idea was that blacks were inferior, and it was something that was just known, people didn't treat blacks harshly. White Southrons get the same Hollywood treatment as the ebul nazis. There might have been a few people who were harsh to niggers, the desire for weak men to take advantage of another's weakness exists in all races and shall likely continue to exist for centuries to come.
Back then niggers were thought on as being simple minded and childlike, which they are, I don't have the cap, but there was an user who described working as a volunteer in Africa, and how they are eternal, spoiled children.
Now blacks retain that same childness and simplemindedness, but now it's mixed with arrogance, anger, and a feeling of superiority.
Nigger don't know how to have power, and I doubt they ever will for the next for thousand years.
We should just feel sorry for niggers. The only reason I hate them is because I'm surrounded by them and their nigger nature. We can't hate what we once were, but that's all that we can do now, seeing as any sort of criticism or disciplinary action by the forces charged with that duty is strictly– forboten.


Forgot to sage+forgot my pictures

Empirical data suggests otherwise. Now fuck off.

If we remove minorities then there's no 'fear' to 'get over'.

Priorities, my man.

Jump into a gas chamber or go back to your shitty country you fucking leach




The funny thing about sandpeople is that they are only 'not bad people' when they are a minority and don't feel safe enough to go out for rape and pillaging because they fear the repercussions.

Therefore the only response to this Lefty OP is the following:



You shills never learn


Oh these faggots again, to report pile you go

Hitler didn't touch their shit wall.

That could be because Israel didn't exist until after WWII

The wall was already there and there have been others after Hitler that didn't touch their shit wall.

Face it; you are marketing a kosher faggot fuck to be like Hitler because you want the votes of people who are wishing for the next Hitler in these desperate times, now it turns out your kosher product is just another puppet in line of ZOG. Your shilling is an insult to our intellect.

Still doesn't work

Great way to start a dialogue.

Just you? Why does the Jew always send us the asshole? Because he wants us to murder all the skinskins before we come for him. Not gonna happen Shlomo, all you kikes and mystery meats are going in the ground.

what is that shit? yet another round of week-end spam from kikes/mudslimes?
go get fucked by a dog you shitty mozlem, you will die if you stay here

It is a ceremony of obeisance. Can you believe mods are still clinging to this timeless jew psyop?

kill your self with a gun dude

I've talked to THOUSANDS over 2 decades working in London.
We've had some great conversations and I've managed to find a fair amount in common with the vast majority I have spoken with.
Many have trusted me enough over time to share what they REALLY think about things.
Because I always projected a completely non-judgemental and tolerant attitude, I am sure I have heard things most white people would NEVER hear from the mouths of immigrants and other races.
After many years of collecting information, attitudes and thought processes, I have arrived at a very clear picture about non-whites who come to live in white societies.
1: They don't care about the impact their presence has on the natives of the country they come to, they only care about how being there can benefit themselves.
2: They are resentful and envious, and when they achieve any success, they immediately look down on anyone at the level they just rose from. They are SNOBS.
3: They are VERY prone to fraud, and make excuses and rationalisations for it rather than admitting that it is a harmful criminal activity.
4: Virtually EVERY black male has committed burglaries or robberies or sold drugs, despite having free housing and handouts thanks to taxpayers.
5: They ALL play the race card almost immediately in any situation where there is any dispute with a white person, literally EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Pretty much EVERY stereotype about them is true in my more than 2 decades experience of daily interactions.
The most telling one for me though is no. 1
Never once in over 20 years of daily conversations with immigrants and children of immigrants have I EVER heard a single one of them, NOT A SINGLE ONE, express any concern or even a passing thought about the impact their being here has on the well-being of the natives of the country, or for white people in general

Nice projecting.
Nice bait.
Kill yourself.

You believe in kike magic. There's nothing else left to say to you.

U r a faget, kys

I went to an elite nearly all white private school growing up. Hating minorities was not a choice, it was a requirement.

How is the weather there in Australia you kangaroo fucker ? Is shitposting the only thing you do ?