New Tech Uses Mouse Movements to Detect Lies for Government and Corporations

tl;dr There is technology in use now that can detect your emotional state and honesty from computer mouse movement.

Neuro-ID is a company that sells this technology. It can be set up for a company in 5 minutes time for a demo or installation. The alphabet soup agencies are in on it and it is certainly being replicated as we speak.

The study at the University of Arizona determined that when you are upset or confused your mouse movements are bigger (sloppier and slower). When you are happier they are faster and more accurate. This can also be used to detect dishonesty on questionaires, polls, etc. If your mouse hovers over any answer, you change answers, or your movement patterns shift between answers all of those indicate a problem. It knows how to adjust for noise; people tracing under words they read, bumping the mouse, etc. This data is compared against yourself and everyone, so it can see if you are always acting weird or just now. The technology works on any device, in any language, is encrypted, and can be easily employed.

The applications right now are fraud detection, insider threat, advertising, and gaming just to name a few. In fraud detection it is over 90% accurate in identifying fraud. So it really just focuses the dragnet. The implications to privacy and surveillance should be apparent.

For example 2 years ago they were in negotiations with Microsoft to use this technology to modify Xbox player behavior. They would detect if you were getting upset and adjust the difficulty accordingly with the end goal of getting you to play longer.

It was also used by loan companies to detect fraud and identify new patterns. So people often lie about having bankruptcies in their pasts, but future questions correlate more strongly to loan success. I.e. future divorce>old bankruptcy

It can also detect for countermeasures and control for them. That part isn’t fool proof, but the National Science Foundation is funding a 2 year study where they will employ and mitigate countermeasures.

They are also coming up on major venture capital that could propel it to grow even further. Neuro-ID is a small firm now, but it will grow. Also this technology is easily copied and used by any state or non-state actor.

This technology has incredible potential in surveillance (the NSA already uses it), fraud and lying detection, and ecommerce. Big firms and government agencies have already begun to purchase it. The whole enterprise is riddled with NDAs and security clearances.

At this time it can only be used to detect positive or negative emotions and how intense they are. This data is interpreted in the context in which it is employed. Longer term studies will be able to narrow in on the specific emotions expressed (so anger vs fear not just good vs bad) and probably even more.

This is a new level of surveillance that is possible, it will grow, it is already in use by major companies and government agencies. People need to know about this because right now they don’t. This is a major privacy issue and data imbalance. Once more the powerful have another tool by which to analyze and control the masses. Please let the people know. I will not be available for comment use the links provided.

Righty/pol/ bread

This is dangerous to everyone no matter where on the political spectrum. Tell the leftypress.

Other urls found in this thread:

take your meds

Read the study. It's legit.

fuck off shillcen

Do you care that your every emotion is being analyzed, recorded, and used against you? This should transcend politics. This can be used to gaslight people into just obeying the powerful.

For fuck's sake

you have to go back.

What's up with the recent Holla Forums signal delay?
>>>Holla Forums had this article a week ago.
>>>Holla Forums three days ago.
And now us…
Happened with the MacFadyen news too.

take your meds

You laugh now, but this will be turned against you. It is one more tool that your capitalist bosses will have. One more abrogation of your humanity. One more part of life that becomes a data point.

When you're fired, rejected for a loan, or lulled into complacency by technology you chose to ignore then they win.

Remember the NSA and CIA already use this according to Neuro-ID. They are lurking here and likely shilling. Get the truth out.

This kind of thing has always been inevitable. In fact, this sort of crude emotion estimation is just the start of it. We're going to have to come to terms with the fact that at some point machines will be able to know exactly what you're thinking and manipulate you like a chess piece. We need to take control and lay out the rules for how this technology gets used before someone else does.

It's worrisome. I don't want to be left out of the news loop. How else will I know when we're droning Syrian kids?

Precisely. The invention is inevitable and extant, but the rules aren't yet. This isn't well known yet so they can get away with anything. They already do,

Always is the answer on that. When we're not accidentally bombing Assad.

this is why you need to take your meds

Come up with another insult.


If the BO wasn't a lazy fuck you'd be banned.

>everybody who disagrees with my irrelevant tinfoil is an NSA shill butthurt
way to be original.

If the board owner wasn't a lazy fuck, you'd be banned.



also nice mangled anatomy

No thanks.

>everybody who disagrees with my irrelevant tinfoil is an NSA shill butthurt butthurt AND a normalfag

Repeat ad nauseam.


What angers you so about surveillance articles user? Is it some sort of schism that emerged when the Snowden docs dropped forcing you to repress the actuality of the surveillance? Or did your parents perhaps spy on you as a child and break down any conception of privacy that you may have once held? It's okay if this is the case, or rather something far more alarming forced you into this position. Do let me know, I'll be waiting for a reasonable response.

by reanimating the corpse of /n/ or creating a news board with mods who know how technology and chan culture work and aren't mentally-challenged babby boomers?

well at least you managed to transliterate it from 'globalist joo shill'

get cancer

You're incredibly naive if you think that there's a "right" and "wrong" use of technology and that you can actually regulate your arbitrary separation with some official rules. History shows otherwise.

This board is full of techno utopians who refuse to learn a thing after being betrayed so many times, including in this very moment. Critique of political implications of technology is in general blasphemous because it's against the religion of Progress.