Why does Trump continue to fucking trust this kike? He's done nothing but contradict Trump on everything, and now he's royally pissed off both the GOP and Democrats.
Gary Cohn Relaunches War on Coal
Why does Trump continue to trust 90% of the people he's hired? They're all kikes or best-goy fuck-ups. I'm not sure what's going on anymore.
Cohn needs to be fired as soon as Trump gets back.
As a follow-up:
Gary Cohn: Donald Trump’s ‘Views Are Evolving’ on Paris Climate Change Agreement
Seriously, fuck this guy.
That last statement looks like McMaster is trying to damage control. Are we going to get screwed?
I think that Trump is legitimately a revolted figure that backstabbed the elite. However, their infernal structure is too meandering, colossal and immune that not even a position as president could bring about rapid change. He has brawled his way into a boiling pot, and must use a pen to lessen the heat, then real damage can be afflicted on the wrongdoers.
Maybe it would be better to ask why anyone still trusts Trump. How many issues are going to keep cropping up where we shouldn't even be having a fucking conversation about it?
Guess where goldman sachs has their investment in?
Hint 1: Not coal.
Hint 2: LNG, especially trying to replace Russia as a LNG supplier to Europe.
Trump hired Jews because they were "good negotiators", and they are, but Trump is an 80s guy and can't wrap his mind around Jews having THEIR OWN agenda.
It's time to put pressure on Trump or nothing he campaigned on will get done and 2020 will go back to Soros and the cabal.
Are you a child?
Are you jidf protecting GS.
The Jews around Trump are doing everything in their power to upset Trump's base. They are sabotaging his administration from with in.
I'm fine with Trump digging for coal but if he starts to drill for oil I'm really going to be pissed.
S-stop using coal goy! Just wait until Israel owns all middle eastern oil territory and buy from your greatest ally! Or better yet, buy solar panels from our companies!
Good goy!
If he doesn't get those coal mines working, he's not winning all those rust belt states again in 2020.
Redpill me
solar photovoltaic technology isn't as green as some people think. Depending on whose calculations you use the energy needed to produce solar photovoltaic cells is a large portion of the energy (or even exceeds) the total amount of energy the cell can produce in its working lifetime.
He's doing it to himself. All he has to do is rescind DACA and tell the climate fags to choke.
well shit.
This hasn't been true for more than a decade. The last time I looked into it they produced more energy than they initially consumed by a few times at least.
What make solar a failure as a "Green" energy source is all the industrial waste chemicals they produce. Thankfully china has graciously accepted that burden for us.