Get aboard the Hype Train, next stop never.
What videogames are you currently hyped for, user?
Hype Train
Pathologic remake and Berserk Warriors.
Conflicting tastes, I know.
The only thing I am even remotely "hyped" for at the moment.
None at all. The last game I got hyped for was Gothic 3.
Hyped for the videogame industry's major crash
The pirate game looked cool.
I was also excited for titanfall 2 on the sole reason they said the mechs would be more customizable. Then out of nowhere they said NO customization, instead each mech will have a single loadout making it more like a class.
The second announcement happened AFTER overwatch released and became the new thing to make ten gorillion dollars.
I watch the trailer an average of at least 5 times a day.
Audrey;s wonderful breasts are still burned into my mind too.
I've been saving up for a god-tier mustard rig but I might as well keep playing on my toaster since there are no new games that can justify my purchase, and none of the announced upcoming ones pique my interest either.
I feel the same way.
At this point the ps4 is looking like it will be worth more than a next gen of if the exclusives shown at E3 will be good games.
I'm particularly excited in God of War for example, I hope they will make the combat interesting.
Hype is a great way to be disappointed in a game not meeting your expectations, while also falling for the false promises the trailers probably made. It's the same reason people pre-order games which leads to why the industry is so shit. Getting hype is a great way to kill any kind of unique surprise you might have gotten from just picking up the game based off of vague interest or recommendation.
That being said I've seen a few games that look pretty decent and I'de like to try them out.
"Spire" is a game being worked on by the same people who did Dustforce. Looks interesting enough and I nabbed some enemy models.
I didn't even know you could do that but apparently you can.
God of War looks like it will be "muh emotional cinematic" a la The Last Of Us instead of what characterized the earlier iterations of the game.
But then again they showed very little combat. Apparently there will be RPG elements, which I'm very skeptical of, considering how IPs are shat upon and raped nowadays, I'm almost certain they'll fuck it up in one way or another.
Literally none
Last one was MGSV
Jokes on you, you played MGSV.
Tfw I did too
I just like open world games with lots of content and things to play around with
I dont know about HYPE but i am looking forward to fate extella and Nioh. After the last few threads for nier automata i am skeptical about how the "translation" will be but remain hopeful
Yeah but I didn't pay for it :^)
And open world is not bad if DONE RIGHT which most games DONT DO
And this new zelda here looks like its gonna have a lot of procedurally generated content, which means a game full of same old shit you'll get tired of
Whats a good open world then?
P5, Pokemon to some extent.
Natsu's obvious shilling is getting obnoxious at this point now so I don't know how you can be hyped for that because Fate ironically leads nowhere, there's no destiny, it's just let me Kubo this new line I have for you and you will buy it because of Seiba clone #99. Nioh might be interesting but only if they don't fuck up the localisation.
Natsu may be milking the series at this point and i cannot deny it, i myself have enjoyed what has been made and dont feel like anything was below quality. Call me a drone if you want but i like the series and actually look forward to new shit being made.
Still waiting on that extra ccc translation