OK so I made this thread but it vanished for some reason so I'm making it again.
Been an user on here for some time, and I'm getting sick of not being able to do anything. I'm pretty much bed-bound due to illness at the moment, and I don't have autism so I'm not good at the sort of digging you guys excel at (I say this, I am kind of good at it but it's not my sharpest point).
I don't really have any major skills, but I want to help fuck with the kikes in a meaningful way- I want to lend my efforts and contribute to Holla Forums fighting the good fight.
Allow our female members to give you sponge baths.
Why are you bed-ridden?
Jonathan Martinez
Because I broke both legs in a climbing accident. Stuck here for a month or more perhaps
Aaron Bennett
Soooo…you're saying that, if you were fully healed, you'd be able to scale tall edifices?
Eli Roberts
Wew lad. I'd recommend listening to redpilled podcasts like William Pierce, Kulturkampf etc.. I'd also recommend reading pdfs but it's fucking hard on the eyes so podcasts (or audiobooks) are the next best thing.
Levi Rogers
Consider lurking
Austin Taylor
…what? Nigger I'm asking how I can help make difference and make use of my time
And no, I can't- not after these injuries I'm told I have to avoid climbing and tbh I am kinda done with it. The fact I fell is proof enough I aren't skilled lmao.
Sebastian Powell
I lurked for a good yea or two, whatcha saying?
Tyler Powell
I'm about as redpilled as it gets. I want to make the kikes bleed and squirm from my comfy bed
Aaron Murphy
FBI go to hell.
Anthony Garcia
Thanks for the input
Jack Ortiz
Get on Twitter with a fake phone number (or phone emulator like BlueStacks). Help is always appreciated amidst the sea of liberal/antifa drones babbling the same shit over and over again.
Joshua Evans
Been thinking about that, seems its a warzone. My fb is deleted every week no matter what tbh. Fucking sick of zuccbook
Jason Davis
So you're saying that the next time you climb could be your last? Because that works perfectly with this idea I had.
Also, don't call me a nigger and I won't call you a cripple, you gimp.
Adrian Gonzalez
So you fail and you give up? Adapt and overcome like a real white man.
Dominic Long
Nah fam I'm ok, you go climbing instead kek
Luis Rivera
Fuck FB, it's dangerous territory and painful as fuck to set up and maintain a new account. On Twitter, you can get with a fake phone number, never maintain a 'persona', sign up on a throwaway email, post redpilled shit all the damn time and you still won't get banned if you are a small enough account. Setting up a profile with real-life-emulating info is strongly advised though, in which case you can go to fakena.me and generate a random string of phone numbers, names, home addresses etc. to confuse pooinloos who may ban you on suspicions of bot activity.
Jason Cooper
I'm literally here asking how to continue the fight now I'm stuck at home.
Jackson Green
Pick fights with Antifa. Get video of them punching a dude in a wheelchair. Take a few punches for the cause.
Gavin Johnson
If trips, then ok
Sebastian Carter
There's always something that can be done. The problem with asking us what you should do is we don't know your strengths and weaknesses. You have to decide for yourself how you can best serve. But first things first. Get better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Heal. Go to /fit/ and /baphomet/, both will help you find what you are capable of doing to make your life better, and your country a better place to live.
Jace Watson
Really wanna get /baph/ good. I'm fit and healthy anyway (part time boxing instructor).
Assess my strengths, got it.
Mason Jones
So you're saying you'd be willing to climb a tall building, pour poison in the ear of a Holla Forums-selected target, and leap from his bedroom window to implicate him in your murder if the poison doesn't work?
I dunno, man. Seems kinda risky.
Oh, what the hell. You talked me into it. Get well soon, OP. You've got a big mission ahead of you.
Robert Morris
Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We don't need your body user, just your mind and soul. Start with education, you say you've been lurking, and that's good. Start a Holla Forums image folder if you haven't already. Organize it, keep it fresh. Save things that are meaningful/educational to you. That's step 1, educate and save. Step 2 is starting to join the hive mind, which by this very post you've done. Re-post things that fit new threads, update memes as needed, contribute. You won't always make a splash, be unattached. The hive mind will correct you. Step 3 is OC. Once you're educated and got a feel for the community, it is time to step it up and start educating the next generation (much like I am, now, here). No longer simply re-posting other user's memes and images, no longer regurgitating, you are on your way to leading the pack. Help shape the future of Holla Forums. Help shape the future of the white race, and thereby, mankind. DEUS VULT
Jason Lopez
Hit your red pill archive and read a manual or two in trade of your choice. IT books for OpSec, psychology books and tripe like DSM-V for PsyOPS, Science books related to chemistry Go to >>>/pdf/ And look up scientific articles from Liber Genesis here >
Since you have a chance for recovery rehabilitate the shit out of yourself to prepare for the summer of rage. Get /fit/ and build your upper body strength. t. Cripplefag I'm have permanent brain damage and debilitating and permanent disability Holla Forums helped me to rehabilitate my mind where liberal bullshit and my communist father would've turned into a vegetable, So I attest to the fact lurking Holla Forums works well as rehabilitation
Kayden King
This. I think it has gone into diminishing returns. You can only beat the drum for so long. I was shadowbanned or either the bravest person I know because no one likes or commented on my shit.
Isaac Jackson
Thanks guys it means a lot. I'm trying to find any useful resources on /baphomet/ but it's all just PA requests. I pick up hacking quite easily tbh.
Gonna check out what you've posted here tonight
Isaiah Lewis
do digging into the murder of Seth Rich and make sure that people don't forget about him
Caleb Rogers
And that my fellow anons, is now Reddit-Pol iin a nutshell.
Elijah Bennett
Be a fake antifa and feed the false information to goad them into fighting against the sjws.
Lucas Harris
OP here. Considered that many times, but I'm a very well known NS in my home country unfortunately (believe it or not). I'd be spotted straight away.
Evan Perry
Okay umm….how about doxxing them and share it with the right wing assassins or use the information to blackmail the traitors for money.
Charles Nguyen
Double-check everyone else's shit and make sure it checks out. You won't make friends when you prove the popular opinion wrong, but the job needs to be done for everyone's sake.
Mason Young
If you're only bed-ridden for a month, just take some time to read and self-reflect. If you're good at climbing then that's a huge asset. If you live near any populated cities you can start scaling urban buildings and put up white nationalist flags that would be very difficult for any regular maintenance guy to remove. Become the White Nationalist Spider-Man and go down in meme legend.
Ian Nguyen
Dont take opiod painkillers and read a shit ton.
Ian Sanders
This. Get on Twitter and spread info. Follow lots of people, but one big hint: Twitter doesn't so much care what you say as who you say it to. DO NOT engage directly with libshits, though communicating w/other conservatives is fine. I know a lot of anons whose Twitters get repeatedly banned and the only difference between what they post and what I post is that I don't get in fights with liberals. No name-calling, nothing personal, no threats etc. I just ignore them. I respond to positive comments from other conservatives and slowly am growing a substantial following.
It's the same with FB imho. I have three at the moment. Only one is really me, with locked down privacy, no pics of me, and only for my closest, oldest, most like-minded friends and a few family members. The other two I use to comment on sites which use FB commenting, and to spread all kinds of stuff–but they never, ever make threats, cuss at people or engage in fights. Someone gives me trouble, I block and that's it. I've had both for years. Oh and I don't post pics or videos which I know will get flagged–blatant examples I mean like porn, gore, etc.
Get out there and become one of our propagandists. And read. Learn as much as you possibly can! Good luck, man.
Angel Ortiz
This, too.
Brayden Green
FBI: the thread
Cameron Sanders
shill on the other side, but not to try to bait them into saying or doings something other that what they already do, bait them into showing their true colors as global collectivists to the world. thats all these rallies all across the nation are; a means to show the world what the globalits really are. Alternatively, you could make fake post pretending that halfchan was behind the idea for antifa to rally to remove the statue in texas so they would be wasting time rallying behind a stupid cause. because honestly, its a stupid enough idea that it could be true.
yeah i got banned when i didnt balk down to a rotten kike kike: A follows B me: nope it doesnt, because C kike: stop harassing me me: i'm not harassing you, i'm responding civilly and factually to your argument kike: @support, i'm being harassed me: i'm not harassing you, i'm responding civilly and factually to your argument repeat ten times get banned kike was obviously connected
Camden Perez
Underrated post. That original image needs to be seriously updated. What in the fuck is Christopher Hitchens doing on there?