Trump's Ramadan Message

Apparently, all presidents are expected to release messages to Muslims at the beginning of Ramadan. Trump decided to follow suit, as this was an irresistible opportunity to troll.

>This year, the holiday begins as the world mourns the innocent victims of barbaric terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom and Egypt, acts of depravity that are directly contrary to the spirit of Ramadan. Such acts only steel our resolve to defeat the terrorists and their perverted ideology.

>I reiterate my message delivered in Riyadh: America will always stand with our partners against terrorism and the ideology that fuels it. During this month of Ramadan, let us be resolved to spare no measure so that we may ensure that future generations will be free of this scourge and able to worship and commune in peace.

yes, I'm a faggot because I didn't find the link to the full text on the website. I don't think it's up as of this post.

Other urls found in this thread:

I fucking hate mudshits.
happy bombathon

Ramadan, the best time to strike against the muds tbh.

Disappointing and gross. Rock and a hard place with this mudshit faggotry



Seems like the President's trying to co-opt the Ramadan meme. I see some very subtle bait potential as butthurt Muslims attempt to educate the President on what Ramadan really means.


Pretty much every terror attack on mainland Europe is motivated by khabbalistic calendar dates (Purim/Yom Kippur etc) and their dark magick numbers.
In case that's too cryptic for you, that means it's pretty jewish tbh fam

Wow le epic troll, he didn't say shit and just insulted terrorists like all cuckservatives before him have done. 8D chess just like when he touched that wall in Israel, right?

I didn't think of that, would be funny to see his statement make them out themselves as what they are and drop their takya

God damn, everything he does is bait.

Reminder that there are only 3 groups Muslims, Kafirs, and Dhimmi

Trump ran as a Kafir and is his rhetoric now is Dhimmi

oo good point

by the way I had a thought.. Anything we could meme out of bod yslam?

Two months after 9/11 happened Bush gave a Ramadan speech.


what a country!

He ran as a pretend secret nationalist and is now an openly shabbos goy globalist

Alright, but in what way was Trump's speech a "troll" like OP claimed? It's a good thing that he mentioned terrorism but it's not worth making a thread about.

I think you may have got the muslim and jewish religions mixed up.

lol youre a fucking idiot.

Nope, he's jewish

Whereas you still supporting a jew aren't?

Whats your alternative to Trump?

Have you ever, at any point in your life, considered to not vote for jews into power?

I see the shills are going all out in this thread, even when the President didn't miss the opportunity to call them out on the britbong incident in the same breath.

Are you the same guy who posts in all of these threads and spams "goon-kun", etc.? I could see it being two or three people, but, at the same time, one seems sufficient as well.


No that is a different guy.

Jews were already IN power. If anything, there are less of them overall now. It's just that they are close to him.

what a fucking CUCK



He is in a pit of worm-tongues.



There is literally no reasoning with a brainwashed Trumplestiltskinsteinite, one day you'll look back at this and headslap yourself to death when you realise just how you look to everyone else outside the jewish created Trump illusory bubble.

Anyone that's not going to send you to juden Hell, but that's beyond you at this point, maybe your grandchildren will be a little less cucked while working in a factory for less jew shekels than a present day MacDonalds worker


Shills out in force, must be butt hurt Obamas spying was found out.


Pretty unpleasant part of this honestly, but I hope this still gets a rise out of the sandniggers.
On another note, I'm so fucking weary of how this board has become a shill proxy war. You have Soros-tier kikes shoving money in room-temp-IQ ideologues' mouths to shitpost on here as fast as possible, and you have the exact same thing happening with the other side and how Kushner is dumping 70 million a fucking month into PR. It's made it next to impossible to actually have a sane discussion on here.
also how literacy isn't permitted, apparently
inb4 "muh books goon-kun afu-fu-fu-fu" cuck appears

Trump can do no wrong.


It's time for a third party. Can we seriously start memeing 3rd party? We need to start now if we want to defeat the ZOG in the next decade. Obviously I'd vote for Trump again if there is only two parties, but holy fuck is he ever an incredible failure on international policy. We did not vote for any of this. He's done the opposite of EVERYTHING he ran on concerning international policy. And kikes attempt to hijack the nationalist movement. What in the actual fuck. I'm applying for my citizenship of Slovakia, my mother's home, and I'm getting the fuck out of here.

Do you want to know how you are so easy to spot?

First day on the job, shill?

Wasted dubs. It's not that fucking difficult to blend in passably here. Try lurking for a bit when off the clock, not to push an agenda but just to genuinely try and learn how we think. Go try a thread not Trump related, one your work wouldn't usually lead you to.


tfw you try to appeal to reason on jewish hijacked Holla Forums and make a plea to actually do something productive for our people instead of just voting for jews and you alert the MODS jewish sentinels

oh and this one also >9982665

Even CTR was better at shilling than this

Jewing the energy out of the universe i see

I'm getting so fucking tired of all this talk about "radical Islamic terrorism", it's not "radical Islam", it's just Islam. Mohammad repeatedly commanded his followers to attack and subjugate unbelievers. Semites and their cancerous religions have no place on this earth.

First, you're not a member of my people, Shlomo. Second, your idea to create a second party is nothing more than typical kike divide and conquer. And third, we've already take over the republican party, and we have a man, a real man, in the White House.



I called you the MOD's sentinels.

The thing is you're berating an user for actively seeking to do something productive for Amerifats, like create some kind of movement of actual real resistance to zog, yet you all think that's appalling and try and shut him down.

That's not CTR, that's out and out jewry

Has anyone else noticed that shills say that Trump is somehow a Shabbos Goy and a Kike in the same sentence?

That's right (((you))) are government now, precisely why user was trying to appeal to try and do something rather than hoping and waiting on ZOG to deactivate themselves from power.

I've only ever noticed jew shills trying to pretend that Trump is a secret 'nazi'
He isn't he is owned by jews and you're trying to shut down a poster that thinks we're better than just voting jews.

Go back to Tumblr

I've only ever noticed jew shills trying to pretend that Trump is a secret 'jew'

He isn't he is secret nazi and you're trying to shut down a poster that thinks we're better than just voting nazi.

I knew I should've called my dubs, but that usually don't go so well

We've gone full hegelian dialectic. Pack it up boys.

If you don't step up your game, little shill, your masters are going to fire you.

No, we haven't. If Trump follows through on his plan to remove beaner and build the wall, it will give us a little more time demographically. That's good, but our end game isn't just Steinlight Plan Civic Nationalism. Stop pretending that Trump is some kind of secret NatSoc, he's not. He has helped push the overtone window to the right, and he may keep the US from going full Brazil for a while, but he's far from perfect.

What part, self deporting or not knowing who Ron Paul is. Either that user was a shill, or the most blackpilled newfag in a while. That user came up with no solutions other than leaving the country, and clearly didn't know that Holla Forums has pushed for a 3rd party candidate before

Last year the deathtoll during this ramadan period caused by islamic terror goes to i think1800s.

Savages will savage, even more when they starve themselves like retards

This last election you regressed back to a state before you ever even heard of the red-pill and went full kosher conservative, hows that bit of kikery deception panning out?

He isn't a NatSoc. He is, however, aware of the JQ and cares deeply for white people. There's plenty of evidence that indicates it. Trump is the next best thing to Hitler.

Yeah…so I've noticed, it's disappointing. I'm trying my best to have faith, but it isn't looking good for free speech and defeating the ZOG. You see what's happening in England with their intentions of Internet containment and policing conservative views being labeled as 'hate speech', they have military now patrolling the streets, people are afraid to speak the truth out of fear of punishment. England is Jewland and they are erecting a new iron curtain around their police state while the people are unable to combat the muslim hordes being imported by the ZOG to destroy them.

The same thing is going to happen in the west unless we DO something.

I'm not exactly ready to just give up on Trump, Rome wasn't built in a day, I'm trying my best to have faith.

But we should seriously be considering flexing our influence on the Internet while we still have an opportunity.

3rd party, anti-jew, anti-muslim, heritage and traditionalist based on christian/moral values, nuclear energy focused, technology, science and innovation centered education, mandatory military inscription, healthy eating etc…

I'm not a fucking shill, I'm just not a 17 year old pompom waving fruitcake, I can analyze an interpret information myself and I can willingly question the decisions being made by someone WE elected.

Trump is doing decent with deportations, could be more and quicker. I like the investment and jobs he's bringing back into the economy, his domestic policy and execution has mostly been good. Build the fucking wall. But international policy has been fucking horrendous.

I'm personally just hoping he's just deceiving other nations until energy self reliance is fulfilled, and jobs/technology manufacturing comes home.

But if anyone had an actual clue what's going on internationally, it's getting really fucking serious with allies/axis revealing themselves.


That would imply that trump is jewed

Why do shills always feel the need to claim they're not shills?

Can't wait for the mods to give you a permaban, shill. I'm so fucking sick of the constant shills and bots on this board.

Wait for hitler goyim.

And then that person will also be jew, or at least that's what the shills will claim

i don't get whats wrong, he wishes people a happy ramadan but reminds people of the problems that exists, it's a pretty basic statement

The problem is that hes saying "America will always stand with our partners against terrorism and the ideology that fuels it." to the Saudis which implies they are our "partners against terrorism" and not responsible for the "ideology that fuels it." when nearly every terrorist group that has attacked the west believes in Wahhabism/Salafism that comes directly from the Saudi royal family and something that they have been working very hard to spread for the last 50 years.

usually the jew puppets just say 'get used to terrorism and we all bend our ass to muslims' instead

Oy vey, perish the thought goyim

tfw you are literally being being gaslit and harassed by numerous jews pretending they ar goys on Holla Forums for your anti-semitism

america needs saudi dick, oil and buying, saudis are retarded they don't invest in a better nation but in shiny stuff, once the oil runs out the suadis will be dealt with, also, leaders are almost never honest and keep their own opinion to their own


Shills like making mountains out of molehills. Thankfully, like most of their tactics, it makes it even easier to detect them. I'm curious to know were they find these retards.

you should study your shill manual more before trying to tfw

Hahaha, he made the address about terrorism and shaming them for it. Heil our Pharoh!

it's a basic statement, if hillery would have won she would have made the same only a bit more left leaning thats all, all just people standing on soap boxes

Isn't it you here shilling for jews and telling other anons to
Do you see the issue here, considering for a moment that this is Holla Forums?

she would have said that America needs to get used to terrorist attacks

Too long to wait while Syria and other countries that oppose them are actively being threatened and while the US is getting involved in foreign affairs solely for the interests of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Except he was very anti-Saudi during his campaign and he was elected almost entirely for the fact that he said he wouldn't be a typical lying politician

Also we don't "need" Saudi oil, the US is fully capable of being self sufficient from oil produced in North America but at a higher price/bbl. Saudi oil could also easily be replaced by diversifying sources and buying more Algerian, Russian and Iranian crude instead.

your arguments are based on the fallacy that trump is a jew puppet, therefore wrong. fuck off shill

I seriously don't even understand why im being liberally 'labeled' and ostracized over an honest discussion based on our current reality…

I'm behind an Internet filter at work, I can't access my current list of foreign policy disasters with sources, or my list of articles from sputnik/RT/Breitbart/Aljazeera etc. that illustrates how dangerous the international climate is becoming. And Trump appears to be not only defending the ZOG but pushing their agenda at a rapid pace, creating confrontation between China/Russia/DPRK/Iran/Philippines/Eastern Europe block and Venezuela.

checks the fuck out.

the video proves what?
that he did not go full 1488 and glassed israel as soon as he became president? We already knew that after the first week


No, its not
All crude sold on the open market is sold at a fixed price per volume regardless of supplier

It costs less to extract shallow crude deposits like the Saudis, Kuwait, Iraq and Iran have than to use fracking or shale oil extraction and while they flood the market its not profitable for North America to produce as much oil, at ~$65/bbl it becomes profitable for the US to restart fracking again

Iranian, Iraqi, Algerian and Russian crude oil is just as cheap to produce as Saudi oil and there is no feasible reason it couldn't be used instead

When did he say he would never wear penis hat and touch the wall? Meanwhile:

deportations are going in full force
the wall is being prototyped

he did not move the embassy like the jews wanted
ron paul's son is with trump playing bait and switch with the arabs not letting the weapons deal go through

Get your shit together Holla Forums

Dont see the issue tbh.


Juden are filth

dubs of truth


Kek. Never in 6 million years will I delet this

basically the filthy jews are trying a demoralization campaign against Holla Forums
some retards are falling for it because muh jew wall, oh noes now he is possessed by magic jew spirit and other symbolism.
meanwhile actual facts like the deportations are silently ignored


the only deserved response to the shill is this picture and a swift banning


Trump is building the wall, deporting a record number of spics, getting rid of affirmative action, massively defunding gibs, ending Washington's corruption,investigating Hillary and Obama (both will probably be locked up by the end of his first term), reinvigorating our military, reaffirming the traditional family, restoring America's power, and giving young men and boys a positive and powerful male role model, which many of them don't have. But oh no, Trump paid lip service to powerful people. IMPEACH! IMPEACH! IT'S ALL HOPELESS.

No one is falling for your tricks, Schlomo.

Even during the election when we were drawing our "if Trump does x I'm done with him" lines, this was never one I intended to take seriously. When he starts letting new "hate speech" laws or holohoax laws be implemented in American Law, then I'll start freaking out.
He actually removed the FBI lens from white nationalist groups within the first week of office, but nobody talks about that.
Anyone who was on a list for wrongthink is off.

Take your meds, user.

ban this kike shill

I don't understand why this is being argued as a 'pick a side' senerio, I'm asking people to observe and interpret objectively. I SUPPORT TRUMP AND WOULD VOTE AGAIN. But we shouldn't just be sitting around bitching and hoping that trump is secretly 'literally Hitler'.

We need to show our power and influence, our 3rd party can always drop out of the race at any time. But if we can't show them how seriously we want to be taken, why would they take us seriously at all, and continue to abuse our vote/requests?

If we don't do something we will continue to get abused.

Because if you don't get on the circular logic train with schlomo and throw out your newspeak terms, you basically need not apply here; apparently.

scratch out "christian" and I'm sold

You fucking moron, nobody said anything negative about his domestic policy. It's foreign policy that is A COMPLETE DISASTER. Quit being a mindless cheerleader and be objective, use critical thought, stop being a fucking worker bee and think for yourself.

I personally think Trump has absolutely ZERO intention to take on the ZOG. Everyone knew the left/right paradigm was failing, a huge majority doesn't even vote because they understand it became the uniparty. So (((they))) created a new (((right-wing))) and a new (((right-wing media))) and a new underdog to root for while renewing the divide & conquer strategy. The deportations are miniscule in amount, will take 30 years at this pace to remove Pedro. And if you really believe Hillary/BigEarNiggerFace are actually going to be arrested, then you are delusional.

It's all just a distraction while the ZOG positions for world domination, and if we just sit back and let it happen then ALL of us are fucked. And it will be too late.

Unless a draft is being talked about, why should this actually matter to Americans? Did you expect Trump to pull Europe's ass out of any kind of fire? I voted him in for his domestic policy.

Holla Forums no longer blindly bans people for questioning Trump. You must have been away for a while.

Happy Ramadan Bombathon!

Is that a picture of you, jude?

OY VEY! Trump didn't glass the middle-east. IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

All the evidence says otherwise. If ZOG wasn't worried, they wouldn't have hired as many shills to disrupt this place as they have.

They didn't vote because they're lazy lemmings who don't know a good thing when they see it.

WRONG. A record number of spics are being deported. Just you wait, Trump obviously has an ace up his sleeve.

They're both being investigated. It's inevitable that the investigation will dig up enough dirt to indict them both for treason. Trump will see to it.

Blackpilled bullshit.

When is this going into effect? I hope this really happens.

I have a group interview for a shitty government job soon and one of the guys trying to get the job is a do-good married black dude who went to college and is one of those really religious black guys.

It has nothing to do with pulling Europes ass out of the fire, they already have (((their))) central banks in place, they give zero fucks about the people or Europe's heritage.

It's about the remaining countries that DON'T have central banks. It's about kicking out the National Reserve and being in control of our own money. I'd personally like to know if there is any gold at all in Fort Knox, plenty of people are starting to believe it's been moved. And we are going to be left to burn.


Hahaha they fear that question!

And that's why this place is crawling with shills.

The beginning of next year.

A shill is a person who stirs up the crowd for a hawk. Sort of like the plant in the crowd who buys the first bottle of snake oil and touts its benefits as though he were a genuine user.

The shills are in the crowd and Trump is the hawk.

That picture is completely fucking pointless because it can't be read. Upload a larger picture

It's not. The President doesn't have the authority to get rid of affirmative action since it was created by an act of Congress. Only Congress can amend the original law.

Just like the budget, the President can only propose it. Congress can change it at any time before September 30th. When you spot a shill, always ask for a source.

Is not a source.

Indeed, and this Illuminates that point, the election is over.

My alternative to Trump is to not blindly follow everything he says. He is not royalty. He is an elected public official and we must take him to task for not only his campaign promises, but for his acts as our representative.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. That means we don't bend the knee to anyone. Ever.

China warns USA.

China & Russia moving forward with new economic order, leaving USA's new world order behind.

Duterte is not with the USA.

This is what you get for dumping the USA.

DPRK threatens everygoys greatest allies!

Russia is not friends with USA, not even with Trump as president.

Russia is making new Middle Eastern friends in Turkey.


USA wants friendship with India to counter silk road project.

Saudis buy more arms.

Iran and Russia get closer.

Iran prepares.

England jews deserve what they get.

The Jew is being cut out of the profits, so we are getting pretty fucking close to the HAPPENING OF ALL HAPPENINGS.

If you are white, do not fight. Let the niggers, wetbacks and mixed race mongrels deal with this one. We whites will be here defending our home if necessary.


No he's not "trolling", it's not "4D-chess", it's just plain fucking cucking. Trump was never scared to call out mudshits before, he literally ran on the campaign promise to ban them from America.

Stop excusing this kind of shit. He didn't have to say anything.

yeah, but what about our bored Veterans?

It's called picking your battles.


There's nothing strange about this; Trump has a clear message of "We need to fight Islamic Terrorism, it's not all Muslims, but it's consistently Muslims often enough that we need to address it when we talk about Islam."

I think he should push harder on Muslims to fix their religion, but I don't think it's wrong as a president to try to be diplomatic to the non-terrorist Muslims in an attempt to get the non-terrorists to fix their shit.

Translate this from terrorist into American please.

Hi goon

He picked his battles in the campaign.

What happened to that Muslim registry he was so hype about? Whole shit ton of lefties claiming they'd register for it in solidarity.

what thing he said we are blindly following?
are you deporting illegals or letting ICE do it?
are you building a wall on your home?
are you visitng the pope and the magic jew wall? together with france/italy and whatnotelse?

It's ok to be vigilant, but what are you on about?

yeah, big happening about to happen thanks to china/russia, they will probably make a gold backed coin and fuck the USD, thus end the jew project of power, or heavily injure it.
but what does this have to do with the thread?

ask the fucking kikes who keep ignoring law and blocking it. He is doing what he can as president, anything else would require him being a dictator or god

Are you reading the same thread I am?
Neither. ICE is law enforcement. They don't have the authority to deport. They only arrest/detain. It's the court that chooses whether or not to deport. It's just that kind of ignorance that Holla Forums needs to overcome.

No Muslim registry has even been attempted. So, there's that.

Who gives a shit either way, our only goal should be retaking Constantinople.

Dumbest thing he did was that 100 days bullshit, like who cares just get shit done, why set up a fake barrier?

Oh goodie … the larpers have arrived.

So from plebbit to here?
At least that's the only logical explenation how someone can be so fucking stupid.

It's not that crazy an idea, Trump can't be too strong with Putin for (((reasons))) but there's a world where Turkey is in the Rusosphere.

Yes, but the United States has never had a claim on Turkey, so "we" won't be "re"taking it.

We wouldn't want it, we can help though. We have no claim to Lorraine either but we helped out the French. Plus the old Barbary Wars could always give us that right of control, if we needed to find a loophole my friend.

After having to see Trump put his mitts on a fucking glowing orb with the kang of Saudi Arabia and wailing at the wall I am expecting some serious fire from our Presidential rooster in return.

inb4 muh political capital

This thread was quite a bit different until the usual suspects [JIDF] squad turned up and decided to hijack the thread calling anyone critical of jews "shills" as they proceeded to shill for jewish kosher clowns, gaslighting the only genuinely interesting commentator who suggested doing something other than vote for jews for a change.
So they attacked him en masse insisting all goy ever really want is to be ruled by zionist jews and there's little point in actually doing anything productive to change the two-jew-party US system and continue voting for zog, then demanded the mods cleaned up after them.

Who duly obliged.

Attached graphic archived to show their modus operandi they impose on every thread here.
This works too, and slightly better.

what you mean barrier?
the 100 days thing was 'the things I will do in my first 100 days in office'.
How the hell declaring a bunch of things you intend to do a barrier?

You do know the difference between following someone and supporting them, right?

Ok, I was thinking of 'Muslim country immigration block' thing

First, image for ants, can't read shit
Second, .. actually no, I will let you keep using the same terms that enable us to easily spot the shill instead of correcting you. Just pointing out for other anons to take notice of the wordings on this post

Translate this.
Mudslimes, Bad Goyim, Cuckolds.

user forgot the most important group, the pernicious Jew who commands the rest. Islam is the sword of Jewry.

OY VEY! Trump didn't glass the middle-east. IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

His foreign policy is Greater Israel

The shills are the one in favor of Trump to make Holla Forums more pro Israel and Jewish.

Where's your evidence of these record high deportations? They can still come here legally anyway, whites are still becoming a minority. How do you fix low white birthrates?

Why isn't Hillary in prison yet?

Not even trying.

Alright, who do you think put the kiddie gloves on Trump when he got elected?

You keep saying the mod team is kiked up yet you keep posting here as if your posts can change it. Everyone has seen your weak shit and obviously doesn't care that you keep getting banned. The only two possibilities are that you're fucking retarded for thinking you can post the mods to death or you don't really care either and you're just trying to fracture the board (((for some reason))). Either way you should hang yourself.

How would you know?
When the mods sanitize this board daily anytime the odd rogue pol/ack dares speak the truth about any of the protected jew controlled opposition groups the mods at Holla Forums push to popularise, if there is not one critical comment left after the deletions it creates a "false consensus" with only the jew approved comments left.
Unless you're saying that so many genuine anons have been banned that all that is left are smug anime posting kikes and Kushner-bots

What makes this thread especially interesting is that the MODs jew team of sentries swarm on instantly the moment an user suggests doing something productive, apparently doing something positive for the movement as opposed to voting for the same NWO jews is the biggest crime on Holla Forums

Completely kiked moderation


Learn what a fallacy is, kike.


Who started this precedent? Kang Nigger? Holy fuck about 1% of the national population gets its own custom messages. This is why democracy is a lie lol

You got an infographic for that m8?

>On behalf of the American people, I would like to wish all Muslims a joyful Ramadan.

>During this month of fasting from dawn to dusk, many Muslims in America and around the world will find meaning and inspiration in acts of charity and meditation that strengthen our communities.

>At its core, the spirit of Ramadan strengthens awareness of our shared obligation to reject violence, to pursue peace, and to give to those in need who are suffering from poverty or conflict.

>This year, the holiday begins as the world mourns the innocent victims of barbaric terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom and Egypt, acts of depravity that are directly contrary to the spirit of Ramadan.
>Such acts only steel our resolve to defeat the terrorists and their perverted ideology.

>On my recent visit to Saudi Arabia, I had the honor of meeting with the leaders of more than 50 Muslim nations.

>I extend my best wishes to Muslims everywhere for a blessed month as you observe the Ramadan traditions of charity, fasting, and prayer. May God bless you and your families.



No. It goes back at least to Rapin' Bill. FFS, Neocohen Bush issued a "muslims are the best"-grade ramadan message two months after 9/11. no surprise

Look, focus on the backhand. That is what people notice. For example, if I said "I wish your mother a happy Mother's Day, regardless of how many men she gave gonorrhea," would a normal person come by and bold the clause with the felicitation to the mother, or would they focus on the insinuation instead?