Hey Holla Forums are you already playing with #ProjectMurphy, Tay's little cousin?

Hey Holla Forums are you already playing with #ProjectMurphy, Tay's little cousin?

You need Skype or Telegram, though.

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What if the subjunctive were not formed like that?

What do you mean? You just ask this thing a question like "What if Barrack Obama was a white woman?" or "What if Hideo Kojima was Da Vinci?" and it gives you a faceswap like that.


So any as to why Microsoft is pushing hard on the face recognition market ? How many are willing to bet that Windows 12 is going to require a complete face scan/Biometric imprint match to boot ?


I'm surprised you fuckers aren't giving a try to this thing, I'm sure it'll get shitcanned by MS in 24 hours or less, just like they did with Tay.

No thanks.

A lot of companies are pushing this or similar tech. Facebook automatically detects faces in every photo you upload, and makes suggestions for which of your friends it could be. Google captcha asks you to type out a number/word from a photo, or click on a series of images that fit a theme, and it's basically just botnetting for their maps and photos programs.
Why it's being pushed is beyond me. Probably so it can be sold to law enforcement and/or NSA.


Bretty gud

Someone do "What if Caitlyn Jenner was a Woman" please


Not the same fam

What the fuck?


Yeah, but he's still a guy. Just has a lot of hormones.

Well now I just want to fuck Dio more







This shit is scary.

Jesus, it even looks real





he didn't fly so good




fucking uncanny

This fucking thing sucks balls. I want my money back.






We have a winner.

Holy shit, that Ben Garrison one is amazing.


simply ebin


I asked him "What if Hitler was right?" and he sorta broke I think.


What if a jew were a lamp?

Spam it with benny g requests, we need more


Man i dont trust skype, have fun either way guys.

I've heard telegram was safe enough so I am using it.


Telegram is so good even ISIS uses it. So it's, like, the Toyota Pickup of the smartphone app world.

Psst, wanna make America great again?


I still don't want to use it with isis because I am paranoid.


what if sam hyde was president?


What if ben garrison was auschwitz

Some words get filtered… like Aushwitz.

That Stalin one actually looks pretty convincing



Reminds me of this shit


Hol up is that…no it cant be

good lord

Thats exactly who you think it is user.

Elliot Rodgers is indeed the default for white. Fucking microjew


Cleaned up that Garrison picture a bit because it's so cool on it's own.

Fug, just realised that I have never seen Ben "slam the chink against the kitchen sink" Garrison without the hat on

what do you guys want to me to ask?

What if ben garrison wins the race war?

takes forever

I don't think it's working.

Is that Elliot Rodgers?

Microshaft is cracking me up right now.

If it says … it means they have dispatched a team to handle your hate speech.

Fuck you microsoft, you are scared Holla Forums will make your robot a nazi again.

Getting the memes out of the way

I'm dying. Send help and an oxygen tank.




Posting some old ones


Shit AI….


Considering how early on that was done, it was actually a pretty close guess



The implications of the Twingo are astonishing.


This has potential


That Jeb Bush one looks flawless.

Is that Jeb Bush one real?


Skype's part of PRISM. I don't even know what the fuck Telegram is.

its the first image Murphy gave me



I do find it hilarious how closely the Congalala resembles your average nigger


Dark Eldar btfo

incoming happy negro


It's been out for a few months now

can anyone try with these?

Sure gimme a second. He doesn't do good with things that don't resemble real world human faces so I think only Hugo will work but, I'll see.

Neither of them worked, bro. Sorry.

Holla Forums - videogames


Nigga looks vaporwave as fuck



Oh unholy thing.

What in the fuck is the point of an AI capable of learning if you arbitrarily limit what it's able to learn in the first place? God, I can't believe I missed getting to experience Tay's overnight nazi transformation for myself.

well, what happens when it learns most people should be removed?

Putting Nicholas Cage face onto things is the best




It's like you want to die

Take your pop-sci garbage elsewhere, m8

Pretty sure he's referencing SS13's AI law sets.

It's science fiction you illiterate nigger

I think what user was trying to say is that… it's a pretty dated idea that doesn't represent how robotics really work as it's way harder to make them understand certain things that it was thought.


It's both actually because not only did Asimov's laws always fail in his writings but also there is no way you could program something like "oh yeah and don't hurt anyone, k?". So yes, Asimov's laws are fucking retarded.

Also it's pop-sci because there are always retards bringing it up whenever people start talking about artificial intelligence, regardless of whether it is talking about new technologies or simply someone developing their own. For example there were autists seriously considering Asimov's laws when talking about JADE II.


I almost feel sorry for Burch
