"Nationalism does not conflict with internationalism. Mutual help, support and alliance between countries and nations–this is internationalism. Every country has its borders, and every nation has its identity, and revolution and construction are carried on with the country and nation as a unit. For this reason, internationalism finds its expressions in the relationships between countries and between nations, a prerequisite for which is nationalism. Internationalism divorced from the concepts of nation and nationalism is merely an empty shell. A man who is unconcerned about the destiny of his country and nation cannot be faithful to internationalism. Revolutionaries of each country should be faithful to internationalism by struggling, first of all, for the prosperity of their own country and nation."
Alexander Green
Is this a troll thread?
Cooper Watson
Where would you get such an idea?
Chase Turner
북한에서도 Holla Forums 들어갈수있나요?
Samuel Scott
From you quoting Kim as if he was not a jingoist retard
Adam Richardson
Logan Ramirez
Great argument my man
Isaac Morgan
actually pretty good for a third world nation and easily competative with most US subjugated neighbours
Nolan Bailey
Didn't Lenin say something about nationalism being a necessary prerequisite for proletarian internationalism?
Gavin Fisher
Easton Sanders
Oliver Walker
fuck off, first worlder
Bentley Morgan
Based Jong.
Charles Morgan
pls try to look up and source before posting vague stuff like this
Jeremiah Jones
스탈린 후빨하던 찐따새끼들이 뭐가 그렇게 좋음?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Hudson Lewis
-Noam Chomsky
Thomas Nelson
No. Holla Forums is better than google. But it was in The National Question in our Program I think.
But by "nationalism" he meant national self-determination, not bourgie jingoist nationalism. Not sure where North Korea fits in between the two.
John King
William Perry
Yeah capitalism alienates people from cultural identity and capitalism functions better when proles aren't fighting eachother over race and culture. That doesn't mean we support proles fighting eachother over race
Daniel Kelly
So racism is so retarded that it has effectively been outmoded as a societal tool like feudalism?
Nolan Gomez
No, the point is that capitalism and anti-racism are two feet of the same creature. If you're in favor of one, you're in favor of the other. No exceptions.
Jason Johnson
tbh marxism with a little bit of nationalism makes sense in a world of capitalism
Mason Lewis
Well that's wrong and retarded.
Eli Perry
So you are a massive retard and actually think Noam fucking Chomsky endorses racism?
Joseph Reyes
I doubt that is what Chomsky meant.
Joseph Garcia
demonstrating Holla Forumsacks lack of reading comprehension
top kek
Chase King
I don't think he's right anyway. Fostering inconsequential differences between the exploited is how every system of exploitation maintains control by pitting them against each other so that they cannot effectively organize against the ruling class.
Liam Sanchez
too simplistic and one big issue
there is no concious decision making behind any of this
anti-racism and racism are both outcomes of the contradictions of capitalism
it needs unity as much as friction in the working class
the question is: cui bono?
Lincoln Russell
I can't tell if that star of david was added in or if it was in the original photograph
Jack Lopez
the only relation he has to jingoism is being a victim of it. fuck off imperialism apologizing hack.