WWR, SAS3, epic war3, and robokill are mine.
What game should I be playing and why?
Inb4 hurdur mobile gayming durhur meincraft and kandykrush.
Holla Forums's favorite mobile games
Fuck off
I don't give 2 shits about pokemon gay little app. Post about some mobile games that are actually playable or fuck off.
Fuck off mobile fag
Day R is pretty fun.
That said, I always go through these threads hoping for good games, and I am always disappointed.
one of the most prominent cancers killing the industry. Japan already succumbed
WWR is the best mobile game ever made. Multiplayer 6v6 with missles and plasma shooting guns. The depth of the game and the multitude of bot loadouts is amazing.
Ok motherfuckers recommend me a mobile game that
Oh and isn't emulator or a port.
I covered that a plenty.
Adventure bar story
I wouldn't touch other mobilegames though after they killed off MonTower 2 with shitty raid dungeons and timers
Was about to mention Shattered Pixel Dungeon, but then I remembered it was turn-based.
Other than that, it's free (at least on android, iOS version costs money) has no MTs, doesn't need internet and is relatively light on battery.
King of Dragon Pass is the only mobile game I have and I play is consistently.
Comfy as fuck management game where you steer tribesmen to glory
Isn't this a port though, it's a PC game originally
Yeah it's PC originally but OP didn't say anything about ports.
I will also say that I'm very excited for the sequel coming out at some point, according to the dev blog all of the scenes have been coded and now they're waiting on art assets to be finished and are sweeping to make sure everything is connected properly.
Emulators with good game pad.
Shovel Knight
Hotline Miami 1&2
Starbase Orion is a pretty fun if you like 4X games.
Leapday is great.
New level every day, fun platforming, great art.
I have played every day for the past two months.
Rust Bucket is also good
Kairosoft games
Game Dev Story is cool as fuck
Dragon Quest. This is the correct answer.
What the hell is up with Holla Forums today and all these shill threads?
Isn't Kairosoft that company that made the game dev simulator that was then ripped off by some other guy that released it on PC?
Those guys make some good ass games
I wouldn't call Rhino's and Stalkers with Magnums and Orkans in 95% of garages to be deep or diverse.
Summer and a shiit BO